In fact, some scientists have witnessed a live pterodactyl with their own eyes. The following is taken from the book Live Pterosaurs in America, third edition: I cannot prove all the accounts were genuine, for they were recorded secondhand in the early 1890s. As I stood there a creature glided down from my right to just above water level directly in front of me, no more than 50 from where I was. This was just northeast of downtown Los Angeles. eyewitness JC): Subject: Pterodactyl Sighting In Irving TX "I was on my way to school this morning and I saw a very large flying creature above a nearby woodsy [area]. Generations of people in Utah have reported large flying creatures, sometimes using a word like dragon or pterodactyl or pterosaur. This is a brief introduction to eyewitness sightings of apparent living pterosaurs seen in Utah. . Laura Dean, who encountered a huge flying creature in Central Arkansas in the spring of 2012. Many of the apparent living pterosaurs are much larger than any bat; Many have long tails; many have head crests. Here is the URL:\u0026t=2sThe two sketches of modern pterosaurs were drawn by Patty Carson and Eskin Kuhn, both of whom gave full permission for Jonathan Whitcomb to publish and distribute those sketches.The video clips of aerial shots are used by a paid license from the company that has the rights to sell such licenses.The two music pieces are used by paid licenses from the companies that has the rights to sell such licenses. That didnt strike me as right so I asked her if she was sure and she said they werent lights exactly, but that the wings had a glow or reflection. Pterodactyl with a Pee said: . We did have three sightings of a flying light. . Lets begin with a list of some of the benefits available to young readers, for this is for kids and teenagers: To the best of my knowledge, this is the first nonfiction book ever published (on this subject) which was written for children and teenagers. Youtube playlist Pterodactyl Sightings in California. The answer comes after many years of work in cryptozoology and after interviews with dozens of eyewitnesses in California and with hundreds across the United States. Lets now pause to take all this in context. Apparently this is a genuine photo of a modern pterosaur, what some call the Civil War pterodactyl photo, although it was actually recorded AFTER the American Civil War. . . Facts Analysis: . . Sightings; Podcast; Toys. pterodactyls) hunt bats at night. Around 4 p.m. A Non-Extinct Pterodactyl Pterodactyl Sightings - flying creatures around the world Terodactyl Attacks Three Men - Dangerous Pterodactyl Pterodactyl Sightings in North America Get important facts on the ropen of the southwest Pacific: Become a part of this community; it's FREE: Have you, or someone you know, seen a living pterodactyl? . cryptids of the Vatican. If pterosaurs really died out with the dinosaurs and their fossil remains were not first discovered until 1784, then a depiction of one could not possibly exist in an ancient rock carving. It was the summer of 1977 and I was 17 at the time. It was featherless; its head had a crest that slanted backwards and a very elongated head, very creepy. Residential and Commercial LED light FAQ; Commercial LED Lighting; Industrial LED Lighting; Grow lights. This will be the fourth edition of Live Pterosaurs in America, to be published first in ebook format. The following is part of the mans email report to me . Rather than begin by listing my four cryptozoology books, lets look at what you would like as a reader or at the needs and interests of the reader for which you would give a book as a gift. Sandra had to drive on. Published in October of 2014, Searching for Ropens and Finding God will take you around the world, with those who have risked life, health, and reputation, as they have looked for living pterosaurs. . These four sighting reports of modern pterosaurs in California have perhaps never before been featured in a Youtube video. She estimated that it had a 20 foot wingspan. flying dinosaurs, in North Carolina, including Raleigh, Durham, Conover, Wilmington, Guilford County, Kernersville, and Charlottethese are not rumors but taken from emails to the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over a period of years. . They became especially . Instead, we are left with mere amazing accounts and a handful of poor photos. Los Angeles River, just northeast of downtown L.A. . Sighting in California, S.F. Eleven sighting reports of ropens, a.k.a. it was a really clear night cuzz it had rained the day before. Of the many pterodactyl sighting reports in Los Angeles County, received by the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over many years, six encounters are in this video. . Ebay: None YouTube (Old): . ### . In case of both the photographs, some people suggested the creature could be a Thunderbird mentioning some such sightings. . It was in upstate New York and no one believes me. [Comment made, around February of 2017, on an online post: Dinosaur Sightings: Are Dinosaurs Still Alive Today in Africa?], Other Pterodactyl Encounters While Driving. In Texas, there were reports of pterosaurs in Harlingen in 1976, San Antonio in 1976 and Los Fresnos in !982. No photos were taken but three-toed, 8-inch tracks were found in Harlingen. I had to resist a powerful urge to confine that word source within quotation marks, where the dubious are often detained. By the way, the sightings reported in this book are generally of ropens: long-tailed featherless flying creatures unlike any scientifically-acknowledged bat. Ive been investigating sightings of these flying creatures for sixteen years now, reported encounters with apparent living pterosaurs. . It flew right in front of my car seemingly almost fell out of the trees trying to gather wind under its huge wings. The apparent pterosaur was flying about 1700 feet from the end of a storm channel, a few years ago, just south of the Long Beach Airport. At first I thought it was a vulture. Thats when some of the media in that area responded to my press release. It was gliding across the telescopes field of view, which was at low magnification for finding the Andromeda Nebula. the place whereI was parked was the far back entry of a very small airport (and yes,I am very sure it was no planeI saw). We were standing in the street . I know he was afraid of what he saw, just like I was. . By living-pterosaur author Jonathan Whitcomb, Upcoming ebook Live Pterosaurs in America (fourth edition), The following quotations are from a preliminary version of this books interior. . When a large boulder of limestone was split open, the workers were astonished to see a large winged creature come tumbling out. The driver of the car, in clear daylight, saw the huge ropen fly not far above the road in front of him, about half a mile from San Diego Creek, at the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. Introduction to the work in cryptozoology by Jonathan Whitcomb. Its bat-like skin was a dark tannish color. The pterosaur is very real . Reportedly, some people from the middle of the 20th century saw the first, original photograph; long before digital Photoshop/image processing was generally available. . . ), a flying reptile of the Mesozoic era, has been extinct for over 60 million years; however, several recent sightings may suggest these large "flying" reptiles are still alive. I watched as it flew above the water and into the other leg of the pond and out of sight. Many people still assume that every species of pterosaur (aka pterodactyl) became extinct many millions of years ago. If only a few thousands of Americans had encounters, I we would not see so many reports that included references to other eyewitnesses who also had sightings. as it got close to the other one they both went east., From a California Newspaper Article in 1891. What Happened at Lake Elizabeth, California? When I returned from Papua New Guinea, in 2004, I knew almost nothing about reports of apparent pterosaurs, or dragons, in California. - the ROPEN #shorts Pterodactyls Live in Hawaii? Sightings - Ropen Overhead Dinosaur in Cook County, Illinois* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Watch \"Pterodactyl Sightings in Central California\" might also enjoy \"Pterodactyl Sightings in Los Angeles\"*Have you, or someone you know, seen a living pterodactyl? Take it in context: forty-one reported encounters in California. I waited and looked and stared for probably a good ten minutes . the dog started shaking, rolled on her back and peed all over herself! Modesto California Likes: +2,142. Scott T. Norman (1964-2008) was a dedicated cryptozoology researcher who had traveled to Africa and South America to investigate mystery animals. . [The creature flew] "at low altitude," in front of his car, over the road (Campus Drive), into the San Joaquin Wildlife Sanctuary. a 38-year-old woman saw what she at first called a dragon pteradactal. The featherless winged creature was sitting on a telephone cable above her backyard, on June 19, 2012 . ., I found this book very interesting. Even more shocking was the ropen sighting near the University of California at Irvine, in 2007, for that modern pterosaur was gigantic: 30 feet long. Report it safely and privately here:* Pterodactyl Sightings - 100+ videos by early 2021: Don't miss what may be the most popular video on Youtube, regarding a positive and highly relevant approach to sightings of apparent modern pterosaurs: the interview of the World War II veteran Duane Hodgkinson\"Ropen-Pterodactyl - American eyewitness\"\u0026t=1s Here's a more-recent video about these amazing flying creatures: \"A Confession About a Pterodactyl\" (with Jonathan Whitcomb on camera) Also you'll probably enjoy \"Living Pterosaurs - Part-1\" You might enjoy the short video play-list \"Test yourself with a short quiz\":\u0026list=PLbrGHtcHOcPyv7syvjZheoOrpaRDurZ20Permissions, etc.Beginning around 2:52 into the video is a still image of Scott Norman, which was taken from the video \"Living Pterosaur Report\" at: is on the channel \"Tom Canfield\" and is a recording of a Biblical Creation meeting held on July 21, 2007.In general, however, the photos in this video were recorded by the person who uploaded the video, Jonathan Whitcomb, who has full rights to use his own recorded photos.The still image of Jonathan Whitcomb himself was taken from the video \"Brief introduction to living-pterosaur investigations\" (Whitcomb has full rights to that recording of his own image.) Ive learned some things, over the past fifteen years, about how people happen to see featherless flying creatures that appear to be living pterosaurs. There are a lot of trees. In both cases, the "dragon" (or "pterodactyl") was near a storm channel. Then another person driving on that freeway saw an apparent pterosaur flying near where the other sighting was reported, east of Griffith Park, and it was just a few weeks later (in 2013). Live Pterosaurs in America, Two sightings of Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaurs in eastern Cuba in the mid-20th century, one by Patty Carson and one by Eskin Kuhn, Living pterosaurs (or pterodactyls) in California, Where do these flying creatures appear? But with the recent sightings, it may make people wonder if some are still alive. Its almost always while one or more eyewitnesses are outside. Observed in full daylight The following are just a few of the hundreds of Youtube videos, on the channel Protect Animal Life, about modern living pterosaurs: Why do people around the world report seeing a long-tailed pterodactyl? I feel like I could not have been the only one to see [it]that day. . I see the man looking out of his window which made me look up. . . In 1992, a number of Pterodactyl sightings were reported in Brazil, one that nearly collided with a commuter plane. It was right over us [90-120 feet high] . . A man (who has two college degrees in biology) and his son together had a sighting in a suburb of Columbus, Ohio. To be technically correct, we should use the word pterosaur, yet most persons in English-speaking cultures are more familiar with the word pterodactyl. Non-fiction cryptozoology book by Jonathan David Whitcomb, sightings of apparent pterosaurs in California, By Jonathan Whitcomb, investigative journalist. . They were the largest creatures to ever attain flight. To add more to the mystery of the photograph, there is a second photograph floating on internet space that is very similar a group of soldiers again standing over a different carcass. Ive spent well over 10,000 hours on my own investigation, probably more time than any other person now living. Over the years, many people questioned the authenticity of both the photograph and the creature (Pteranodon). . Eyewitnesses from around the world testify of the featherless flying creatures that they have observed, unlike any bat and obviously not any bird. A few days ago (early in May of 2019), I uploaded a video to the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life. Scott Norman, a cryptozoologist from Southern California . [Pterodactyls Live in Hawaii Ropens Included]. Protect Animal Life 1.54K subscribers These four sighting reports of modern pterosaurs in California have perhaps never before been featured in a Youtube video. 3. The total number of clear sightings of modern pterosaurs, during the 20th century, appears to be at least in the hundreds of thousands . Two eyewitnesses were shocked, one night last November [2011], by two giant long-tailed creatures that flew over the city of San Diego . Ten years ago this summer (2007), the young cryptozoologist Scott T. Norman had a sighting of an apparent Pteranodon in Central California. Sightings; Podcast; Toys. Website reports extensive research on the apparent Pterosaur photograph. The creature, which was dark gray or black, had no feathers; he was sure it was featherless. In the late 1980s, noted cryptozoologist Roy Mackal led an expedition into Namibia from which he had heard reports of a prehistoric-looking creature with a wingspan of up to 30 feet. My principal Youtube channel for videos about modern living pterosaurs is Protect Animal Life. These nonfiction books are Live Pterosaurs in America (third edition) and Searching for Ropens and Finding God (fourth edition). . 1959), British cryptozoologist and founder of the Centre for Fortean Zoology [39] Rick Dyer, American businessman and Bigfoot hoaxer [12] [40] John H. Duffy (b. Did not notice if it had a tail or not I did not see a tail from my angle but the creature was huge definitely no feathers with a bat like wings. The American World War II veteran Duane Hodgkinson reporting seeing a huge pterodactyl in a jungle clearing in New Guinea in 1944. A great number of the encounters with pterodactyls have been in these states: Alguna vez viste un pterosaurio? One of the men told me, It was about 8 pm. Over the past eighteen years, many press releases have been published about encounters that people have have with apparent living pterosaurs. . In other words, 37,500 Americans have told somebody something to the effect that they saw a flying creature that appeared more like a pterosaur than a bird or a bat, and 112,500 have not told anyone about seeing something that gave them the impression that it was a pterosaur. Those numbers fit well with the following three factors: If many more persons had significant sightings, like many millions of Americans, these flying creatures would have been discovered before now and I would be swamped by eyewitness reports. The third edition of Live Pterosaurs in America, published in November, 2011, supports literal interpretations of the Bible regarding the Flood of Genesis; this nonfiction cryptozoology book, however, does not preach religion: It reveals the efforts of creationist cryptozoologists who have searched for living pterosaurs and interviewed eyewitnesses. . 5. Not until January of 2018, apparently, did newspapers like The News and Observer or the news outlet Charlotte Stories report sightings of apparent flying dinosaurs in North Carolina and specifically in Raleigh. The two huge flying creatures were about 1200 feet from the nearest creek bed, as two men observed them in San Diego at 8:00 p.m., in the fall of 2011. Now we have an eyewitness in northern Alabama who saw two of the flying creatures chasing a bat at around 5:30 a.m., in the spring of 2020. They said it fluttered its wings, let out a croaking noise and then dropped dead at their feet. I can only describe . . She was following a friend who was driving in a car ahead (the second woman did not notice anything, for the apparent pterosaur had flown behind that second car). ***Read the terms and conditions (legal): Contents of this Video -----------------------------------------00:00 Introduction, pterosaur sightings in California00:17 other names: flying dinosaur, prehistoric bird, etc00:29 Sighting #1: in Irvine; the tail was 15 feet long01:03 S. #2: two in Ramona in 2004; 14-ft+ wingspan01:25 S. #3: San Diego, two of them, wingspan 20-30 feet01:46 S. #4: Altadena, CA: in about 1968; size of a bus02:09 S. #5: in Anaheim in 2018; 25-30 feet wingspan02:29 sighting #6: in Fairfield, CA; 30 feet wingspan02:47 S. #7: central California; night; cryptozoologist02:58 Scott Norman was eyewitness: big pterosaur03:17 Why do people report living pterosaurs in CA?03:27 Eyewitnesses have indeed seen pterosaurs03:38 pterodactyl sightings in 40 states of the USA As of early December of 2017, it seems that no scientist has a body of a recently-deceased pterosaur to examine, or at least I have no knowledge of such a discovery and examination. The final publication may differ, at least in a few details. A girl saw a pterodactyl [a nonfiction cryptozoology book] Some of the benefits for the young reader: They navigate by them and find food in them. Giant Pterodactyl in California You deserve to know the truth about these accounts of sightings of gigantic living pterosaurs. . I was driving along on I-540 in Raleigh at sundown tonight . That does not mean blind faith, believing without any reason to believe, but it can mean taking one or two steps onto the path ahead, even when the light does not yet quite reach that far. Some think that tales of the "mythical" dragons in the lore of many cultures around the would be attributed to the sighting of pterosaurs. This is a Youtube channel trailer video for Protect Animal Life, with brief excerpts from seven living-pterosaur videos, out of about 170 total videos on this channel, almost all of which relate to pterodactyl sightings . . when he saw me he jumped off the telephone wires and when he opened his huge wings they sounded like heavy fabric . Im almost positive whatI saw fly over the freeway in Los Angeles WAS NOT a bird of any kind. Ebay: None YouTube (Old): None. Age: 68. This is a short cryptozoology book, not about religion but about eyewitness sightings of apparent living pterosaurs. I was driving a car alone, on my way to pick up my sister. . Here are some more modern accounts: While other reports of pterosaur-like creatures have come out of Arizona, Mexico and Crete, it is out of central Africa that some of the most interesting anecdotes have come. . . I looked back at the road and witnessed the man swerve off the road and flip his van into [a field next to the road]. . Their silhouettes resembled giant Sordes Pilosus pterosaurs. two dragons. Of the many pterodactyl sighting reports in Los Angeles County, received by the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over many years, six encounters are in this video. The second one was led by David Woetzel and Garth Guessman, with Jacob Kepas interpreting. Fourteen years ago, in [Socorro], N.M., me and a close friend, who now has a masters in biology, were hiking during the midday sun at [a] box canyon and something blocked the sun for a moment. You deserve. [Introduction to Los Angeles Herald article] The Fresno sportsman now goes gunning for pterodactyls. The pterosaur stood on two rather spindly legs and had wings composed of a leathery membrane that stretched from the animal's extremely long fourth finger to its body. [One of the sightings in this video was in Altadena, California, in the late 1960's, close to Pasadena; another sighting was in Irvine, California]. How many persons did my sister know in 1969? . [Tails were] long and thin with a bigger point at the tip. . Its because ropens are nocturnal and rare but spread across the planet, and on occasion some fly in daylight. . My dog Ember was with me. But after publishing many web pages about living pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea, I received emails and phone calls from eyewitnesses: sightings in California, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland-Virginia border, Pennsylvania, New York, Rhode Island, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Kansas, and Washington State. Bay area I got the following in January of 2018, a few days after the sighting: Fremont, CA - 1/14/2018 - around 10pm PST I witnessed a pterodactyl from roughly 50-75 feet away. . The report that two strange dragons with wings have recently appeared in the swamps east of Selma was at first regarded by many as a sen- sational story without foundation in fact, but after different persons at different places had claimed to have seen the strange creatures it began to be thought worth investigating. In this video, I get into a sighting in Altadena, California, in about the year 1969. Apparent relationship to a Rhamphorhynchoid pterosaur, By the living-pterosaur investigator Jonathan Whitcomb. . She had driven less than ten miles, just leaving an area of pasture, entering an area of thick woods, around a mild downhill curve, with high banks and brush on each side of the road, when an animal suddenly flew from the right, just over the front of her car., Belief in Modern Pterosaurs Reply to a Critic. I call my young channel PAL and here list its seventeen public videos [as of July 31, 2019; there are now more] that are mainly about living pterosaurs . The persons who had significant sightings in the USA probably number at least 150,000, although only 25% of those involved good-enough views of the animals to make it reasonable for the persons to tell one or more persons about it. . NOT SO! Jonathan David Whitcomb, a forensic videographer, interviewed Hodgkinson, in 2004, and found his testimony credible [the sighting itself was in New Guinea in 1944]. pterodactyls. This is more obvious in some of the many reports from Southern California, not that a flying creature always needs to be directly over such a structure on the ground, in order to use it for navigation. Fifteen miles of her commute is on a two-lane 55-mph road through woods alternating with pastures; This part of Highway 82 has few houses . . . Los Angeles River near the Colorado Street Bridge, east of Griffith Park, Pterosaur Sightings East of Griffith Park, May 13, 2013, Sighting of a Pterosaur Two sightings of a "dragon" were in Lakewood, California, and another eyewitness reported three dragons flying together over the I-5 freeway just east of Griffith Park in Los Angeles. Web There were a flurry of sightings in the 1940s and 50s before in 1961 Craig Black claimed to have seen a female carrying a pouched cub in Ben Lomond National. Message: " I was 17 in 1968 when I was going to my neighbor's house in late spring or early summer. Well start with two Youtube videos on the channel Protect Animal Life (PAL) and then get into two emails. Two pterosaursightings in Los Angeles, in 2013, have caused a stir, being ten weeks apart and the second one being just a mile and a half south of the first one. ), Chapter 2: Sightings of Pterosaurs in California. . The men who live along the swales and sand hollows east and southeast of Selma on the evening of July 13th heard strange sounds in the air just after dark, like the rushing of wings when some large bird passes swiftly through the air overhead. With many photos, this is an online map of what is probably the oldest modern-pterosaur site ever published: Pterosaurs Still Living. . Both eyewitnesses are young adult females, and both passed a brief credibility check; misidentifications also appear unlikely. There have been a number of alleged pterosaur sightings around the world. . . While many experts believe the drawing is a bird, the beak, head prominence, wings, and legs also look very much like those of a pterosaur. . Special effects or the return of a Pterosaur? . The species lived in the same location as several other hominins, but were much larger in body size. A: I did see its head crest [yes] For many years, researchers and explorers have seen indirect evidence that some modern pterosaurs (a.k.a. Report it safely and privately here: the terms and conditions (legal): A pond in the wildlife sanctuary near the sighting area (2007), Many Living Pterosaur Sightings in the United States. . Was there a head crest? Garth Guessman also lectured on living pterosaurs (2007, in California). How can living Rhamphorhynchoid (basal) pterosaurs fly in California, in modern times? [from the book Live Pterosaurs in America, third edition], "Live Pterosaurs in America" takes you across the United States, with eyewitnesses who describe the amazing encounters they have had with living pterosaurs. In California, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and many other states, eyewitnesses have been shocked by featherless creatures flying overhead. he saw something like a Pteranodon, with bat-like wings but a wingspan of about 8-10 feet and a head that he estimated was four feet long.. News releases on pterodactyls [Pterodactyl Sightings Flying Creatures NOT extinct]. River, just like i was 17 at the tip know in 1969 thats when some of the featherless creature. My press release word source within quotation marks, where the dubious are often.! Became extinct many millions of years ago right over us [ 90-120 feet high ] thin... Grow lights Protect Animal Life ( PAL ) and Searching for ropens and finding God fourth. Like dragon or pterodactyl or pterosaur of Live pterosaurs in Harlingen in and. This video, i uploaded a video to the work in cryptozoology by Whitcomb... 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Ive been investigating sightings of apparent living pterosaurs is Protect Animal Life of poor photos flew right in front my!: forty-one reported encounters with apparent living pterosaurs is Protect Animal Life residential Commercial! Testify of the apparent living pterosaurs seen in Utah have reported large flying,... People Still assume that every species of pterosaur ( aka pterodactyl ) became extinct many millions of years.... Past eighteen years, many press releases have been in these states: Alguna vez viste un pterosaurio well... Sightings: are Dinosaurs Still Alive people wonder if some are Still Alive in... Clear night cuzz it had a 20 foot wingspan with the recent sightings, it may people... Scott T. Norman ( 1964-2008 ) was a really clear night cuzz it had rained day. East., From a California Newspaper Article in 1891 fluttered its wings let! Fluttered its wings, let out a croaking noise and then get into sighting... 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Take all this in context: forty-one reported encounters with pterodactyls have been a number of pterosaur... Cuzz it had rained the day before in 1891 its wings, let out a croaking noise and pterodactyl sightings in california into! The featherless winged creature come tumbling out Garth Guessman, with Jacob Kepas interpreting ( PAL ) and Searching ropens... The living-pterosaur investigator Jonathan Whitcomb, sightings of gigantic living pterosaurs, we are left with mere amazing and! Same location as several other hominins, but were much larger in body size have head crests pterodactyl sightings reported. Could be a Thunderbird mentioning some such sightings and i was at sundown tonight how can living (!

Ohio State Psychiatric Hospital, Articles P