The surgical technique was developed by one of the senior authors (NJ). Antibiotic or steroid/antibiotic ointment may be applied twice a day to sutures and into the eyes at night. 1h) then split into its anterior and posterior lamellae as described earlier. 1992; 99:222. All authors contributed to the planning, drafting/revising and final approval of the paper. Blindness following blepharoplasty: two case reports, and a discussion of management. 2. a Patient 2: Right lateral canthal rounding following tumour excision and reconstructionsingle flap technique. One of the signs of imminent damage to the muscle is excess bleeding. Men seem to have ruddier skin, and the erythema last 60% as long on average. Cicatricial canthal webs. Blepharochalasis: See separate outline on this IgA disorder often confused with dermatochalasis. Various compositions of bleaching creams have been published, containing combinations of hydroquinone, glycolic acid, kojic acid, retinoic acid, and hydrocortisone. Lee CW, Sheffer AL. Please see before/after photo on link below (toward bottom of the website page). 4, pp. Federici TJ, Meyer DR, Lininger LL. Aesthetic and functional abnormalities result from excess skin and fat removal and from excess scarring and adhesions involving the levator aponeurosis. A trial of a short course of topical steroids can be applied; otherwise, treatment is excision of the pyogenic granuloma. Blepharoplasty is an operation to modify the contour and configuration of the eyelids in order to restore a more youthful appearance. Pre- and post-operative photographs of selected cases are shown in Fig. Often no fat is removed in these patients, and skin excision is conservative. Fortunately, with time, these tend to diminish. There were no peri- or post-operative complications. A running prolene suture, with several interrupted reinforcements is useful. The canthal rounding is marked (Fig. When needed, lid crease fixation method depends on surgeon's preferences and experience (. Laser resurfacing itself carries a risk of hypopigmentation (very rare in the eyelid skin) and hyperpigmentation. 3 The lateral canthal angle is sharp and crisp, with the lateral commissure closely opposed to the globe . Due to the complexity and intricate nature of eyelid anatomy, complications do exist. 125, no. Jeong S, Lemke BN, Dortzbach RK, et al: The Asian upper eyelid: an anatomical study with comparison to the Caucasian eyelid. Patients may prefer to retain or change certain features such as relative hollowness or fullness of the upper eyelid sulcus. In Asians, the lid crease is usually 46mm above the lash margin, In Caucasians, usually 810mm above the lash margin. The new superior lid margin is left to heal by granulation. Canthal rounding can be cosmetically-unacceptable to patients. Thank you. It is virtually unheard of for this to fail to resolve. Finally, management of complications is just as important as surgical technique. R. R. Tenzel, Complications of blepharoplasty. I am devastated. Lower eyelid skin excision or laser resurfacing (or neither) is another key decision. 438440, 2000. I am also very wary of risk. The patients racial, ethnic, or congenital facial features must be noted and discussion made as to what, if anything, is to be changed. Adjunctive procedures include brow ptosis repair (internal trans-blepharoplasty, direct, coronal, or endoscopic), ptosis repair, lacrimal gland suspension, eyelid lengthening, and lower eyelid tightening or lateral canthopexy. Webs (abnormal folds of skin) can occur in both areas and are referred to as medial and lateral . C. M. Stephenson and B. If persistent, intense pulse light is a useful adjuvant treatment. Canthal rounding can occur following surgery to the medial or lateral canthus. Difficult to rectify? 5, pp. Find a surgeon who can do this for you but you also have to understand that there is always a risk for scarring that may be visible. This can also lead to corneal dellen formation, or a dry cornea can break down de novo. S. J. Pacella and M. A. Codner, Minor complications after blepharoplasty: dry eyes, chemosis, granulomas, ptosis, and scleral show, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. I had an upper eyelid surgery six months ago and it has been a disaster. Up to 24 hours, cantholysis and pressure release (if the orbit is still tense) and steroid treatment can be utilized. Primary acquired cold urticaria. Upper blepharoplasty can yield significant functional and aesthetic benefits for patients. How risky is this to correct and when is it safe to do? Perin LF, Helene A, Fraga MF. Discomfort and edema are expected after surgery and are usually adequately managed with acetaminophen. Topical and systemic antibiotics are utilized due to the open wounds, and their repair is planned electively in 1 to 2 weeks if they do not close on their own. Contact lens wear may be resumed at approximately 1week postop, but patients should insert and remove contact lenses by manipulating the lower eyelid in order to prevent wound dehiscence especially at the vulnerable lateral canthal area. Freeman EE, Muoz B, Rubin G, West SK. Postoperative patches and bandages are removed in the recovery room to permit early detection of postoperative bleeding. Because the lateral canthal web appeared to result from vertical tissue deficiency, we employed a surgical technique to transpose adjacent tissue into the area of the web, similar to the technique described by del Campo 2 for the correction of epicanthal folds. 1 were supplied by the senior author (NJ). 2005; 21:327. 1, pp. 316320, 1988. Lelli GJ, Lisman RD: Blepharoplasty complications. Goldberg RA, Marmor MF, Shorr N, Christenbury JD. 1b). such as yours can be softened with a z-plasty in the crease itself. It is unique among surgical specialties due to changing trends, racial, and regional ethnic preferences that influence what is considered an . Partial removal of orbicularis muscle over the medial eyelid area with grafting of medial fat into the lateral sub-brow area has been proposed to restore youthful contours (Fezza J, OPRS 2012;28:446). This will significantly speed up the recovery time. The conjunctival incision made in a transconjunctival lower lid blepharoplasty never requires sutures. Excess fat removal or raising a crease unnaturally high can lead to a hollowed-out appearance in the upper eyelids. To minimize bruising, the patient should avoid using anticoagulative drugs, control his or her hypertension if present, and avoid postoperative trauma, bending, and straining [4]. Patients with progressive edema, pruritus, and discomfort despite antibiotic therapy and cessation of topical ointments may have PACU. Visual field loss increases the risk of falls in older adults: the Salisbury Eye Evaluation. d The posterior flap is created. Tension in the levator complex and orbital septum may also result in eyelid retraction. Measurement of margin reflex distance (MRD), Palpebral fissure distance in primary and downgaze (PF). 372376, 1998. The exception can be the patient who has had a combined blepharoplasty and levator advancement ptosis repair and is obviously under corrected at about a weektheir wound can be readily opened and the slipped levator suture replaced fairly easily. Patients with vitiligo may have an increased risk of hypopigmentation. Sutureless closure of the upper eyelids in blepharoplasty: use of octyl-2-cyanoacrylate. May be removed or treated with steroid injection, Sequestered epithelial remnants along the suture line, May be managed by rupturing the cyst and marsupialization with an 18-gauge needle, Usually preventable with the 20mm rule described above. Fortunately, diplopia after blepharoplasty is extremely rare but is still a known complication. It has created a web (possibly medial canthal webbing) from my brow to lower eye. Plast Reconstr Surg 1978; 61:347. Influenced by gender, race, and unique facial features of each patient: Video 1. Patients who view cosmetic surgery as a commodity rather than a medical procedure with attendant risks should not be operated on. Approximately 11.5 cc of anesthetic is injected through a 27- or 30gauge needle in the plane between skin and orbicularis muscle across the entire eyelid. R. A. Ersek, Transplantation of purified autologous fat: a 3-year follow-up is disappointing, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. In addition to primary closure of the skin, attention may focus on creation of symmetric and well-positioned eyelid creases. Facial plastic and reconstructive surgery is a remarkably diverse specialty, ranging from maxillofacial trauma and reconstruction to facial rejuvenation, rhinoplasty, cleft surgery, microvascular surgery, facial cosmetic procedures, and pain control. Anticoagulants contribute to continued extravasation of blood into the orbit, while comorbidities such as hypertension and diabetes may contribute to compromised vascular integrity. May be due to incision extended too far medially. 5, pp. Lowering a high lid crease has a lower success rate. 3, article 3, 1995. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. This fast and predictable approach avoids opening the anterior wound and also avoids overcorrection and scar abnormalities. There was one recurrence of rounding, which was noted at the first post-operative review at 2 weeks following surgery. Prevent and treat with careful preop evaluation and perioperative artificial tears, ointments, punctal plugs, etc. This area near the nose is called the medial canthus and the same area on the outer eyelids is called the lateral canthus. Our technique demonstrates a method for reconstructing a natural-looking canthal angle with good cosmetic outcomes and minimal scarring. Laser eye protectors are essential if the CO2 laser is utilized, but there must be enough ocular lubrication present to avoid a corneal abrasion when they are inserted or removed. Deeper scar release carries the risk of under or overcorrection leading to ptosis or a recurrence of lid retraction. It is rare that true bony decompression either at bedside through the inferomedial floor or more fully in the operating room is required. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 1999;15:378. Any adjunctive procedures to be performed should also be determined. 1d and 1e). Care is taken to avoid the levator palpebrae superioris complex which lies just posterior to the preaponeurotic fat pad. Laser resurfacing in appropriate patients combined with transconjunctival blepharoplasty and appropriate lid tightening gives a far superior result to conventional exterior blepharoplasty, in terms of scar avoidance, avoidance of eyelid retraction, and a more natural and complete resolution of skin redundancy and rhytids. Is there help out there? Visual field is repeated with the eyelids taped up. In the Asian upper eyelid, there is a lower fusion point between the orbital septum and the levator aponeurosis, which allows orbital fat to descend further down in addition to the increased fat in the preseptal fibroadipose layer. Review of old or family photographs may be helpful in clarifying preferences and objectives. However, rapid release of orbital pressure by opening the wound, lateral canthotomy and inferior and/or superior cantholysis is critical. Proptosis, decreased motility, and increased orbital tension, and associated bleeding are the clinical signs to appreciate. Intravenous mannitol 20% (12g/kg over 3060minutes). In the absence of a definite levator laceration, persistent postoperative ptosis is usually followed for 3 months before being repaired, since the majority will resolve in this time period. These are investigated and followed in the normal fashion for such conditions. The diplopia is usually of a form suggesting extravasation of local anaesthetic, such as a partial third or sixth nerve palsy. READ MORE It seems my canthoplasty has failed. 7, pp. Partial removal of orbicularis over the lateral orbital rim area may provide a small eyebrow elevation. Burroughs JR, Patrinely JR, Nugent JS, et al: Soparkar CNS, Anderson RL, Pennington J H. Cold urticaria: an underrecognized cause of postsurgical periorbital swelling. More effect (in terms of lifting skin off the eyelashes) for less skin excision can be achieved by creating a higher lid crease during the blepharoplasty. Anecdotally, these techniques involve dividing the rounded canthus, with or without the use of bolsters, to try and prevent re-adhesion of the new margins. Lower blepharoplasty is one of the most common facial plastic surgery. Upper blepharoplasty with bony anatomical landmarks to avoid injury to trochlea and superior oblique muscle tendon with fat resection. Remember that the levator aponeurosis is the stage on which the fat removal of upper blepharoplasty is played; and it is natural for early postoperative dysfunction to occasionally be seen. Article I have inner eyelid webbing following a blepharoplasty 2 years ago. The wound may be left open or closed loosely. An aesthetically pleasing eye has an almond shape with superior arc that peaks medially 27 and a slight upward inclination of the lateral canthal angle (positive canthal tilt). Many people never had a full wide open upper lid and appeared heavy-lidded in younger years and their lid crease height is at 7mm, not 10mm. Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, Chelsea and Westminster NHS trust, London, UK, You can also search for this author in It has also caused the skin to be stretched down tight onto my nose from the bridge to the incision. at my consult, the Dr. mentioned that in order to get parallel, i would need to get epicanthoplasty as well but that theres a chance of having visible scarring with epicanthoplasty. In patients (especially males) with prominent skin and orbicularis excess who are not laser candidates, fat is still removed transconjunctivally, the eyelid is tightened horizontally and a conservative skin muscle pinch excision is utilized. If there is insufficient tissue to create both anterior and posterior flaps, for example in smaller areas of canthal rounding with less conjunctiva available, a modification to the above method to create a single flap can be used instead (DS). 7175, 1987. the best experience, we recommend you use a more up to date browser (or turn off compatibility mode in Prospective analysis of changes in corneal topography after upper eyelid surgery. PubMedGoogle Scholar. The patient can be instructed in upward massage to keep infection and scarring minimized and alleviate retraction. All except one patient reported good surgical outcomes after one procedure. In late cases, the relative contribution of lid laxity, skin shortage, and middle lamellar scarring is assessed by the three finger test. Understanding the differences in anatomy in the occidental and oriental eyelid is essential when performing blepharoplasty surgery in this population., DOI: Absorbable subcutaneous suture such as 70 polyglactin can be placed, anchoring superficial levator fibers to the overlying skin. If the lid crease is marked 8 mm above the lash margin, for example, the upper edge of the incision should be 12 mm below the brow margin. Surgical planning involves deciding whether upper or lower eyelids, or both will be operated on. 5, pp. 219228, 1991. Pers Soc Psychol Bull 2003; 29:885. Globe injury can occur with the CO2 laser, with a steel scalpel, or with local anaesthetic injection. The risk is failure, with reemphasis, doubling, or other scarring of the existing low crease. Brown MS, Siegel IM, Lisman RD. You have full access to this article via your institution. Publishers note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. 20, no. For an upper lid blepharoplasty, ending the incision just lateral to the punctum avoids medial canthal webbing as well as lacrimal system injury. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1986; 78:417. Patient education and cold avoidance are the primary means of treatment. 417425, 1993. Cold urticaria or history of hives, anaphylaxis, or swelling after contact with cold objects may cause increased swelling postoperatively. Photos in Fig. 3, pp. Absorbable upper lid sutures either in the skin or buried, have a risk of tissue reaction or dehiscence. Body dysmorphic disorder. Hard palate mucosa is commonly utilized for the graft [1419]. Recovery from new nerve growth and collateral sprouting may take several weeks or months. The posterior flap is cut along the new inferior lid margin using Westcott spring scissors and folded upwards to create the anterior lamella of the new superior lid margin (Fig. Visual acuity measurement and slit lamp examination are critical on the first postoperative visit (almost always the day after surgery) to rule out ocular injury and to document its absence. The lid is placed on upward traction to facilitate this process, and an appropriately sized full-thickness graft is contoured to fit the defect after the eyelid is tightened horizontally. I am 13 days post op. Wound may be repaired electively in 1 to 2 weeks if it does not close on its own. Since time is of the essence, one must realize that an experienced oculoplastic surgeon is not essential to perform a bedside canthotomy/cantholysis and pressure release. Juniat, V., Joshi, S., Hersh, D. et al. McKean-Cowdin R, Varma R, Wu J, et al. b The canthal rounding is split into its anterior and posterior lamellae. 4, pp. Patients undergo upper blepharoplasty for purely aesthetic reasons. Recognition is key, as is a rapid response. Relative merits and disadvantages of addressing concurrent blepharoptosis, eyebrow ptosis, eyelid retraction, and other sources of eyelid, eyebrow and orbital asymmetry can be included in the discussion on proposed blepharoplasty. This is because they cause more harm than good. 797802, 1981. It is difficult to lower a crease which is too high. It is the responsibility of the surgeon to inform patients of the potential risks of surgery before the operation is performed. Ophthalmology. If it is apparent that the surgeon has underestimated the degree of horizontal laxity in the eyelids (i.e., performing tendon plication instead of a formal tarsal strip procedure), and the lid is ectropic as a result, early revision can again avoid the need for more complex surgery later. Finally, conjunctival incisions can occasionally develop pyogenic granulomas. Depth of excision depends on the preoperative plan. Brown, The use of tarsus as a free autogenous graft in eyelid surgery, Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. Twelve patients have undergone this surgical technique for correction of post-surgical canthal rounding. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2007; 48:4445. Many older patients do not have tearing with one obstructed canaliculus due to decreased tear production. Helps assure adequate skin remaining to prevent lagophthalmos postoperatively, Visual field testing with eyebrows relaxed, patient looking straight ahead, and the eyelids in normal relaxed position. The skin graft is placed at the upper eyelid crease to aid in hiding it in the supratarsal fold. There were five men and seven women. If the incision line is a slightly thick and red at 4 weeks, then time, massage, and vitamin E cream is useful. Anticoagulants may increase the risk of postoperative bleeding. Many surgeons apply a cold compress while the patient is in the recovery area. 4, pp. If the eyelid comes back into position and scleral show is eliminated merely by tightening laterally, horizontal shortening is all that is required, usually via a tarsal strip procedure. 1i). Photographs also document preoperative eyelid and facial abnormalities or asymmetries. This is particularly important if incisions are made with the CO2 laser. Identifying patients with body dysmorphic syndrome, dysmorphophobia, or narcissistic behavior helps screen for those who may not be appropriate candidates for surgery. 1j and 1k). Preoperative preparation may include asking the patient to stop smoking, reduce alcohol intake, and optimize overall general health. Figure 10 shows corneal scarring due to severe lagophthalmos. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. 1997;13:849. Only rarely will a deep loculated undrained hematoma be found; usually one sees streaking hemorrhage and air, more likely merely hallmarks of the surgical trauma. Article Visualized and palpated scar is released aggressively in the postblepharoplasty retraction circumstance, so the lid is freed from attachments to the inferior orbital rim. Lower eyelid of the same patient shown in Figures. J. P. Gunter and F. L. Hackney, A simplified transblepharoplasty subperiosteal cheek lift, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, vol. If the nasal fat pad fat is to be removed, care is taken to cauterize or avoid medial palpebral vessels which course over the medial fat pad. In equivocal cases, a posterior lamellar graft can be tried first, and the patient warned that a following procedure with a skin graft may be necessary. Care is taken not to remove too much of this volume producing tissue, particularly in the pupillary meridian where inadequate fat will often cause an Aframe deformity. For more proximal obstructions with tearing a sequence of increasing interventions is possible. I have scar webbing from a previous lower bleph. R. R. Tenzel, Treatment of lagophthalmos of the lower lid, Archives of Ophthalmology, vol. 5155, 1996. The area of canthal rounding is assessed and the new eyelid margin is marked (Fig. Depending on the amount of laxity, a full lateral tarsal strip procedure or a lateral canthal tendon plication can be done. It should be noted that these products also may thin the blood and increase the chance of postoperative bleeding. 11, pp. Frequency of cold compresses is decreased as the effectiveness of this therapy lessens. Another mechanism is direct or indirect injury to the inferior oblique during surgery. By asking the patient to pull against the levator with the traction suture will help modulate the eyelid height and achieve a more desired height. There were no peri- or post-operative complications. 10391046, 1983. Acute orbital hemorrhage requires prompt intervention. Plast Reconstr Surg 1971; 47: 246. Diagrams and photos in Fig. 2011;27:42630. 4, pp. If a definite levator laceration is observed, it should be repaired if it is causing ptosis. While we do connect people with vetted, board-certified doctors, we dont provide medical consultations, diagnosis, or advice. J. H. Oestreicher and K. Tarassoly, The mini tarsal strip lateral canthopexy for lower eyelid laser-assisted blepharoplasty-indications, technique and complications in 614 cases, Orbit, vol. J. Antiglaucoma medications or anterior chamber drainage are treatments aimed at central retinal artery occlusion, not orbital hemorrhage. Black EH, Gladstone GJ, Nesi FA. Despite the use of a lidocaine/marcaine mixture for local anesthetic, it is important to note that this form of diplopia is always gone by the next day. 709718, 2010. However, I do recommend my patients to stay away from direct Oculoplastic Surgeon, Board Certified in Ophthalmology. Postoperative eyelid numbness involving the upper eyelid skin and eyelashes is an expected outcome after upper blepharoplasty and typically resolves over 2 to 4 months. Some surgeons prefer to place a corneal protector in each eye. 367373, 1972. do you think epicanthoplasty would be a good option? 9, pp. These can result from skin shortage, middle-lamellar (orbital septum) scarring, and posterior lamellar (retractors and conjunctiva) cicatrisation as seen in Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. It is important to distinguish between the two, as the cyst needs to be unroofed or excised. This skin incision height is often quit low, 3 to 5mm depending on the preoperative consultation measurements. If a full tarsal strip procedure [5, 6] is required, the patient is rigorously cautioned to avoid pulling or sleeping on the eyelid to prevent dehiscence. As the surgeon, it is important to be aware of the potential complications of surgery. Occasionally instead of scar hypertrophy, epithelial inclusion cysts occur. Risk factors for postoperative wound dehiscence includes infection, restless sleepers, and even minor postoperative trauma. Patients may inadvertently rub their eyes in the hours after surgery when their lids are numb or while sleeping. Clin Plast Surg 1983; 10:321. 99, no. d. Patient 9: Left lateral canthal rounding following blepharoplastydouble flap technique (right side not shown). Midfacial lifting is beyond the scope of this monograph [30, 31]. The skin and orbicularis oculi muscle form the anterior layers of the upper eyelid. N. Shorr, Madame Butterfly procedure: total lower eyelid reconstruction in three layers utilizing a hard palate graft: management of the unhappy post-blepharoplasty patient with round eye and scleral show, International Journal Of Cosmetic Surgery And Aesthetic, vol. Remove granulation tissue and freshen wound edges. Risk factors for overcorrection include previous eyelid trauma, dermatological conditions leading to tight skin, and Graves disease. I would like to have this corrected as soon as possible and need advice. It was used by Karl Ferdinand von Graefe in 1818 when describing eyelid repair after removal of skin cancer (Plast Reconstr Surg 1971;47:246). If this persists, the lower crease can be raised by making a higher incision to match and fixating the crease to the levator aponeurosis just above the top of the tarsal plate. Patient selection and patient satisfaction. In Asian and Black patients, CO2 laser can be safely used inside the skin for fat removal, but laser skin incisions are to be avoided in these patients due to increased risk of scar hypertrophy and dyspigmentation. Significant medial canthal tendon laxity (see above) Jordan DR, Mawn LA. It has also caused the skin to be stretched down tight onto my nose from the bridge to the incision. Therefore, one needs to be gentle when freeing up the fat from the underlying levator or the levator can be damaged inadvertently. Google Scholar. The most serious complication following upper blepharoplasty, Rare, with an estimated incidence of 1:20,000 (Ophthal Surg 1990;21:85). Severe pain, decreased vision, and progressive swelling may represent retrobulbar hemorrhage and should be brought to immediate medical attention. Focus on driving, reading, computer work, ambulation, vocational responsibilities, and physical activities. Canthal webbing can be associated with scleral show laterally due to inferior lid retraction, and is a known complication of blepharoplasty or reconstruction following trauma or tumour excision [1,2,3]. 90, no. Patients typically are seen after blepharoplasty surgery or trauma with both cosmetic and functional (visual-field obstruction in lateral gaze) deficits. Possibly caused by diffusion of local anesthetic affecting one or more extraocular muscles. It may be necessary to lighten the patients sedation to gain an accurate assessment of lid height, and sitting them upright is also useful. If youre experiencing a medical issue, please contact a healthcare professional or dial 911 immediately. Blepharoplasty is a widely practiced successful operation. Also, the position of the lower lid must be such that bringing it up that amount will not cover the inferior iris excessively. Millman AL, Williams JD, Romo T, Taggert N. Septal-myocutaneous flap technique for lower lid blepharoplasty. Persistent diplopia beyond the first day will often resolve with eye movement or fusion exercises, if there is no gross deficit. Also avoids overcorrection and scar abnormalities injury can occur in both areas and are referred as... Tissue reaction or dehiscence overcorrection include previous eyelid trauma, dermatological conditions to! Method for reconstructing a natural-looking canthal angle is sharp and crisp, with time, these tend to.... With good cosmetic outcomes and minimal scarring into its anterior and posterior lamellae as described earlier running. 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Good cosmetic outcomes and minimal scarring too far medially aesthetic benefits for patients Tenzel, treatment of of. Canthal webbing as well as lacrimal system injury connect people with vetted, doctors.

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