1 The meaning of "family" varies by personal, cultural, and other factors and can include individuals who are not biologically or legally related to a youth (i.e., families of choice). I Agree. Study with Pride meets every Wednesday from 5:00-6:00 pm in the Youth Room. It is an annual bibliography of quality books with significant and authentic LGBTQ content recommended for people from birth through eighteen years of age. Was there a period when the social climate was accepting of same-sex attraction? What are some examples of the adversities the gay community faces? Group members will be able to hear different perspectives of hope from other group members. An activity that will provides an opportunity for participants to reflect on their first understandings and assumptions of LGBTQ individuals. % What are the biggest issues with same-sex marriage? What type of discrimination do transgender people face? Our service comes with a money-back guarantee, but our work is so good you won't really need this option. You can ask it in a variety of ways. And I think our approach should really be on a case by case bases. Highlighting the pervasiveness of stereotypes, as well as their inability to accurately tell individuals stories. Are schools doing enough to support LGBT students? Our research paper writers have put together this list . Here is a discussion of these research topics: Have employers done enough to implement anti-discriminatory practices? In recognition of the persistent health and healthcare dis-parities faced by members of the LGBTQ+ community, the Group members will be able to identify and share their hopes for the future. Writing about controversial ideas is a great way to get the readers attention. I also agree from experience that it is a one situation at time when we minister to our students struggling with this topic. So I truly believe we need the wisdom of each other in order to really grow in this area of ministry. The Trevor Project is proud to share the first episode of our "Learn with Love" series. We recognize the grind that can go into weekly lessons, but also believe theres a few key ideas that will help you thrive rather than just survive. If you ask a question that kids can easily answer with a single word (yes/no, green), follow it up with another question that requires more response. What role did the Stonewall Riots of 1969 have on transgender people? You can do that by asking a question that draws their attention back to the main idea and key takeaway. Be sure that all students are respectful of answers that may differ from their own. I think partnering with an org that can house students, but may not have the ability to counsel them is a great idea. How Are the Lives of LGBTQ Youth Improved by Gay-Straight Alliances? Regardless of what your church youth group discussion topics are or what your teaching strategy is, the next few tips are going to help as you decide which questions to try. Here are a few practical things we can begin to do: When speaking to students I know the easy answer is to call it sin and tell students not to engage in it, but we have to be careful when making statements like that. At what age should transgender people identify with their chosen gender? Transition services should stem from the individual youths needs and strengths, ensuring that planning takes into account his or her interests, preferences, and desires for the future. Your email address will not be published. xZYoH~7GG'2 ~Yb0-;_U7EvA,nNqReqUqys~vq./jFfR]f|>?R-My_*a// eRoHj&t?>h4},4NU_ouoOq'PUuV^ m#{9&nEQs&BtoY--\Q47f=>Vf -Q.eS!9:=J0rB %XV*%|D]ASi}U%jcL'r[c How have gender roles changed as a result of LGBT communities? Best for Young People in Crisis: The Trevor Project. How has the sports community embraced people that identify as LGBT? What challenges do same-sex couples face when adopting? Below weve compiled a list of topical youth group conversation starters. Loves to encourage by sharing his learnings. In addition, young leaders tend to be more involved in their communities, and have lower dropout rates than their peers. It provides participants an opportunity to reflect on their own level of comfort and familiarity with various questions that elementary school students might ask. Are LGBT couples better at raising children? You can participate by phone, chat or online . Since many national figures have come out, is it easier for employees in your organization to come out? If you're worried that you might hurt yourself or another person, it's important to get help. Plus, the more natural your conversations will be. What are the major challenges between the transgender community and the gay community? students' questions about LGBTQ topics. How is gender identity differs from sexual orientation? I do find it a bit strange that this article says the church is silent on the issue. No one says its gonna be easy. What were the best and worst parts of your week? Economic research No they are still sins. A handout (and handy activity) for demystifying coming out as well as some easy do and donts when it comes to supporting someones coming out process. Facilitator Contact info: (201)844-4851 or eringl1234@gmail.com. I came out and lost my job, my church community, and relationships with people I miss dearly to this day. By getting students to engage in thinking about next steps, its more likely that theyll remember the conversation and continue thinking about it outside of the group.. Group members will be able to identify and discuss their coping skills (e.g., ways they handle stress and adversity). 3Zim%{d8dY1Z' $7s&d[&7HQA1)bR#h,;k{2-hiy|B.foM\icN ibd{C53Z9V-& i8M%x ycq>TFD`!''W]z=F` At school? Ministry in this area is very case by case. What influence did Harvey Milk have in promoting the rights of the LGBT community? Best for Teens and Their Parents: Gender Spectrum. Im not looking for debate and do not plan on responding to any replies. Thats what the devil told Eve and why we are in this sinful world to begin with. From tips on how to make your lessons stick to free ideas to try, well help you create the messages that guide the process of changing your teenagers from the inside out. Practice Brief 1: Providing Services and Supports for Youth Who Are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, or Two-Spirit (LGBTQI2-S)(PDF, 8 pages) 2 The process of understanding and expressing ones sexual orientation and gender identity is unique to each individual. I would definitely grab his book, its a great resource. 1. NCFY Voices: Does It Get Better for LGBTQ Teens? 2. Youth are invited to stop by for homework help and tutoring on topics, such as math, science, and writing, and grab a snack in a safe and supportive environment. The effectiveness of LGBT support groups. In elementary school, whats the silliest thing you ever did? No One Knows. My question becomes how do we deal with the crises that come into the lives of students/families who either identify as LGBT or who struggle with same-sex attractions/gender identity. The impact that video games have on human sexuality. As they shaped their own. If she has made her mind up about how she wants to live her life, you have to respect that. Most young Christians who have same-sex attraction struggle with a lot of self-loathing precisely because they know (or think they know) what the church thinks about them. That is too much for a teenager to face. Below are all the activities currently provided by The Safe Zone Project. 35 Illuminating LGBTQ Panel Discussion Questions to Spark Conversation. Discuss the treatment of the LGBT community in the early 20. An activity to get to know common (and some less common) LGBTQ related vocabulary! I tried your way because I though thats what I needed to do to be close to God and thank God I learned how wrong it was. They are argumentative and allow students to encourage debate on a hot topic: If you are working on a group project, the following LGBT thesis topics allow you to take in different perspectives and address several questions related to a single focus: These LGBT topics cover a wide variety of subjects that from legal issues to social issues. What are you going to do about what we talked about today? Whats the most difficult thing about doing it? Our hiring managers will review your application and get back to you soon. Ask people to toss out a few ideas. How can I respond when someone tells a homophobic joke? When was the moment you knew? How does gender fluidity change how we view sexuality? 2. The more youre around teenagers, the more comfortable youll become. What is the state of LGBT in militaries around the world? Large group discussion of song lyrics by Judy Small; activity can also be used in discussions of death and grieving (30 minutes). We create an endless stream of ideas, lessons, events, and service opportunities for the ever-transforming world of church ministry. In what ways does the internet affect LGBT communities? So we must be careful that we dont treat any sin as a mere change in actionbecause sin goes deeper than that. What role have filmmakers had in promoting the LGBTQ culture and community? How much have celebrities impacted the promotion of gay rights? Changing cultural views when there is so much information to rely on. Scholarly and nonscholarly articles on LGBTQ topics can be found in the following sources (accessible to current Northeastern affiliates) NEW: LGBT Magazine Archives. Discourage one-word answers. What is the biggest challenge transgender people face in the workplace? They focused, perhaps, too much on the issue. Should the federal government add an anti-discrimination bill? Your email address will not be published. This activity focuses on what are our salient identities in particular circumstances. How has gender identity changed cultural norms? Instead, ask one and pause. Parental support of sexual orientation and gender expression provide uniquely strong benefits to positive well-being and mental health in young adulthood and are related to higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts. What is life like for you on a daily basis? 0DnR=HS/"D?`ImMB6{s xN}xxQb@7:iN-rQ_i\BP. And seeing if that would be something she would be interested in. This activity helps participant investigate privilege by inviting them to identify what privileges they find personally important. I would suggest one of the problems was a focus on trying to change sexual orientation and the failure for that to happen led to despair. And now we get to the best part of the discussion time the part where you develop questions to ask youth about faith, questions that will help students not just read or comprehend Scripture, but actually apply it to their own lives. In what ways have people used religion to diminish the rights of the LGBT community? The concept of consensual non-monogamy. Choosing the right youth group discussion topics is the first step, but sometimes the problem is in the small group questions themselves. Inside Out was implemented to create a safe place for students to discuss sexual orientation/gender identity Graffiti Board. This practice brief outlines key information for working with and providing culturally and linguistically competent services to LGBTQI2-S youth. Are LGBT couples more or less likely to divorce compared to straight couples? 2. No tears for the widow. These groups offer students the opportunity to explore their identities and interests. So my objective with this post was to give them something to go off of. I am in the midst of this very struggle and it seems that resources are very very limited. How has our interpretation of sexuality changed in terms of psychology? But the issues are much more complex than that. A classroom or workshop activity for large group interaction and discussion (1 hour). Below are all the activities currently provided by The Safe Zone Project. Knowing the right youth group discussion topics to avoid and to try doesn't guarantee that you won't have any awkward conversations, but it's a great way to start and work toward better student engagement in your group. Thats why we love lists of youth group conversation starters. What Happens Now? What challenges do transgender people face in public spaces? What do you look for or want in a friend? Should the military reconsider the acceptance of LGBT persons? What does it mean to be accepted as transgender? Web Design by. At the same time, it is also important to acknowledge and build on the strengths, resilience, and factors that protect LGBTQ+ youth from risk, such as connection to caring adults and peers and family acceptance. I just dont understand when the Bible speaks on something very clearly people like to say it doesnt matter or God didnt really say that. Learn the right way to write your papers. But girls are more likely to attempt it. You said something like God given attraction . And in my time on staff at those places, Ive witnessed, perpetuated, and experienced the damage that your approach can do. Your email address will not be published. We will, therefore, discuss LGBT topics that touch both on the negative and positive sides. Keywords Medicaleducation .LGBT .LGBTQ+ .Healthprofessions .Undergraduate Introduction Education regarding the care of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender, and gender non-binary (LGBTQ+) patients is evolv-ing. In youth ministry, few things take more time and energy than planning and creating your weekly lessons. We cant stand on the side lines any longer. I know youth workers that are dealing every day with how do I care for them. Because if thats your main focus, then you are preaching that behaviormodification equals salvation. However, more recently there has been research on resiliency and protective factors, which offers a strength-based focus on LGBTQ+ youth well-being. There are many potential discussion topics for LGBT youth groups. How can I best support trans people even if Im not comfortable approaching them or am not close to any trans people? The commonly-used acronym LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning, or another diverse gender identity) refers to the communities included in the LGBTTTQQIAA acronym (see Figure 1). Why do some states deny acknowledgment of civil unions from other states? You can contact the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or The Trevor Project at . How are people of LGBTQ communities being bullied? Currently meeting virtually on a drop-in basis. Some possible topics include: coming out, LGBT history, bullying and harassment, dealing with family and friends, and dating. Parental support of sexual orientation and gender expression provide uniquely strong benefits to positive well-being and mental health in young adulthood and are related to higher levels of self-esteem and lower levels of depression, suicidal ideation, and suicide attempts.7. 14. Supplies: What is the current state of transgender rights in the U.S.? All LGBTQIA+ and ally middle schoolers welcome (or ages 10-13). That most certainly does not come from God. What do you normally do when you have free time? Transgender Awareness and Sensitivity Asking a question about transgender identity on an intake form is a simple way to encourage disclosure of transgender identity. Very few LGBTQ+ youth have access to inclusive sex education. Type of Group: High school and college-age youth, service providers, clinicians, and other primarily non-LGBTQ groups. How to Create Great Panel Discussion Questions. How can I respond to homophobic and transphobic attitudes? Required fields are marked *. So thanks for the comment!!!! The impact that the Human Rights Campaign has had in raising awareness. If you need professional writing help and cheap custom research papers, contact our support staff by chat, email, or phone. What can schools do to improve LGBT inclusion on campuses? Activity for participants to reflect on their early lessons and impressions of trans* people and identity. 3. The Asbury Revival Is Over. But its a difficult situation to know how to respond to especially when they seemed to try to do everything right. Once everyone has loosened up and gotten to know each other a little better . To close your discussion time, ask several youth group questions that challenge students to reflect on the Scripture they heard and then apply what they heard to their own lives. How does aging affect sexuality in the LGBT community? Kids are very sensitive to a lack of support - wherever it comes from. For more information about how to moderate a lively & informative leadership panel discussion, check out our free 7-part video series on how to moderate a panel and other resources to help you organize, moderate, or be a panel member. We know how painful it can be when our discussion time at youth group falls flat. How to Ask Better Discussion Questions at Youth Group, Creating Effective Sunday School Lessons for Kids. You should be able to find an ample amount of resources online and at the library: We are an expert online service that provides the highest quality research papers that other cheap services cannot match. Several factors that can help improve outcomes for LGBTQ+ young people include: Federal and local policies and practices increasingly acknowledge and focus on the experiences and needs of LGBTQ+ youth. What role do openly gay athletes play in promoting the rights of the LGBT community? What is the history of LGBTQ rights in New York? Are professional LGBT athletes afraid of discrimination? By clicking, 'I agree,' you consent to the terms therein. Steal? How has the LGBT community been portrayed in media? Why does the transgender community feel separated from the gay community? 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