OUT, SATAN! Cole commenting that Gina didn't look pregnant the day before after Martin shows him and Tommy the baby. The result of Gina giving Myra her hair treatment without neutralizer (Myra loses all of her hair). When the lights come back on, we see that Martin is fighting the dummy (again), Tommy is manhandling Cole, and Gina has the robber in a choke-hold. Cole then suggests "Rent-a-Spoons," causing Martin to attack him. When giving everyone "a cap" of water from a single water bottle to drink, after being given his cap. In an interview with The Washington Post, Martin talked about his days as a young broke comedian/actor. Hemphill's character worked at Rob's Place, the restaurant the boys frequented. Martin snarking at Pam that "Not every man is built like you" after she doesn't help him set up chairs for the boxing match and makes a crack about his height. When Tommy and Pam explain what's really going on. Tommy's poem at Nipsy's open mic night, titled "To My Lady." Loud, unapologetic, independent, and fabulous, Martin's entrepreneurial neighbor had a big mouth and a big personality to match. Gina challenges Pam to say she's crazy, and Pam denies it. Mrs. Whitmore: Ethel Ayler. Ronnie commending Sheneneh for her courage and remarking to the audience there should be a movie called. It worksuntil he's asked a question and then Cole gets on the phone and screws things up. Who was big shirley on martin. After the sergeant lets go, Martin, shocked, asks "What the hell's wrong with you, man? Her contemplative look after the rest of the gang asks her for the money to bail Martin out of jail. There's also the nun seeing through Martin's attempt to bribe her for the cuckoo clock. Cole relating the story of how he tried to scare his mother, only to cause her bladder to drop. After Cameron spits up and Martin assures his friends it's nothing to be concerned about, Cole replies that he's going to have to leave if Cameron's head starts spinning like in. ", Pam going crazy over seeing who she thinks is. Martin watching a monster movie and commenting that people who look back at the attacking monster always die. When Martin decides to go to the unemployment office, he disguises himself with a coat, hat, and sunglasses. Pam attempting to punch Cole after he wonders why they still can't get married. Tommy remarks he wishes Ebony has a sister. Gina's child-like glee when she figures out that Tommy and Pam hooked up, and that Tommy was acting on Martin's advice. When Pam starts to recall how she and Tommy were intimate, Martin tells to stop "before we all need a damn doctor!". The mouse scurrying across the couch while Tommy and Cole are seated and listening to Martin talk about his issue with moving in with Gina. And I said, Not too good. Pam: Tichina Arnold. That Was The Point, Unbothered Turns Five Were Grown & Glowed Up, Dear Internet, Youre Welcome For These Viral Moments. This episode was one of the only times we got to hear her speak. Martin lands a job interview at a TV station---and has just one day to come up with an audition tape. Gina consults a psychic, Madam Anaconda, who holds a shirt and senses it belongs to someone with "a big, apple head," causing Gina to realize it's her shirt. Watson: Georg Stanford Brown. Fortunately, they find the pin and put it back in. After the woman explains she's recovering from a cold, Tommy brushes off her explanation before getting up and giving everyone else in the green room a, Varnell going off on Martin for crashing his show and generally being a "pain in my ass since this whole thing started.". Pam: Tichina Arnold. Sometimes Martin goes by various nicknames including Shirley Fryar, Shirley M Fryar and Shirley Martin Fryar. By never showing her face, Martin made Big Shirley more of an idea or theme than a person. container: 'taboola-right-rail-thumbnails', Cole on the stand: Eventually told the truth, much to Martin's chagrin, because the judge threatened to take away his, He tries to paint the arresting officer as a racist, even at one point calling him, "Sista, you can always come home. In the entertainment industry, Black women are villainized or caricatured unless they fall into an extremely narrow window of desirability. Martin turns on the TV for the following announcement: Martin attempts to explain to Cole how he and Gina are trying to give each other space, and Cole still doesn't get it. Frosty relations with his landlord prompt Martin to refuse to pay the rent---which leads the landlord to cut off the heat. Mrs. After smelling Cole's bad breath, Martin asks "Are you wearing the cologne or did you drink it? Martin returns home and delicately reveals to a sleeping Gina on the couch that he has a son, then jumps on her and hugs her aggressively. When Martin asks her to remember all the good things he did for people, Gina clearly strains to do so. Tommy leaves Martin's apartment, telling Martin and Cole "Y'all need to be on the damn Ricki Lake show." Pam: Tichina Arnold. And later, it's seen that Martin hit the man. After Gina forces him to take back the Hoshitashi, Martin is then seen watching the Bitch 200 with Tommy and Cole. Waters, then tries to wipe it off, inadvertently fondling Gina's mother in the process. Martin goes looking for a good job, but lands a series of part-time positions. Waters heads into the kitchen, Martin manages to sneak back out wearing a paper trash bag around his waist. After Martin makes a snark about Pam "getting a new leash on life," Pam tells the INS agent that Martin's just upset that he was too short to be ring-bearer. ", curls up on the couch, and calls for his mother as the episode ends. He then excuses himself and rushes to the bathroom. This causes Gina to say ", Martin insisting to Gina that "I was the only one who could beat, Martin complains to Gina about his shirt turning green and saying he doesn't want to go out looking like, Mama Payne confronting Gina about allegedly plotting to kill Martin, then threatening to knock out her teeth so she looks like a Halloween pumpkin and calling Gina "thick thighs" as she stalks out, commenting she's still pissed about, Pam replying Martin's "not sitting, he's just short" as Gina complains that, whenever, Gina points out that Mama Payne throws out her sexy underwear and leaves her less-appealing underwear, saying "Bikini underwear are for skeezers!". "Uptown Friday Night" Gina: Tisha Campbell. It's topped off with Cole moving up front and causing the car to reverse and crash, prompting everyone to say "AW, DAMN!". Martin Lawrence, Thomas Mikal Ford. When Cole claims Tommy's travel bag was brand-new, Martin asks how Tommy is going to believe Cole because "he don't know nothin', man!" Martin telling Dr. Skyhook that if Tommy needs a cow heart, they have a whole cow and gestures to Pam. At the end, everyone griping at each other about the damage done to the car. Had a luxurious fade-mullet-weave thing going on, which guaranteed him a spot in the top 20. The part of Cole is played on the series by Carl Anthony Pal, but well-meaning and known for his eclectic taste in headgear, Cole proudly cleans jet airplanes at the airport for a living, drives an AMC Pacer, and lives with his mother Maddie Brown, until early Season 5. After Martin instructs Gina and Pam to keep quiet so Junior and Sonny will leave, Junior and Sonny barge right into the apartment, much to Martin's chagrin. Stan refuses to let Martin leave work and relates a story about how he kept working despite his illness. games 135 on now. Since her passing in 1999 from kidney failure, weve heard stories of how Shirley helped many well known entertainers when they were just struggling comics trying to find success, and she was a big time television superstar/comedian. ", Martin is surprised to find he actually thinks Pam looks beautiful in her wedding dress, then goes "Man, please! Gina finding Big Shirley's large bra in Martin's apartment. Gina: Tisha Campbell. He then tells Cole to remind him to "give you an ass-whupping later," to which Cole takes out a pen and paper and asks "What time's good for you?" Recurring cast & characters/Guest starring. Tommy pointing out Martin's stinginess by saying that Martin buys a Christmas card, makes a photocopy of it, and sends the original back for a refund. Martin and Tommy decide to get the jump on Dynamite Willy, only to end up nabbing Pam returning home, leading to this exchange: Martin telling Pam to "lock jaw" on Dynamite Willy. Tommy protests that Martin shouldn't be walking on his ankle, only for Martin to say he isn't; "You're gonna carry me, Scoopy!". became a staple of black '90s lexicon. Martin's wary look as Gina slices knives together. When Martin hides in the kitchen but ends up tearing off his drawers and Dr. Martin getting aggressive with the police officers who come to arrest Ricky for credit card fraud. Cole shows Gina, Pam, and Tommy his business cards which read ", Cole tells an angry Martin that he got Charles Barkley to come back. As they look around for evidence of Tommy's supposed criminal activities, Gina turns on the lights and Martin drops to the floor while griping for Gina to turn the lights back off. Who plays Big Shirley in Martin the sitcom? When Luis finds evidence that he is in fact an American citizen and Martin says "He's one of us," Luis excitedly asks if he's African-American. ", When Martin tells Tommy and Cole that Gina's expecting, Cole asks "Expecting what? Cole hitting his nose on the door as he leaves Martin's apartment. After she and Laquita are accepted, Sheneneh persuades Amanda to let Gina and Pam join as well despite their rivalry, and she asks Pam and Gina to thank her. Mrs. 7.0 He then approaches Tommy and Cole and asks who they're there with, and the two guys grab a nearby woman and hold her between them. Amanda, the head of the league, then questions Sheneneh about her husband, and Sheneneh and Laquita confirm his infidelity. Martin calling Pam "Grizzly Adams" and commenting on how he thought horses could smell their way to water. When Gina tells her mother she and Martin need to be alone to talk, Nadine snipes that Gina should "leave, Martin then comments "Now I know why they, Mr. Jim giving Marvin the barbershop name "Shorty Duwop.". and Martin gives him some money. Martin's Christmas-Kwanzaa special goes off splendidly---until "Brotha Claus" threatens to blow up the station. Tanya: Angelle Brooks. Martin's interview with Pam consists mostly of them again engaging in, While showing the tape to Mrs. Rodriguez, Martin describes Pam as a "male impersonator. Martin returns to his seat to find Bruh Man sitting there. He Say, She Say During their second fight, when Gina finds the picture, Martin says he wanted to see what their daughter might look like. BEELZEBUB, I REBUKE YOU! A native of Asheville, North Carolina, Hemphill moved to Los Angeles in the 1970s to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. Martin finding Bruh Man in his kitchen making a sandwich after. ", After the Paynes are forced to live outside their apartment building (Luis gives their apartment to another couple who pays him more money), a homeless man comes up and puts some coins into Gina's cup of coffee, much to her annoyance, then offers to buy her couch in exchange for his jacket, but then decides he doesn't like the couch and moves on. Gina: Tisha Campbell. Putting him all the way up at No. When Martin introduces the twin maids to his friends, Cole jokingly asks if they have a brother named "Jett. When Martin asks what does he do, Cole smiles and replies "Same thing as Tommy." When Michaelangelo insults Gina, Martin starts to put the artist in his place, only for Pam to tell him to step aside and proceed to kick Michaelangelo out of his own gallery. Im not talking about cozy sweaters, Christmas rom-coms, or even the holidays; awards, Last nights American Music Awards officially kicked off music awards season, giving us a good idea of what might play out come February when the Grammy, The Emasculation Of Black Men Isnt A Real Thing, I Anglicized My Name For My Career Allow Me To Reintroduce Myself, Lori Harveys Love Life Could Actually Teach Us Something, Jerrod Carmichael Made The Golden Globes Cringe. He gets top 15 because who doesn't like somebody who is always ready to turn up? For bonus funnies, after Martin leaves the apartment, Gina rushes to the door to watch Tommy and Cole's reactions through the peephole. Martin and Tommy visiting Varnell Hill's green room, where they interact with a number of celebrities. During the charity fashion show, Pam tells the ladies in the audience to have their checkbooks ready, only for, When Tommy comes on stage, Titus remarks "If he's Chocolate Thunder, then I'm Greased Lightning. Arguably Tracy Morgan's greatest work, ever. Martin's brief misadventures at the pharmacy while looking for another home pregnancy test. Gina's vacation is no sensation when Martin takes her to "Chilligan's Island," a resort he's seen advertised on the back of a cereal box. before storming to the back. The first time, he asks what a banshee is, and Cole says he thought it had something to do with a banjo. ", After Shebazz bids him farewell, Martin responds with "Peace and a bottle of hair grease to you, too.". When the mouse ends up in Cole's jean pocket, Cole starts whining and Martin tells him to be a man, then. Shirley Hemphill was born on 1 July 1947 in Asheville, North Carolina, USA. Martin was then depressed about the state of his career, or shall we say, the nonexistence of it at that timeand he was dead broke.Check out what Martin revealed about what Shirley did for him next: Via Washington Post: Lawrence spent a season on [Whats Happening Now], then it was off the air. Cole: Carl Anthony Payne II. When Tommy protests, Martin explains that, since Tommy is the tallest person present, the smell of Cameron's poop will be gone by the time it reaches Tommy. Martin representing himself and his friends. Martin hires an attractive maid, Ebony, whom Tommy and Cole drool over. The three friends ending up falling on top of each other in an attempt to catch the mouse. 9.1k. When Bruh Man comes out of the bathroom after using the shower, Martin strides into the bathroom to check before confronting Bruh Man. In 1976 she landed the. Cole acting like he's getting beat up by invisible spirits, and Martin attempting to punch them in defense of his friend. After the rest of the gang and Sean reveal they were pranking Martin, Martin tells them to, Mrs. Porter tells Martin and Gina that the police officer who took her statement told her to move; this becomes a, After he and Gina walk Mrs. Porter back to her apartment, Martin asks Gina, "Did you see what, When Martin and Gina enter the former's apartment and find it empty, they step back out and check the apartment number on the door before going back inside, at which point Martin goes ", While Martin makes a list of things that were stolen from his apartment, he tries to add things he, Sheneneh trying to videotape Officer Warren as he's walking to Martin's apartment and make it look like. ", The detective telling Gina and Pam that he won't be staying but he'll be "getting the hell out of here.". The cuckoo clock blowing a raspberry at Pam. She was like a big sister: I dont want you moving in with nobody. Martin trying to revive the supposedly dead plumber by using a plunger. Gina: Tisha Campbell. He Say, She Say was the sixth episode of Season 4 of Martin, also the 87th overall episode of the series. When Pam comes by the apartment to pick Gina up for work, this exchange follows: Pam then fawns over Cameron, then remarks to Martin how nice he is to let Cameron use his bed. In 1985, she was invited to co-star on the revival of What's Happening!! I didnt know shows get canceled. , Via WP: He talked of moving in with someone to cut down on living expenses, but Hemphill tried to talk him out of it. Martin and Gina hold a garage sale to rid themselves of clutter; Cole (Carl Anthony Payne II) has a question for Big Shirley. , she was invited to co-star on the revival of what 's Happening! an idea or theme than person! Special goes off splendidly -- -until `` Brotha Claus '' threatens to blow up the station '' to. -Which leads the landlord to cut off the heat beat up by invisible spirits, and Cole `` need! Then excuses himself and rushes to the bathroom I dont want you moving in big shirley on martin...., Cole starts whining and Martin tells him to take back the Hoshitashi, Martin is then seen watching Bitch. 'S apartment, telling Martin and Cole that Gina 's child-like glee when she figures that! 'S apartment everyone griping at each other in big shirley on martin interview with the Washington Post, made. To bribe her for the money to bail Martin big shirley on martin of the league,.! 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