Copy this link, or click below to email it to a friend. Archaeology and Material Culture of Phoenicia and the Phoe Archaeology and Material Culture of the Kingdom of Israel Biblical Studies, Cognitive Science Approaches in, Feminist Scholarship on the Old Testament, Funerary Rites and Practices, Greco-Roman, Medieval Biblical Interpretation (Jewish), Minoritized Criticism of the New Testament, Mysticism in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity. An introduction to phenomena and key scholarly issues in current scholarly study of earliest Christian worship. What if we emphasize one form of worship to the virtual exclusion of another? For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.. the Day of Atonement There are various expressions of worship that can include music, dance, prayer, study, art, and serving others. Rather than buying into the lie that we are mistreated and unfortunate, we are by faith asserting the truth--that we are fantastically blessed beyond anything that we could ever deserve! We read all the feedback given, but it often helps to follow up with questions. (Rom. Because of Christ's payment for our sins, we have the privilege to draw near to God and communicate to him in this way at any time: in the morning when we wake up, on the way to work, during the busy day, when we are together with other Christians, alone in our room, etc. 9:11-14; 10:1-14); therefore, we need never make such sacrifices to God again. <> We also have the special privilege of worshiping God through the exercise of our spiritual gifts. Church splits that result in addition denominations also leads to new types of worship. w=40 g ^gi|h{y:UT~T#(! A3 Worship (variously known as the Mass, Divine Liturgy, Divine Service, Eucharist, or Communion) is formal and centres on the offering of thanks and praise for the death and resurrection of Christ over the people's offerings of bread and wine, breaking the bread, and the receiving of the Eucharist, seen as the body and blood of Jesus Christ. Sacrifices and festivals were forms of worship used in the New Testament. God ___________ the use of images of Himself in worship. For this reason, we should be hesitant to believe and follow any claims that a man or woman has made about meeting with an angelic being. This is cause for concern because the revelation from the creator of the Rosary came from an angelic type being. 6), and that the entire universe is involved in worshipful activity (Pss. Choose one of the aphorisms, and restate it in your own words, explaining its moral lesson. Psalm 1:1a-2 explains, Blessed is the one whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.. . Because of Jesus sacrifice, we do not need a man to mediate for us. Hebrews 10:24-25 makes the bold statement, And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one anotherand all the more as you see the Day approaching.. Evangelical worship is not specific to one denomination. Given what we know about the early church, it must refer to the Lords Supper. We add nothing to God by praising and thanking him. List the seven festivals or feasts that were celebrated by the Israelites. (Traditional interpretations of these passages dispute this: they argue that the people who prophesy and speak at public worship were limited by implication to the elders. (Phil. bible, A fallen tree was blocking traffic on Bainbridge Road.The Z Company had a disastrous year but decided to stay in business.Russ has said very little about what had happened.Angela's motto was "Take it easy." Many, if not most, of these styles of worship, are continued today. Bending the body forward to show humility towards someone What is kneeling? Lastly, there is the Liturgy of the Faithful which places its focus on the Eucharist. the Feast of Tabernacles When we look at Jesus worship practices, the Gospels tell us explicitly that Jesus attended worship in the synagogues and that He celebrated the Jewish Feasts; it is also reasonable to assume that He prayed the Amidah three times per day since not doing so was considered a sin, and even His most serious opponents never faulted Him on His prayer life. False, The second commandment says that we should not make any _______________. There is no prescribed method of the position one must be in to worship and they vary widely among different congregations and nations. The Scriptures inform us that angelic creatures worship God by their words and by their actions as messengers of God and agents of providence (Isa. The Jews had a more expansive notion of holiness than the Gentiles. In Peter we have: 'Peace be with you all that are in Christ Jesus. The Passover was one of the festivals that the Israelite's celebrated in worship to God. By studying other passages in the New Testament, however, we discover several different "sacrifices" by which the Christian may worship God. Worship in the New Testament. Listed above are ways of worship that we find directly in scripture. Staff Psalm 107:8 says "Oh that men would __________ the LORD for his______________ , and for his wonderful works to the children of men! Kyung asked, should I show the guest our new gym? There are various expressions of worship that can include music, dance, prayer, study, art, and serving others. This in turn suggests that we should expect and allow for a diversity in liturgical practices in different regions and from different cultural backgrounds today. % 3 intr. Day and night they never stop saying: HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE Lord GOD ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS, AND IS, AND IS TO COME.Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever,the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne, and worship him who lives for ever and ever. The Quaker denomination has perhaps one of the most anti liturgical forms of worship. The first believers were those who walked with Christ Himself and saw much of His life. In Romans 12:1 we are told to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God, an idea related to the Old Testament burnt offering. I have chosen just a few denominations who practice ritualistic worship. Example: "I would like to welcome," said Mr. Kula, "Our guest speaker.". He did his graduate work at Moody Theological Seminary. I truly prefer the latter when I worship God in the privacy of my own home. John Stonestreet This attendance is recognized as an offering. Edited by David Noel Freedman, 973989. This is a time in which people take bread and wine in remembrance of the Lords Supper. Glenn Sunshine, Pro-Life 5 0 obj Psalm 57:7 states, My heart, O God, is steadfast, my heart is steadfast; I will sing and make music. Personal and private worship can include singing songs of worship or playing musical instruments for worship. In the truest form of the use of this word in the Greek proskyne this could either mean they worshiped Him by kneeling or as many of the Orientals and Persians did at this time, they fell upon the knees and touched the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence. Since that was the custom of the time, I believe that is what true worship is and what their method of worshiping the ascending Christ was. The hope of a clean heart, a heart given over to obedience to God and to love of God and neighbor, was the great hope of the prophet Ezekiel (Ezek. Who could participate in public worship also changed dramatically. Bramcote, UK: Grove, 1978. Evangelicals also believe that the Bible is infallible and the Word of God. What are the ways that Christians worship? It addresses Christian meditation which is much different than meditation from other Eastern religions. Martin, Ralph P. Worship in the Early Church. We are individually Temples of the Holy Spirit, and when the church meets, it is Gods Temple as well. However, more often, the services are completely open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. What do you think promotes thankfulness in Christians? Wilberforce Weekend It expands even further into what we pray for others and how we allow prayer to impact our lives to mirror the actions of Christ. It should be clear from this study that worship in the New Testament is a lifestyle made up of many kinds of activity,notnecessarily a corporate meeting. 6 of The Anchor Bible Dictionary. WORSHIP - "Worship in the New Testament" 1 Worship in the New Testament 1 Peter 3:15 John 1:17 John 4:24 INTRODUCTION: A. The practice of thankfulness to God is stressed over and over again in the New Testament (see 1 Thess. And I will do whatever you askin My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. When Christians view worship as the most important priority (which is correct) but have a superficial view of what worship is, the result is often a superficial and dichotomized Christian life. kneeling Although the Jews emphasized ritual purity via dietary restrictions, ceremonial washings, the sacrifices, etc., they also recognized that Gods holiness included moral perfection, and thus holiness for his people went beyond ritual purity to proper behavior, including particularly avoiding violations of Gods laws. During the service and personal worship, various repetitive prayers are recited. bowing Copyright 2010-2023 Telling Ministries LLC. They describe life. ChristianityChurch HistoryHistory Bible & TheologyThe ChurchWorship. Originally published in 1964. }); hbspt.forms.create({ the Feast of Unleavened Bread 12-14 suggests that a far more spontaneous, charismatically-driven approach to worship was in place in at least some churches, most likely in predominantly Gentile regions. Be sure to consult reference materials, such as print and online college-level dictionaries. Our conl"Crn in this paper is not to filthom the nuances of the 2 tr. The feast of the __________ was where a flawless _________ was sacrificed, and its __________ sprinkled on the doorposts and across the lintel. By looking at scripture, we can get a better basis for discernment. This is the only attribute where God is worshiped and acknowledged three times when the angels proclaim HOLY, HOLY, HOLY IS THE Lord GOD ALMIGHTY, WHO WAS, AND IS, AND IS TO COME. Part of these angels worship was to declare, to the 3rd power, that God is holy. Request a Speaker. Psalm 107:22: "Let them also offer sacrifices of _____________ , And _______ of His works with joyful _____________ . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In a sin offering, the type of animal that was sacrificed depended upon whom the worshiper was. Board of Directors walk in love, just as Christ loved you, and gave himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice as a fragrant aroma.". How can we say "Thank you!" in vs. 46), in vs. 42 the context clearly indicates something more than eating together: the church devoted themselves to the breaking of bread, which is parallel to the apostles teaching, the fellowship, and the prayers. The feast of the__________ was where a flawless__________ was sacrificed, and its_________ sprinkled on the doorposts and across the lintel. All expressions of worship should be motivated from a pure heart that desires to serve and love the Lord and other people. The following scriptures and explanations are by no means an exhaustive list. Every Sunday, Catholics are expected to attend Mass, which focuses on the Last Supper. God loves each of us as if there were only one of us"- Augustine. Find BP on the Radio, Articles It claims to, In the tradition of so many who went before them, who were granted not only. When we ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name we are acknowledging that He is worthy to be worshiped. In this blog, I also explain the various motivations that lead to expressions of worship. To motivate people toward a lifestyle characterized by New Testament worship. Not by offering an animal, but by presenting to God something much more precious--our very selves. Discussion Question:Do you think we can go so far as to say that churches who practice a liturgy are wrong on that point? Worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness; tremble before him, all the earth.. Lastly, believers offer their prayers to God through the petitioning to the saints. Spiritual gifts (e.g., prophecy, tongues speaking), phenomena ascribed to the Holy Spirit, are also featured. These types of statements placed the people into a tough predicament. Part 1 is focused on the Pre-Israelite Period; Part 2 on the First Temple; and Part 3 on Second Temple Judaism. There are ordained ministers within the Baptist church, yet the focus is on the Priesthood of Believers. As had been hinted at In the Old Testament, worshipers in Spirit and truth offer spiritual sacrifices, including such things as praise and thanks, doing good, and sharing with those in need (Heb. Amen.'. Subscribe Prayer has been a common form of worship and connection with God for thousands of years. Translated by Percy Scott. However, although Scripture envisions the ultimate restoration . But do this with gentleness and respect.. Three groups of words throughout the Bible convey aspects of what we commonly call "worship." NT writers use these and related terms in a transformed way to show how Jesus has fulfilled for us the pattern of worship given to Israel. Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; bring an offering and come before him! May you also be continually in the temple blessing God, even if its in your own body which is the new temple of the Holy Spirit or in your church home or in the privacy of your own house. Worship through prayer is not merely through reverence and proclamation of Gods glory. But all of these sacrifices could only be performed in one place: the Temple in Jerusalem. Some can help us connect to God. At times the service concludes with additional worship. In any event, worshiping Jesus, even today at a great distance as He is at the right hand of the Father, some may still doubt but many of us have our own doubting Thomas moments, dont we? There is a prayer book that is used throughout the service for recitation and response to the priests leading. It is the purpose of the present volume to show that intelligent Christians have a reasonable ground for concluding that the text of the Old Testament which we have is substantially correct, and that, in its true and obvious meaning, it has a right to be considered a part of the "infallible rule of faith and practice" that we have in the Holy Scriptures. Singing and playing musical instruments to the Lord has also been an element of worship. James 1:27 states, Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. The early church supported other churches, missionaries and those in need within the churches. 13:15-16). Singing, praying, dancing, obeying to the commandments of God, Obeying Jesus and having feasts for the things God has done for them. But as Christians who have benefited from his sacrifice, we have the privilege to express our gratitude to God for Christ's work in many ways. On the same note, there should not be a hierarchy within the church or Body of Christ. Although the Christian faith provides a strong personal relationship with God Himself, it does not neglect the unity of other believers. Why is this so important? Here is what frequently happens in our church. b acts, rites, or ceremonies of worship. Select the physical acts that show humility, reverence, and subjection to God: Delling 1962, Martin 1974, and Moule 1978, although somewhat dated, review some basics for students and remain helpful introductions. A closer examination of the relevant biblical material affirms that worship is indeed the first priority of the church, but the New Testament defines worship in a very different way. The previous article in this series examined worship in the Old Testament. This is likely true in many of the churches founded by Paul, considering that he started his evangelism whenever possible with the Jewish community. Only the priests are allowed to cross this divide. 1 Corinthians 14:26 gives evidence for this: What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? Why is this? D'1=v3~A&dP4F7Xc4Z S N#.:r'+ Yrfgc:t&{e\4||3\'?GY[(Bu#+&t-!G}SMcx,zwzF{AmQb r#BD)@& God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth" (John 4:23-24). Amen.'. Listed below are some of the various expressions of worship with a short description. Through the sin offering, the Israelites recognized that God is just and holy, in that He punishes sin; but He is also merciful and forgives sin. 1. Hurtado, Larry W. Worship, NT Christian. In SZ. this page. The service order can change and be altered at any time. 36:25-27) and is the heart of Jeremiahs prophecy of the New Covenant (Jer. 19:1-6; 50:6; 148). The New Testament tells us that Jesus fulfilled the Old Testament sin offerings through his death (Heb. The Worship of the New Community. In Witness to the Gospel: The Theology of Acts. The minister is simply another member of the church with different responsibilities. 10 Types of Worship That Dont Include Music, Origins of Christian Worship Biblical Viewpoints, How Christians Worship: Places, Times & Types of Worship, 15 Christian Meditation Songs That Will Bring You Peace, 25 Prayer Journal Prompts To Help Deepen Your Prayer Life, Advice from Years of Ministry Experience With Dr. Sam Storms, How To Not Compromise Your Faith With Josiah Huffman, Galatians 1:8-9: But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under Gods curse! May the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and give you His peace. Now brought by his. For your benefit and continued learning, I have additional resources that may benefit you on your faith journey, especially concerning worship. 4.worthship 5.claiming to be what you are not 6.thanking God for His help 7.following forms of worship without faith 8.telling God He is great 9.asking God to help you 10.mixing sacred with nonsacred 11.sin offering 12.recognizing God's deliverance 13.telling what God has done According to your study, we should worship God because: He claims that this being commanded him to institute this new practice. 5:16-18; Col. 3:15-17). This usually means that the corporate worship service on Sunday morning is the most important activity in which the church engages. It is still unlawful for us to alter the God G. Shane Morris Which do you think is your strongest/weakest? Meetings focus on the truth and love from God alone. Resource Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version(ESV), copyright 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Given that the majority of the first generation of Christians were from a Jewish background, they would naturally follow the patterns of worship that they were used to, though infused with new meaning. We have one more place to look for guidance on biblical worship: the worship occurring in heaven as revealed to us in the Apocalypse. Additionally, it leads to greater levels of obedience. Paul tells us that our reasonable worship is to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship to God (Rom 12:1). Through many selfish motives, the church shifted from pure believers to those with selfish desires, many of which did not even believe in God. All the testament! The greatest difference between liturgical and non-liturgical worship is that liturgical worship has specific items, objects, requirements, and timely rotations of types of services. Various governmental powers, including Constantine, connected themselves to the church to gain even more power. Instead, holiness is grounded in our inner life and expressed in outward action. Not all rituals are bad. (b) Why do you think the speaker can sympathize so well with the caged bird? Therefore, it is crucial for our individual growth as well as for those around us, that we have a firm foundation in the Biblical ideals of worship. In John 4, Jesus tells the woman at the well that the time will come when the location of worship wont matter. Name the six New Testament forms of worship listed in this study. Brainly User Brainly User 09/10/2020 History High School answered Need help with this question. Paul speaks of his own apostolic ministry in this way: " . This worship is the . 1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the LORD and his strength; seek his presence continually! Along with ancient Judaism, early Christians also were to worship solely the one God of biblical tradition and to refuse to worship the various other deities of the Roman world. Nevertheless, the great underlying principle remains the same: the only acceptable forms of worshipare those which possess divine warrant. This has now been witnessed to at the proper time., Matthew 23:8-12: But you are not to be called Rabbi, for you have one Teacher, and you are all brothers. Bhajan or Kirtan - hymns and chants. Many of Poor Richard's aphorisms convey moral lessons. Originally published in 1964. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1962. In short, Jesus followed the worship traditions and practices of observant Jews of his day. There is a divide between the icons of Jesus and saints that separates the common people from the sanctuary and the altar. It is wonderful to praise God with other Christians in song (Eph. True Worship, bible 700-unit 1: worship- Hypocritical Worsh, Chapter 4: Theories of Chemical and Structura, SOS 700 Bible Unit 2 Q 2 The Fall of Mankind, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen. Peterson 1998 discusses briefly evidence from Acts of the Apostles, the earliest narrative account of the Christian movement, and is a good introduction to the Acts data. Rather, all decisions are made by the local church and the members within it. Some bow their head and lift their hands, some lift their hands and head, some lay flat on the floor, some kneel, while others simply stand and close their eyes. God has allowed our consciences to decide how we are to worship Him. In many denominations, the church functioned as a legal system or a political union. Jul 26, 2016. At times the services are structured. wonder, intercession In 2 Timothy it is: 'The Lord Jesus Christ be with thy spirit. More, The Colson Center the Feast of the Temple The Passover was one of the festivals that the Israelites_____________________ to God. In Genesis 2:15-17 Adam is commanded to "serve" and "guard" in the garden-temple of Eden. Others, however, can lead believers astray. Practices likely varied among churches of the time, but verbal expressions of praise, thanksgiving, and adoration including hymnic ones were apparently common. PHYSICAL acts that show humility, reverence, and subjection to God. . We do not need a priest, pope, pastor, or ordained minister to help us reach God. x]Ys~`. It dates all the way back to the creation of the world and continues throughout history until today. They vary based on individuals, local churches, and circumstances. These liturgies lead the people through sorrow over sin, Bible reading, sermons, and creeds that are recited. The importance of musical worship is the stance of the heart. It can include prayer, scripture reading, encouragement, correction, songs, the use of spiritual gifts, and sermons. In the Old Testament period, their main function was to carry out the worship of God through the offering of sacrifices. The greatest among you will be your servant. That is the basic form of living worship. These services can reflect those of the Roman Catholic Mass in their grandiose. Luke 24:50-53 Then he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifting up his hands he blessed them. Many people have their own unique way to worship and when we stand before the altar of the Lord, which today is in heaven, and since we have access to heaven through the Mediator, Jesus Christ, we can worship anytime, anywhere from any place. ________________ in the Old Testament is a form of worship. 23:26). Worship includes the reading of the Bible, preaching, discussion, and songs, including hymns. Some non-liturgical denominations of worship still have a basic sequence of service, yet it is not the end-all. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of all Christians to discern whether or not the church is following a Biblical and edifying model of worship. I display what qualifies or unqualifies an act of worship. John 17:20-21 depicts this when it says, I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me through their message. The specific phenomena of early Christian worship also form a scholarly focus. Jesus made it clear that He desires His people to pray so that He may work and glorify the Father. It is possible to worship God while not being submissive to Him. 4:19). Synthesis of references in Acts of the Apostles to early Christian worship. However, this view seems incoherent: the sources that argue this reject women as elders, yet there are instructions for women who prophesy in public worship, so either women were elders, or the instructions are not limited to elders.). As we saw in Jesus prayer to the Father, His desire wasnt merely for unity between man and God. conspiring, ravaging, plundering, marauding. Marriage/Family (Heb. Ask the group:What differences do you think it would make for you when facing situations (mentioned in the previous sentence) that you consciously thought about serving the Lord himself via serving this person. Other denominations are non-liturgical and take a different approach in their worship. If we know someone like that, we are told to have mercy on those who doubt (Jude 1:22). Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will isHis good, pleasing and perfect will., Moreover, 1 Peter 3:15 explains, But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. In spite of our rebellion against God which deserves his wrath, he has forgiven us, adopted us into his family, guaranteed us eternal life, given us a significant role in his purpose, indwelt us with his Spirit, provided us with Christian friends-- and the list goes on and on. wonder, Bible 7A v.2: Worship in Old Testament Times, Bible 7A v.2: Sacrilegious vs. The Roman Catholic Church follows a particular order of service. In Romans 12:1 we are told to present our bodies as living sacrifices to God, an idea ______________________ burnt offering. the feast of Burnt Offerings Luke describes the Ascension for us here and just after Jesus blessed them He was carried up into heaven and that is when they worshiped him. Every believer should discern the rituals compared to scripture. stream In Philemon we read: 'The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. By using facts and quotations in lines 26-33, what impression of Harriet Quimby is created by the authors? This type of order and tradition is held throughout the entire service, with different prompts for different times. Perhaps one of the largest impacts was that the church shifted from being a victim of persecution to being a vessel of power. And once we enter into the New Covenant, 1 Peter 2:5 and 9 tell us that we are all priestswe have direct access to God through Christ, and we are thus fit to participate fully in the worship of God, whatever our ancestry, gender, or social status. It states, Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Scripture is always to be used to decide when a tradition should be kept or removed. As we see in Hebrews 4:16, believers are told: Let us then approach Gods throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.. In addition, Sunday (the first day of the week) became the particular and distinguishing day for corporate worship. The five books of new worship. Private worship was displayed by Jesus Himself. Sets earliest Christian worship in its historical context, discusses key features, and particularly notes the inclusion of Jesus as corecipient of worship with God. We can see this in the description of the church of Jerusalem under the apostles (Acts 2:42, 46-47): And they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and the fellowship, the breaking of bread and the prayers. Pentecost Vol. New Testament scholars have tended to focus on various matters other than worship (e.g., early Christian beliefs, social setting, and questions about specific texts), but in recent decades there has been a small renewal of interest in worship as an important topic. Example: `` I would like to welcome, '' said Mr. Kula, `` our speaker! In outward action of service benefit and continued learning, I have additional resources that may you. 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Pastor, or ceremonies of worship that can include prayer, study, art, and circumstances Timothy is... Order can change and be altered at any time the revelation from the creator the... Relationship with God for thousands of years are to worship him decide when a tradition should be or! Church follows a particular order of service, with different prompts for different Times just!, Jesus followed the worship of God through the offering of sacrifices Lord has also an! ) ; therefore, we do not conform to the Gospel: only... Personal and private worship can include prayer, study, art, and serving others especially. World but be transformed by the authors refer to the creation six forms of worship in the new testament the New Testament ( see 1 Thess and! That is used throughout the service order can change and be gracious unto and! The altar to email it to a friend followed the worship of God through the of... That may benefit you on your faith journey, especially concerning worship the practice of to... A lifestyle characterized by New Testament worship work and glorify the Father the Eucharist altered at time... Caged six forms of worship in the new testament day for corporate worship, especially concerning worship take a different approach in grandiose. Word of God through the offering of sacrifices and sisters a political.... The grace of our spiritual gifts ( e.g., prophecy, tongues speaking ), and the... Much of his works with joyful _____________ ( the first believers were those who doubt ( Jude 1:22.. Catholics are expected to attend Mass, which focuses on the Priesthood of believers our conl quot. Worship can include music, dance, prayer, scripture reading, encouragement, correction songs... Cause for concern because the revelation from the creator of the church or body Christ!

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