I have interests that I share with few people and like my time alone. However, he does not have the right to make this decision for the other person (you). Hes tried to engage in random normal conversation and Im not sure what this means as hes ignored all my bigger questions. Your boyfriend is a very confused man and the explanation is probably ASD. They wanted to fight. So I told them to leave. This may be the worst silent treatment Ive received from my husband in the 17 years we have been together. In what ways could you relate? Well we have kids (not planned) and both have autism. Your partner needs a good psychologist to unwind things. When its good, its amazing and when its bad I feel frightened and completely degraded. When an autistic man falls in love? Wonderful beautiful Aspie love suddenly disappeared. That's because ASD/ASC is primarily a social-emotional-communication difference. The whole 3 years he was sexting other people whilst pretending to be a girl and when i found out he told me he loved me and wont do it again and that it was his only outlet because no one knows he is bi. Try to remember that these suggestions come from a desire to help, but also a false belief that all you have to do is put your mind to it and all will be fixed. Bc in a way what my mom did was right but what she caused was just to get me to herself which shes done so many times in the past. It did not go well. This is not going to get better and you are signing up for a world of pain. So I think the answer is yes, but it'll take time and patience on your part. I tried to make him interested in asperger's and understand the differences between us. A bus driver with Asperger's Syndrome who was called an 'illiterate imbecile' and 'sp****' by work colleagues has won a 30,000 payout. Ghosting can happen in any interpersonal relationshipbut in the realm of dating, the term is typically used when someone you have been talking to or dating suddenly stops responding to messages or calls without any explanation. Did you ever connect with your AS friend again? I dont want to be the only one to compromise. For the context Aspie is referred to people who has Asperger's, and NT is a person with normal brain. Its about understanding. They need very specialized therapists. I feel he does that as he is trying to save himself from an emotional breakdown? I'm sorry you had this experience with your boyfriend. I was no longer of any use because i dared to ask for support with menopause. I hope you join our group meetings to get the support that means so much when we feel this alone. I had stupid stupid argument when my aspie fiancee was lecturing me on how to do something and showed (as usual) no concern for the stress I was under at the time. My partner/ex partner (depending on he feels) has Aspergers difficulties and finds it hard to cope in his daily life. I kept insisting this wasnt true. Sometimes too, it's other medications as many drugs which treat psychological conditions which . Receive small business resources and advice about entrepreneurial info, home based business, business franchises and startup opportunities for entrepreneurs. Also I want to know is it something I did that made him act like this ? i live on eggshells.his moods can come on instantly from nowhere. If they breach that boundary more than once, please know that you can leave the relationship otherwise your will be left with nothing. But it sounds like he has no idea how to move forward with this pain. They clearly do not know what is going on. He was and still is in strong denial. Get more authentic and back in touch with yourself and others. But i found out he has a secret account where hes liking tiktoks of sexy girls dancing but he would be mad at me for talking about a boyband i like and unfollow every celebrity on my Instagram because he says he was jealous (we used to share accounts) and this made us fight and now we are definitely not ok. Ive lost so much trust with him there is none and I hate feeling like a mother to him asking where all his money is going and why cant he go over finances. Its always hard. They seem to have endless things to say and talk about with each other. All so validating. He is very high functioning. However my old wounds from my mother and so fearful it would end I definitely think I sabotaged that relationship or he was just a charmer but the point being that when my husband was in jail I was bombarded with letters, calls. I spent a lot of years struggling with my own NeuroDivergent family, so when I developed this course, I had that suffering as a backdrop for my words. It's not so easy for him. Then, this person who had seemed so open and so honest started to change. Actually, admitting they didnt know something actually became a common and exhausting theme. So much tension We needed a break from one another. %. At least I know that we are not alone. I ve read so much on how to try and understand Aspergers and to make our marriage last. One of the most frequent questions I'm asked is why an aspie (or suspected aspie) suddenly goes "cold" and backs off on an otherwise good relationship. You are not alone, you are not crazy, and you dont deserve the treatment. She has cut off our entire family. Hi there, AND IT FEELS GREAT! What man ignores his wife and family? In recent years I felt that we were getting only the fake version of her. I am struggling to the point of losing my mind and my health and my aspie husband is of no help. I said to him Ill do it Ill serve her with a protective order but to be honest I dont feel stable with him or Her. This time his shutdown was prompted by an argument. What is Aspergers Syndrome. You are walking a tightrope. Yes it is heartbreaking but also a symptom of the terror that can grow in the mind of an autistic person. You Will have to sacrifice who you are in order to stay with them. However, he still doesnt want me on social media and I havent met his parents. She was always smiling and had alot of positive energy. Were also working on several charitable initiatives. They DO come backbecause its happened to menumerous timesjust when you climb out of the darkness Aspie-neurotypical relationships often start out with intense passion, then fizzle and devolve into disaster. Once I gave them an attitude and they tried to tone police me, although they were just talking to me like that too. I have to rebuild my life now and Im not young anymore, I know he will be ok as he has his obsessed hobbies, and has always told me he doesnt need anyone!!! We set a one month period to get together and talk. Im confused. If I hadnt been sucked in by his showering of gifts, complements and attentive behaviour (obviously all from a text book) which stopped as soon as he moved in, I would of ran a mile. So Im now 2 weeks in to this and decided to wait for her a bit longer, but trying to move on for now. Thank you for having the courage to comment on this tough subject. I am happy to consult with you on what to look for in an evaluator, though. He doesnt have friends, doesnt have anyone to talk to. Many couples have learned how to cope with these situations by creating their own personal rules for engagement. It truly seems unfair that people who are already working quite hard to navigate interactions should also have to deal with depression and/or anxiety, but I also can see how these things would go hand in hand with Aspbergers. Since then he pulled away and been mia for a week. I didnt know till it was too late. He has no right to take that decision away from you. You cant carry on like this or you will get terribly sick. actually, at 65 just a life without his never ceasing childish bickering. To them, they're just unable to cope with the TV being moved to the opposite side of the room. So I asked, so its okay for you to do that to others, but others cant do that to you? And they said Yes. I told them that was hypocritical and they didnt have anything to say but were mad as hell. Every time we would bring it up she would shut us down with a meltdown or silence. My personality, which is heavily affected by my condition, is always nice, overly logical (sometimes can't read emotions) and helpful but I can't get into arguments (either go silent or get heavily triggered). I completely understand you. I have compared it to when he starts to talk aboout one of his special interests that I am not interested in, I just let him talk because he enjoys it. NTs can assist with change resistance problems by becoming aware of unusual "quietness" in their partner and encouraging discussion. Love. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Howard has a chain and padlock on his front gate. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. So much of the blog and comments resonate with what is happening in my own marriage. He got upset that i had a credit card he didnt know aboutim a 36 year old woman! Whatever the reason, the aspie change resistance kicks in. I have been. I am so happy I came across this thread. Hes long refused therapy. He refuses to look for a job and plays video games all day, because he won't look I have to stay at my current job which I hate instead of going back to school like I want to. Run! 4. I supported him throughout. This time, it was a particularly nasty fight, and I said some cruel things they were true, but they were cruel. You have to carve out a life regardless of whether or not your husband recognizes the problems. It's a frustrating experience that can leave the other person feeling confused, hurt, and rejected. The name calling at me became too much to handle/plus the ghosting and blocking of me by him. He has left us for the second time and has discarded me ( as have his family ) after 25 years and 4 children . He is living with he's parents currently. Unfortunately many use the silent treatment to get away from the distress and never return to resolve the problem with the other person. Sometimes we have to quit to solve a problem. Ie; do you consider us together at the moment. I hear your pain and share your feelings of devastation. I didn't think it was a good idea. We seem to be able to get along then he started saying I talk to much. I don't know is the answer. He recently left this job for good, and not only ignored me for 9 whole months while we worked closely together day after day, but on his very last day, he wrote long cards to everyone at work saying bizarre things, like how much he'll miss them, he loves them, they were his friends, etc..and he wrote me one sentence that said, "Good luck in the future"something sterile and cold like that. She was defensive. No wonder they need time alone. Im 23 years married , 2 beautiful daughters, age 19 and 16. Once the lovebombing phase is overbecause its way too much for thembe prepared for the mask to slip..see the truth. I believe that is what turned my relationship and for the better. Very hard on himself. I feel that the foundation of everything is super solid, but she's very overwhelmed by what to me seem sometimes like the simplest misunderstandings. Now of course it is like we lost her completely. Also taking walks together. My bf is an Aspie. I hurt him and he has recoiled to a point of no return. I went through a lot of silent treatments and neglect but whats worse is that he cheated on me. The stay-at-home mom of two teen boys in Connecticut says life with her husband, Rob, a successful computer engineer with Asperger's syndrome, is "like riding a roller coaster 24/7 without . Vicky, I hear ya!! You quickly made up, and there were a lot of tears from both of you. I believe she is an Aspie, so I forgive her for saying harsh things when I expressed my feelings. I love him anyway. In his world, gaming during every free minute has nothing do with his love. Hi Rachel. I have told him I love him, that I want to work things out and willing to stand by his side. The problem is we are living in a middle east country and I dont think the specialists here are good enough to detect anything like that especially given that my husbands masking abilities are highly advanced and he is a perfect convincer. Especially when I am tired and can get very emotional. No topics were off limits in our conversations. I really want to just run away but he says he's suicidal and I'm so stressed out that I'm physically sick frequently. They would hate someone privately and yet cling to him or her in public. When things started getting real or life too stressful.. Its all so sad, All your stories. I feel like he broke my trust and i dont know if i could trust him again. I got angry and now I havent heard from him in 5 days. But the other side of the story is that NeuroTypicals want to believe they are safe in the world if they are empathic. I actually feel better already :). Its a continue process and its been a week and it feels like he doesnt want to text or call me anymore but he does say he loves me and even made baby names for our future with me. If you can get out, do it. A fascinating topic as I'm an (undiagnosed) aspie male in my late 40s and recently had a very intense relationship, culminating with me 'going cold' and ruining everything in a single evening. I tried to be loving and supportive. I finally managed to convince him that psychology is a science, though a very young one and with different methods. I asked him to put the kids before himself and not cause them any anguish by watching the way he is treating me. We have terminology that my ex obviously didnt know the meaning of, but used context clues to guess, and even though they guessed wrong, they would argue with me when I told them they were mistaken. I,d rather die than be where i am againthe pain is relentlessInvalidation after all the support i gave He assaulted me in one of his meltdowns, was arrested, charges were dropped..I was influential in this. We went through a serious disagreement about her choice of partners. Any advice would be appreciated. He went into his shell. Totally selfish behavior that only revolves around his needs. Kathy, I am the NT in the marriage with the man who I love dearly. And I mean down for days. It is not enough for him to want to give me any of his time. However as months went by the more he opened up or let out his emotions the more he would pull away. We have had open(ish) conversations about the disorder and how it impacts communication. You are not responsible for them! At home, they werent trying as hard anymore. Armed with this info, I told I was sorry I hurt his feelings. After any type of difficult conversation she said she would spend days in bed, and we were stressing her out and negatively affecting her job. Thank you. Were you ever able to reestablish a relationship with your friend again or is it still over? I wish I would have yielded to the red flags and told him, NO! I think anything before that was just "strong attraction" or a crush. We do not live together. No they do not change.they MASK in the beginning. Wow. This sounds exactly like my lunatic ex.. except he was very arrogant. The day after our wedding my aspie announced that he didnt really want to be married and that he made a mistake. Do not marry this man. I cant say anything without an attitude coming back at me. It all was going very well, until one day I kind of found that he was lying about the location he was in, so I confronted him about it, and my mistake (I called him more than a few times in a row), he blocked my number. Part of me understand what is going on in his mind and wants to support while the other just knows it is not my responsibility to heal wounds rooted in his childhood and I need to preserve myself. I watched videos. But I just dont know what to do. With Aspie, its a lack of awareness and understanding which leads to aggitation ending in .. disappointment. You are not alone Ashley. What do I need to do? So exhausted, so lonely. Since then I have been trying to talk to him again and again. The worst came when they started attacking your core character. How do autistic express love? Young guy in his 20s. I can see how destroyed he is when he comes out of an episode. Life with Aspergers: Why do Aspies Suddenly Back Off in Relationships (Part 2) Is it up to me to open the lines of communication or is it up to him? Why does your aspie partner sometimes shut. I found out that he has been talking to her and hasnt disclosed it. Im doing 99% of the chores and getting groceries etc. Im sorry but its just evil to do that. If you or your child become ill, his response may be to care only about the financials or to disappear. What a nightmare life is without the simple things. I am probably the only person who can help Bianca and Howard find relief from their paranoia because I know them very well and I know the dynamic of autism infused paranoia. I dont know what to do but i need help because i want to stay with him but i also dont want him to ignore me and i dont know how to cope. We too went through bouts of hyperfocus, honeymoon phases and then he would back off for a minute and then come around again. He is 25. I,m there now my friend.. Aww thats just happened to me we dont live together, been together for 7 years and had an argument 4 weeks ago didnt speak and I found out he was with a woman last week, Im devistated no messages no talking is this normal!! Posted by ; On Maj 26, 2022; Self-help guides and traditional couples therapy arent going to fix these differences. We spent the night together and next morning he was different. I need him to be evaluated desperately indeed before I lose my sanity. Its nearly been 2 weeks since Ive heard from him. I am Nothing. Others find eye contact uncomfortable, unhelpful, or distracting, as we have difficulty "reading" the nonverbal messages people communicate with . And once for a larger amount and he to go away for 18 months. My anxiety is in overdrive and Im scared to keep bombarding him when I know this might push him away but I also need answers and some form of communication. Whatever the reason, the aspie change resistance kicks in. I especially related to the difficulty that people with Asperger traits have with taking a relationship to the next level. hes checked into a hotel and has told me its for peacof mind and to think of only him self for a change. He has been fixated on COVID intently all year and is obsessed. Know you are not alone and others have been through this horribly emotional roller coaster ride with you. That day I decided to leave him for good. Im I said I'd like to check in and see how she is feeling and tell her how I feel. One weekend she was going to visit old college friends and they like to party. I have so much love and understanding for him, but I cant do anything about it until he comes out of his shutdown and gives us a chance. But two days ago I had a breakthrough when it dawned on me that he could be on the spectrum, and it was as though a veil had lifted. Offer help and tell that person you are there for them, etc. With the pressure off of them to perform to the NT standards, they have less anxiety and a bit more time to actually consider the outcome of their behavior. I know that is an extremely emotional and difficult situation. You thought about it, rationalized, and gave them the benefit of the doubt. Unless Im bleeding, vomiting, having a heart attack right then and there, in the hospital, etc. Different methods through bouts of hyperfocus, honeymoon phases and then come around again recognizes the.! Much of the story is that he made a mistake and comments resonate with is... In 5 days things to say and talk about with each other tried! 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