Action Guy: A SEAL, SWCC, EOD, Diver or Recon Corpsman type. Method of requesting speed changes from the Engine Room using the Engine Order Telegraph (EOT), normally from the Bridge. It has a hand cranked dynamo which will produce a whirring sound on the other station, hence the "growl.". Therefore, his left sleeve is "slick", or has no rate or rating insignia at all. Trident: Special Warfare Insignia earned by Navy SEALS. : "Fuck You Bitch I'm Short": Slogan indicating lack of care since the one uttering it or wearing it will be leaving soon. Balls Thirty: (1) The time 00:30, when there is a security sweep on some bases. Mae West: (Old) term for a life jacket, due to the resemblance of the chest floats to the busty actress. Sigs: A Signalman (SM); a former rating, now merged with Quartermaster. Aviators "call the ball" as a reference guide to their positioning in the landing sequence. Creator Axelrod, Alan Summary Conforms to MIL-STD-2041D to prevent corrosion to nuclear components. FTN Striker: Sailor whose stated goal/desire is to get discharged. Sinking Sarah: USS Saratoga, which had issues with sinking while tied up alongside the pier. Anyone who has been designated with this nickname is most likely a lifer who has no life outside the navy. Pass in Review ceremonies are always held on a Friday, meaning that there is a Pass in Review held every week, except during federal holidays i.e. See also "Mess Deck Intelligence.". They are more often than not quite beautiful and are often sought after by nave junior sailors who neglect to check the downstairs plumbing until its too late. (like WESTPAC referring to a Western Pacific deployment. Skipper: Term used in reference to the Commanding officer of any Ship, Unit, Platoon, or Detachment regardless of rank. Skimmer, Skimmer Puke: Surface sailor (this term is also used in other English-speaking navies - the RN, RCN and RAN). (Pronounced much like Chang and used as the officer's name.). Marine Mattress: A female who likes to "socialize" with the Marines. (2) A blowjob. Monkey Mate: Derogatory term used by Boiler Technicians to describe their brethren in the much cooler Engineroom on the other side of bulkhead from their Fireroom. The Clap Line consists primarily of men who are waiting to get treated for venereal disease. May be used simply as a description of the sailor's background or as a pejorative depending on context. Example: Chief Coffeedrinker: "Why did you do this? Compare to "dirtbag." Hinge: Slang for an O-4, or lieutenant commander (LCDR). More correctly, the "trice" is the bottom (third) rack, being built to fold up against the bulkhead/stanchion (see above), so when the command "Trice-up" was given, the rack would be folded up, allowing compartment cleaners to sweep and swab under that bottom rack. Do people in the military specifically the navy use the the term "cake eater"? Junior Chief: Pejorative term to describe junior enlisted person who is kissing ass for a promotion or on a power trip, or both. (FOAD is what most nuke students wish the platform would do.). An ad-hoc organization of young division officers onboard some surface ships and in most aviation squadrons, assembled to provide a means of guidance and escape from overly-demanding Department Heads. See "Dome. Haole: Pronounced "How-Lee" Hawaiian term for non-native. Just press the I Believe button. or a dirt sailor's sleeping bag. It may be fixed, as in those mounted on the bow of a ship below the waterline, or mobile like those "dipped" by anti-submarine helocopters. A cake eater is a slang term that is often used to describe a person who is perceived as being easy-going, lacking ambition or drive, and living a comfortable, affluent lifestyle. Navy Shower: Not a form of punishment. Also sailor(s) who head for the quarterdeck immediately after "shift colors.". Cake could be a general term for something desirable, one example of this is the idiom. Drift Count: Monitoring the movement of the ship while at anchor. Can be a collateral duty for a commissioned officer or more frequently, a civilian contractor's primary duty. They usually return with a sore arm, courtesy of a Hull Technician who is in on the joke. It is a holdover from the days when air wings were called air groups and stood for Commander Air Group. All Family Grams were screened by the CO/XO upon receipt, prior to distribution to the individual. Building 36: The USS Bryce Canyon (AD-36). Shaft Alley Sally: A loose and easy female shipmate that would be willing and ready to get it on down in machinery spaces and/or shaft alleys. Dynamited Chicken: Chicken a la king or chicken cacciatore. Tweek and Peak: To fine tune something (uniform, rack, hair, etc); usually for inspection preparation. Things can also be repaired and gotten into proper working order and then referred to as "checks five-oh." Ricky Crud: (1) A one-night sickness which sailors acquire in bootcamp after receiving their smallpox vaccinations. Ditch Wog: A sailor who has passed through the Suez canal or Panama canal, but has not become a shellback. Stands for either "Simple Minded Ass Grabbers" or "Sometimes Mechanic, Always Gay." For example 2 sets of 2 bells, followed by a single bell (5 total) could be 0230, 0630, 1030, 1430, 1830, or 2230. ", Di-LDO: (Direct input Limited Duty Officer) Term students use for a loathed LDO instructor. In general, the CO makes policy, the XO enforces it, hence the name. Originally used in reference to the daily order for a ship underway to go out past the 50-mile-from-shore line in order to legally pump oily water from bilges and dump trash, this can no longer be done. Usually done to avoid getting in trouble at the expense of someone else. Signs the card of slimy pollywogs after crossing the line, making them Trusted Shellbacks. Also called an "Underway Sock" or "Happy Sock.". Only used Chief to Chief. Secure: To turn off, end, or make tighter, e.g. 180 Amnesia: Occurs when a sailor has been deployed and selective memory is desired to deal with questions asked by his or her significant other. "It was a Butt Puckering experience.". Blue Roper (also: Blue Rope): A sailor that is in training to be a Recruit Division Commander, so called because of the blue rope they wear on the right sleeve. 2.) Puka: any small space or opening. Goat locker: A lounge or galley for the exclusive use of "Chiefs.". Often performed with a white glove and a black sock. George: The juniormost officer onboard a surface ship. 8 (or) 6 boat. (Originally referred to hammocks, in days of yore before berthing spaces.). (Often pronounced "A-wis."). Some'are here, some'are there, some'are everywhere.". Scuttle: A smaller, sealable, opening in a larger, heavier door or hatch. Port Orca: A husky (large) female. A member of a fire department in Northern Virginia in a rich city or town who goes to no fire..ever..but talks about it like they are actually God's gift to the . Sex is universally expected, although technically not required. Smoking Sponson: Designated smoking area aboard aircraft carriers, usually right below the flight deck on the exterior of the ship's hull. A monthly review print-out of one's pay record, time-in-service, amount of leave on the books, and other important record keeping information. MAD Boom surfing: Struggling to complete or barely passing required evolutions in training on the P-3 Orion Patrol Aircraft. "He's a slutty, cake eater." by Bada Bing April 7, 2004 Get the cake eater mug. (2) Somewhat derogatory reference to a sailor that takes too many chances, or attempts to constantly play the hero. JAFO: "Just Another Fucking Observer," given to new recruits who are fresh in the fleet and have not cleared any training. Also referred to as a "talking kneeboard." Should always begin with "No shit, this really happened," or "This is a no shitter." Usually a soft-bodied, self-involved Politician. Usually involving near beer and barbecue. Add some contemporary details and those youngsters are mesmerized, as they should be. Poopysuit: Blue overalls worn when deployed out to sea. Differs from "UNREP.". Tin Chicken: US Merchant Marine Officer Insignia on a US Naval Officers uniform, often worn above the SWO pin. Named, due to its apparent high cholesterol content, for Mr. Barney Clark, who in 1982 received a "Jarvik" artificial heart. And BTW- Mighty Ducks was filmed in Minnesota, so he's probably literally calling that kid a cake-eater from Edina. If the first partial day is counted, its referred to as the 8 Day Skate, or 8 days without standing watch or duty. There are currently two Coast Guard SEALS, who completed SEAL training before the program was cancelled. (Sometimes, a field survey results in an item being handed down to a needier local unit, thrown off the fantail at sea, or sold ashore for booze money.). Grip and grin: A public affairs or awards event in which some member of the command must shake hands, smile, and have their photo taken. Sometimes accompanied by two aspirin. Where deep-water sailors ply their craft, "The Pond" may be Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, or Other. Precursor to Yellow Shirt. Color Company: The recruit company in boot camp that maintains the highest score through the entire eight week evolution; they are given three days special liberty unmonitored. USS In-Port Royal: The USS Port Royal (CG-73). Knuckle Buster: A pneumatic tool for removing perfectly good paint from steel. You know that is unauthorized." Scupper Trout: Sewage solids which have washed overboard, or have been pumped overboard. It is usually kept under the mattress and can stand up on its own by the end of cruise. On a "small boy," the LSO sits under a bubble on the flight deck and talks to helo pilots as they attempt to land in the Rapid Securing Device, or "trap." Seabee: A member of the Construction Battalions. HR Puff and Stuff: A nickname given to Hospital Corpsmen who regularly appear for duty in a disheveled manner with their uniform in disarray. Skidmark: The shit stains that one gets in one's underwear (see Skivvies) that are the result of wiping with cheap government toilet paper. Raisin: Recruit or junior sailor, predominantly heard at Naval Training Commands. Watch: A period of duty, usually of four-hours duration, six-hours on submarines. Christmas, New Year's Day, Easter, etc. Situps, pushups and a run/bike/swim/elliptical trainer. Black beret: Worn by Swift Boat and PBR Sailors, originally in Vietnam. G.I. "Mast" for short. However, since training for this tends to be spotty at best, identification of aircraft is often incorrect, leading to the second definition: "Wrong Every Fucking Time.". Usually the senior pilot on a patrol aircraft, having been previously designated a 2P (second pilot). Dixie Cup: The canvas white hat sailors wear with their dress uniforms. Veal Wheels: Veal Parmesan. DIW: Dead in the Water. Named for the maintenance catapult shots where only the shuttle is moved down the track with no aircraft attached. Derives from the 5-point evaluation system used in the navy, in which a score of five is given to individuals who perform exceptionally well. Consists of an overweight fitness "guru" measuring one's waist and neck. Also used as a prank on gullible new sailors, as in "Go get me 100 feet of flight line from the crash shack. A sissy.' Page 30. "Boopdiddley!" Building 38: The USS Puget Sound (AD-38). Case dough: Nest egg. Building 1: USS Brooke (FFG-1), so called because she had so many problems with her P-fired boilers that she was regularly unable to get underway from her long-occupied berth at NAVSTA San Diego. Note that in the Navy, many ships and units have nicknames; these are listed separately, in Appendix:Glossary of U.S. Navy slang/Unit nicknames. Constant Bearing Decreasing Range (CBDR): A term used to indicate that an object or ship viewed on radar, or visually from the deck or bridge of one's own ship is getting closer but maintaining the same relative bearing. The most enjoyable parts are the "roll calls" from each squadron, and the skits that two or three of the squadrons perform. PIERPAC: Pretending to be on deployment while moored to a pier. Whistling Shit Can of Death: CH-46 Seaknight Helicopter, described as such because of the whistling sound the engines make, and because the CH-46 has been prone to failures, and has killed its share of air crews. FAG: (1) Fighter Attack Guy: F/A-18 Hornet/Super Hornet pilot or naval flight officer ("NFO"). Jocularly re-interpreted as "Christ It Won't Shoot" or "Captain I Was Sure." Turn 'n' Burn: "Hurry up! : an effeminate party-going dandy. The item Whiskey Tango Foxtrot : the Real Language of the Modern American Militaryrepresents a specific, individual, material embodiment of a distinct intellectual or artistic creation found in University of Missouri-St. Louis Libraries. Cat: Man. F.U.P.A. The Enlistee is immediately granted E-3 rank upon completion of basic training, and E-4 rank upon completion of "A" school. See "Rumor Control" or "Scuttlebutt.". MR: Machinery Repairman rating. Mid-Rats: Short for midnight rations. Ramp Strike: When an aircraft gets drastically low while attempting to land on a carrier and strikes the "round down," or stern of the ship, with devastating results. Home ported at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, she left port only on rare occasions (so her crew could collect sea pay); when she did, she had to be towed back in. Sweat the load: Personal stress about being able to perform some task; to feel stress about a situation. Anal Palace: The fast attack submarine USS Annapolis. "first-termers"). cake-eaternoun. 2. (2) (. Rating: Refers to an Enlisted man's job description, i.e. So called because in the old days of sailing, this list was posted on the binnacle, the casing that housed the ship's compass. the new book was a three ring binder, blue in color and had "3-M" all across the front & side. Small Boy: Term referring to smaller class ships, such as destroyers and frigates. Origins of the "Cake Eater" Saying The cake eater expression first appeared between 1920 and 1925, but?became popular by the 1996 movie Mighty . GCE: Gross Conceptual Error, an instructor's comment on student work wherein the student has clearly misunderstood a concept. Zero dark thirty. Also "ditty chaser.". Typically not the same person as the sailor's ashore spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend (i.e. sign. John Wayne: (1) A can opener supplied with "C" rations. They make replacement parts and repair or overhaul ship's engines and auxiliary systems. Compare "Corpsman Candy.". Big Chicken Dinner: Slang for a Bad Conduct Discharge, a punishment awarded to a sailor who has committed a serious infraction of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Airedale: A sailor who works in one of the Navy's aviation rates also know as "Brown Shoes.". See "Irish Pennant.". Topsider: Anyone who is not a nuke, or Engineer. Other duties include storing and maintaining unit small arms as well as training and qualifying squadron member in their use and the use of deadly force. Typically, as a hazing ritual, sailors fresh out of boot camp are sent out on a wild goose chase to retrieve a, "Portable", Pad Eye. Can also refer to the air wing itself, as in CAG-1, CAG-5 or CAG-14. Paper Assholes: Gummed Reinforcements (office supplies); Paper Ensigns. So called because of the gold braided loop that they wear around their arm. Lady Lex: Either of the two aircraft carriers named "Lexington.". IFNAG: (Derogatory) Ignorant Fucking Naval Academy Graduate. Manatee: A dependent wife, usually in Pensacola or Jacksonville that is Manatee fat even though her husband has maintained the same basic size during their marriage. ", USMC: A person's head. Strikers are sailors that enlist without a guaranteed rate (job), with the intention of floating around until they find a department where they fit in. Cake-eater: Derogative term for officers. Also, a wet dream induced by ship's motion. In modern times it is an aluminum rubbish bowl. Uncle Sam's Misguided Children (USMC): The Marines. Baboon Ass: Corned beef. "Shithead is on a boondoggle again. So-called because they urgently whisper "Masagi?" Plank Owners are "Piped Aboard" when shown proper certification. One designated Port, and the other there is no other, only Port once again, hence the term re-Port. Knee-knockers: A passageway opening through a bulkhead. An E-7 HT is an HTC, "Head Turd Chaser". Continual disregard WILL attract a punishment shower with scrub brushes. ". Spook Shit: Equipment that one doesn't know the purpose, function or ownership of, which when it's gone leaves as the only trace of its existence aboard ship an unused circuit breaker labeled "Spook Shit" in grease pencil. i.e. "Go grease the donkey dick. i.e. Barely Trainable: Derogatory term for a Boiler Technician (BT). Sweat pump(s) / Sweat pump(s) on line/ on overload: See "sweat the load.". On submarines the bilge rat is usually the smallest non-qual in the division, although bilges are great places for a field day assignment (good for napping) so a senior second class petty officer might call dibs on a bilge. Term used mostly by disgruntled personnel to refer to an "A.J. "Boot ensign.". Common departments are combat systems (combination of some operations/weapons department divisions) supply, admin, deck, engineering, operations, and maintenance. The following are some examples of the slang of the United States Navy, you will also see references to the United States Marine Corps as well because of their use of naval terminology sometimes also referred to as NAVSpeak. 4JG: Communications circuit used by V4 Fuels Division to coordinate flight deck fueling operations between the flight deck and below decks pump and filter rooms. Jack-o'-the-Dust: A ship's cook in charge of keeping track of the ship's food stores. V0 Division: Admin offices. Seven to forever: the 0700-1200 watch, which is longer than the normal four hour watch. INT WTF: Letters Pronounced Individually. Generally a lazy navy cook phones it in by opening an industrial size can of ravioli and dumps out a couple loaves of white bread and calls it good. Liberty Risk: A sailor who loves liberty a little too much, so much so that he puts himself in danger by drinking too much, getting into fights, or pissing off the locals. "Turn to Port, heel to Starboard" Word passed from the bridge to PriFly indicating a turn and to warn the flight deck crew of deck angle changes. EB Red: Extreme, nuclear grade version of EB Green. See FAG. A sea lawyer is adept at using technicalities, half truths, and administrative crap to get out of doing work or anything else he doesn't want to do, and/or to justify his laziness. The lower lip of the opening sits at shin height. Telling the LPO you're going up to the calibration shop for awhile but head up to the roach coach instead? OBA: Oxygen Breathing Apparatus. An angry or particularly unpleasant attitude, such as one might have if their only job onboard was to collect and retain everyone else's refuse, and then on top of that some asshole got mad and kicked him, leaving a big, ugly dent in his side. Reefer: (1) A refrigeration ship carrying frozen foods. Geedunk-a-donk: A huge jiggly ass acquired from eating too much geedunk. Smiley-face art optional. NON: "Needs of the Navy" a priority over anything to do with one's family or person; as in God, Country, Family. Nairobi trail markers. What does cake eater mean in military? Bilge Water: Something spoken that is nonsense or ridiculous. Hot Wash - An immediate after-action or exercise critique. Captain's Asshole: The XO. See, Girl Scout: A sailor with an inordinate amount of decorative patches on spotless. B.O.C.O.D: "Beat Off Cut Off Date": The date prior to returning home from a deployment on which a man should stop masturbating in order to save himself up for his wife or girlfriend. Fuzznuts: A young sailor, one not long out of puberty. A required exercise regimen. V4 Division: Aviation Fuels. All-16ths: an adjustable wrench. Heads and Beds: An inspection performed daily at sea by the XO or a designated replacement, usually the MAA. Example: 100007 would be read aloud as "one quadzip seven." LDO Security Blanket: Good conduct ribbon. Bulkhead remover: A fictional substance veteran sailors often task new sailors with getting, as a joke. The new book was a Butt Puckering experience. `` `` Christ it Wo Shoot. Carriers named `` Lexington. `` - an immediate after-action or exercise critique of! By ship 's motion, heavier door or hatch shit, this really happened, or! Signs the card of slimy pollywogs after crossing the Line, making Trusted. Are `` Piped aboard '' when shown proper certification king or Chicken cacciatore called. `` Hurry up action Guy: F/A-18 Hornet/Super Hornet pilot or Naval flight officer ( `` ''... Misunderstood a concept new Year 's Day, Easter, etc ) ; a former,. Chicken cacciatore lounge or galley for the quarterdeck immediately after `` shift colors. `` airedale a! 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