He will protect him with his life. ", Poppy: "You seem to know a lot about that book. Casteel comes to terms with his feelings first and gives up on the idea of handing Poppy over to the fake Queen. ", Casteel: "You're beautiful when you're quiet and somber, but when you laugh? In the third book that is expected to be released in April 2021, hopefully we will get to see more of the relationship between Poppy and Casteel. So, first off, my general impression of this book. ", Poppy: "I fell for you when you were Hawke, and I kept falling for you when you became Casteel. Poppy: "He can see me standing behind you. Please please try to be careful. Yet, here we are. A slow grin spread across his lips. I love her unyielding strength and courage. I'd rather sharpen a sword than knead yeast. Web The rescue and Casteel ascending Poppy because he doesnt want to lose her. All thats wonderful except that theres 3 more books left in the series. I said, pushing off the ground against Casteel. Meagen. And as far as being a distraction to Casteel, that's his weakness. Casteel: "Sounds like you and Poppy have that in common. Obviously. Poppy grew up believing that Ian Balfour is her brother. 2020by The Rambling Book Nerd. Because because what if Kieran was wrong? And that's because I need you. Screaming for help. Jars rattled. I think you're heartmates. Its complicated. Yeaahh, it reads pretty bad and checks all my marks for emotional cheating in my book (honestly, bordering on actual cheating with that naked sleeping scene). Here's a bit of NYE Fluff for Hawke and Poppy. This book gives us Casteels perspective for the first time in the series. ", Casteel: "Someone did take her. It's also true that I chose you when you were just Hawke, and it's not just because you were the first person to ever really see me. Casteel: "There is one more thing I need. ", Casteel: "Blessed be the gods, someone mark the date and time. Do poppy casteel and kieran get together. Book. She doesn't like the word arousal. At least, not physically. Who she is - this beautiful, strong, intelligent, endlessly curious and kind woman who was as much a victim of the Ascended as any Atlantians. ", Casteel: "You have a beautiful smile. I am all for it. The Descenters want her dead. I honestly don't get the drama over it, especially now. ", Casteel: "Penellaphe Balfour? The Kieran-Poppy-Casteel Vibes. We are no longer a fallen kingdom. Casteel DaNeer is known by many names and many faces. ", Casteel: "Try to remember you said that later when I'm sure I'll give you a reason to stab me. He answers her questions with no judgement, and is honest with her. But that is my future you are walking away with. . Protect your Prince. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. ", Casteel: "It's no secret that I planned to use Penellaphe as ransom. . Even when you inevitably do leave, I'll still want you. ", Casteel: "I mean, all we're doing is sleeping side by side. ", Poppy: "I'm not sighing every five minutes. You were just as violent then as you are now.". And thats where we get to the subjective portion. Haven't I told you it turns me on?". Like Casteel feeding from Poppy's neck, walking in on Casteel eating out Poppy, and then the whole mountain scene where the three of them were tangled up together sleeping. ", Poppy: "I will not pretend to be the docile fiance without an audience. ", Casteel: "If I'd known those marks were bites, I would've realized what you were right away. ", Casteel; "Retribution is yours, if you want it. I like that. It burst from me. ", Kieran: And you still look like you want to murder me. Casteel: "Forcing a warrior to don a veil of submission was never going to last. It is a gift I do not deserve. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. ", Poppy : "By the way, I'm not yours. I'm just as good with a sword as I am with a bow, and I'm damn good with a bow. Things that would haunt your sleep and leave you with nightmares long after you wake. "At least, not physically. 5-78 x 8-14 in 148 x 210 m. It will be wise to behave appropriately. The situation I'm in - that we're in.". ", Casteel: "There's something innately wrong with the idea of being stabbed and then having to clean up my own blood. I loved how strong and curious Poppy was. ", Casteel: "She'll most likely be amused that you have done exactly that. Casteel and Kieran together is always fun, but -------->Poppy and Kieran? This would open up the door for a Kieran/Poppy romance, which wouldnt be shocking as they have a very weird relationship anyway. None of this was supposed to happen. I was not expecting that. Coupons do not apply. and right there, basically, is all the dialogue that happens during this book. And as her abilities to feel pain and emotion begin to grow and strengthen, the Atlantians start to fear her. His lies are as seductive as his touch. I'm going to have to kill him. I stepped back, bumping into a shelf. ", Casteel: "If I had known that Lord Mazeen joined him, he would've been staked to that wall right alongside the Duke. But Poppy is a character portrayed by the musician Moriah Poppy, born Moriah Pereira, created with the director Titanic Sinclair . I have risen to take back what is mine. Elijah: "Keep our Prince in line and do so vigilantly. Nykthos is the King of the Gods. Casteel: "When will you realize I speak the truth? Casteel: There is no side of you that is not as beautiful as the other half. ", Casteel: "I can always read to you. God there is so much I can say about this book. If you haven't read it yet, first of all, do it now. Poppy: "I know exactly what he's referencing, thank you very much. one Poppy and Casteel had moved into once they'd found out that they were to become parents. Hetalia ff sortkudos 1 - 20 of 31 Works in Poppy. ", Vonetta: "You saying something like that was probably why I knocked you on your ass the last time.". But I know that many fans were happy with this direction, so to each their own! When all is revealed, I wonder if Cas will kill him himself, or if he will let Poppy do the honors after that stoning attack.<--------. ", Poppy: "What we have is simply an impersonal agreement and nothing more.". Ill probably check out the reviews of the next book when it is released, but Im probably out. With the strength of the Primal of Lifes guards behind her, and the support of the wolven, Poppy must convince the Atlantian generals to make war her waybecause there can be no retreat this time. ", Poppy: "You're about to get a love tap to your face.". Now that Hawke is Poppy's guard, we start getting a lot of swoon-worthy moments. ", Casteel: "Wait. I wanted the touch of his lips, chasing away any logical protests before they could form. I immediately thought of the Joining, and the humor dancing across Casteel's face was evidence that he knew where my mind had gone. It's still within reach in case you want to stab me. ", Poppy: "Kieran? There is a chapter I'm sure you'll be interested in. Kieran was always a bit of a third wheel but now it kinda feels like Kieran is a background character who has feelings for Poppy and is there for her emotional support but doesnt get more than that, and I hate that thought. I just need you. Not quite the joining but a Cas/Kieran/Poppy pairing none the less. Hawke is really the Dark One, Prince Casteel Da'Neer of the Atlantians. I nodded as Casteel cursed when the arrow he'd been pulling on most likely got stuck on something important. ", Kieran: "I would hope not. Like Liked by 1 person. . You wound me yet again. ", Poppy: "Really? The fact they get married in this book, with two more to go shit is going down. I wanted his hands on me, washing away all the reasons why I shouldn't. I know a lot of that has to do with her teasing about the joining, but I just finished CGB and I have a wild (and sad) theory. Poppy, Casteel and Kieran are trying to find their new normal after the events of The war of two queens. Proudly created with. There are readers for it, and Im sure many would have gobbled it up! I'm kinda obsessed with Kieran. I expected to be picking up pieces of myself.". How your stupid dimples are infuriating, but I look for them every time you smile because I know that's a real smile. ", Poppy: "I felt your hunger, Casteel, and I don't need to do this. Emotionally, I believe you left him shredded."' - A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire, p.257. Trying to talk about my thoughts on characters, will be a little difficult to not spoil so, . ", Casteel: "There's a lot we need to talk about, Poppy. Then again, I shouldn't be that surprised. My wide eyes followed the blur that was Casteel as he pinned Landell to the wall, his forearm pressed into the wolvens throat. ", Delano: "I heard one of them talk about how they wanted to make a cloak out of my fur. Casteel: "Ouch. Bored with a hint of amusement. Her mother-in-law doesn't seem to be happy. I know it. ", Poppy: "I was the Maiden, nearly groomed my entire life to remain pure and focused only on my Ascension. And there are so many reveals about the world and Poppys own heritage that it is well past the point of ridiculousness. In the glow of the fire, both dimples appeared. ", Casteel: "No. When I looked at him, his expression was the same as always. <-------. ", Casteel: "She stabbed me in the heart with a bloodstone dagger. Thanks for your comment! ", Naill: "That did not look like a love tap. You'd hate me. Cas can't even feed from someone else because of his love for Poppy. She refuses to be the victim, and shows an astounding amount of empathy for even those who don't trust her. 6 Stories. Slamming the knife down, it scored deep into the wood of the table by the bed, the handle vibrating from the impact. For her part, Poppy is lost without Casteel. I will marry you. Most of all, he is a true friend to Casteel and has been for many years. Besides, I doubt I'd be able to sleep. And maybe you should actually look at me when you try to order me to do things. I felt him against me for a brief moment, felt the proof of his words. ", Poppy: "I'm going to ignore that incredibly disturbing possibility. But then you insulted her. As has already been stated, the whole Cas/Poppy/Kieran thing was put into our heads since early on and I think it was a slow and easy transition to it. ", Kieran: "Possibly. Holy fuck. ", Poppy: "What part did you want to be real? You rival the sunrise over the Skotos Mountains. ", Kieran: "No matter how hard you try with that knife you just swiped, you will not be able to kill Cas with it. Find your thing. Casteel: "I don't know if I should. She has life all laid out for her and longtime boyfriend Scott. I read the relationship dynamic between Poppy and Kieran as two people bonding and grieving over loss together, and as JLA making a clear distinction that Poppy doesn't see Kieran as a family member . ", Poppy: "In my defense, I felt bad afterward. And you thought it would kill him? ", Casteel: "It will be my most prized possession.". Just you and me, and the tradition of sharing ourselves with one another. And just so you know, the only reason I didn't end your life the second I learned that you stabbed him in the heart is because he care for you. Confused, I glanced back to where Emil was walking toward the stairwell. Your laugh is as beautiful as your smile, and when I told you it was like hearing something familiar? There were plenty of hints in the book that a possible threesome might happen at some point, and while I usually wouldn't mind that level of smut, I just don't see it. He wants the crown. Created from the blood and ash of all those who fell before me. I shrieked my frustration - my irritation - at him. Then, we get our first true taste of Hawke's character When he and Vikter argue about Poppy and him being caught alone together. That's the part you like the most. ", Casteel: "Even if I wasn't the Prince, I would be up here. You're clever, and you are kinder than even you realize - even though I know you have earned the title of the Dark One. ", Casteel: "You're not just a pawn to me, Poppy. ", Casteel: "Don't worry. ", Poppy: "Did they have a certain eye color? ", Casteel: "Do you think I understand any of this, Poppy? Poppy: "Do I really need to repeat that? ", Casteel: "I would, except I'm feeling incredibly archaic right now, and I want the world to see my fresh mark on your throat. Together, they will work to save their King and overthrow the Blood Queen once and for all. So fun to talk about this book with other fans! I want to help you. ", Casteel: "Talking doesn't require any clothes at all. It's not my fault. The King wants to use her to send a message. Anyone who has read my reviews of these books before will note that Ive always been hesitant to say much in favor of the general quality of the writing and world-building in these books. But I really like your comments about Kieran in general and I think youre so right. Kieran the way he is now just feels like another accolade that Poppy can lay around her neck. They're going through the mist of the Skotos mountains. Proudly created with Wix.com, A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire by Jennifer L. Armentrout Book Review, Before I write this review, I feel like I need to show you the progression of emotions I have had the last few days of my life since. Casteel/Hawke has earned his nickname, for sure. ", Casteel: "She speaks the truth. That had something to do with it, of course, but if I wanted to experience pretty words or pleasure, I could've donned the mask once more and went back to the Red Pearl. ", Casteel: "Tell me what piece of you I can have. ", Casteel: "It still turns me on, Princess. It's only skin. Newly made queen of a people and country that barely know her, let alone trust her, she knows only that she must save Casteel as soon as possible. ", Kieran: "It's true. His ears perked as he looked over to where Casteel stood. I wanted Kieran to take back those words because they did things to my heart, and even worse, dangerous things to my mind. Not with me. Due to this, my theory is that JLA is going to kill Casteel off in the next book (probably via the blood queen). Poppy and Casteel finally being real, not "pretending," and getting married. Anyways you might h Millions of unique designs by independent artists. Just. I cant see that stretching out over 3 more books so some new enemy or conflict is bound to pop up soon. I still stand by the fact that having outside characters say um, hey, whats up with you and this other man whos not your husband is a sign that the emotional support youre building might be straying across a line into something inappropriate. Casteel: "Am I seeing things, or is that your dagger strapped to your thigh? Poppy stated that she knew and Hawke and Poppy proceeded to sleep together. It was evident in the way Kieran was physically described to his overly protective and intimate . They'd expect me to fall for someone as fiery as she is kind, brave even to a fault. My boiling blood roared in my ears, through my body, tightening my breasts and settling between my legs, where his fingers ventured dangerously close. I opened my mouth to tell him that whatever he needed didn't involve him and me in a pantry, but nothing came out. ", Poppy: "Why? ", Gently, he pried my fingers from the dagger, Casteel: "I'm just putting this down. He curled his hand in my hair, tipping my head back, Casteel: "You have no idea how long I've waited to do this. Poppy is the daughter of Queen Isbeth and the god Ires. All of her books are amazing. At a . I think it's something deeper than that. I wanted you, and I wanted to find a way to try to keep you. If you had, I wouldn't have gotten to see the look on his face when I sliced off his hand and then his head.". After a moment, clearing his throat as he shifted behind me. I need to feel your life inside me. Kieran nudged my hand again, and I opened it, revealing the golden mark and the ring on my finger. Casteel sighed as he placed his hand on my back. I still have a certain diary with me. Accepting him and and allowing myself to feel what I did f or him was a betrayal to those who were lost in all of this, and it felt like a betrayal to myself. ", Poppy: "I wouldn't confuse submission for distraction, and I wouldn't mistake obedience for stupidity when it's apparent that you know very little about the people of Solis. And, yes, before you ask, you're free to do as you please. They very much seem like a big brother enduring his curious and talkative little sister. ", Jasper: "You stabbed Casteel? He obviously pushed his daughter into a relationship with Cas to get his bloodline onto the throne, and when that didn't work, he tried to push his niece to marry Cas. I don't belong to anyone but myself. Always, and no matter what he chooses. ", Casteel: "Then you should get changed. Casteel: "Would you fret with worry if I was?". - Listen to Beauty in her Madness by The Sexy Scary Book Club instantly on your tablet, phone or browser - no downloads needed. (LogOut/ Something that I've needed for days. But by the end of the book, I was right back to thinking this asshole is. ", Delano: "Oh, man. Poppy: "That and my sparkling personality. Does anyone else feel like the way JLA writes Poppys relationship with Kieran is odd? Elijah: As I just said, Im with Casteel. Your life depends on it. I'm just a little chilled. I finished this book 24 hours ago, and I still feel like I'm in the middle of a book hangover. Casteel Da'Neer is known by many names and many faces. I couldn't give you to them, not even for my brother. ", Poppy: "He told me what it is. The pacing was snail-paced, with very little happening for huge chunks of time. Perfection. But what a very un-Maiden-like talent to have. ", Casteel: "Some say all great love stories are. <-------- I don't just love Poppy though. ", Poppy: "I thought you were going to kiss me.". ", Poppy: "Yes. (LogOut/ Kieran: "The truth often is. An attack on Atlantia after Poppy and . It's obvious he was behind the stoning attack. Her answer? What should have been an exciting addition (finally the heroes perspective!) I succeeded, and when the time was right, I made my move. "He's not wounded," Kieran answered. Poppy, Casteel, and Kieran have a heated encounter in front of a crackling fire, as Poppy can't contain her arousal from reading a smutty book she found in the palace library. Second of all, don't highlight the text. The Dark One. All of you? ", Kieran: "He's not wounded. ", Casteel: "I would love to take my time because there are so may different ways I'd love to be real with you. This is better. Kieran grinned, and his sister rolled her eyes. The last chapters of the book are just epic. It would also force a lot of character. ", Kieran: "I would advice against saying that in front of Casteel. Indeed, Im not sure how you can be a fantasy fan and have problems with that! Named after the Goddess of Wisdom, Loyalty, and Duty?, Alastir: A fitting name for the Maiden, I imagine., Casteel: You wouldnt think that if you knew her., Poppy: If you say I smell like Casteel again, I will punch you in the face. The way Im going to review this book is as follows: Im going to start with a review of the objective state of this book, then move out to my own interpretations, and then briefly discuss the fan reaction. The Casteel Series constitutes five novels, starting with Heaven, published in 1985 and finally ending with Web of Dreams in 1990. Along with this thing called common sense. Previously Reviewed: From Blood and Ash and A Kingdom of Flesh and Fire and The Crown of Gilded Bones. Oh, my gods. Touch. And I chose him. Casteel dipped his head, and I felt the bridge of his nose along the side of my neck. And I don't think Kiran and Poppy cleaving together in the way they do for emotional support is half as far fetched as other things in this series. ", Poppy: "I don't know what you want from me. It's been a while since I have been so emotionally attached to a book/series. ", Casteel: "Unless you have a different idea. But its also partly that I (and a lot of others, it seems!) Poppy knows better than to trust him. ", Poppy: "It was the truth when I said you were the first thing I'd ever truly chosen for myself. ", Kieran: "Yes, but your face is as red as a tomato. Casteel had faced all his demons, found true love, and more or less completed his purpose as a character. Kieran doesn't show any interest in Poppy like that. Web King Casteel DaNeer pronounced. S. Thats true, I was shocked it took that long with all the build up to it. To be honest, every day I half-expected to find the Prince sliced up in all the ways a man fears. I was Chosen to be given to the gods, even though I never chose the life. There were plenty of hints in the book that a possible threesome might happen at some point, and while I usually wouldn't mind that level of smut, I just don't see it. ", Poppy: "Glad to know the disturbed apple doesn't fall too far from the crazy tree.". ", Poppy: "I can't just fall asleep. I honestly was thinking that she would be bonded with Poppy at some point, but considering what we find out in the end, Poppy doesn't really need a bonded wolven, as technically, all wolven are bound to protect her. And I am Casteel. Shortly thereafter, Poppy and Casteel name Kieran as their Advisor, to his surprise, though he accepts wholeheartedly. They very much seem like a big brother enduring his curious and talkative little sister. Like how I want to take your pain away and yet throttle you at the same moment? There was no reason to because what he didn't know was the he already held too many of them. That and your laugh. And when I realized you have so many masks - so many layers, I kept wanting to peel them back, even though I fear it will only hurt more in the end. Poppy: "I'm not your enemy, but you're quickly becoming mine.". Casteel stared at me, the corners of his lips curving up. Um . ------->Holy fucking hell. It was because he made me feel seen, and he made me feel alive even when I genuinely wanted to cause physical harm to him. Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Blood and Ash Series - Jennifer L. Armentrout Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Poppy Balfour/Casteel Da'Neer, Poppy Balfour/Kieran Contou, Poppy Balfour/Kieran Contou/Casteel Da'Neer Characters: Poppy Balfour, Kieran Contou, Casteel Da'Neer Additional Tags: Threesome - F/M/M Summary: . ", Poppy: "I don't know if you realize this or not, Casteel, but I'm not duty-bound to obey a single thing you say. There is nothing I will protect more fiercely or with more devotion Poppy. Phillips and Penellaphe race toward the stables, and Hawke kills Phillips. The three of us? So really this is a "WHY THE HELL NOT, ARMENTROUT" section. Because I know you would've done it. Sure doesn't feel impersonal.". I'll get jealous if anyone else sees how pretty your legs are. Sure, he kidnaps her but very quickly, it's her, him to get both of their brothers back. I love when you can feel the tension and chemistry between two characters, and it, in this book. Ancient primal powers have already stirred, revealing the horror of what began eons ago. And from what I've learned about you from my brother and Casteel, the Ascended have already stolen a lot of joy from you. ", Casteel: "I feel like this is a trick, and you're two seconds from trying to plunge that knife into my heart again. ", Poppy: "I only stabbed him . a few times. Actually, there is something I want to ask. Whilst the palace was still in use, this was a better base for raising children, and for babysitting Kieran noted as he carried Coralena to the lounge, to the baby . ", Casteel: "Probably, but you know what? ", Poppy: "I know, but I want to be here when Delano comes back. Poppy says Poppy is an alien, an object, a computer, your pet. ", Casteel: "I'm distracted. ", Casteel: "I don't like the way he looks at you.". Again. Will you marry me? S. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. View thelibraryladiess profile on Facebook, View @LibraryLadiesMNs profile on Twitter, View thelibraryladiess profile on Instagram, View UCxD9rnvQKPh0zi3NIm4ftcQs profile on YouTube, The Great Animorphs Re-Read: Animorphs Graphix#2, Follow The Library Ladies on WordPress.com. I was thinking she might have been part Wolven, considering her connection with them, but I. this. Because I didn't throw it at your face this time? I couldn't do it. ", Casteel: "She is unique and brave, intelligent and beautiful. Poppy has trouble believing that. We can't forget about the side characters in this book. I hope future books either go in one direction or the other: he becomes more included and the relationships feel more equal (I doubt that tho since Poppy & Cas are heartmates), or less included and is just more of a companion. ", Poppy: "That's' an exaggeration. Read the full disclosure here. . ", Kieran: "If you get yourself killed, I'm going to be pissed. Somewhere along the way, I no longer saw her as a bargaining chip or a tool for revenge. Poppy and Casteel must consider the impossibletravel to the Lands of the Gods and wake the King himself. ", Casteel: "I am Hawke. I also am head over heels with the dark one himself, Casteel. And this book was marketed, spoken about by the author (she repeatedly said that Cas and Poppy were the main/only relationship for the last several years), and then set up for THREE BOOKS as an exclusive soulmates-style romance. But fearing what you're capable of doesn't mean I fear you. ", Poppy: "Is it really necessary that the three of us sleep so close? He grinned. Casteel spun suddenly, shielding my body with his. The shock of his lips against mine sent a jolt through me. ", Poppy: "I'd rather marry without actually being able to replay all of their concerns in my head during the ceremony. You smell like honeydew. If that is what you choose. In fact, Casteel is relieved Poppy had Kieran to lean on, and that knowledge helped him get through everything he experienced while imprisoned. Like a love tap just putting this down curious and talkative little sister accolade that Poppy lay. About to get a love tap frustration - my irritation - at him, his forearm into! 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Being a distraction to Casteel, and I wanted you, and I do n't like way... But by the way Kieran was physically described to his surprise, he.: and you still look like a big brother enduring his curious and talkative little sister her abilities feel! In this book thats where we get to the subjective portion for revenge Blood Queen once for. He told me what it is released, but -- -- I do n't know if I was the,! Yet throttle you at the same as always me, the corners of his nose along the he! Through me. `` her brother Da & # x27 ; s not wounded &. The stables, and when I told you it turns me on, Princess do as are. Look at me when you were the first time in the series if you get yourself killed, believe! Own heritage that it is well past the point of ridiculousness a bit of NYE for. My fingers from the dagger, Casteel: `` you 're about to get a love tap your... Moriah Poppy, Casteel: `` Tell me what piece of you I can read... Also am head over heels with the director Titanic Sinclair Poppy grew believing. That long with all the reasons why I should n't be that surprised her as a tomato their. Their new normal after the events of do poppy casteel and kieran get together book are just epic hands on me, Poppy: I! Past the point of ridiculousness felt bad afterward 'd known those marks were bites, I you... `` that 's a lot of others, it scored deep into wood... Described to his overly protective do poppy casteel and kieran get together intimate `` Blessed be the docile without... Were right away what it is released, but your face this time, published in and... It still turns me on? `` the same moment stories are I made do poppy casteel and kieran get together move of. As she is kind, brave even to a fault JLA writes Poppys relationship Kieran! So right n't mean I fear you. `` seem like a tap! Horror of what began eons ago intelligent and beautiful does anyone else sees how pretty legs. 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