Content Warning: This series explicitly details acts of violence (including murder) carried out by law enforcement officials. After Lopezs POE was filed, the harassment escalated. Commander Ernie Chavez has admitted Villanueva did not transfer any Banditos, nor ask Chavez to investigate. In 2014, Gonzalez took the exam to become a Field Training Officer, and in July of that year, Master Field Training Officer Angelica Estrada assigned Gonzalez to be a mentor to new deputies. The department did not respond to LAist's inquiry as to whether the policy has been formally adopted. Its just smoke and mirrors, its just a pretend at reform.. The Banditos have existed for at least a decade at the East L.A. station, according to Kennedy. It was filed on behalf of eight deputies who accused a group of colleagues of being members of a gang that violated the civil rights of deputies who did not support them with a campaign of harassment and physical attacks. The Top 5 newsletter catches you up with LAs top 5 stories in just 3 minutes. Traditionally, once deputy gang membership reaches 100, a new group is introduced. Lopez was nervous about returning to a hostile environment, so she contacted the Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs (ALADS) who told her they could not help. The federal probe follows allegations of beatings and harassment by members of the Banditos, a group of deputies assigned to the Sheriffs Departments East L.A. station who brand themselves with matching tattoos of a skeleton outfitted with a sombrero, bandolier and pistol. The pair demanded she immediately resign from her mentoring position, and she was removed the following day. I went to the trial for a day or two and the Deputy DA who was trying the case had no partner. At that point, Lopez informed Barsh about the harassment she had been subjected to by the Banditos. Current deputies out of the East Los Angeles station say the existence of gangs within law enforcement has been a problem in the area. The Fort Apache insignia, which depicts a riot helmet and a boot with the words Low profile and siempre una patada en los pantalones or always a swift kick in the pants, was created at the station during the Chicano Moratorium, when deputies brutalized hundreds of people gathered to protest the Vietnam War. According to Lopezs complaint, the employees who had been moved as a result of her complaint were returned to the East LA station on December 27, 2012, without her receiving prior notification. He said he did not know how many deputies were identified as having tattoos and said the name Executioners was coined by an attorney. Rodriguez was rehired despite being charged with falsifying the police report concerning the unlawful detainment and beating of Christopher Gray. A Tradition of Violence is hosted and executive produced by Cerise Castle. The charges were dismissed at a pre-trial hearing by the prosecutor after reviewing the cell phone video of Grays arrest. The timing of this letter suggests Mr. Huntsman is using his public office and resources to campaign against the sheriff leading up to the June primaries.. Joshua Smilor, Benjamin Zaredini, Andrew Hernandez, Eduardo Sanchez, and Troy Krautkramer were deputies as of 2019. Its author Professor Sean Kennedy said at least seven remain active. The Banditos are a group of nearly 100 deputies who wear matching tattoos of a skeleton with a thick mustache, sombrero, pistol and bandolier, according to the suit. Immediately afterwards, then Banditos prospect Hector Little Listo Saavedra allegedly claimed Zaredini called him a homophobic slur over one year prior. Many of those men were also members of the Banditos. Lemus, Contreras, Hernandez, and Escobedo were told they could move to another gang-dominated station, or a station far from their homes. Bob Gregory, 62, went missing the same day as Sands. Following her complaint to Chavez, Internal Affairs opened an investigation into the matter, resulting in a two-day suspension. The Banditos are said to operate out of the sheriffs East L.A. station, and sport tattoos of gun-wielding skeletons wearing sombreros. 4 min read. 2023 Southern California Public Radio - All Rights Reserved, lawsuit that was first filed two years ago, 18 deputy gangs that have operated within the department, Gangs? In September 2018, two deputies were knocked unconscious at a department party at an event space called Kennedy Hall, the lawsuit says. In a conversation with LAist, the new sheriff acknowledges that, as an outsider, "I have my work cut out for me" in winning the support of the department's rank-and-file. Before this amendment, alleged members and associates of the gang included; Commander April Tardy; Captains Ernie Chavez (an alleged Vikings gang member), Richard Mejia, and Chris Perez; Lieutenants Eric Smitson, Anthony Easter, Edmundo Torres; Sergeant Angelica Estrada (AKA the Pink Hand); Rafael Rene Munoz (AKA Big Listo); Gregory Rodriguez (AKA G-Rod); David Silverio (AKA Silver); Michael Hernandez (AKA Bam Bam); Vincent Moran; Hector Soto Saavedra, who killed Paul Rea in 2019; Jeff Hamil; Jeff Chow; William Jaeger; Scott Chapman; Raymond Mendoza; Luis Carbajal; Braulio Robledo; Jonathan Rojas, who killed Anthony Vargas in 2018; Eldemira Para; Andrea Villa; Marc Elizondo; Nikolis Perez, who killed Anthony Vargas and Jorge Serrano in 2018; Kelly Porowsky; Woodrow Kim; Juan Sanchez; Aaron Abellano; Silvano Garcia; Joanna Macs Moran; Joanana Palombi; Jose Aceituno; Anthony Pacheco; Soraya Sanchez; Karla Sepulveda; Marcelo Ortega; Diana Woodward; Eduardo Muniz; Rebecca Cortez; Joe Mendoza; Erin Rosario; Jessica Santos; John Soria; Miguel Ortiz; Claudia Perez; Brian Goodwin; Manuel Palacios; Jodi Hutak; Pablo Partida; Noel Lopez; and Christopher Moore. The Banditos now ran East LA. The entire leadership of East L.A. station was turned over, Villanueva said in a social media broadcast last fall. When she asked Wargo what was going on, she was told that she was a trainee and to mind her business. Knock LA is a nonprofit community journalism project, originally conceived by Ground Game LA. And any time youre a Black man, somebody calling you a monkey, in my book, thats racism, Orange tells Knock LA. The plaintiffs originally filed claims in 2019, stating they had been attacked, beaten, and denied backup as a result of refusing to cooperate with the gang. She was very damaged by what happened, he tells Knock LA. The current undersheriff, Tim Murakami, has a "Cavemen" tattoo, according to the lawsuit. The Banditos consist primarily of Latinx LASD personnel, and allegedly do not allow women to become full-fledged members. It says about 30 members and prospects work at the East L.A. station, adding the others work elsewhere or have retired. Dear reader, we're asking you to help us keep local news available for all. Excerpts of Chavezs testimony were made public as part of a lawsuit brought by eight deputies who say they were routinely harassed by a gang of predominantly Latino deputies who have matching tattoos of a skeleton outfitted with a sombrero, bandolier and pistol. Deputy gangs have existed within the LASD for at least 50 years. It forbids department personnel from joining "any group which promotes conduct that violates the rights of employees or members of the public or otherwise encourages conduct that is contrary to department policy.". Every weekday, you'll get fresh, community-driven stories that catch you up with our independent local news. Huntsman also said LASD ignored evidence that exists to support the conclusion that the Banditos are a gang-like clique and their influence has resulted in favoritism, sexism, racism, and violence ICIB did not want to delve into the Banditos involvement.. She immediately began to experience chest pains and shortness of breath, and was diagnosed with a stress-induced pre-heart attack condition. She contacted the Back to Work Unit but was told they could not help her, and advised her to contact the station Director. In response to questions from The Times earlier this month, Villanueva said the Sheriffs Departments investigation into the Compton Executioners led to two terminations and 13 transfers out of the station. After taking office in December 2018, Sheriff Alex Villanueva removed the captain and transferred numerous deputies out of the East L.A. station. Chavez also said the 36 people moved from the station reflected general transfers, retirements or promotions, not a response to allegations centered around the Banditos. The Banditos gang has controlled the East Los Angeles station like inmates running a prison yard, the lawsuit says. When Sheriff Villanueva took over the department in December of 2018, he made it a priority to reinstate former employees with ties to deputy gangs, including Undersheriff Murakami and Caren Carl Mandoyan, a Grim Reaper. Members of the Banditos can be identified by their signature tattoos of a skeleton wearing a sombrero, bandolier, and pistol. LOS ANGELES (CNS) - Los Angeles County Inspector General Max Huntsman has accused Sheriff Alex Villanueva of promoting a code of silence'' around secret societies within his department, but Villanueva calls the IG's actions purely politically driven and an attempt to undermine the department.''. Rodriguez told Contreras that he was going to be assigned to ride along with Munoz. The same crew also allegedly hatched a plan to overload deputies who did not obey the Banditos with emergency calls. The Bandito tattoo is a skeleton with a giant mustache wearing a sombrero with a bandolier and pistol. When Zaredini did not follow the Banditos orders to pressure Gonzalez to leave the station, Mendoza knocked him unconscious behind the East LA Station. Moore allegedly reported the attack directly to Banditos shot caller Raymond Mendoza. GET THE BEST OF LAIST IN YOUR INBOXSign up for our daily newsletter to receive the latest on local politics, food, culture and the absurdities of L.A. life. Sergeant Angelica Pink Hand Estrada and John Soria were able to carry out the Banditos wishes with the blessings of station leadership such as Lieutenant Eric Smitson and Captain Ernie Chavez. in a lawsuit Gray was charged and prosecuted for intentionally obstructing a law enforcement officer from performing their duties. Deputies who are members have She was placed on medical leave. In June, Villanueva acknowledged that the Banditos had amassed too much power and influence at the station. Forty-seven Los Angeles County Sheriffs officials were added Monday as named defendants The lawsuit also charges that Banditos shot caller Manny Navaro was hired to be Villanuevas driver, and that Bandito Joe Mendoza was promoted to Commander of LASD Media Relations., The Banditos grip on the station tightened in the months following Villanuevas swearing in. Banditos groom young deputies they are considering for membership in the group, assigning them mentors, the deputy said. David Infante was a lieutenant as recently as 2019. Before joining The Times in 2016, she reported on crime and policing for the Glendale News-Press and Burbank Leader. Several members of the Banditos showed up, which was uncommon, according to court documents. Halfway through her training, Lopez was reassigned to Field Training Officer Edwin Hernandez. Sanchez continued to harass her saying, I dont understand why you dont want to meet up, are you worried about your reputation? When Lopez saw Sanchez two days later, he swore at her again for not going to meet up with him alone. Just a few months later, Deputy Gregory Rodriguez made one final attempt to recruit Deputy Mario Contreras to the gang. Eight Los Angeles County Sheriffs deputies are suing the county, saying they were pressured by the Banditos gang to quit their jobs or leave the East Los Angeles station. The Banditos And Other LA Sheriff's Deputy Groups Are Now Being Investigated By The FBI, East LA Sheriff's Deputies File Suit Claiming Harassment, Violence By 'Banditos' Clique, Authorities ID Man Arrested In Killing Of LA Auxiliary Bishop David O'Connell As Husband Of Housekeeper, Huntington Park Police Shot, Killed Man Who Had Both Legs Amputated: What We Know So Far, LAPD Chief Bans Thin Blue Line Flag From Police Station Lobbies, Patrol Vehicles, And Uniforms, Mayor And City Council Members Express Concerns After LAPD Releases Footage Of Fatal Shootings, New LA Sheriff Says He Thinks Deputies Are Ready For A Stabilizer. The lawsuit estimates 15-20% of the department's more than 9,000 sworn personnel are members of these cliques. Angelica Estrada, one of the few female associates of the Banditos and a woman who wielded tremendous influence at the station, "went over Mejia's head" to the captain at the time and then-Chief Bob Denham to block any discipline of the Banditos. Will It Solve The Problem? A new policy is meaningless if you dont actually enforce it, said Miller, the attorney representing the deputies. Deputies Christopher Wargo, Benjamin Zaredini, Andrew Hernandez, and Eduardo Sanchez, who were also mentioned, were loaned out to other stations. Despite ongoing litigation related to the Banditos, the gang appears confident that they can operate with impunity, and multiply. Today, the station is dominated Banditos. is investigating the Banditos The IG's report on a deputy group Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva says he is working to rebuild the leadership team at the East L.A. Sheriffs station and address denounced rogue activity by a deputy clique called Los Banditos. According to KABC 7, a new captain at the East LA station aims to hold supervisors accountable for behavior that is out of policy. But he has also taken credit for addressing the problem by instituting a policy that prohibits deputies from joining groups that promote behavior that violates the rights of others. A deputy grabbed him and cuffed him. When Contreras reported this to Captain Mejia, he instead suggested that Contreras ride with Deputy Juan Sanchez instead, who is allegedly affiliated with a street gang, as well as being an inked Banditos member. Sheriff Villanueva Just Brought It Back, LA Sheriff Watchdog: The First Amendment Shouldn't Shield Deputy Cliques, Tattoos From Scrutiny. The Cavemen preceded the Banditos at the East L.A. Station. Deputies Alfred Gonzalez, Oscar Escobedo, Ariela Lemus, Art Hernandez, Mario Contreras, David Casas, Louis Granados, and Benjamin Zaredini filed an internal complaint with Los Angeles County in March of 2019. The Banditos extract "taxes" from young Latino deputies for clique members' parties and travel, one of the deputies who filed the lawsuit told LAist. His return, along with the elevation of other Banditos associates, solidified the gangs grip on the station. . Gonzalez passed the exam, and Smith says she is currently a Patrol Sergeant. Lopez went to Area Command to request a copy of the paperwork and discovered it had never been filed. Mismanagement, Sloppy Hiring Practices, Lack Of Transparency. If you're enjoying this article, you'll love my daily morning newsletter, How To LA. A look at years past when snows creeped into our citified neighborhoods, away from the mountains and foothills. The Sheriffs Department cited pending litigation and declined to comment other than to say Villanueva has done more to address organizational culture issues than all of his predecessors combined.. LOS ANGELES A Los Angeles County sheriff's deputy received an alleged "Banditos" tattoo six months after a new policy banned cliques in the The Banditos initially attempted to recruit some of the plaintiffs. In the face of a drier future, that iconic piece of Americana is on its way out in Southern California. In this latest filing, the plaintiffs have identified 17 additional alleged associates of the Banditos by name: Undersheriff Timothy Murakami (a tattooed Caveman), Sergeant Hugo Reynaga, Edmundo Torres, Hugo Ramos, Mario Castro, Manny Navarro, Nikki Hanamaki, Vincent Choi, James Wolack, Chris Blasnek, Albert Maldonado, Leo Sanchez, Elizabeth Aguilera, Luis Valle, Bobby Denham, and Anthony Rivera. People familiar with the schism described it to Knock LA as similar to the movie American Me (1992), which depicts the creation of the Mexican Mafia: Valdez was pushed out of the gang by younger, more aggressive deputies. No one had any knowledge of that name, Villanueva said. The deputies, who do not want to be identified for fear of reprisal, claim the most prevalent are called the Banditos comprised of mostly Latino deputies who Gray is visible on the tape observing the arrest from a distance. In December 2018, Banditos "secretly removed the bullets from Deputy Zaredini's shotgun," the lawsuit claims. Those 36 individuals would simply reflect general transfers, Chavez responded. Lopez spoke with Sergeant Betty Lascono, who placed her on the schedule to return to work the following day. Lopez was also subjected to intimidation: Deputy Benjamin Zaredini once followed Lopez into the garage area at the East LA station. Several videos taken at the scene show him standing several feet away from the car until he is arrested and taken into custody. When Lemus went to Captain Chavez with a complaint, Chavez told her he liked how Mendoza controlled the line. Afterwards, he and Lieutenant Anthony Easter reopened a citizen complaint against Lemus where a victim charged she had taken too long to take him to the hospital. Munoz, Moran, and Rodriguez cornered Gonzalez and pressured him to leave the station. Two weeks after the ceremony, the Banditos gang removed ammunition from Deputy Zaredinis shotgun. alleging the existence of a criminal gang of deputies called the Banditos at the departments East L.A. Station. In a letter dated Monday, Inspector General Max Huntsman said his office has compiled a partial list that includes 11 deputies who allegedly belong to the Many who are not recruited go along with the gangs requirements for fear of retaliation. On October 25, 2012, her car was vandalized while parked at the East LA Station. Granados and Zaredini both suffered retaliation for blowing the whistle, according to the complaint. The Banditos of the East Los Angeles Sheriffs Station seemed not only to embrace the tradition of terrorizing surrounding communities, but celebrate the After Casas rejected the Banditos recruitment attempts, he faced harassment. According to a lawsuit filed by eight East L.A. deputies and the A.C.L.U., the Banditos gang "controls the East Los Angeles station like inmates running a prison yard." READ NEXT: The Pink Hand, Big Listo, and Crook. However, the claim states the memo only focused on Munozs harassment and intentionally downplayed the role of the gang in the stations operation. At the time, then-interim Sheriff John Scott announced he would share the results of an investigation into claims of bullying by the Banditos, yet the probe has into that and other alleged cliques within the department. In the message, he said that Queen FUPA, meaning Fat Upper Pussy Area, was not going to make it to work today because she was going to Hawaii. On August 23, 2012, LASD personnel descended upon the 1300 block of South Marianna Avenue in East Los Angeles. Deputy Zaredini was allegedly left without backup for most of the summer of 2018 under the direction of Munoz, Eldemira Parra, Andrea Villa, and Claudia Perez. She began training with Field Training Officer Eric Valdez, who deputies called the Godfather of East LA.. Valdez appears to currently work as a sergeant at a different station. And as I understand it, she really would have liked to have all of those things.. LASD does not appear to have disciplined anyone for the text exchange. She quickly learned there was a power struggle going on between FTOs Hernandez and Valdez, along with the latters Banditos associates. Munoz, Eldemira Parra, Andrea Villa, and Claudia Perez controlled the calls through dispatch, and would send Granados and other plaintiffs out at the end of their shifts, forcing them to stay past their work time. Lopez told Patrelli that she would go anywhere except for East LA. Twenty-four are currently stationed in East L.A. It was never used on the department at all. brings new scrutiny to one of the most vexing problems at the nation's largest sheriff's agency: the existence of subgroups that date back decades and whose loyalty is more to the subgroup than law and order. Was charged and prosecuted for intentionally obstructing a law enforcement officials struggle going on, she very! Tattoos of gun-wielding skeletons wearing sombreros least seven remain active mentors, the attorney representing the deputies allegedly a. Shield Deputy cliques, tattoos from Scrutiny 2012, her car was vandalized while at... Back, LA Sheriff Watchdog: the Pink Hand, Big Listo, and advised her to contact the Director! Big Listo, and Crook he liked how Mendoza controlled the East Los Angeles station say the existence of skeleton. And Zaredini both suffered retaliation for blowing the whistle, according to trial! 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