19 September 2021. My family and I will continue to get vaccinated every year for the flu. Vaccination serves to protect both patient and health care provider from becoming infected with influenza, as well as from transmitting the contagious virus to others. Getting a grip on the complexities and figures involved with the pandemic will help in understanding why the world sleepwalked into this unprecedented crisis. The flu vaccine causes antibodies to develop in your body about two weeks after you get it. After receiving the vaccination, I still got sick with the flu. According to the most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a significant chunk of health care professionals declined to get vaccinated against the influenza virus during the 2006-07 flu season, with only about 40 percent opting for a jab. It is alleged that the core problems with the tests is, firstly, they dont test for what is said to be COVID-19 a virus that has yet to be isolated and, secondly, the RT-PCR cycle threshold used in most of the tests around the world was far too high, leading to a misleading number of false positives. That language was already underway as early as 2004, with Merck coining the term, the new normal, Dr Fauci warning in 2017 of a possible surprise outbreak, medical war games being played in October 2019 at the Event 201 in the USA in which hyping up the message in the media was stressed, and the WHO helping to set the stage. There are special vaccines for the elderly and for kids; there are formulations that were not made using eggs; and the needle-free FluMist vaccine is back in the mix this year. Arieh Avni. However, in my clinical practice, for those who received the flu vaccine and still became sick with the flu, their clinical illness was not nearly as severe as for the individuals who did not receive the vaccine. But this year, Ludwick is experimenting with not getting vaccinated. Dr Richard Fleming, another doctor who is speaking out, says a number of pharmacists have noted privately to him that each COVID-19 vaccine lot has contents that vary from vial to vial, suggesting inconsistencies, with one commentator questioning whether some of them are placebos, some saline, all of which raises the question as to whether people are getting the same shot. Doctors have a message for vaccine-weary Americans: Don't skip your flu shot this fall -- and seniors, ask for a special extra-strength kind. It is also about protecting othersyour family, friends, community members., The flu vaccine is most effective for all of us when more of us get it, so we can get closer to achievingat least for flu seasonthat herd immunity, she said. Instead, a massive trial is underway, with the vaccine makers admitting that everybody who accepts the vaccine is in an experiment, one due to finish in 2023. Developing a potentially deadly virus is one thing; pushing a questionable and potentially deadly cure is another. Ideally before January is whats best. After working for years in the pediatric and cardiothoracic ICUs, I have developed a healthy respect for any infection that comes through the doors of the ICU. Well you know what? Daszak was one of the members of the WHO investigation team that earlier this year visited China and the Wuhan laboratory, a position indicating a clear conflict of interest, given his involvement in gain of function development and his ties to the lab and the overall programme. Dr Phelps revealed she was also diagnosed with a vaccine injury from her second dose of Pfizer in July 2021, "with the diagnosis and causation confirmed by specialist colleagues". The damage that flu causes continues long after the acute influenza illness, he said. What is clear is that you cannot have a vaccine that does not meet a single definition of a vaccine. The idea that flu shots cause the flu has been disproven by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but the myth lives on. Cold & Flu season is here! Dr Fauci may have been in the cross-hairs of examination last month as he perjured himself by lying in testimony to the US Senate yet his emails reveal a different story, one in which he was allegedly one of the leading players in a nefarious and deadly virus and vaccine development scheme worth billions that included virus development in the Wuhan lab. While there's no way to predict if the U.S. will be as hard-hit, "last year we were . During the CDC vaccine meeting last week, health officials said that data indicates the vaccines were more than .
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