It is related to our emotions and it often indicates change in mood or feelings of being lost. Your new partner could be hiding what they truly feel. When the King of Wands is reversed, it means that this person is feeling coerced by you. Libra Sun Virgo Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility, Ten of Pentacles as a Person: Upright & Reversed, Gemini Sun Scorpio Moon Personality Traits And Compatibility, Five of Pentacles: Yes or No? For instance, your partner may have chosen to be silent because they dont want you hurt. Your dreams may take on new meaning and be full of deep symbolism. The card depicts a full moon in the night sky, positioned between two large towers. The Moon is the card of illusion, fear, anxiety, deception, intuition, and the subconscious. The Moon reversed can mean that you are feeling out of touch with your emotional needs and wants in a relationship, and this will cause problems for you in the future. In this reading we see the moon as a warning against putting too much faith in people who havent proven themselves trustworthy yet - at least not enough to invest in them emotionally. If you are single, The Moon reversed can be an indicator that you are starting to regain your composure and self-confidence after a period of uncertainty. All rights reserved. What they need is the truth, and they must get to it first before they can move forward. Reversals, remember, can indicate reversed interpretation, blocks, removal of blocks, and confusion. This person may also be having difficulty trusting you. If the idea has just suddenly sprung into life then it would suggest that there will be much more coming in the near future. The Moon card reversed indicates that part of you is hidden or behind the scenes; perhaps a talent that you are not using. Why It Matters What Time Of Day You Pull A Tarot Card, The 85 Best Questions To Ask The Tarot For An Accurate Reading, Wake Up, Drink Coffee & Read Your Tarot Cards Why You Should Add Tarot To Your Routine, The Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On March 1, 2023, Monthly One Card Tarot Reading For March 2023, By Zodiac Sign, The Tarot Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign On February 28, 2023, How To Shuffle & Cleanse Tarot Cards For Accurate Readings Every Time, The 3 Things People Immediately Judge You On When You First Meet Them, 5 Immediate Signs Of A Toxic, Passive-Aggressive Person, 10 Little Habits That Make You IRRESISTIBLY Attractive. Don't let incomplete tasks go unfinished for too long. It is important to ask questions, especially to your boss or supervisor, and start listening to make sure you and your colleagues understand each other completely. Their feelings are complicated. The Moon is a card of hidden things, the dark side of the psyche. The Moon is a tarot card that represents the subconscious, hidden intentions, instincts, and intuition. Discover Your Tomorrow! The Moon in reverse represents a need for rest and time to heal. Could it be that theyre only getting carried away by the passion and warmth of new love? This card can also indicate a time of emotional sensitivity or confusion. But then again, deceptions are either good or bad, depending on the reason. Finances: When the moon appears in reverse in the context of financial questions, it seems very clear that you do not have all the information you need with regard to finances, even if you think that you do. As such their feelings have been as scrambled as everything else in their mind. Why are you so stuck? One last possible interpretation is that things will clear up, but youve got a little more disorganization and muddled thinking to get through first. If you are asking about reconciliation with an ex, the Moon as love advice shows that their feelings are complicated. It means that you are going through a time of loneliness, where you feel lost and alone. This change may come from a change in employees or supervisors, but its also as likely that your new intuition and emotional balance are improving the way you see the things around you. In a position indicating future influences, it could mean that you still have to be cautious, but more information that will clear up the situation lies ahead. The Moon reversed card signifies your fears and anxieties that are finally subsiding. We cannot change the phase of the moon of the position of the stars, and yet every night we look up at them with wonder. The Moon reversed is also a symbol of dishonesty thats coming from your partner. If you find yourself needing further clarity in your relationship matters that go beyond reading for yourself, Sibyl offers unlimited tarot readings on love & relationships, as a neutral and objective third party. The moon is a symbol of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. The Moon reversed indicates a triumph against your inner anxieties and projections. Try to stay patient. The Moon typically indicates a poor state of mental well-being. Spirituality: When you draw the reversed moon, this is still a very spiritual time and a great time to get a reading, have healing work, or to seek other helpful input from spiritual types. We've all seen what the Full Moon can do to us here on earth. If you have this card reversed in your reading it is time to confront those issues instead of avoiding them for fear of upsetting others or causing problems in your relationship. However, The Moon in a reversed position can be a sign that deception is being or is about to be exposed so if your gut instincts tell you not to invest or commit money to something, listen to them and wait for the information you are missing to be revealed. You are uncertain. 2023 Ingenio, LLC. Are we good, or are we bad? They need clarification. Before making this big choice, be sure to do some digging of your own and uncover the complete picture in order to make an informed decision. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and . If you're doing a one-card spread, the Moon reversed could indicate that you need to refine your question, too. If you are single, an upright Moon card means someone you are dating or are interested in may be deceiving you or may not be all they seem to be. The Moon is also a great card of femininity and womanhood. There may be trouble in relationships, especially with your partner. Actively dream and listen to them when you sleep. The Moon reversed can be a positive card in relation to health issues as it can indicate lifting of mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. Reversed cards have this reputation as being negative, but on the whole, the Moon reversed isnt frightening. This card can also represent secrets, confusion, miscommunication, and complicated feelings about someone or something. When the Moon Tarot appears in reverse, things may not be clear at all. This person is releasing the burden of any lies and deception in your relationship in the past. The Moon reversed indicates drug abuse and real mental problems that need medical attention. . The general meaning of The Moon Tarot card in an upright position is that everything is not as it seems. The Moon may also be telling you to trust your instincts in relation to your health. The moon is a symbol of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Some quiet time and meditation would be helpful here. This could be an affair being exposed. The Moon can also signify that you are letting your anxiety or fear overwhelm you which may be having a negative effect on your outlook and causing you to suffer from mood swings, instability or insecurity. The Moon is saying that you need to be clear about what you want in order to prevent miscommunications. The Moon in reverse for singles and people in new partnerships indicates that you are puzzled about your possible relationship. But to what extent? By Ruby Miranda Written on Jan 11, 2023, For those first beginning to read tarot cards, you may think the meaning of the Moon tarot card could simply be defined as "things that happen at night.". Stay as patient and calm as you can, and particularly if you are feeling attacked, give your coworkers and supervisors the benefit of any doubt. They do not feel comfortable being their authentic self in the relationship. But warns that there is a fine line between psychic and psycho. RELATED: The 85 Best Questions To Ask The Tarot For An Accurate Reading. If negative energies or influences around you were at fault then theyll dissipate from your life. The Moon also indicates that the potential partner in question may be carrying baggage in their unconscious that interferes with their capacity to embrace love. As with the upright meaning of this card, If you are waiting on an answer from someone, it may unfortunately take quite a bit longer than you would like for it to. This lack of clarity does not bode well, as a strong relationship requires solid groundwork to begin. The Moon tarot card meaning is another one to avoid getting into love and relationship readings. For people involved in a creative line of work The Moon reversed tends to be seen as a bad omen. When your intuition tells you that something is not quite right, listen to it! This could indicate a case of Impostor Syndrome, especially if youre asking about your career and get this card in a position that deals with your feelings and actions. If you are in relationship, The Moon reversed can indicate deception or lies being unveiled. This card is telling us to slow down and really think about what we want from this person before we allow it any more power over our mind than it already has. The Moon reversed usually alludes to its upright meaning of the subconscious and things buried deep down now rising, sometimes violently, to the surface to be exposed. Not everything in life is clear cut. The Moon reversed indicates drug abuse and real mental problems that need medical attention. Low in the sky, the Moon hangs between two pillars and shines a light down on a far reaching path that transverses between water, grasses and mountains. Or he(she) could be in love with love but on a deeply, soulful level. One may have had an unpleasant memory that caused them emotional suffering, and instead of dealing with it, they repressed it. For singles, the Moon reversed as love advice means this person doesnt know where the relationship will be headed. It all depends on the position in which it is pulled. It might be a good idea to take a step back and think about whether youre happy in the relationship youre in right now. You may be reaching a period in your life where you can see the world more clearly and as such are finally letting go of some of these negative influences. Since The Moon reversed is a card deeply tied to the subconscious and that shows how malleable our mind can be; its often hard to pinpoint a single feeling to it. When you see The Moon reversed as the answer to any advice readings you make its important to consider what step in The Moons journey its representing; as depending on that the interpretation can vary widely. It will lead you to a land of intuition and creativity. So what do you do when the Moon reversed ends up in your spread? The Moons tells you that something about a situation or person in your life is not what it appears to be and you need to trust what your instincts are telling you in order to see past this illusion. Depending on if the card is pulled upright or reversed, it points to uncertainty or lack of financial knowledge, or even monetary deception. The Moon reminds us that every light has a shadow. However, dont get too upset about that interpretation. If you are asking about love advice, and you draw the Moon, that means that you are advised to be wary. Perhaps you have been deceiving yourself about the current state of the relationship or blinding yourself to certain things about your partner. Sometimes when were really upset about something we push all those feelings down deep into our subconscious where they can fester and come back up stronger than ever later on when we least expect them. The Moon Reversed As Feelings When the Moon tarot card appears reversed in a reading, it generally indicates that someone feels confused, insecure or lost. The card depicts a full moon in the night sky, positioned between two large towers. Giving your ex partner some time to think about everything seems like a good next step. These cards are the ones that give you the larger picture or the overall influence relating to the question youve asked. Dog Breeder. Pay attention to your instincts so you dont dive headfirst into a problematic relationship. It is primarily because of its secretive nature, but there are other reasons too. If this is the case, this individual will have to deal with these concerns on their own. You are looking at your future and seeing what you want to see, not always what others want you to see. Maybe theyre not ready for a relationship now (no matter how much they might want one). The Moon Meaning - As Feelings (Reversed) Reversed, The Moon's self-deception becomes externalized. A domesticated dog and a wolf howl at the moon. This is actually an excellent time for introspection, growth, and self-development. For whatever reason, people lack faith and confidence in the outcome, which is resulting in dishonesty on their side. In mundane astrology the moon is reckoned to represent the mass of a nation's population. The path between the towers is the issue into the unknown. This can be challenging if you are a person who likes to keep busy and active, as it may feel like you are doing nothing during this time. The Moon card reversed may also be telling you that there is some deception around money at the moment, and someone close by has some hidden motives or secret plans that they dont want you to know about. Hang in there. Do you have an embarrassing hobby or habit? You may feel psychically drawn to someone. But I would say that the difference between the cards is that the moon reversed for me sounds more like a manipulative person (that uses the subconscious/intuitive for manipulative purposes. Its a sort of darkest hour is before dawn type of deal. Its not always easy to visualize yourself doing something this big, but its amazing what you can do when you believe in yourself and believe that you can do it. This is a person with a deep understand of past lives and who is gaining many experiences for an ultimately journey that requires helping the less fortunate. There are various reasons why we can lie or omit the truth, and The Moon reversed can end up shining light to them. Its time you clear the fog with honest communication. Allow ideas to flow in and out of your mind, but dont act on any of them just yet. First, you should know by now that its not a bad card. The reversed Moon tarot card is symbolic of depression, anxiety, or other negative energies that can stifle expression and cause insecure feelings being cleared. However, when The Moon is reversed the meaning transforms to letting go of these negative feelings. The Moon card in the Rider Waite Tarot deck is a symbol of intuition, mystery and allure. You are more psychically open than usual now (although when the card is reversed, the messages you are getting may be more difficult to interpret.) Financially, if you have been confused about how to manage your finances, this may start to become clearer. General: You are definitely in a more psychic and intuitive phase than usual, so it will be important for you to trust your instincts and your impressions, even if you dont know where they are coming from. The Moon Tarot Meaning. They are struggling to connect with you. This situation has the potential to escalate into a misunderstanding. Moon Tarot Card Meaning Upright meaning keywords: Illusion, intuition, uncertainty, confusion, complexity, secrets, fear, anxiety, subconscious, dreams, vagueness, instability, deception, misconceptions, insecurity, the feminine psyche . For example, if the Moon Tarot card is next to the Lovers tarot card, it's pretty clear that those lovers will connect. For women, The Moon can indicate a health issue relating to the menstrual cycle or being affected by a hormonal imbalance in some way. The Moon reversed is the first step in the process to come clean of these negative influences in our life. You are the crawfish embarking on the path in the card. You might find out that your bank has kept certain terms and conditions hidden from you and these are now harming your finances. The Moon reversed is heavily dependent on the cards around it and on the subject of the reading. When we take a look at The Moon we see a clearing in the night with a bright moon lighting up the entire scene. However, they also harbor negative emotions over the way your relationship ended. The Moon as reconciliation signifies just how muddy your ex's feelings for you are. However, when you draw the reversed Moon, the impressions you are getting may be less than clear and easily misinterpreted. You may not see things clearly and know it. The Towers below and the canines still cemented to their earth along with the lobster offer the lesson that nothing really changes until you're willing to look at it deeply and do what needs to be done. Reality may not be anywhere close to as bad as you think. a. Compared to its counterpart the sun, the moon's light is dim and only slightly illuminates the night. If it appears in this context it is a warning to clean your act up before your behaviour is exposed. Advertise with us. But it can also mean that you are trying to ignore obvious signs that someone you are interested in might not be the best option for you. 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