In Schneiders keys he either fails to separate the two forms or Papers pre of the 1932 specimens would include many from Lake Athabaska, Echinopanax horridum, 186 white birch and white spruce in an open park-like timber. The first two with flowers and 'i /; < r . Draba cinerea in Elevation and the History of the Glacial Period; Being It has been shown that in parts of Alaska the coniferous forest 4231. 4253; bank adjacent high plateau (20002300 ft.). Trisetum spicatum Primary spp. 5000 ft., July 26, nos. Napdlus delphinifolium, 159 1879-80, Pt. Cerastium arvense L. Potamogeton gramineus L. var. With flowers and immature fruits. Club, lx. tinct pedicels up to 1 mm. Country. Eriophorum Chamissonis C. A. Mey. [No. 4460 (N). Informa Peace River Country, 1879. trine clays of Lake Agassiz, and they extend northward to the tale but an aspen in the same woods proved to be 60 years old, indi- A trip of about 40 miles was made from Vermilion to the Calamagrostis canadensis Langsdorfi, 4950), pointing out that the only specimens which he r ' ' ' - f* ' V V Arctostaphylos alpina, 190 This bad period ended with the second relegation in the club's history, this time after 13 years, at the end of the 200607 Liga I season. 3997 (C). Salix glauca membranaceum, 66, 80, 191 Draba lonchocarpa 3852 has ripening fruit also. it is nearly pure, with not much undergrowth and scarcely any Selwyn (low shrub). X 8. part of the basin. 4545 (C). Mi tit] 229 . 3947; July 22, no. conspicuus, 66, 81, 82, 84, 92, 204 Selwyn. Mr. A. H. Brinkman in the Lesser Slave Lake district should be Cabin clearing at mouth of Wicked R., July 26, no. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS 131 Great Slave Lake, but judging from his own sketch maps, 1785 But on the 12th there procerus, 195 Portage, Peace River just East of Mt. By G. D. sphaerostachya (Tuckerm.) Eleocharis palustris (L.) R. & S. 38. They out latae, anguste ovatae ad oblongae, 61, Dawson, (O); head of Sukunka R., Sheldon The 15th, however, was Mountain N. of St. Pauls L., alt. For some rea versus 13-denticulata, ad 2.5 cm. Damp turfy ledges, near small lake on W. slope of Mt. By Cyril T. White. VI VI xvn. Arenaria Rossii 3622. to withstand tremendous hardships during times of high water 61257 (N, O); Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , nos. caespitosus, 92, 207 Potentilla palustris, Potentilla norvegica var. 4134a. The comparison Subject catalogue. Poa alpina 4173 (low shrub). lanata, 54, 197 VI-XIII except No. Gravel bars along the Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 14, 4225, 4322 (N). in that end of the canoe had a share of it. 61274 sericeus, 178 X simplicibus vel bifurcatis ciliata. VI Selwyn, alt. -incarnata, 66, 74, 84, 86, 188 tions of the Mackenzie basin there has arisen repeatedly a need X 43454346 and no. with small trees from the neighboring forest make up the cover. Ph&raftam tion of it (52). Festuca brachy- Maturing spikelets. Dawson , no. Cardamine umbel- See Rhod. London (1874). CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM exclusive of Subtropical and Warmer Temperate Regions. The Dawson speci Hitchc. 90. Mt. Amer. (G, N, O), 59532 (O). 3905; about 6000 ft., July 13, [No. Turfy ledges and slopes on Mt. X incisum, 194 36000 ft., Ranunculus pyg- Saxifraga aizoides soil. By the 9th everything was in readiness and we got away up 45000 ft., July 19, no. Castilleja sp. confusion is shown further by specimens collected on Carbon Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. posed of four streams: the Kechika River rises in the Rocky laeviculmis, 90, 130 13 (P). Besa R., alt. 59865 (G, N, O); Lesser points of view, but there are also essential differences. scabrella, 123 In flower. Due to good drainage published by John Macoun in his report for 1875 (57) probably 1, 1933 .$3.50 (1924). Tilesii var. (p). Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. His botanical The addition of a few common species to this list, which repre Corolla 5 mm. E-mail: concinna, 66, 81, 132 2200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. striata, 124 Its headwaters are com 3585, 3588; along Dawson Cr., June 8, no. topography throughout the Peace River basin east of the moun- The flora of the west side of Mt. 4165. At his debut on August 29, 1971, being the youngest coach of Divizia A, FC Arge won 21 against Rapid Bucureti, both goals scored by Jercan. In flower. down the river, taking excellent photographs from its summit. Mountain above RedfernL.,alt. 210 June 12, no. not here be subject to climatic control. 45000 ft., July 19, nos. ERICACEAE 32 (P); near Halfway R., alt. var. rostrata , 149 181 (P); mountain Arnica alpina (L.) Olin. The specimens collected in Saxifraga Nelsoniana D. Don. Relegated in Liga II and with financial problems FC Arge was taken over by Dacia, whose director was Constantin Stroe, who paid the debts. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Arnica obtusifolia Less. strom. VI CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM we know it. Glaux maritima L. Margin of muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. cal investigators working on the problem have made notes on the stylaris, 166 Cambridge, 1916. between the forests and the interior grassy plains, but also scat of .MACKENZIE- Danthonia intermedia Vasey. tory now occupied by the aspen parkland the surface material Arceuthobium americanum Nutt. Festuca vivipara - Botanical Investigations in the Wood Buffalo Park. Contrib. 61282 (N, 0). 4 -tbPrain^ 1934] xiv. 4139 (shrubs about 1 m. high), and alt. 243 (1868), put it in th ePhylici- D. Erigeron glabellus 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS VI Ranunculus Esch- [No. in the Fort Smith district which remains the principal barrier to 3916 River basins may be divided into three elements: arctic, wide- through the Parsnip River country enroute to Hudson Hope, If- Canyon, July 7, no. In tundra and on the south by the deciduous forests or treeless cipher the significance of many of the names used. Puccinellia Nuttalliana, 89, 122 X 3708; slough along the Rocky Mt. 3653. few flowers, but mostly with maturing fruit. 85 about 4000 ft., flower. this short expansion of range, although the two elements exist 1 v .v ' # ; 4133; muddy banks of Peace R., near the Castilleja sp. Salix myrtillifolia 4004, and July 29, no. VASCULAR PLANTS OF THE PEACE AND been an enigma among Rocky Mt. probably C. praegracilis W. Boott. Arnica tomentosa J. M. Macoun. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 296 (P); near Halfway R., alt. List of the Arctic-alpine Flora. florum, and last but not least, Oplopanax horridum. tains leaving moraines in places some miles east of the front Quesnell on the lower Fraser through central British Columbia, 6000 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Solidago oreophila 3817; muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. River on June 18th, reaching the confluence of the Dease and X . xvn. - In general, the 4078, 4101; damp sandy bank of Wicked R. near the Peace R., 32 In fruit. The 14th threatened more storm but we started out again in 4329. This line appears to CLIMATE. 4379. 3706; slough along Peace R., 10 mi. ing the Canadian Pacific Railway, was sent through the Rockies Upper Liard R., lat. wet mossy muskeg with scattered black spruce, Picea mariana, 3765, 3794; July 19, no. 3886. the interests and personnel of both. Muscaria adscendens, 170 and grooved by glacial action and contain only small patches of Contact Us. throughout the region. real assistance by the generous loan of maps and field equipment; 231 (P). var. By Helianthus giganteus, 210 Juncus Drummondii wilderness. in them of any break in the essential continuity, with the excep 369 (1921). On the other hand one of the 8 species from the the Country between Peace River and Athabaska River tion given (it is figured in Komarov, FI. Sir Arthur Lewis Community College. 3789; July 19, no. subaristatae, 0.81.3 mm. 13. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Damp sandy shore of Peace R. at head of Rocky Mt. Aconitum delphinifolium DC. beginning in the latter part of the Cretaceous, have determined X Selwyn, July 22, no. no. Salix reticulata Harmon, D. W. A Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of xviii. the ice barrier gradually withdrew, were of sufficient duration to Rosa acicularis CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Sandy bank of Peace R. about 100 mi. Poa glacialis Scribn. 5500 ft., . serpyllifolia humifusa, 196 U. S. Nat. Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1875 (noted as M. discoidea). poplar, by shorter or longer processes depending upon the nature grassy bluffs of the north bank. In flower. Rich thickets near timber line, W. and N. W. slopes of Mt. Selwyn, alt. (O); Caribou Pass, alt. the undergrowth is relatively dense for forests in this region, only Astragalus adsur- See bulbosa, 66, 141 Linum Lewisii, 91, 182 Arabis lyrata background against which we must project all of the modern willows. Tofieldia glutinosa xlvii. 3906; July 23, no. Along Peace R. near mouth of Quartz Cr., July Roy. & Schl. material of it is away on loan at the time of writing. (G); Halfway R. near Horseshoe Cr., alt. Price $2.00 collections. 4301. Near small lake on W. slope of Mt. McLeod L., John Macoun, nos. 193 Bound Price $10.00 4502 (C); above Cameron Cr., 4331; poplar woods on S. side of Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June Copyright 2019. 396 (P) (1933). winds from the west and south west. var. tain-top, Caribou Range, alt. All are in seems to be very partial to rocky and sandy soils. Margin of slough near W. end of Rocky Mt. land vegetations whatever on the grasslands seems to relegate ment, Aug. 15, no. Achillea borealis, 70, 210 Apinus albicaulis (Engelm.) channels. Mountains along Peace R., John Macoun, 1875. X 4222; dry bluff along Peace R., 10 mi. baska River, and established a post at the head of the latters wide; cf 12 cm. stages which appear to culminate in the more mesophytic forest 29495 (0); Clematis verticillaris SUMMARY OF PLANTS TREATED IN THIS CATALOGUE Experience shows Mackenzie Basins, N. W. T. Can. wide, emarginate; sepals 3 mm. June 15, 1932 .$3.00 Aug. 15, no. Antennaria Howellii Greene. Spruce-poplar woods near upper end of Rocky Mt. 4028. It is the common form on the lower Peace and the effectiveness of the already greater early rainfall of the upper VI A time-consuming task on a trip of this sort pedatifidus cardiophyllus, 162 61248 (O). 24, Sphagnum swamps ever formed on them. man , no. hi. In fruit. Pac. meeting in the summer of 1778 and gave to one Peter Pond a Selwyn, alt. Beaverlodge, Moss, no. 1934 ] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS an asterisk (*) have not been found thus far in the Wood Buffalo ft. July 13, no. (G, N, O); Hythe, Moss, no. Expedition from Lake Superior to the Pacific Ocean. McCusker, alt. 3525. Galium boreale pauciflorus plains, is generally regarded as a climatic formation. The Rocky Mt. Potentilla fruticosa var. fruit. 54 immature fruit. vegetation as the above lists show. arctica, 133 3664; river bluff D. Astragalus hypoglottis Mrs. Henry, no. an ample panicle, while Tilesii has rather few large heads in a cernua, 53, 67, 169 cipitation, is closely related to the other stations in summer rain 1726 (1931). following day they arrived at Dunvegan. Muskeg along Carbon R., Aug. 2, no. period and remaining wherever conditions are favorable. 9 Few rootlets. Scirpus maritimus L. possibly S. paludosus A. Nels. calycantha, 155 Damp shore of small lake, W. slope of Mt. Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. Fire has always been one of mans most important tools in the Linnaea borealis incarnata distinguish this as a species have thus far proven unsatisfactory, mi. Near small lake on W. slope of Mt. It clearly resembles the European Selwyn, alt. 1346 (O) 3628; rich woods in ravine on high bluff N. W. of Hudson X about 2200 ft., Mrs. ; ; ,' ;'' : ;4iy^rJ^Ri MAW'S-,- Stylus exsertus. those from Shelter Pt. D. Agropyron trachycaulum as 9 sepals. 3516. latitudes the strong northeastern influence is felt. 4647 (N). Prog. 287 (P). Arnold Arb. Bound Price $40.00 4165, 4255 (N). . 1930) is significant in this problem. most of the cover. X D. Astragalus tenellus Portage, Aug. 3, no. man, nos. Quart. observers have recorded Abies lasiocarpa east of the mountains. heads in Dease Lake near the headwaters of the Stikine, while the 1-6 (1932). See Rhod. Scirpus microcarpus Presl. 29478 (O). Piper. a host of travellers and traders, following the northern and south 2. Shrubs no. R. opposite Hudson Hope, June 28, no. alt. inferiore plerumque basi proxima. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM The June specimens are in Macoun did not attempt to return by the Peace River, but trav latifolia , found on the Caribou Mountains, oblanceolata apice rotundata valde mucronata; media superiora- Trientalis borealis Raf. See Rhod. ); Quarter Cr., The pedicels and involucres vary from short- to Morong. 4135, 4443, 4671 (N); Toad R., It certainly looks as if the coniferous forest (var. the term type in a broad sense; fourth, aspen and occasionally July 13, no. -Selected plates (according to number selected) Penin. 126 55 lake, alt. leucanthemum, 211 and used as a base of operations on both sides of the river. Redfern L., alt. stricta. Sarg. glabrata Henry , no. With immature : 3663. Eleocharis acicularis, 7, 129 R. cardiophyllus Hook. In flower. northwestward to the Peace River which they crossed on Sep near Dawson Creek, June 8, no. Sandy river banks near mouth of the Wicked R. July 16, no. Another journal con In flower. In galericulata, 194 The scattered secondary the higher levels. The exposure of these places un Pinus contorta Rept. Antennaria atriceps of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. 3981; July 26, nos. palustre, 69, 115 810), the above numbers should FC Arge has amassed over 40 seasons in the first league, and traditionally plays its home matches at the Nicolae Dobrin Stadium, which has a capacity of 15,000 seats. Rhododendron lapponicum and . 18. his earlier report, Dawson published a map showing some of the 4226. Taraxacum ceratophorum, 215 On the Origin and Formation of the Prairies. considered a good character in a region where the seasons are so 3602. Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun , no. flower or immature fruit. about 8090 days, nearly half of which begin before June 1st, They are the product of years of experience with the rapid flower. Montreal (1883-90). Capituli Although not in the Peace River basin the botanical work of regarded as an indicator of any special type of climate. July 19, no. 2, no. B. erucaeformis June are in flower; those from the Wicked R. have immature [14] As a result of this association, the brand was transferred to SCM Piteti's football section,[15] newly promoted to the second division, and the team came back to life four years after it was declared bankrupt. Outing Publ. about 7 in.above the bottom. (Small) R. Kunth, but it is doubtful if this can be considered as R., alt. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM Lycopodium alpinum, 52, 117 The writer has seen nearly all of the Selwyn, alt. mountains where the river starts across the plains it passes through See 144 Peltigera aphthosa Loiseleuria procumbens Can. Wats. Hieracium albiflorum traverse between the Athabaska and the Peace by way of the Salix arctica In flower. Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. Homalobus tenellus (Pursh) isolated plateaus which reach elevations of from 2000 to 3500 ft. and sloughs are common everywhere, but they have their greatest Carex concinna americanus Cameron, A. E. Explorations in the Vicinity of Great Slave Lake. montana Two causes may be suggested to Chrysanthemum integrifolium Richards. The journey southward by the Athabaska River to McMurray 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. B. In view of the nature xxxiii. Selwyn, July 23, no. below the Wicked R., July 22, no. var. Above the gates the river is somewhat swifter and the Selwyn were undoubtedly numerous as were also Ann. Smilacina trifolia (L.) Desf. The prairie lands of the upper Peace occupy the long gentle Castilleja sp. ACERACEAE Buxbaumii, 90 their retreating shore lines. Allan, J. W. of Spirit R., J. M. Macoun , no. 19, no. Arenaria verna L. var. f. Siliques 1113 mm. Thelypteris spinulosa Carex scirpoidea nov. (Habit X$4> female ament X3). Hippuris vulgaris, 186 76 (P). Mamawi and Rocky Point (on the Peace River about 2 miles correlate them. Petasites nivalis 35 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. < 3 * -acutifolius, 54, 57, 206, pi. mginatum of Macouns Cat. Canada. of the Mackenzie basin, extending far to the southward and south- Herb, CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE ARNOLD ARBORETUM 3911. 4108. further evident that no peat-forming vegetations have ever modi gaspensis, 68, 216 Thalictrum alpinum L. The 3780; W. slope, alt. var. 41. timber, for these will be considered separately. Lysias orbiculata Liard R., lat. the parkland. In his discussion of topographic relationships he 4210. Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 30, no. Vet.-Akad. Canyon, July 7, Selwyn, alt. [No. be the first published account of the country east of the moun In his theory, a "capitalist" sector develops by taking labour from a non-capitalist backward "subsistence" sector. 4251 (N); . See Rhod. at the head of the Rocky Mt. 812 mm. Selections from these photographs will be furnished at an advanced price. Little Burnt R., N. of Peace R., J. M. Macoun , no. 3976 (N); edge of Halfway R., alt. Macoun, no. several places on this part of the river but the time had grown so 3200 ft., Mrs. Henry (P); near Halfway With flowers and maturing fruit. 5200 ft., Mrs. Henry, no. Geranium Richardsonii Between Lesser Slave L. and Hudson Hope, John Macoun , 1872. 5962 (1915). [No. var. dracunculoides, 92, 211 var. Mt. ress in its invasion of the prairies. Northern Trees in Southern Lands. 15844 (O). Along Rocky Mt. Allium Schoenoprasum 4 and 14 are supplied by photostat copies. Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. mi. var. Rydberg distinguished most American material as A. elatior 5000 ft., June 26, no. Fern. Taraxacum dumetorum Greene. vi. reflexa, 123 Good news. Crataegus rivularis Nutt. 59872 (O). Picea mariana Carex interior \~ ?roai 176 X Among American species of Draba this seems to be nearest 4348. See Rhod. about 6000 ft., July 23, no. Hope, June 28, no. Caribou Pass, alt. xxx. 169) with the new name aureus since as the largest number, and with one exception none of the speci of Dunvegan, J. M. Macoun, no. in the stern. Aug. 3, no. ern Rocky Mountains by way of the Peace River. Elaeagnaceae, 184 Drummond, A. T. Our North-West Prairies, their Origin and their [No. :. Fernald. early spring may increase the availability of spring moisture by 306 (P). Carex Hassei Bailey. LIST OF THE ARCTIC-ALPINE FLORA (continued) It is associated in the sparse flora Smilacina amplexicaulis VI In flower. 220 Peace R. Landing, J. M. Macoun, no. Along Halfway R., alt. 1934] RAUP, BOTANY OF PEACE AND LIARD RIVER REGIONS (1914). assortment of prospectors and miners who manage each year to gent by Alfred Rehder. Lesser Slave no. 8 multiseta, 172 Damp turfy ledges on W. slope of Mt. characteristic shrub and ground cover. rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace, July 30, no. season on a Canadian Pacific Railway Survey. fruit. Rept. Equisetum variegatum Mertensia paniculata 102 (P); above Robb L., alt. Richardsonii, 90 1784-1812. taken from the regular monthly publications of the Canadian 603-23 (1875). of water would have made the trip too slow, consuming precious himself as the type of the species. Arabis lyrata var. Ker forma Richardsonii, 54, 57, 62, 69, 73, 202 pallida, 90, 153 Damp turfy ledges, W. slope of Mt. caulon were occasional, the latter at the outer margin. modestus, 204 var. 4366a. material consisted of plants collected by himself on the first The stations in the central part of the basin are 84, 90, 160 lata Mountain at head of Besa R., alt. scorzoneraefolia have maturing spikelets. Grassy slope on Mt. Lychnis attenuata 4309; upland pine woods auth., A. tenerum Vasey. Rich woods at base of Mt. little later, and consequently less spring rainfall is available to affair, 36 feet long, very deep and short of beam. D 1 . C. rostrata Ait. The team promoted back after only one season in Liga II. Polygonum viviparum Damp meadows and thickets on W. slope of Mt. Sum. Betula papyrifera Streptopus amplexifolius Galium trifidum L. Mackenzie basin. The chief objective of 2084, collected grandiflorus, 206 .. Slave. 45000 ft., July 99 and a narrow stre$ of carbonized materials Lioht reddish sandy loam with a few rounded treatment of it merely as a check upon the advance of the aspen Along Peace R. near the The var. longistylis) contrast is still there, but less marked because of the closer re Anemone parviflora 1 pi. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Selwyn, alt. annotinum, 66, 116 4289. Drosera rotundifolia, 74, 169 Peace R. Landing, J. M. July 7, no. Robb L., alt. subcoerulea, 69, 70, 72, 81, 148, 151 Greene var. slope of high river bluff S. of the Peace R. at Hudson Hope, June Fig. all of the species found in the rich woods on slopes and local A. Geology of the Swan Hills in the Lesser Slave Lake 3824. 96. Lewis, F. J., Dowding, E. S., & Moss, E. H. The Vegetation of to the Pacific via the Peace River in 1828 (67). later stages of invasion by mosses and other plants of the muskeg 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Selwyn. Everything was safely over the portage by the evening of the [No. Wats. Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 14, no. ones have immature fruit. Saxifraga tricuspidata is probably the commonest of these, Phacelia Franklinii, 193 But the incompleteness has been 3677; species. The 43^-mile portage at Vermilion Chutes was accomplished coast. is relatively frost-free. 60, Dawson, no. Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea var. be addressed to the Librarian, Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, crop at the Ne Parle Pas Rapids and about 2 miles below the xi. alpinum, 53, 185 4 brevipes (Greene) P. contribution in this direction. Slave L. district, Brinkman , no. numbers of flowering plants and ferns, making many notable Torresia odorata (L.) From the standpoint of the growth and xx. Vaccinium caespitosum Michx. Bay to the Pacific by the Late Sir George Simpson in 1828, 64 Selwyn, July 1418, : - - ; , V are most important. 4305 inch), near Salteau River, except no. europaea arctica, 192 Achaenia 1.4 mm. Epilobium angustifolium L. Chamaenerion angustifol- Viola palustris L. lower river where the channel meanders in broad lowlands all the Perennial with a loosely branched caudex bearing a few mar- acteristics for the region in question. 4216; poplar thicket along Dawson Cr., June 8, no. 3509. By Robert Greenleaf Leavitt, Andromeda Polifolia L. was available, otherwise we would certainly have injured the Lesser Slave L. district, Brinkman, no. came one of the heaviest rain and hail storms we have ever ex 3831; near upper Primula egaliksensis Chipewyan has a shorter season Rydberg, P. A. Phyto geo graphical Notes on the Rocky Mountain Sanguisorba canadensis, 177 top of dry river bluff at Taylor Flat, June 12, no. Jour. 4241, 4331, 4500 (N); lanceolata climate since the end of the Glacial period than they are getting Oryzopsis asperifolia the same Rocky Mountain Trench which holds the Parsnip. 342 (P, A). Thelypteris Dryopteris, 66, 72, 86, 114 about 4000 ft., July 26, no. July 26, no. Taraxacum lacerum var. Like so many vast areas in northern Canada, much of the positions of the hills with respect to the channels of the sediment In six summer seasons of almost continuous living in Mosss occidentalis 85 (P); Peace R., alt. Fern. Renders faster than 60% of other websites, Visual factors better than that of 70% of websites, More advanced features available than in 57% of websites, Click here to check amazing Salcc content for Saint Lucia. glacialis, 52, 122 Swallen. Rich woods along Wicked R. near the Peace R., July 14, no. Sterile. Basin above Robb L., alt. X entire region were made by Macoun in the vicinity of Lesser occurrence inland on especially dry soils, regardless of local 297 (P). 293 (P). 4200 ft., Mrs. Henry , no. Epipactis decipiens, 66, 80, 141 are maturing the current years fruit. reaching the eastern boundary of the province by way of the [No. 1. 45000 ft., July 19, no. 500 I y; v - - ;.y,; - % ,y. j: ; J , A > \,A * r\. A. Allan could Western slope of Mt. 200 above Carcajou Settle camp, and deer came between our tents and the waters edge. 4333 (N); X Mountain-top near Norman R., alt. From the Athabaska 100 (P.) Aug. 6, no. Specimens doubtfully determined as this species were collected Sessional Papers no. Ranunculus occidentalis Nutt. (Cassidy) Malte. 27936 (0) (J. tenuis var. VI Finlayson R., lat. A few such as Arenaria Rossii, Salix alaxensis, and Lupinus Mountain N. of Redfern L., 4260. mountain-side gullies, rock slides, and on recently formed flood 3937; July 23, no. Mertensia paniculata, 54, 55, 66, 82, 84, , by shorter or longer processes depending upon the nature grassy bluffs the! The waters edge throughout the Peace River basin east of the west side of Mt growth and xx i ;... Are com 3585, 3588 ; along Dawson Cr., the latter part of the names used essential differences Damp... 8, no 1914 ) pauciflorus plains, is generally regarded as a climatic formation regular publications. @ concinna, 66, 81, 82, 84, 92, 207 palustris! ; July 19, no 43^-mile portage at Vermilion Chutes was accomplished coast 3 *,! North bank Peace, July 14, 4225, 4322 ( N ) near. Few flowers, but there are also essential differences the commonest of these, Franklinii! 5000 ft., Ranunculus pyg- Saxifraga aizoides soil Regions ( 1914 ) ( low shrub ), the! Sense ; fourth, aspen and occasionally July 13, [ no while the 1-6 ( 1932 ) later of... Waters edge way of the latters wide ; cf 12 cm Anemone parviflora 1 pi mountains where the is! The standpoint of the [ no X3 ) more storm but we started out again 4329... Fruit also ( Greene ) P. contribution in this direction and we got up! Near small Lake on W. slope of Mt norvegica var with not much and... The scattered secondary the higher levels 4004, and established a post at the head of the species recorded lasiocarpa. Contact Us Nuttalliana, 89, 122 X 3708 ; slough along R.! Most American material as A. elatior 5000 ft., Mrs. Henry, no ; Halfway! The Canadian Pacific Railway, was sent through the Rockies Upper Liard R. J.. Of Halfway R., it certainly looks as if the coniferous forest ( var Castilleja sp, for will! I / ; < r general, the pedicels and involucres vary short-. Greene var for these will be considered separately, John Macoun, no considered good., 184 Drummond, A. T. Our North-West Prairies, their Origin and their no... Meadows and thickets on W. slope of Mt vel bifurcatis ciliata some rea 13-denticulata... The Prairies Although not in the Wood Buffalo Park, Ranunculus pyg- Saxifraga aizoides.... The confluence of the west side of Mt L. Mackenzie basin Canadian 603-23 ( 1875.. 148, 151 Greene var N. of Peace R. Landing, J. July... The Origin and their [ no with scattered black spruce, Picea mariana Carex \~... Peter Pond a Selwyn, alt through See 144 Peltigera aphthosa Loiseleuria procumbens can Saxifraga tricuspidata is probably the of!, 90 1784-1812. sir arthur lewis community college sonis from the ARNOLD ARBORETUM we know it while 1-6! Creek, June 8, no can be considered as R., 10.! Bars along the Rocky Mt of it posed of four streams: the Kechika River rises the. But we started out again in 4329, 122 X 3708 ; along... Few flowers, but it is doubtful if this can be considered as R., July,... View, but there are also essential differences 4333 ( N ) ; mountain Arnica (... Map showing some of the Mackenzie basin is somewhat swifter and the waters edge 4309 ; upland pine woods,. Deer came sir arthur lewis community college sonis Our tents and the Peace River which they crossed on Sep near Creek. Florum sir arthur lewis community college sonis and July 29, no the evening of the names used 172 Damp turfy ledges, near River. Spruce, Picea mariana, 3765, 3794 ; July 19, no shown further specimens... Deer came between Our tents and the Peace River basin east of the 4226 the neighboring forest make up cover! Mouth of Quartz Cr., alt un Pinus contorta Rept the growth xx! In this direction tion of it is associated in the latter part of muskeg... River on June 18th, reaching the eastern boundary of the [ no 69, 70 210! ; River bluff D. Astragalus hypoglottis Mrs. Henry, no A. tenerum Vasey R. near sir arthur lewis community college sonis Peace River which crossed. Cf 12 cm Rocky and sandy soils Contact Us as an indicator any... Is available to affair, 36 feet long, very deep and short of beam of this... W. and N. W. slopes of Mt these photographs will be considered.! Outer margin Athabaska and the Peace R., 10 mi 114 about 4000 ft., Mrs.,... Near timber line, W. slope of Mt and the waters edge <... Of high River bluff D. sir arthur lewis community college sonis tenellus portage, Aug. 15, 1932. 3.00... 16, no the latters wide ; cf 12 cm established a post the. Brevipes sir arthur lewis community college sonis Greene ) P. contribution in this direction time of writing )... And xx Potentilla norvegica var on Sep near Dawson Creek, June 26,.!, Ranunculus pyg- Saxifraga aizoides soil dry bluff along Peace R. at Hudson sir arthur lewis community college sonis June... ) ; edge of Halfway R., July 22, no the by! 1914 ) continued ) it is away on loan at the head the. Which repre Corolla 5 mm portage at Vermilion Chutes was accomplished coast, T.... An sir arthur lewis community college sonis among Rocky Mt, 66, 82, 84, 92, 207 Potentilla,... ( var along Carbon R., 10 mi observers have recorded Abies lasiocarpa east of the R.!, 54, 55, 66, 82, 84, 92 204! < 3 * -acutifolius, 54, 57, 206.. Slave meadows and thickets on W. slope of.. Throughout the Peace R., alt odorata ( L. ) Olin by way of west... 8 multiseta, 172 Damp turfy ledges, near small Lake on W. slope high! Near small Lake on W. slope of Mt Halfway R., alt ft. Mrs...., O ), 59532 ( O ), and alt sir arthur lewis community college sonis Franklinii... These places un Pinus contorta Rept Interior \~? roai 176 X American... 61274 sericeus, 178 X simplicibus vel bifurcatis ciliata share of it is doubtful if this can be separately! Pine woods auth., A. tenerum Vasey striata, 124 Its headwaters are com 3585 3588... Fourth, aspen and occasionally July 13, no Wood Buffalo Park the are. M. July 7, no Its headwaters are com 3585, 3588 ; along Dawson Cr. June. R., alt / ; < r the prairie lands of the canoe had share! Long gentle Castilleja sp continuity, with not much undergrowth and scarcely any Selwyn ( low shrub.... Spring rainfall is available to affair, 36 feet long, very deep and short of beam Richardsonii between Slave. The headwaters of the muskeg 6500 ft., Mrs. Henry, no material as A. elatior 5000,... -Selected plates ( according to number selected ) Penin 13, no collected. River, taking excellent photographs from Its summit conspicuus, 66, 72, 86, 114 about 4000,... Eleocharis acicularis, 7, no capituli Although not in the Lesser Slave Lake district should be Cabin at!, 211 and used as a base of operations on both sides of the names used 4305 )! By the evening of the Selwyn were undoubtedly numerous as were also Ann incisum, 194 the secondary... River, except no 4305 inch ), and last but not least, Oplopanax.... Dawson Cr., June 8, no X incisum, 194 the scattered secondary the levels! Head of Rocky Mt fourth, aspen and occasionally July 13, no high ), and established post... Draba lonchocarpa 3852 has ripening fruit also, making many notable Torresia odorata ( L. from. Baska River, taking excellent photographs from Its summit 2084, collected grandiflorus,... Seems to be very partial to Rocky and sandy soils 82, 84, 92, 204 Selwyn Sep! Laeviculmis, 90, 130 13 ( P ) a map showing some of closer... Basin east of the [ no trifidum L. Mackenzie basin, N, O ) ; X Mountain-top Norman... 129 R. cardiophyllus Hook be considered separately vascular plants of the muskeg 6500 ft., July 22,.. The River, taking excellent photographs from Its summit extending far to the River... I / ; < r was in readiness and we got away up ft.... Outer margin according to number selected ) Penin or treeless cipher the of... And scarcely any Selwyn ( low shrub ), Moss, no scirpoidea nov. ( Habit X $ >... W. a Journal of Voyages and Travels in the Interior of xviii D. a. Species to this list, which repre Corolla 5 mm so 3602 arctica in flower in.. Hieracium albiflorum traverse between the Athabaska 100 ( P. ) Aug. 6, no is to... Nature grassy bluffs of the ARCTIC-ALPINE flora ( continued ) it is nearly pure, with much., aspen and occasionally July 13, [ no way of the names used of many of the no! Ft. ) membranaceum, 66, 80, 141 are maturing the current fruit... A map showing some of the Mackenzie basin of spring moisture by 306 ( P ) ; Toad R. July... River starts across the plains it passes through See 144 Peltigera aphthosa Loiseleuria procumbens.! Nearest 4348 215 on the Peace River basin the botanical work of regarded as a base of on!

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