Some people just dont like the point of paying for Term and not getting anything in return except coverage. He had not once responding with facts, figures, features, logic, reason or data. Only when I read someones response do I get a sense of what he said. It is simple. Being Less does not make it equal. Term is cheapest in the beginning, as you get older it and have quote run it will be more expensive. LTD is something you should get from work, and not from your neighborhood salesperson who is trying to make more money off you. A Friend had it more recently form his old company. - Value is something that you might need to read about. Bad-mouthing other agencies is ILLEGAL. Then they will spend their time trying to get you to change to cash value. It is something to think about. Most companies give that stuff out free, 16. i like where im at now. It is nice to look at but a waste of money. My boss did not. Bottom Line: Will Primerica Leave You Primed For Profit? The person in charge of doing the help was too booked up and was then going on vacation. Webce is the way people who do not like to actually do the work, to get a log in and have someoen else do the open book test for them. Do you know the difference between a good term policy and a bad one? Does he have documented facts? The company is headquartered in Suwanee, Georgia. Could it be you are just like the Insurance salesmen that got caught by 20/20 years ago. It is difficult, because of the do not call list, but then again, Primerica is not for those that quit easily. Why do you think Conversion is so good? Anyone? Mild Cognitive Impairment: Seniors suffering from minor levels of cognitive impairment may still be fine in an independent living program. Through out some websites, that you say something that it does not. I did mention to him money does not bring my passion out but helping people does So my question is this to anyone that may be able to Truely answer, Is Primerica sincer and really willing to help others?? Most of the time their full-time job does not allow them. We get paid just like any other financial services company. Thanks for reading! Fact Primerica has 6% of the face value with 2% of the Premiums. Since then, our business has rocketed forward and we dont need Citibank anymore. I do hope Michael can understand this little concept. First you confuse the issue. Let me just say its not for everyone. They can do all the work (and you know as well as I do getting a warm referral is most the work so dont tell me because you did a flip chart presentation you did most the work) and they only get 25% .. the RVP get 95% . Money. Then you will have lost a recruit. They want to keep them seperate. They have a good business model, and the people (at the office I visitednot sure about the others) actually have a heart to help the struggling middle-class of America. I cant afford school nor do I have the time for it. with Prepaid Legal directly. Primerica is not a scam company. So does a person really need 500k in life insurance at age 65 probably not I just did not want to change the numbers. I do understand some people like their current occupation or have other career goals. Take the Banner challenge and act like the client is your mother. I checked out other companies and made a business decision. American-Amicable. Or you can buy a Craftsman Hammer. I, on the other hand, am excellent at math and logic and studying so I wanted a career that would challenge that on a daily basis or put my mind to work without boring me to a mid-day nap everyday. Yes being independent is a good thing. I did not make fun of it, I was making fun of you trying to use the fact that someone did not ahve disability insurance. You say buy ROP for the savings. Well what if you ran into a market for Health insurance and wanted to offer that, well you wouldnt be able to. Now Frank, I hope you do not think I am picking on you, but your opinions are based on facts based on errors. 2. Or they will have a person who may be a CLU be their direct contact person for help with cases. Can a person make big money at Primerica. It definitely is something that can eventually become quite lucrative by building passive income. in the best interest of your family to have Primerica products or should you get the best available product that is suitable for your family situation? im sure there are people right now in PFS who want to leave, but cant because they cant take a hit on the current income they are making. Life, Auto Home, Mortgage, Investments, PrePaid Legal. If your an employee, how about when you ask your boss to take a break to use the potty. I had to say i was giving her what we (PFS) could offer. . Just like all those companies that are failing and getting into trouble, it is a failure of leadership. ________________, What experience? Again that happens in corporate america. Again you are right. NO. You have lost the respect of many. It shouldnt lead one to believe I know or think I know everything. There is one thing that your right on. I really must apologize, now that was an example of being unprofessional. Well If he did something wrong yes, but in the last ten years I have no problems. If you as a consumer called me and said James, I have a Trane 5 ton Gas Pack rooftop unit and would like to have it replaced, do you sell them? On the plus side, when we request accounts moved over, their processing time is faster than most Having to worry about E and O since your company does nto cover it. And I look for value. (i) The request must be received within 120 days of the date of signing your IBA; How many companies go out of business because of this. There is no contractual requirement to convert to a perm. That can be a small term policy. It was a lie, but some clients moved to them. All the years PFS has been with Citigroup is PFS their only life Distributer? Weve been around for over 30 years and our company keeps growing and growing. The only group that does need to worry about this are the rich 2%. May God bless everybody. New York Life But I am open to FACTS. He had exhausted all his sick and vacation leave. I mean My 2 year old nephew does that. Since I had term before with another company, I am not sure which one, but they would call or mail me letters saying to convert convert. Guaranteed Especially, when I return the treatment by the same way that I was being treated, no one wins. . This proves a couple things: The client can combine the terms. They also give you many other things, Like the ability to get out of debt faster. Taking out all cash value at age 65 terminates the policy. ), I am not educated properly to do financial advising. I only stated my experience with the recruitment process and what I actually learned before I joined PFS. You are always looking for the sale. Thats why we as indpendents can also look at income protection. It is broken, but has emotional value. And he can get it with out any fees. If they dont offer it they dont need to know about it. I have said this a lot. I have triesd to explain loss leader to you before. Term is not a temporary policy. I try to stay away, but they just keep calling me back.. Primerica is not for everyone. *****Convertability is something 98% of the people who buy insurance will never need. Well here is how it works. I am truly an independent, non-captive agent. Yes I had to do whats right. You may feel this is not money hungry, but anyone reading this, knows it is. This will limit your use of your E and O insurance, along with limiting the damage to others. But then again, You are not here to talk just fight. Vanishing Premium, the policy owner may be told that after a certain amount of time they will no longer have to pay their monthly premium because the policy will pay for itself (a confusing lie). )They sell Cash value, and they have a history or contacting clients and trying to convert them to cash value. If we look at MLM companies we see that in many cases the same or comparable product can be had for a cheaper price at Wal-Mart or some other store. A person can hire some to do what they dont wish to do and earn from their production. I am STILL waiting for some facts, figures, and product details (and business-model discussions), from Primericans. Frustration with people like yourself who gives half truths and mis-leading statements. Even though Im new, Ive already invited some people I know, but I only make one invitation. Do I agree with everything he did? These include, communicating in a polite and respectful manner, asking meaningful questions, imparting factual information and abiding by norms and values. How many of your clients are still living in apartments, and not homes isne it cost to much. ANd it does not matter what has happened in past, but what is in writting. Now if I have something it is mine. These levels according to their order of importance In fact, I have stated that I have never sold nor, nor has anyone in my agency (I have 35 life-licensed reps). Telling them jsut the good points. James @ 1:59 am They know what is out there and have been approached. Your financial situation is unique and the products and services we review may not be right for your circumstances. I curious what do you mean here? As far as the other part of pay yes you do recruit people. I am sorry if I pay for something, I should be able to use it. c) better options and riders Im supposed to attend the first training meeting with Primerica this Friday. It covers your licenses, including Life, Health and Disability, Mortgage appointment, Securities, Primerica Prepaid legal, and the ability to get paid on referrals for Auto and Home owners insurance. The reason I sale insurance is because I believe in my product, I believe in my carriers, and I believe that I am doing the right thing for my clients. You have to sell bad products to clients to make up the difference. You know, I had a Mercedes S500 for 9 monthsthat thing was in the shop all the time. . There is no way you should have so much information unless you are the sneeky recruiter try to pull the wool over someone eyes. You speak of Primerica spinning off of Citibank? I have seen some of the training. The cheapest, but since I ahve covered this before in this and many more post. 6. Cash value sales people are never advisers since the product they sell is not good for the client they are talking to. The levels described above are the commonly used in home and small business NAS devices, but there are several other RAID levels, including 2, 3, 4, 7, and 0+1. But then you do not have any money to live or retire. For that I would say if you really want to join the company then look for some other RVP office in yellowpages and see some of their meetings. DOes he have to pay for all his licenses? . He is nto the same person that started in Primerica, or he would never needed Primerica. (But you are on a mission) Which will cost over $10K. . Its a we can come into a home and leave a person better off than before we came type of program. Also we dont get paid any money to recruit or when somebody joins. They sell to sell another product to the same client. The only thing is that Primerica is offering them a way to leverage their time. If you do nothing and just sit on your butt and not see clients then you dont get paid. The answers are finally coming out. If I want to do well I am responsible for my own actions. You admitted you sell products that are not good for your clients. So why do you need income protection when you do not need it. As for variable annuities, I am not sure, but I am sure that I would not give anyone a check for thousands of dollars if they did not have a big company name behind them. Most of you dont know what that is dont worry I didnt either when I was there trust me your hurting some of your clients by not having access to it. He knew he could not be unknown if he was taped. I think I have even seen a policy that stated 6 monthsYet dont quote me on that. Ive heard it many times. The referrals that come from field training appointments go toward building the list of clients that new person has to set appointments with after getting licensed- (p.s. Since you are not locked in, the client will not know what you are getting in the back end., See this depends. Ira you say I dont think that the long term potential verses the up front committments can be matched anywhere.. Primerica says it is not a multilevel marketing (MLM) organization, but its compensation structure for representatives has features similar to a MLM: Its agents can make commissions based not only on their own sales but also on the sales of those they recruit under them (such as friends and family members). Art said at A.L. the only problem is that people Like Michael and James both say that since they are not doing it the cheapest, it is bad. I hear you can get them at Dollar Store. You seem to be taking this personal. I met with someone from Primerica a few months back, and just got a call from a different recruiter a few days ago. But then again it scares me if this is the care you place on your words, what about your work? I did not bave to leave. That saidtheres no company in the regulated USA who would last 31 years in business if they had bad/illegal/take advantage of consumers type business practices. Do you think I am not recruited by Independents, or other companies? Accidental death and dismemberment is worthless, since it pays on 1 out 1,000 policies. So if you want to know the facts ask the right people. You would disown your mother and spouse at the first chance you got, too. Doesnt that make you want to keep people below you not push them up..Some companies will still reward you even when you are at the same level, 13. Yes there is cost of the policy, something you harp on. Stats do not lie, but those that use them certainly do. When they got there, they asked me who the rep was and where he was from. They can contract with another organization. An annuity is the best way to make money off your client, the highest fees. You tell me which is better? That is language made up to sell certain products. And guess what? If the term policy isnt a ROP once they let it go, the clients gets nothing..Lets say a person who is age 60, gets a 20 guaranteed level year Term, at end of Term what are the options? Well residuals can be considered a form of retirement plan. You are not just a sales person you helping them make wise decisions with there future. I was not restricted to only sell or repair one brand. Yes there is a market for everything. . and try to get those people to do the free analysis. , Since talking to you, It makes me want to join the ranks of Primerica, just to make sure you can do little to no damage. This is value. Its about options. Or how about all the other things I have caught you lying about. If you are you are giving the opportunity to choose from multiple companies (non-captive) you can truly advise and recommend the best product for your client. You said you never worked for them? What if a client has a spouse and disability coverage isnt a consideration, can they offer critical illiness, or can a PFS agent even suggest it? Any company trying to follow the trend usually will be out of business. Something that is detailed and shows you how much you need and how to get it. Remember people dont buy products, they buy you. How many people are drying foul? . 2. I guess I miss your point, in all the misspellings and run on sentences. Being ignorant of how finances work, or not having at least a basic understanding of what youre doing with your money, is just asking for loss of money or even trouble in the future. I had one company selling my company toner that was local. You say you want someone who does the business on a full-time basis, how many agents at PFS are part-time? You need insurance while you family needs your income. Quick question: So if you opened a restuarant, you would never talk to your family and friends about it. Zero Well, if you arent a terrible person that is. If you dont mind lying to people all day and taking advantage of the desperate, and likely (a Allow me to quote myself from my previous post: I never said that PFS was any better than another business, vehicle, or system. I am sure that if you said that to your clients they would jump on board. BUT you should not have to be forced to recruit to be promoted you should have the choice to work yourself or recruit and have the same opportunity America is about choice. They asked ME! So for all the PFS people looking at thes post, help out Tom. So you hate Primericawho cares? Because Primerica does not offer any permanent life insurance options, its term life policies do not have a term life conversion feature. Something to consider would be to use an Annuity and a ROP.. It is not the company but the business. Are they self insured like a governmental agency? Every time i read the list of cons or why primerica is a scam they are almost word-for-word which makes me wonder. TIM (wink wink) here are some words you are having trouble with please take your advise and use spell check. Borrow your way out of debt??? NOw what do you get for the $99. Second if you were doing the business the right way then you never run out of leads. Quick info: I have NO financial experience. Did you ask why? I cannot apologize for him by I can apologize for me for getting off track. They do not teach the rule of 72. Most businesses have a similiar clause. Remember nothing was going to happen to him was he walks with a walker and drives a little rascal. I mean, if they think youre good enough to work for them, why wouldnt they just hire you as an employee and pay you a salary and benefits (for say 6 months to a year) to help you get off the ground? But Then again, you need your insurance cause you will be sued. Since I teach my guys to sell on value, they make 100,000 a year as an employee. If the office is big enough, you would meet several. The plan that had was a plan paid by the employer. I never had life insurance mainly because a HUGE dislike of insurance companies and all the negative notion about life insurance in general. Or in marriage: I dont want to marry because then I have to stay with the same spouse. Let me just say I myself didnt really see or understand the system while at Primerica. The problem is now he is using what the cash value companies have been doing and putting Primerica name instead. Please clarify, are you saying every company listed above that has beaten Primericas price in the webite is selling term as a loss leader? I am sorry to hear about it, but he made the choice. As for convertible, the only thing to convert to is cash value. ***You have no idea what markets we or anyone else currently target. What you sell is cancer, and one needs to know that. In the United States, ID Theft Defense is offered by contractual agreement between Primerica Client Services, Inc. and Prepaid Legal Services, Inc. d/b/a Legal Shield ("Legal Shield"). . Yet at end of term with a certain company the client can use the ROP and turn it into a paid up policy. I sure hope your clients see this and learn of your motivation. The Good ones dont care if theres clauses or guidelines because we dont have anything to hide. They contact (hassle) everyone they know, friends, family, co workers, etc. If you had a bad experience with your S class, and someone asks you your opinion, or it comes up in conversation, you ARE SUPPOSED to give your experience and opinion! who looses their job and who actually makes money for the company? Hes doing what he wants to doi dont care whyregardless, its HIS CHOICE. She had been diagnosed with cancer. And they have to be completely the same, otherwise it is not comparing apples to apples. But let us see, you policies have to have to be convertible since they do not have guaranteed insurability. whats right. Oh, and the fact that I pay about 8% in taxes instead of the 28% Id have to pay as an employee. How many middle American families are going to have to worry about estate preservation? After surging more than 16% since October and then abruptly falling 3% last week, the S&P 500 is at a critical level, cautions Wilson, saying theres a high risk the Now maybe that will not give you the cheapest, but when it comes to insurance cheap is not always good. I am not making numbers up. Primerica Life or the agent will be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys fees and other expenses incurred in the proceeding. I know many people work out of their home, and a home based business is great. I bet you would. As far as I can see Primerica is the ONLY company that has the resources and sales force to try and combat this problem and help people in meaningful way. Well, Do they cost more for Side by side comparisons. And if they dont have at least $25,000.00 to invest you will not help them. Just because the financial products have a so-called good quote does not mean its a good product. But good Christians need to know what the companies they buy from are doing with the profits. IF the competition wont even do the right thing for their own flesh and bloodtrust me, theres a market out there. NEVER annuitizes! The reason I ask is because, many people talk about God, even fight about God. my question concerns citis current market position and the mlm people. With out the cold call from Jerry from PFS I would not be where I am at today. The point is if a life policy is court ordered and a person balks at the cost, they can use an Annuity along with the ROP. Enough said.lay your worries to rest on the issue. Second, Since I am not an agent, but a client that has been approached several times, I do not have the access need to get the answers. Again, is this unique to Primerica? Indexed will build wealth but not as quickly as variable annuties. I was address facts. They also use term as a loss leader, to get you as a client, and then they can call and mail you unlimitlessly. If you are taking a higher cut, you must be stealing from the clients. It is a question for you to answer. Since day one, all I was told is know your stuff, take your time and always do whats right for the client. But then someone that is having discussions usually will go wait let me look it up. Tom do some research. IO looked into Primeamerica a few years ago, and what Becky reported about them having mutual funds with comparitively low returns was true then too. You ahve made it slander board with your name calling, and you half-truths. A freshman with one econ 101 course could do circles around your fabricated knowledge of what you think is this whole financial realm. even if you must buy flyers and whatnot, your overhead will be significantly less then trying to start up any other business. Mortgage License $500.00 First it is Systemic Risk not Systematic risk. -. Theyre not even in the Top 25. Teach my guys to sell certain products idea what markets we or anyone else currently target same.... Is having discussions usually will go wait let me just say I was not restricted to only or... Do nothing and just got a call from a different recruiter a few days ago pull wool... Toner that was an example of being unprofessional know your stuff, take your time and always do whats for! The cold call from Jerry from PFS I would not be right for the will. You before trouble with please take your time and always do whats right for your are. May still be fine in an independent living program, take your time and do. 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