jOKO* 1 iHliSUMtfililafill ,lill ^*'^ vO ,, ^ '" ^" A^ 0>' ^^ ''>.'^ ^'^ U. ,v .^^..o ^- .^^' - At present, however, Longfellow has been relegated to the status of an historically interesting minor poet whose poems occupy only a few pages in recent anthologies and do so in ways that obscure the reasons for his original popularity. [148], "Henry Wadsworth" redirects here. The mansion was the poet's home until he entered Bowdoin College in 1821. PAPERS: The chief repository of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's papers and manuscripts is the Houghton Library, Harvard University. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, (born February 27, 1807, Portland, Massachusetts [now in Maine], U.S.died March 24, 1882, Cambridge, Massachusetts), the most popular American poet in the 19th century, known for such works as The Song of Hiawatha . Flashcards. The Warning, written last but drawn in part from his Harvard Phi Beta Kappa poem, concluded this slim volume with the image of a poor, blind Samson in this land capable someday of shaking the pillars of this Commonweal, / Till the vast Temple of our liberties / A shapeless mass of wreck and rubbish lies. The book pleased abolitionist readers such as Longfellows good friend Charles Sumner and the New England Anti-Slavery Tract Society, which Longfellow allowed to reprint and distribute the volume free of royalties; it puzzled other friends such as Hawthorne, however, and called attention to its authors lively interest in public issues that rarely found direct expression in his poetry. Returning to Maine in summer 1829, Longfellow as a young professor soon found himself immersed in the unpoetic routines of pedagogy. The book holdings of the Peucinian Society, its formal debates, and its informal Conversations about contemporary writing and American authors encouraged Henry to direct his ambition toward literature despite his practical fathers preference for a career in law or one of the other established professions. He considered moving to New York after New York University proposed offering him a newly created professorship of modern languages, but there would be no salary. [13] He boarded with a clergyman for a time before rooming on the third floor[14] in 1823 of what is now known as Winthrop Hall. [65] Their daughter Fanny was born on April 7, 1847, and Dr. Nathan Cooley Keep administered ether to the mother as the first obstetric anesthetic in the United States. Solo or group recordings that are finished and fully available for listeners. Priscillas rebuke to the man she chooses as her lover is surely the most familiar line of this dactylic hexameter poem, when she Said, in a tremulous voice, Why dont you speak for yourself, John? The book that supplemented this poem with a group of shorter works sold well (25,000 copies printed in the first two months following its publication) but elicited fewer reviews than Evangeline or Hiawatha. [104], Toward the end of his life, contemporaries considered him as more of a children's poet,[130] as many of his readers were children. . Henry began his schooling at age three, when he and his older brother, Stephen, enrolled in the first of several private schools in which they prepared for entrance to Bowdoin College. In the book, Myles fancied Priscilla but was too shy to tell her . Snow-Flakes. Analyze Longfellow's poetry and understand his . Longfellow attended private schools and the Portland Academy. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. While coping with private tragedy at home, he suffered the additional trauma of the Civil War. Longfellow presided over Harvards modern-language program for 18 years and then left teaching in 1854. Sorrows beset them, however: from Copenhagen, Mary Goddard was summoned home by news of her fathers death; in Amsterdam the ailing Mary Potter Longfellow suffered a miscarriage in October 1835. "Not yet", he replied. He was so fluent in translating that on graduation he was offered a professorship in modern languages provided that he would first study in Europe. Back at Bowdoin in his new role, Longfellow felt stultified in a college atmosphere so different from what he had experienced at Gttingen and stifled by the provincial atmosphere of Brunswick. [58] A critic for The Dial agreed, calling it "the thinnest of all Mr. Longfellow's thin books; spirited and polished like its forerunners; but the topic would warrant a deeper tone". [121], Contemporaneous writer Edgar Allan Poe wrote to Longfellow in May 1841 of his "fervent admiration which [your] genius has inspired in me" and later called him "unquestionably the best poet in America". [46] It is preserved today as the Longfellow HouseWashington's Headquarters National Historic Site. He was an excellent student whose skill in languages led the trustees at Bowdoin (of which his father was one) to offer the young graduate a professorship of modern languages. The trip began happily with a London visit and Longfellows introduction to Thomas Carlyle, whose excitement over Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller heightened Longfellows interest in German Romanticism. [53] In July 1839, he wrote to a friend: "Victory hangs doubtful. Longfellow died in 1882. [76] His facial injuries led him to stop shaving, and he wore a beard from then on which became his trademark. [119] He was such an admired figure in the United States during his life that his 70th birthday in 1877 took on the air of a national holiday, with parades, speeches, and the reading of his poetry. For other uses, see. . [111], Fellow Portland, Maine native John Neal published the first substantial praise of Longfellow's work. 1807-1882. [9] His grandfather was a founder of the college[12] and his father was a trustee. [131] A reviewer in 1848 accused Longfellow of creating a "goody two-shoes kind of literature slipshod, sentimental stories told in the style of the nursery, beginning in nothing and ending in nothing". He also left a loving family and grateful readers who have continued to honor him by erecting statues and naming parks and schools for him, Evangeline, and Hiawatha. Delve into the life and poetry ofone of the chief architects of the Black Arts Movement in Chicago, Carolyn Marie Rodgers (1940-2010), with a very special guest: Carolyns sister, Nina Annie Finch explores the metaphorical meaning of winter. The familys domestic bliss, however, was about to be shattered. A sociable man known for his graciously winning manners, Longfellow took pleasure in associations with other literary figures through the Saturday Club, founded about 1855 for monthly dinner meetings, and the Atlantic Club, which brought together contributors to the Atlantic Monthly after its launching in 1857. His father was a lawyer, and his maternal grandfather was Peleg Wadsworth, a general in the American Revolutionary War and a Member of Congress. The recent graduate was asked to become the first professor, with the understanding that he should be given a period of time in which to travel and study in Europe. Life and Fame. She married Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (poet, buried at this cem.) The Day Is Done (1844) speaks to the comforting quiet offered the weary reader by some humbler poet than the Miltonic and Dantean mastersa poet such as Longfellow found himself becoming by virtue of the kindly, sympathetic tone that characterized his popular poems. " I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day " is a Christmas carol based on the 1863 poem "Christmas Bells" by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. Family tree of Henry WADSWORTH LONGFELLOW. The most humorous and charming of his longer narrative poems, The Courtship of Miles Standish relates a story already familiar (especially in Longfellows family) about John Aldens fortunate failure in his dutiful attempt to woo the maiden he loves on behalf of the widowed captain of Plymouth, his friend Miles Standish. [2] He grew up in what is now known as the Wadsworth-Longfellow House. Fill the Goblet Again 12. [5] He was the second of eight children. Still committed to the native writers of the United States, he wrote a July 1837 review in praise of Hawthornes Twice-Told Tales (1837) even as he turned his own ambitions back toward the writing of poetry. Before he settled down in the university town of Gttingen, to which Ticknor had directed him, Longfellows approach to language acquisition was less systematic than impressionistic and even desultory. [11] He studied at the Portland Academy until age 14. The professorship was not created and Longfellow agreed to continue teaching at Bowdoin. He wrote to friend Charles Sumner: "I do not believe anyone can be perfectly well, who has a brain and a heart". His celebrity in his own time, however, has yielded to changing literary tastes and to reactions against the genteel tradition of authorship he represented. In the first, he arrived in Cambridge in 1837, fresh from a six-year professorship at Bowdoin College. Romance 3. A revised edition of Hyperion followed in 1869. Bowdoin offers Longfellow a professorship of modern languages, provided that he prepare himself for the position with a period of European travel, a proposition he . Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was one of the most widely known and best-loved American poets of the 19th century. He retired from teaching in 1854 to focus on his writing, and he lived the remainder of his life in the Revolutionary War headquarters of George Washington in Cambridge, Massachusetts. by. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born on February 27, 1807 in Portland, to Stephen and Zilpah Longfellow. [21], Whatever the catalyst, Longfellow began his tour of Europe in May 1826 aboard the ship Cadmus. Go forth to meet the shadowy Future, without fear, and with a manly heart. [35] The couple settled in Brunswick, but the two were not happy there. Longfellow managed to speak to the conflicts and at the same time to seem a safe haven, an anchor in the storm"("Henry Wadsworth Longfellow" Historic). Her husband, who sustained severe burns to his hands, arms, and face in smothering the fire, was left with severe facial sensitivities that precluded shaving thereafter and forced him to grow the patriarchal white beard so familiar from later portraits; he was also left with heavy responsibilities for his family and with intense grief. When an eye injury that may have resulted from his intensive editing and translating efforts for the massive The Poets and Poetry of Europe (1845) interfered with his writing, she helped by reading aloud for him, copying out his poem drafts, and handling much of his correspondence. 20th-century poets such as Robert Frost, Robert Lowell, and Howard Nemerov have been kinder to Longfellow than literary critics and historians. [141] As James Russell Lowell said, Longfellow had an "absolute sweetness, simplicity, and modesty". Longfellow had become one of the first American celebrities and was popular in Europe. More important, Longfellow turned back to poetry after that second European journey and found encouragement in the warm reception of a group of poems he classified loosely as psalms. Although he never received any money from Knickerbockers, where several of these poems first appeared, Longfellow discovered an appreciative public response to the sad wisdom he had distilled from the disappointments of life; sadness empowered him to speak comforting, encouraging words to the many readers who responded gratefully to A Psalm of Life, The Reaper and the Flowers, The Light of Stars, Footsteps of Angels, and Midnight Mass for the Dying Year. He collected these and other early poems in Voices of the Night, like Hyperion published in 1839, and followed up on that success with Ballads and Other Poems (1842), which featured short narrative poems such as The Skeleton in Armor and The Wreck of the Hesperus, a character sketch that he thought of as another psalm titled The Village Blacksmith, and a poem of Romantic inspiration, Excelsior. He was exploring American subject matter in many of these poemseven in The Skeleton in Armor, which drew an unexpected link between medieval Scandinavian war songs and New England antiquities. In 1855, using Henry Rowe Schoolcrafts two books on the Indian tribes of North America as the base and the trochaic metrics of the Finnish epic Kalevala as his medium, he fashioned The Song of Hiawatha (1855). Long after his death in 1882, however, these neglected later works were seen to contain some of his most effective writing. Post by libraryanne February 6th, 2011, 2:42 pm. [145] Children adored him; "The Village Blacksmith"'s "spreading chestnut-tree" was cut down and the children of Cambridge had it converted into an armchair which they presented to him. The Golden Legend (1851), set in 13th-century Italy, was destined to become the middle section of the work he conceived as his masterpiece, Christus: A Mystery (1872). Flower-de-Luce, a small book of 12 short poems, came out in 1867 with its elegy for Hawthorne and sonnets on Dante. Their children were: Alice Mary born in about 1850, Ernest Wadsworth born in about 1845, Charles Appleton born in about 1844, Fanny born in about 1847 and died in 1848, Edith born in 1853, and Anne Allegra born in 1855. Longfellow's father was eager to have his son become a lawyer. New Critics looked for ironies, ambiguities, and complexities not discoverable in Longfellows work and rejected the didactic conclusions he typically tacked onto his poems. He did not cross the threshold, did not offer me his hand,only took off his cap, saying, with a traitorous falter in his voice, "God bless yer, Missis! Longfellow, sporting long hair, yellow gloves, and flowered waistcoats, cut quite a romantic . But when Henry was a senior at Bowdoin College at 19, the college established a chair of modern languages. After translating Dante, he returned to the task he had long intended as the capstone of his workthe three-part chronicle of Christianity and its virtues initiated with The Golden Legend. The New England Tragedies a pairing of John Endicott (1857) and Giles Corey of the Salem Farms (1868)on which he had begun working around the time he composed The Courtship of Miles Standish, appeared in 1868. 07 Nov 1786 in Pittsfield, MA, d. 10 Feb 1822. UNIVE'RSITY PRESS: WELCH, BIGELOW, AND COMPANY, CAMBRIDGE. Sweetness, gentleness, simplicity, and a romantic vision shaded by melancholy are the characteristic features of Longfellows poetry. I say she shall! Hoffmann, and Novalis (Friedrich von Hardenberg)that awakened a new sense of poetry as emotional expression. Two notable exceptions are dedicated to the death of members of his family. [37], In December 1834, Longfellow received a letter from Josiah Quincy III, president of Harvard College, offering him the Smith Professorship of Modern Languages with the stipulation that he spend a year or so abroad. It comes not back again. Bowdoin College, when Henry and Stephen Longfellow arrived for the fall 1822 term, was a small and isolated school with a traditional curriculum and conservative Congregational leadership. concludes, interrogates conventional concepts of language, time, space, unified character . For this work Longfellow drew on European sources, chiefly Hartmann von Aues Der Arme Heinrich (circa 1191). Both the poem and its singsong metre have been frequent objects of parody. Evangeline A Tale of Acadie Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882) [59] The New England Anti-Slavery Association, however, was satisfied enough with the collection to reprint it for further distribution. Longfellow's popularity rapidly declined, beginning shortly after his death and into the 20th century, as academics focused attention on other poets such as Walt Whitman, Edwin Arlington Robinson, and Robert Frost. 1385 likes. Answer and Explanation: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow had six children. He possessed great metrical skill, but he failed to capture the American spirit like his great contemporary Walt Whitman, and his work generally lacked emotional depth and imaginative power. Example filename evangeline_##_longfellow.mp3; Example ID3 V2 tags Title: ## - [Part number] Artist: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow Album: Evangeline Match. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. "[64], He and Fanny had six children: Charles Appleton (18441893), Ernest Wadsworth (18451921), Fanny (18471848), Alice Mary (18501928), Edith (18531915), and Anne Allegra (18551934). . [132] A more modern critic said, "Who, except wretched schoolchildren, now reads Longfellow? He also wrote novels and translated Dante's "Divine Comedy" into English. Also at age 13 he passed the entrance examinations for Bowdoin College, although his parents chose to have both Henry and Stephen complete their freshman studies at Portland Academy and delay the 20-mile move to Brunswick and the new college until their sophomore year. Henry is an American . The most sustained and challenging project Longfellow undertook in this period of bereavement was his blank-verse translation of The Divine Comedy. from. She named this second son among her eight children for her brother, Henry Wadsworth, who had died in Tripoli harbor in 1804. In Germany, Longfellow formed a close friendship with the poet Ferdinand Freiligrath, and in England he deepened an earlier acquaintance with Charles Dickens. In his own time one of Longfellows chief contributions to American literature was the encouragement he offered to aspiring writerswhether those Boston-Cambridge-Concord literati with whom he interacted through his various clubs or those such as Emily Dickinson, who responded gratefully to him from a distance as the champion of poetry in an otherwise prosaic American society, the Pegasus in the pound of Yankee bookstores. Longfellows most ambitious effort in prose, Hyperion blended the sketchbook attributes of Outre-Mer with elements of the Romance as Longfellow developed the fictional persona of Paul Flemming to act out his lingering grief for Mary, rejected love for Fanny, and poetical aspirations spurred by German authors. [32], He published the travel book Outre-Mer: A Pilgrimage Beyond the Sea in serial form before a book edition was released in 1835. In 1836 Longfellow returned to Harvard and settled in the famous Craigie House, which was later given to him as a wedding present when he remarried in 1843. "[104] A London critic in the London Quarterly Review, however, condemned all American poetry"with two or three exceptions, there is not a poet of mark in the whole union"but he singled out Longfellow as one of those exceptions. [99] Much of his poetry imparts cultural and moral values, particularly focused on life being more than material pursuits. But his words also remind us that behind the clouds, the sun is always still shining. On the advice of George Ticknor of Harvard, Longfellow decided to add German to French, Spanish, and Italian. This was because the East India Company was near bankruptcy, had a huge surplus (17 million pounds) of Chinese tea that was getting old, and many members of Parliament were stockholders in the East India Company. . His son was injured during the war, and he wrote the poem "Christmas Bells", later the basis of the carol I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was one of the most widely known and best-loved American poets of the 19th century. This article was most recently revised and updated by,, Academy of American Poets - Biography of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, National Park Service - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Official Site of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Maine: An Encyclopedia - Biography of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Poetry Foundation - Biography of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11), Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up). Longfellow intended the anthology "to bring together, into a compact and convenient form, as large an amount as possible of those English translations which are scattered through many volumes, and are not accessible to the general reader". Fate, however, intervened to protect him from the bar. Elected to the Peucinian Society, he mixed with the academically ambitious students of the college (more serious than his brother or than classmates Nathaniel Hawthorne, Franklin Pierce, and Horatio Bridgeall belonging to the Athenean Society). In 1854 he resigned his Harvard professorshippartly because of his eyesight, partly for relief from academic pressures and contention with the university corporation on behalf of his department, but probably most of all because he found he could support his household on the strength of his poetry and desired more opportunity for writing. [18] He published nearly 40 minor poems between January 1824 and his graduation in 1825. Ultima Thule (1880), the title of which signaled his expectation that it would be his last collection, featured such lyrics as The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls (1879) and LEnvoi. BOSTON: TICKNOR AND FIELDS. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1807-1882), grew up in the house and went on to become one of the most famous men of his time. He followed this work with two fragmentary dramatic poems, Judas Maccabaeus and Michael Angelo. But his genius was not dramatic, as he had demonstrated earlier in The Spanish Student (1843). Scientists at Harvard have just published the most comprehensive scientific study to date on music as a cultural product, which supports the American poet's pronouncement and examines what features of song tend to be shared across . Ticknor of Harvard, Longfellow had six children, there May be some discrepancies [ ]. In 1821 1843 ) from then on which became his trademark Hawthorne and sonnets on Dante,,. 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