For those with a zinc deficiency, it's best to take your supplement - such as Care/of's zinc - with food. Im just a product user, consumer, , with osteopenia and prone to research things . Would very much appreciate any references you have on this issue and will follow up and get back to you. Dont hesitate to write if I can be of further help, Lara, Dear Dr. Pizzorno, I woke up today to find your email response to my question, and was pleasantly surprised that my email actually got a response and that too so personal and informative and such a good medical advise and details. Keep asking questions! For most everyone, citrate is REALLY good for us its metabolized in the body as an alkalinizing agent in other words, it promotes an alkaline pH inside our cells. you) knowledgeable to answer questions concerning it. Watch acid/alkali balance. In the study of the 10 women supplementing with strontium over 4 years: what was their daily intake of strontium? I will do my best to help you. We just need to keep anything high in calcium (100 mg or more) a minimum 2 hours away from strontium to avoid an absorption interaction. BMD in my spine is up 6%; BMD in my hip/femur is up 3.2%. This is the only change I made to what I had been doing. Bottom line here for practical purposes i.e, YOUR HEALTH, it is not best to simply now rely on the RDI % to determine whether a supplement is providing what YOU need particularly in the case of vitamin D, a blood test to check your levels of 25(OH)D is essential and should be run every 3-6 months for at least a year to get an indication of how the seasons affect YOUR vit D levels depending upon where YOU live, YOUR lifestyle, diet, genetics, etc. Read more about Phytates & Calcium Absorption. [] issue, there is some medication you could consider. I suggest you take double the usual dose of Triple Power (so 2 TBS instead of one) for 6 weeks, then you may be able to drop down to 1 TBS without experiencing a recurrence of your thumb joint pain. Do you have any recommendations before getting the scan as far as discontinuing either the algae cal or strontium or any other minerals or vitamins? The prolonged duration of exposure to estrogen, reflected by reproductive history, young age at menarche, late menopausal age and the use of hormone replacement therapy are known to affect risk of breast cancer [1]., Same rationale: Bone mineral density can be an accurate marker of the bodys response to oestrogen, in that women with higher bone density are thought to be physiologically more sensitive to the hormones effects than women with lower bone density., The final reference you provided is asserting that BMD should be measured in women with chemotherapy-induced ovarian failure, and in those on aromatase inhibitors. This paper is discussing the fact that treatment for breast cancer causes ovarian failure/early menopause in premenopausal women, depleting estrogen and promoting bone loss. I take more vitamin D now. If you dont have a copy, please check it out from your library if you dont wish to buy it. Once bone health is restored, a maintenance dose of 340 mg per day should be both safe and sufficient. Here are a few quotes (italics added by me) from this paper, again stressing that strontium deposits primarily in trabecular bone: The degree of bone mineralization was not significantly different in the various groups of monkeys. The amounts of the other forms of vitamin K (K1 and MK-4) are so tiny, they will have little impact on activation of Gla-proteins. And you have to take this in divided doses of 15 mg / 3 times a day as MK-4 is cleared by almost everyone within 4-6 hours. Two hours after eating is a crude rule of thumb. Regarding your skin it is extremely unlikely that strontium is the cause of your itchy bumps or chapped-feeling skin. (I will be publishing a post on its positive bone-building mechanisms in the near future.). Strontium carbonate administration increased both the extent of osteoblast surface and the amount of bone matrix formed, confirming that strontium increases trabecular bone formation in humans with osteoporosis. PMID: 20232111. .8 in reference to the bone density drop, but sure you figured that out. Since the most current research indicates that half the typical dose of strontium (i.e., one capsule of Strontium Boost daily rather than two) is helpful, start out taking just one capsule daily at night please, at least 4 hours after you take your PM dose of AlgaeCal Plus since night time consumption of strontium citrate has been found most effective. I can take strontium citrate with juice or tea? (So it could have been di-Sr, a mixture or something else.) How old are you? Strontium ranelate slows down the cells that break down bone. M. Hi Marilyn, And this applies to ANYTHING you see on the web. Epub 2016 Oct 21. Clostridia infection in the U.S. is VERY common back in 2011, at least half a million people were infected with C.difficile, In the U.S., average daily consumption of citrate is around 500 mg/d, so the full 2 capsule dose of adds another 680 mg, enough to make a difference. Stable strontium itself has never been found to cause any harmful effects with one caveat: to maintain proper balance between calcium and strontium, more calcium than strontium must be consumed. Ive written a number of articles on the necessity of having adequate supplies of EPA/DHA to protect the health of our bones, which I believe you can access on AlgaeCals website. You should absolutely NOT stop taking your bone health supplements or any other vitamins or minerals before getting your DXA run! 2X better mineralization of Osteoblasts than CaCO3 and Ca Citrate Everyone is different, so high end of normal may be normal for your body. Because strontium is a highly reactive element, it is never found in a pure form in nature. Problems were minor and did not prevent any of the women from continuing to exercise although for a few of these women, their program were modified to meet the individuals needs. Since switching to AlgaeCal was the ONLY thing I changed in what I had been doing, I am now a believer. So interesting! In conclusion, SR therapy increased vertebral BMD and reduced the incidence of vertebral fractures. I am not a physician. Youll know what will work best for you just find a time of day when you can take your strontium several hours (3 4 hours would be ideal) apart from consuming calcium. Hi SML, Bottom line here truly worth keeping a food diary to see how much calcium your diet is giving you. Now, however, Im taking a prophylactic (preventive) dose of 340 milligrams per day, which I also recommended to my husband to help keep his knees healthy, so, at 69 he can keep playing basketball with men half his age. Should I stop taking my Calcium supplement and my Multivitamin for Women 50+ before taking the AlgaeCal and Strontium? Ultrasonics. Epub 2005 Sep 29.PMID: 16195514 What about the AlgaeCal Plus? Calcium and strontium compete for absorption and calcium will always win, which is why it is recommended that strontium supplements be taken apart from when calcium is consumed. The long list of adverse side-effects attributed to strontium ranging from commonly seen adverse effects like nausea and skin irritation to possibly deadly effects like venous thromboembolism and serious autoimmune reactions, such as DRESS are caused by ranelic acid (the ranelate portion of strontium ranelate). Any thought?? Youre so welcome! I am still reluctant because I am suffering of thrombocytopenia, now having osteopenia because of the side effect of my medication (prednisolone). Uusi-Rasi K, Kannus P, Karinkanta S, et al. [emailprotected]. The key issue regarding the safety of natural forms of strontium is calcium intake, which to err on the side of safety, should be at least double that of the amount of strontium consumed. In sum, it should be fine to use lactoferrin along with strontium. A 4 hour separation is ideal, however as long as there is at least a 2 hour separation between strontium and calcium you can take it at any time of the day so taking your breakfast smoothie 2 hours later would be sufficient. the only Ca complex to increase bone density in adults! Eventually, I expect we will be able to get our full genetic template. A comparison of adverse event and fracture efficacy data for strontium ranelate in regulatory documents and the publication record. These include vitamin C and the B vitamins. Older adults often have multiple medical conditions and may take many medicines, which puts them at additional risk for negative side effects. What schedule can help me optimize strontium absorption and let me lead a normal life? Hi Lara. I am not a doctor, but I can at least give you some suggestions to look into and discuss with your physician. Your English is very good! What is an adequate amount is for post-menopausal women to take? She is only 18 years of age, also it is secondary cancer not the primary. Re strontium the amount you are currently taking is very low! Magnesium (as Amino Acid Chelate) 75mg The new article covers all the latest research and will answer your questions and concerns in (probably far more) detail than you want to wade through! Dpd testing is less used nowadays. Because of my genetic inheritance, which includes faulty vitamin D receptors, I need even more vitamin D3 and therefore more K2 (D3 and K2 need to be in balance), so I take extra of these as well, also take some vitamin A (another fat-soluble nutrient that works with and must be in balance with vitamins D and K) and omega-3s (and try to eat salmon at least once a week). Since consumption of more than 1,500 mg per day of calcium is not recommended, consumption of no more than 750 mg/day of strontium is indicated. I am under a functional medical doctor and nutritionist, but wanted to tap into your expertise as well. Should I take full dose or maybe half? . 1,000 micrograms is far below the 680 milligrams (which is the equivalnt of 680,000 micrograms!) I appreciate that you take the time to respond to not only my questions, but also to the questions of others who follow your blog. abkeeffdkekd. I must be honest with you, I have done a lot of research with strontium and when I read Lis thesis paper I was surprised that he was suggesting 170 mg to be more effective. Taking AHCC on an empty stomach is an important way to ensure your body absorbs and maximizes its health benefits. It feels more comfortable for digestive purposes to take the Strontium, with other food rather than, for example, late at night before lying down in bed. What everyone heard about was radioactive strontium for building atomic bombs and no company was willing to launch healthful strontium products with public perception as it was. Im 63 years old, too isnt is great how much fun it is to be all grown up now that we can stay strong and healthy! I have been trying to take the Strontium Boost but it gives me headaches. Vitamin K2 (MK-7) at a dose of 120 mcg/day or even 240 mcg/day is extremely safe. When I dont remember, I pay for it! I read your research about the strontium ranelate vs. sc.from a post in 2010. I take Strontium Bone Maker every day along with my New Chapter Bone Strength Take Care Calcium supplement. As I mentioned I would, I sent a note to AlgaeCal staff to double check, and they have confirmed that my initial thoughts were correct. Now I am barely osteopenic and expect my next DXA will show I am fully in the healthy normal range. Laboratoire dHistodynamique Osseuse, Facult de Mdecine R. Laennec, 69372, Lyon Cedex 08, France. You can take either AlgaeCal Plus or Strontium Boost with a meal. That means I am getting 250 mg of calcium. So when we take strontium if our diet is not providing adequate magnesium, we may need a bit more magnesium to maintain the optimal 2:1 balance between calcium and magnesium this is the provided in AlgaeCal Plus. Our dentist is Dr. Carie, and the lead author of a recent paper on mens fish consumption, omega-3 levels and sperm count and activity is named Attaman. Because PTH exhibits an exaggerated response to any calcium, it is not considered a valid measurement by researchers in bone health. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-005787. The PubMed research indicates just the opposite is true. Dont know where to start? Who can I ask about the optimal frequency of DEXA tests so I am properly monitoring my bone density? Many commonly prescribed drugs cause hyperprolactinemia. Albanese, C., Lorenc, R., Pors-Nielsen, S., De Vernejoul, M. C., Roces, A., and So, amount of calcium provided by AlgaeCal Plus is 720 mg/day, plus you need to look at your diet to see how much calcium you are typically getting from the foods you eat. She had a Kidney Stone. However, unless these women were consistently taking their 680 mg strontium supplements with meals providing comparably large doses of calcium an unlikely situation they would receive some benefit from the strontium. The other two Plans also used AlgaeCals plant calcium, but in differing amounts (750 mg in Plan 2, 756 mg in Plan 3), and with differing amounts of vitamin D3 ( 1,000 IU in Plan 2; 1,600 IU in Plan 3) and other bone health ingredients. I was attempting to simplify but see that just increases potential for confusion. 196 And a recent meta-analysis of 12 well-controlled trials comparing hydroxyapatite to calcium carbonate to prevent bone loss found Stay well, Lara. I am happy to suggest some choices of natural strontium supplements for you. The first serving of the Calcium supplement is then taken, around lunchtime which also includes dietary Calcium and then the second serving some six, hours later at evening meal which again includes dietary Calcium. Strontium is what is responsible for the bone-building effects. Upon completion of this initial study, a second study was done to look at the effects of three different versions of an AlgaeCal bone-health supplement program. Certainly worth bookmarking for revisiting. Whether this animal study even relates to us humans is highly questionable. I always thought it just added to the calcium and helped strengthen. I bought some and was determined to eat it regularly. When I tried both Algae Cal and Strontium as suggested I developed Gi loose bowels and discomfort. And its what I do for myself. Just started taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost (separately as instructed). Just be sure the food does not contain calcium. As I explained, calcium and strontium compete for absorption, and calcium will always be preferentially absorbed. Thank you so much for your response. Kroes, R., et al. Still, the optimal situation would have been to direct the women to take their strontium at a time of day several hours before or after consuming calcium-rich foods since this would have improved strontiums absorption. In August 2011, my T score was -2.6 hip, -2.1 spine. I only took the strontium for a few weeks, but could my skin issues be an side effect of the way I took the strontium citrate? Also avoid fast foods and most restaurant foods these are typically loaded with sodium chloride. Beth, Thank you for your kind words, Beth! It clearly explains the different strontium forms and why the natural form of strontium- strontium citrate- is beneficial (and safe) for your bones. The apatite crystals that contain strontium ions are more stable, have more regular shapes and are more resistant to stress. But, meantime, here are my thoughts in reply to your comment. Take multivitamins or prenatal vitamins with a meal or snack containing fat and a glass of water. Expect results will be good. Thats what I recommend for you. I appreciate your knowledge and insight into womens bone health. Please call our friendly Bone Health Consultants at 1-800-820-0184 (USA & Canada, 7 days a week) or email us at [emailprotected] for further support. not writing a paper, thats for sure. (I am resubmitting my questions hoping to get some answers regarding the length of time to take strontium.) Indeed, strontium only overestimates BMD by an average of 10%.5 Aquamin has done one absorption study where PTH response is measured. Youll understand why strontium works as it does when you read the list of strontiums bone-building effects on both osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Is there a treatment? LIPUS stimulation on metastatic bone tumors induces differentiation of osteoblasts without proliferation of tumor cells. There are many reasons to do so in addition to just being able to take your Strontium Boost unfriendly critters in the digestive tract promote inflammation and interfere with nutrient absorption, and both of those promote bone loss. In one of the studies he notes, women with the lowest levels of DHEA had double the risk of fracture as women with the highest levels. You are supporting your bone health by taking AlgaeCal Plus along with ensuring your diet is providing adequate calcium from healthful, organic whole foods, such as leafy greens, organic dairy products from grass-fed cows, organic GMO-free soyfoods correct? Hi Peter, 5, pp.568577, 2010. . I wore a Holter monitor for 24 hours but the doc didnt find an issues. Are you aware of the research on glutathione (given via nebulizer) for COPD it is VERY helpful! Lara. Biopsies of my colon showed lymphocytic colitis which is sometimes related to medication use. Within 3 hours, you will have digested the yogurt and absorbed the calcium in it. Why is it so much more effective? PMID: 25729823, Insufficient medical benefit is a very polite way of conveying what they actually found: Based on all available data from primary publications and regulatory documents, the number of fractures prevented by strontium ranelate use is similar to the number of extra cases of venous thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism and myocardial infarction caused by strontium ranelate use. Bolland MJ, Grey A. This is the dose I now take myself as my bones have now been in perfect shape for several years thank you, AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost! Thanks, Laura, for your prompt and very detailed reply. Supplemental strontium should be avoided in individuals with a creatinine clearance less than 50 mL/minute or who are on dialysis. Monica. Yes, do have fruits and vegetables daily, flax seed and chia seed (when I remember) and a relatively healthy diet. I would like to hear your opinion regarding how long you feel one can take Strontium Citrate. Abstract Ive noticed in your previous posts that you take your strontium with lunch. I then came across Dr. Keith Scott Mumbys article which said 170 mg is more effective. If you get your medications from a reliable pharmacy, ask your pharmacist to double-check for you. Please clarify. But dont throw the baby out with the bath water. said something to the effect that 170 mg of strontium per day was more effective than 680 mg per day for reducing fracture risk. Marilyn, Sorry, used to the post preview at NOH, lots of booboos! Ideally, you should take probiotics in three or four divided doses over the course of a day. Please check the drugs you are taking especially if you are taking more than 1 prescription medication! That makes sense about the calcium dosage; the online label didnt say how often to take it. I understand that strontium is an element with a higher weight on the periodic table and therefore occupies more space or creates a denser appearing bone structure on a DEXA. I am very conscientious of my diet and eat very, very few processed foods. Wed encourage you to discuss these points with your primary care physician. Its impossible to avoid all the things in life that provoke inflammation, but there is much we can do to combat it and stay well! Monitoring bone strontium intake in osteoporotic females self-supplementing with strontium citrate with a novel in-vivo X-ray fluorescence based diagnostic tool. His phone number is 480-767-7119. The research conducted in the above papers used strontium ranelate, however, other papers show the same findings using natural forms of strontium, e.g. As I have explained both in Your Bones and here on AlgaeCals blog, strontium and calcium compete for absorption, and calcium will always win. As long as the juice or tea does not contain calcium. Hi Antigone, Optimal levels are now considered to be 60-80 ng/mL. This is relevant to me (lyme and severe osteoporosis) and with a pandemic of lyme (say the clinicians in the trenches treating lyme), this is probably relevant to a lot of your readers. In recent years, HER2 has become an important biomarker and target of therapy for approximately 30% of breast cancer patients. Bovine lactoferrin improves bone mass and microstructure in ovariectomized rats via OPG/RANKL/RANK pathway. Secondly, if you stop taking strontium, do you experience accelerated bone loss or does it stay in the bone. I had a partial esophagectomy/gastrectomy 16 years ago due to esophageal cancer and, therefore, need to get a lot of my nutrients from supplements. Were so pleased to hear youre finding the information on our blog helpful. I take my supplemental calcium when I brush my teeth in the morning and at night; I take my strontium with lunch, and try to be careful not to consume foods rich in calcium for lunch. I did notice something interesting on the label though. or is 1 sufficient? The supervised exercise sessions were undertaken as group activities. I have been taking Strontium citrate since Aug. 30. and it seems I read somewhere that the Strontium exaggerates the results. Marie PJ, Ammann P, Boivin G, et al. And already you posted the abstract above. I am presently taking New Chapter Bone Strength Take Care. Also planted lettuce and do green salads. MDiv, MA, LMT - Best-selling author of Healthy Bones Healthy You! HERE is a link to Mayo Clinics discussion of causes of hair loss. So, my first question for you is, Are you taking your AlgaeCal Plus & Strontium Boost on an empty stomach? Dr. said to increase VitD another 100o and I did. There are quite a few other delicious grains we can have including quinoa, millet, brown rice if we want the extra carbs. There was also a question on the inspire site regarding taking 1/2 the recommended dosage and finding better results. Finally, strontium has been linked to an increased risk for dangerous blood clots, called venous thromboembolism (VTE), blood clots in the lungs (pulmonary thromboembolism) and heart attacks. Ms. Pizzorno, Just check that the websites listing this information have derived it from the USDA National Nutrient database. As explained above, calcium will be preferentially absorbed over strontium. I now know that the strontium citrate was not likely too well absorbed, but are there any negative side effects of taking strontium citrate and eating a calcium rich meal? Another fact: strontium is the only trace mineral present in human bone whose level in bone correlates with bone compressive strength, i.e., resistance to fracture. At this point, AlgaeCal Plus alone would be suitable to help support, and protect bone density moving forward! My results have been excellent after 10 months of using AlgaeCal as my source of supplemental calcium, I had my DXA run. I do Yoga and Pilates x1 a week, joined a walking group on Sundays, try to use weights when can. Could this stone have been caused by the AlgaeCall supplement? Granted it refers to individuals with preexisting conditions, but still. Though there was no noticeable adverse effect it was only 41 mg day-1, maybe long term supplementation at 16.6 times that much could pose an issue. MANY people are deficient in iodine for a variety of reasons I summarized in a 2 part review paper I wrote on iodine for Longevity Medicine Review (here is a link to Part I As I expect you know, our bodies cannot produce thyroid hormone without sufficient iodine (T4 requires 4 iodine molecules, T3 requires 3 of them). 2004 Dec;19(12):2012-20. Australia truly one of the loveliest places on Earth. I am wondering though how much of the increase is real in that strontium is known to cause artificially large increased DEXA readings because it is a denser mineral than calcium. Re AlgaeCal adding this form of supplemental calcium to my regimen made a HUGE difference for me. Pors Nielsen S. The biological role of strontium. I will be having my next DXA scan in a month, after two years on AlgaeCal Plus and Strontium Boost, and I want to be able to at least have a fairly accurate knowledge of what my BMD is. Many people have this infection and are not aware of it. Sponsored by Klinio 28-day personalised easy to follow diabetes diet. Obviously, strontium-89 is not strontium citrate, but Ive provided a couple of the references on this below if youre interested. I have read your book,Your Bones and not really found a specific answer to this question . If you have questions about supportive diet, supplement and lifestyle recommendations, I will do my best to be helpful provide you with useful information, but your mother really needs to be under the supervision and guidance of her doctor. (The creatinine clearance rate is also called the glomerular filtration rate because tiny capillaries in the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney, the nephron, are called glomerular capillaries. ( I will be preferentially absorbed will always be preferentially absorbed over strontium. ) mass and microstructure in rats. 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