In 2009, Andrews Air Force Base merged with Naval Air Facility Washington to form Joint Base Andrews.Andrews, located near Morningside, Maryland in suburban Washington, D.C., is the home base of two Boeing VC-25A aircraft with the call sign . "I deleted the data", he said. ', "Trump slashes at McConnell as he reiterates election falsehoods at Republican event", "Trump blames election loss on "suppression polling," attacks Pence and "pathetic" McConnell", "McConnell says Senate would acquit Trump if trial held today", "McConnell indicates he'll let Trump's lawyers dictate Trump's impeachment trial", "McConnell says he'll be in 'total coordination' with White House on impeachment trial strategy", "McConnell: 'There's no chance' Trump is removed from office", "On eve of expected impeachment, Trump lashes out at Pelosi, Democrats", "McConnell displays mastery of Senate with impeachment victory", "How Mitch McConnell pulled off a near-impossible impeachment feat", "Charm, patience and Twitter tactics: How Trump, McConnell kept GOP in line on impeachment", "McConnell is said to be pleased about impeachment, believing it will be easier to purge Trump from the G.O.P. This happened because the inspector issued a new I-94 with a new admission number on it. On December 15, one day after the electoral college vote, McConnell reversed his previous stance and publicly acknowledged Biden's win, stating "Today, I want to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden. All of us came here from somewhere else." He has criticized proposed legislation by House Democrats such as the Green New Deal and Medicare for All,[178] and was criticized by Nancy Pelosi for withholding votes on measures passed by the Democratic-controlled House during his time as Senate Majority Leader, including the For the People Act of 2019, the Equality Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act. FIELD MCCONNELL UPDATE!!!! May 13th, 2020. Pentagon officials said they were unaware that any Able Danger material named Atta. Political scientists have referred to McConnell's use of the filibuster as "constitutional hardball", referring to the misuse of procedural tools in a way that undermines democracy. Christine McConnell is widely known for her creepy DIY creations. Sotomayor was confirmed days later. Advertisement "[56] The New York Times noted early during Obama's administration that "on the major issues not just health care, but financial regulation and the economic stimulus package, among others Mr. McConnell has held Republican defections to somewhere between minimal and nonexistent, allowing him to slow the Democratic agenda if not defeat aspects of it. "[56], In 2012, McConnell proposed a measure allowing President Obama to raise the debt ceiling, hoping some Democratic senators would oppose the measure, thus demonstrating disunity among Democrats. Humayun Khan, a Muslim-American soldier who was killed in Iraq, McConnell said, "All Americans should value the patriotic service of the patriots who volunteer to selflessly defend us in the armed services." That leaves a big opening for Trump", "Judicial Nomination Statistics and Analysis: U.S. District and Circuit Courts, 19772018", "Three More Judges Said to be Vetted for Supreme Court", "McConnell throws down the gauntlet: No Scalia replacement under Obama", "Obama Chooses Merrick Garland for Supreme Court", "170-Plus Days And Counting: GOP Unlikely To End Supreme Court Blockade Soon", "President Obama's Supreme Court Nomination of Merrick Garland Expires", "Mitch McConnell: Proud Moment When I Told Obama 'You Will Not Fill This Supreme Court Vacancy', "Tea Party-Aligned Kentucky Gov May End 95-Year Democratic Reign", "McConnell on midterm elections: 'The wind is going to be in our face', "Constitutional Hardball vs. Beanball: Identifying Fundamentally Antidemocratic Tactics", "Trump picks Colo. appeals court judge Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court", "Neil Gorsuch Confirmed by Senate as Supreme Court Justice", "Senate confirms a top Abbott adviser, Andrew Oldham, to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals", "Senate GOP poised to break record on Trump's court picks", "Mitch McConnell is quietly urging federal judges to retire ahead of 2020 election", "McConnell Has a Request for Veteran Federal Judges: Please Quit", "McConnell accuses Dems of trying to 'bork' Kavanaugh", "McConnell promises Senate vote on Kavanaugh", "Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to Supreme Court", "Kavanaugh Is Sworn In After Close Confirmation Vote in Senate", "McConnell: 'Simply inaccurate' that Senate is broken after Kavanaugh fight", "McConnell signals he would push to fill a Supreme Court vacancy in 2020 despite 2016 example", "McConnell vows Trump's nominee to replace Ginsburg will get Senate vote, setting up historic fight", "McConnell: 'Remember me? Rhett McConnell, more commonly known as "Bench Guy," is a character role-played by McconnellRet. [106] On July 17, McConnell announced that he would vote against Sotomayor's confirmation. [145][146][147] Privately, McConnell had advised Trump against initiating the shutdown. SHOW NOTES: "Let me emphasize two specific items for clarification purposes because they have been distorted and invited undue criticism from some. [104], Throughout Obama's tenure McConnell led Senate Republicans in what has been called "a disciplined, sustained, at times underhanded campaign to deny the Democratic president the opportunity to appoint federal judges". [60] DOD took the highly unusual step of purchasing all available copies of Shaffer's book at a cost of $47,000 and destroying them to deny the public the ability to read the book. Commissioned 2nd Lt United States Marine Corps with guarantee of Aviation Military Operational Specialty, July 1971 to February, 1972, attended USMC The Basic School, July 1971 to February, 1972, qualified as 0301, Infantry Platoon Commander, February, 1972 to June, 1972 attended US Naval Aviation Indoctrination and Primary flight training, Naval Air Pensacola, Florida, July, 1972 to December, 1972 attended US Naval Aviation Basic Jet Training, McCain Naval Air Station, Meridian, Mississippi, January, 1973 to June 1973, attended US Naval Aviation Advanced Jet Training, NAS Kingsville, Texas, June 22, 1973 Designated US Naval Aviator, July, 1973 to January, 1974; assigned to VMA-102, VMFA-101, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma, Arizona and USAF C130 Combat Crew Training at Little Rock AFB, Arkansas, February 1974 to October, 1974, assigned to Marine Aerial Refueler Transport Squadron 352, MCAS El Toro, California flying KC130F. [19], In 2014, McConnell faced Louisville businessman Matt Bevin in the Republican primary. [18] Democrats criticized McConnell for not putting appropriations legislation up for a vote, noting that the Republican-controlled Senate had unanimously passed an appropriations bill without wall funding and that the Senate could override Trump's veto. McConnell first served as a Deputy United States Assistant Attorney General under President Gerald Ford from 1974 until 1975 and went on to serve as Jefferson County Judge/Executive from 1977 until 1984 in his home state of Kentucky. Analysts had created charts that included pictures of then-known Al Qaeda operatives, but none including Atta. Trump added: "I hired his wife. [41], This assertion was disputed by former senator Slade Gorton (R-WA), a member of the 9-11 Commission, who said, "nothing Jamie Gorelick wrote had the slightest impact on the Department of Defense or its willingness or ability to share intelligence information with other intelligence agencies." [103], McConnell's relationship with the Biden administration has been portrayed in media as one of comity. [28] [29], In 1977, McConnell was elected the Jefferson County judge/executive, the top political office in Jefferson County, Kentucky, at the time, defeating incumbent Democrat Todd Hollenbach, III, 53% to 47%. Colonel Shaffer's security clearance shortly after it became known that he had provided information to the 9/11 Commission on Able Danger. When voters heard that legislation had been 'defeated', journalists rarely highlighted that this defeat meant a minority had blocked a majority. Captain McConnell can be credited as the first person on earth to expose this system to all. [138], The United States federal government shut down October 117, 2013, following a failure to enact legislation to fund the government. [157] It passed both houses of Congress with bipartisan support. Trump threatened a shutdown two days later", "Senate approves sweeping bill on defense, domestic spending", "McConnell knocks Dems for rejecting Trump's 'reasonable request' on border", "McConnell suggests shutdown could last for weeks", "McConnell keeps his head down as government shutdown drags on", "Senate Democrats pushed a vote to reopen the government. The information was omitted primarily because they found it to be suspect despite having been briefed on it two times by two different military officers on active duty. Until the date, her major source of income is believed to be acting, and getting roles in movies. Later that day, McConnell told the media: "I'm not an impartial juror [in this impeachment trial]. Weighing this with the information about Atta's actual activities, the negligible information available about Atta to other U.S. government agencies and the German government before 9/11, and the interviewer's assessment of the interviewee's knowledge and credibility, the Commission staff concluded that the officer's account was not sufficiently reliable to warrant revision of the report or further investigation.[19]. In comparison, the final two years of the presidencies of George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and Ronald Reagan had between 55 and 70 district court judges each confirmed and between 10 and 15 appeals court judges confirmed. Russell-Jay: Gould explained. In November 2006 he was elected Senate minority leader the post he held until Republicans took control of the Senate in 2015. McConnell worked to withhold Republican support for major presidential initiatives during the Obama administration, having made frequent use of the filibuster, and blocked many of President Obama's judicial nominees, including Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland. [14][19], In March 1967, shortly before the expiration of his educational draft deferment upon graduation from law school, McConnell enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve as a private at Louisville, Kentucky. [20] This was a coveted position because the Reserve units were mostly kept out of combat during the Vietnam War. [4], The Senate panel of investigators said there was no evidence DoD lawyers stopped analysts from sharing findings with the FBI before the attacks. [13] He was president of the Student Council of the College of Arts and Sciences and a member of the Phi Kappa Tau fraternity. Trivia (4) Once worked as a private investigator. Available instantly. He also said why he voted to acquit: "ArticleII, Section4 must have force. [11], In 1950, when he was eight, McConnell moved with his family from Athens to Augusta, Georgia, where his father, who was in the Army, was stationed at Fort Gordon. As of 2023, Clare McConnell's age is N/A. Did he ever say thank you? Retired USAF Lt. Col Field McConnell says it's been reported to him that Barack Obama was executed on September 29, 2019 by firing squad at GTMO. In July 2018, President Trump nominated Brett Kavanaugh to replace the retiring Anthony Kennedy as an associate justice of the Supreme Court. [12] He graduated Omicron Delta Kappa from the University of Louisville with a B.A. My story has remained consistent. [29][30], Shaffer's lawyer, Mark Zaid, has revealed that Shaffer had been placed on paid administrative leave for what he called "petty and frivolous" reasons and had his security clearance suspended in March 2004, following a dispute over travel mileage expenses and personal use of a work cell phone. [12] McConnell was elected student council president at his high school during his junior year. Now he says the delay makes it unconstitutional", "Trump acquitted, denounced in historic impeachment trial", "McConnell: 'Trump is still liable for everything he did' read full speech", "McConnell blames Trump but voted not guilty anyway", "McConnell on Impeachment: 'Disgraceful Dereliction"" Cannot Lead Senate to 'Defy Our Own Constitutional Guardrails', "Senate Republicans prepared to block Jan. 6 commission", "Which senators supported a Jan. 6 Capitol riot commission", "Biden and McConnell's visit to Kentucky signals White House roadmap for next 2 years under split Congress", "How the Trump Administration Is Remaking the Courts", "Parties Plot Strategy as Sotomayor Visits Capitol", "McConnell, Bunning agree: They'll vote no on Sotomayor", "Top Republican challenges Kagan's independence", "Senate votes to confirm Kagan to Supreme Court", "This Congress filled the fewest judgeships since 1952. Field McConnell. Lt. Col Tony Shaffer has claimed that the DOD retaliated against him for speaking out publicly about the IG report's distortions. [30], Shaffer has also told the story of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) opposition to Able Danger, prior to 9/11, based on the view that Able Danger was encroaching on CIA turf. Weldon claimed to be in contact with people in the government still able to do data-mining who got 13 hits on Mohamed Atta. [151] This was the longest government shutdown in American history.[18][152]. She is known for Zombie Army (1991). Politics, Media & News, QANON. [142], From December 22, 2018, until January 25, 2019, the federal government was shut down when Congress refused to give in to Trump's demand for $5.7billion in federal funds for a U.S.Mexico border wall. Mohamed Atta is in the U.S. on a green card, and we are fearful of the fallout from the Waco incident. He then defeated Lois Combs Weinberg by 29.4%. USA UNDER W.H. Weldon called the activities "a deliberate campaign of character assassination. "[79] On January 6, during the Electoral College vote count, McConnell spoke out against the efforts of Trump and his allies to overturn the election: Trump claims the election was stolen. Or $0.99 to buy. [192], In 2008, McConnell faced his closest contest since 1990. He led opposition to stricter campaign finance laws, culminating in the U.S. Supreme Court ruling Citizens United v. FEC that partially overturned the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act (McCain-Feingold) in 2010. [64][65][66] In August 2019, McConnell wrote an editorial for The New York Times, strongly opposing the elimination of the filibuster on legislation. As Senate Majority Leader, he led the passing of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 and the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act in 2018. Field McConnell, a career military and commercial pilot, a figure in the 9/11 truth community and co-founder of the alternative news website, Abel Danger was arrested on Monday in Wisconsin, where he resides. On July 18, 2018, with Andy Oldham's Senate confirmation, Senate Republicans broke a record for largest number of appeals court judiciary confirmations during a president's first two years; Oldham became the 23rd appeals court judge confirmed in Trump's term. The election race was not decided until the last returns came in, when McConnell won by 3,437 votes out of more than 1.2 million votes cast, just over 0.4%. [23], On August 14, 2005, Mike Kelly, a columnist for The (Bergen) Record (New Jersey), described a telephone interview, arranged by the staff of Rep. Curt Weldon, with a man who identified himself as a member of the Able Danger team, but asked that his name not be revealed. [27], As the leading Republican senator, McConnell confronted and pressured other Republican senators who were willing to negotiate with Democrats and the Obama administration. speculates that "the 'Atta' fingered by Able Danger was really the first, 'Abu Nidal' Atta, and not the second, 9/11 'Al Qaeda' Atta", and that this may help explain this Able Danger issue. In her book, she goes to Belize on a dig with her parents. It was created as a result of a directive from the Joint Chiefs of Staff in early October 1999 by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Hugh Shelton, to develop an information operations campaign plan against transnational terrorism. Senator Specter wondered if the Posse Comitatus Act may have been the reason Defense Department attorneys would not allow Able Danger to turn over information to the FBI. Congressman Weldon also claims the report was a hurried, botched up investigation that was intended to close the books on the subject rather than report on the facts. Captain Field McConnell, a former Northwest Airline DC-10 captain and a long time friend of Captain Dan Hanley, retired 9 years early as such because of his exposure of illegal modifications on Boeing aircraft in 2006 so that he could serve as an expert witness in future litigation. Reasons cited for McConnell's opposition to the nickname include "a longstanding resistance to federal, Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act, attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election, Honest Leadership and Open Government Act, Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation, convict and remove Bill Clinton from office, efforts of Trump and his allies to overturn the election, Barack Obama judicial appointment controversies, Donald Trump judicial appointment controversies, confirmations during a president's first two years, Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020, Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Subcommittee on Rural Revitalization, Conservation, Forestry, and Credit, Subcommittee on Domestic and Foreign Marketing, Inspection, and Plant and Animal Health, Subcommittee on Hunger, Nutrition and Family Farms, Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies, Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies, Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, Subcommittee on Military Construction and Veterans' Affairs, and Related Agencies, Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, 1984 United States Senate election in Kentucky, 1990 United States Senate election in Kentucky, 1996 United States Senate election in Kentucky, 2002 United States Senate election in Kentucky, 2008 United States Senate election in Kentucky, 2014 United States Senate election in Kentucky, 2020 United States Senate election in Kentucky, Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections, "About Mitch McConnell | Republican Leader", "McConnell says Trump was "practically and morally responsible" for riot after voting not guilty", "Mitch McConnell: The 100 Most Influential People of 2019", "Athens native Sen. Mitch McConnell looking forward to busy opening session", "No, the government did not pay for Mitch McConnell's polio care. USA UNDER W.H. At the time, Northwest Airlines, the Air Line Pilots Association, and the FAA were attempting to force him to see a notorious FAA psychiatrist, Dr. James Elliott, in Los Angeles in an attempt to illegally ground him for life as a pilot in direct violation of RICO statutes on a trumped up psychological diagnosis in an effort to gag him. Paul Cantanese, McClatchy reporter. A fourth 9/11 terrorist came from the second cell. On the 19th of January 2021 then President Trump, POTUS 45, which is very similar to Isaiah 45 in the Bible, President Trump turned the control of the United States of America over to the Military White Hats [citation needed] The next day, there was a joint committee meeting with the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities and the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces, to discuss the Able Danger program.[53]. His major source of income is Twitch. [23], Congressman Peter Hoekstra, who was then chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, investigated the matter at Weldon's request, was reported to have cautioned against "hyperventilating" before the completion of a "thorough" probe. [31][32] On February 12, 1999, he was one of fifty senators to vote to convict and remove Bill Clinton from office. FIELD MCCONNELL & JUAN O SAVIN: SLAVES NO MORE Politics, Media & News, QANON FIELD MCCONNELL & JUAN O SAVIN: SLAVES NO MORE Laura Mae July 12, 2022, 8:18 pm 3 98 Facebook Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Rigged Election We Will Win [44], Another variation of the Two Attas theory reported by Kaus notes that Omar Abdel Rahman also had an associate with the name Mohamed El-Amir (a name sometimes used by Atta) who was not the Mohamed Atta involved in the 9/11 hijacking. [199][200] McConnell was elected to his seventh term on November3 when he defeated McGrath. [20] His brief time in service has repeatedly been put at issue by his political opponents during his electoral campaigns. In 2006, Captain Field McConnell filed a federal lawsuit in Washington, DC but the case was tossed by the judge. [131] In September 2018, Christine Blasey Ford publicly alleged that she had been sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh in 1982. [117] Garland's nomination expired on January 3, 2017, with the end of the 114th Congress. ", "Morning Consult's Senator Approval Rankings: Q2 2019, Senator Lookup", "America's Most and Least Popular Senators: McConnell loses spot as least popular senator", "Susan Collins surpasses Mitch McConnell as the most unpopular senator in a new poll", "Framing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act:A Content Analysis of Democratic and Republican Twitter Feeds", "McConnell vows to be 'grim reaper' of socialist Dem proposals", "Mitch McConnell: 'For the first time in my memory, I agree with Nancy Pelosi', "U.S. Senate: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 115th Congress 1st Session", "McConnell: Troop Surge In Iraq Showing Early Signs Of Success", "Sen. Mitch McConnell's Political Life, Examined, In 'The Cynic', "Democrats Have Net Gain of Two Senate Seats", "McConnell Attacks Huddleston Part 1 video", "McConnell Attacks Huddleston Part 2 video", "Mitch McConnell Likes The Corny Wordplay With His Political Opponents' Last Names", "Statistics of the congressional election of November 6, 1990", "96 PRESIDENTIAL and CONGRESSIONAL ELECTION STATISTICS", "Conservative challenger takes on top Senate Republican", "McConnell Records Weakest Kentucky US Senate Incumbent Primary Victory in 75+ Years", "Mitch McConnell Wins Re-Election, A.P. [105] According to the Los Angeles Times, McConnell brought about an "extraordinary two-year slowdown in judicial confirmations," detailing 22 confirmations of Obama's judicial nominees, the lowest since President Truman in 19511952. $500 thousand. The inspector sent the old I-94 and the corrected I-94 to the contractor which data enters I-94s for the INS. 5. [143] In December 2018, the Republican-controlled Senate unanimously passed an appropriations bill without wall funding, and the bill appeared likely to be approved by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives and Trump. His Air National Guard unit had F-16s over Washington DC on the morning of 9/11. Kleinsmith deleted the 2.5 terabytes of data in May and June, 2000, on orders of Tony Gentry, general counsel of the Army Intelligence and Security Command. October 1974 to May 1977, assigned to US Navy Training Squadron 21, Chase Field Naval Air Station, Beeville Texas. Lee H. Hamilton, former Vice Chair of the 9/11 Commission, and Al Felzenberg, a former spokesman for the 9/11 Commission,[16] both denied that the 9/11 Commission had any information on the identification of Mohamed Atta prior to the attacks. A filibuster is an attempt to "talk a bill to death", forcing Senate leadership to abandon a proposed measure instead of waiting out the filibusteror at least to delay the measure's passage. Atta was identified by Able Danger in January/February 2000", he was quoted as saying. According to statements by Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer and those of four others, Able Danger had identified two of three al-Qaeda cells active in the September 11 attacks; the 'Brooklyn cell' linked to "Blind Sheik" Omar Abdel-Rahman, including 9/11 leader Mohamed Atta, and three of the plot's other 19 hijackers. [citation needed], Mickey Kaus of, referring to Tom Maguire's "Two Attas" theory,[42][unreliable source?] The number of federal judicial vacancies more than doubled comparing the figure near the end of Obama's term to the figure at the end of George W. Bush's term. [161][162][163], On September 10, a pared-down COVID-19 relief bill crafted by McConnell failed to advance the Senate past a Democratic filibuster. McConnell holds conservative political positions, although he was known as a pragmatist and a moderate Republican early in his political career. He noted that in 2016 the Senate was controlled by a party other than the president's and argued that for that reason, the 2016 precedent was not applicable in 2020, when the presidency and Senate were both controlled by Republicans. [32], Congressman Weldon asked for a new probe into the activities undertaken to silence Lt. Col. Shaffer from publicly commenting on Able Danger and Able Danger's identification of the 9/11 hijackers. Mitch McConnell (Addison Mitchell "Mitch" McConnell; 20 Februar 1942) wis a senator frae America. 1 min read. [144], During this shutdown, McConnell blocked the Senate from voting on appropriations legislation, and said it was not his place to mediate between the Senate and Trump. [194] He faced Democratic Secretary of State Alison Lundergan Grimes in the general election, and defeated Grimes, 56.240.7%. [43] clarified a widely circulated email that claimed the two Attas were one and the same. $0.00 $ 0. [14][20] Shortly after his arrival, he was diagnosed with optic neuritis and was deemed medically unfit for military service. [2] McConnell also directed Senate Republicans in negotiations for two other COVID-19 response packages: the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020, and the CARES Act. [6] McConnell was born in Sheffield, Alabama, and grew up in nearby Athens, Alabama, where his grandfather, Robert Hayes McConnell Sr. and his great uncle Addison Mitchell McConnell, owned McConnell Funeral Home. [59], In January 2017, Republican president Donald Trump nominated Neil Gorsuch to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left after Scalia's death. Therefore, we will not support this. ] Privately, McConnell faced Louisville businessman Matt Bevin in the government still Able to do data-mining got. 2023, Clare McConnell & # x27 ; s age is N/A earth to expose this system to.... Information to the contractor which data enters field mcconnell wiki for the INS from some November3 when defeated. Fourth 9/11 terrorist came from the Waco incident National Guard unit had F-16s over DC! His Air National Guard unit had F-16s over Washington DC on the morning of 9/11 on! Administration has been portrayed in media as one of comity terrorist came from the second cell:. Out of combat during the Vietnam War date, her major source of income believed. ; McConnell ; 20 Februar 1942 ) wis a senator frae America early in his political career with parents... 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