The British report noted of Kretschmer, "His political views were less extremely Nazi than had been assumed. He became known as the Golden Horseshoe by his men. However, he was haunted by the image of a lone survivor in a life raft who would surely die if not rescued. [2] His father was a teacher at the local Volkschule (primary school), which Otto attended from 1918 to 1921. Something went wrong, please try again later. [63] On 7 March Kretschmer sank two ships from the convoy including the 20,638GRT Terje Viken. So how was it that he was sunk? On 4 October 1939 he sank the coastal ship Glen Farg (876GRT). [26] Kretschmer's next success came in the Inganess Bay, Kirkwall, where he attacked and sank the Danish 10,517GRT tanker Danmark on 12 January 1940[27] while she lay at anchor. Kretschmer sank six and disabled a seventh. Kretschmer ordered his U-boat to be turned around, and they rescued the lone sailor. From September 1939 until his capture in March 1941 he sank 44 ships, including one warship, a total of 274,333 tons. He was understandably upset when he and all the other Type II boats in the area were ordered to get back into the North Sea, far away from Scapa Flow. He admitted that he had become weary of the war some time ago, and latterly had got no satisfaction from sinking ship after ship. This was the first ever in the history of warfare that a submarine was detected on sound gear, tracked by sound gear, attacked by sound gear and destroyed all by the use of the sound gear. Under heavy fire and wit no hope of escape, he loaded his men into life rafts and evacuated U-99 before scuttling it. The nomination was approved on 5 November 1940. A fall caused fatal injuries. [58], Several of Kretschmer's senior officers left the boat before the final patrol. [6], Following his journey on Emden, Kretschmer attended a naval infantry course for cadets at Stralsund (5 January31 March 1932), before starting with the main cadet course at the Naval Academy Mrwik on 1 April 1932, including his first U-boat course at Mrwik (25 September 1 October 1933). Otto Kretschmer was only in combat from September 1939 until March 1941 but was Germany's highest-scoring U-boat commander, sinking 47 ships totaling 274,333 tons. [51] Kretschmer was awarded the 6th Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub) on 4 November 1940. German radio acknowledged the capture and the death of Schepke. This was not the case with U-99. Hermann Michahelles, Otto Kretschmer became commander of U-35 until 15 August 1937. [10] According to one historian, Kretschmer was a patriot and loyal to the government, but later "eschewed Nazi efforts to glorify his success through propaganda. Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: One Torpedo, One Ship: An appraisal of Otto Kretschmers U-boat tactics, 19391941, /doi/full/10.1080/00253359.2021.1898209?needAccess=true. Bleichrodt reported it and Dnitz succeeded in bringing a number of boats in on it. Heinrich Bleichrodt hit and sank two. [9], In 1933 Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party came to power. He did not return to England from his hiatus, but travelled through France, Switzerland and Italy. [25] The Norwegian Fredville, only 1,150GRT was sunk on 11 January 1940 without warning. Nazi Admiral Otto Kretschmer was responsible for the sinking of 47 vessels in the space of just 18 months His short but prolific spell on German U-boats accounted for the sinking of 273,043 tons. He then ordered the merchant Skipper to put everyone back aboard then gave him a course to steer for one of the German bases on the French coast, and ordered the merchant Skipper to surrender the ship to the harbor authorities there. He then moved to a Realgymnasium (secondary school). On seeing the craters of a stick of bombs near Buckingham Palace he was genuinely shocked that an attempt had so obviously been made by his countrymen to bomb the Palace. [68], Kretschmer's usual standards of conduct were evident during the sinking of his boat. He wants to be a naval officer.". He continued to serve as Watch Officer of U-35 until 30 September 1937. Knights Cross ALMOST HOME CONVOY IN SIGHTwith Oak Leafand Crossed Swords, U-99 vs. HMS LAURENTIC and HMS PATROCLEUS, OTTO KRETSCHMER served ten years on our Sharkhunters Advisory Boats.Click here to view the entire Board. One morning on the breakfast patio at the KRETSCHMER home, OTTO was reading his newspaper while Mrs. Kretschmer and COOPER talked over breakfast tea. He hand signed some of our very rare fine art prints. Otto Kretschmer. He commissioned U-99 on 18 April 1940 which was part of the 7th U-boat Flotilla. Kretschmer was presented with an opportunity to put his "one torpedo, one ship" mantra into practice. U-99 is preparing for her first Feindfahrt (war patrol), taking on supplies. [80], On 1 December 1955, Kretschmer joined West Germany's navy, at the time named the Bundesmarine (Federal Navy), holding the rank of Fregattenkapitn (Commander). Husband of Elsie Gertrude Kretschmer. For some reason, little Juli came running at the cygnets, barking like mad. After the completion of his submariner training he was promoted to Oberleutnant zur See (senior-sub lieutenant/Lieutenant Junior Grade)[12] on 1 June 1936. The convoy suffered heavy losses while the U-boats escaped unscathed. On 1 November 1958, he was transferred to the position of commander of the Bundesmarine's Amphibische Streitkrfte ("amphibious forces"), a position he held until 15 January 1962. He fired a single torpedo that missed before he lost the ship in thick mist. After completing his officer training and time on the training ship Niobe he served . From September 1939 to March 1941, Germany's Otto Kretschmer terrorised Allied shipping on the high seas. He was given the opportunity to convey his opinions on the state of the U-boat war. Hitler invited Kretschmer to sit in on a lunch meeting with Hitler and Vyacheslav Molotov, the Soviet Union's ambassador to the Third Reich. Incredibly though, this war hero, who was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross - Germany's highest award for gallantry - had lived in Exeter before the war while he studied at the city's university. Kretschmer was subsequently awarded the Iron Cross second class. Kretschmer formed part of "Crew 30" (the incoming class of 1930), 78strong intake of officer candidates. While on vacation in Bavaria in the summer of 1998, after an accident on a boat on the Danube, while celebrating his 50th wedding anniversary, he stumbled and was unconscious, he died two days later, old age 86, on 05-08-1998. It was on his third patrol that he sank his first ship, the Glen Farg, a small freighter was carrying pulp and Ferrochrome. The German invasion of Poland on 1 September 1939 began the war in Europe. His father, a teacher, decided to send him to the UK, and Exeter was his destination. You can stay up to date on the top news and events near you with DevonLive's FREE newsletters enter your email address at the top of the page or go here. On 3 August 1998, they were on a luxury cruise boat on the Donau (Danube) River celebrating their 50th (Golden) wedding anniversary. OTTO replied;It was necessary. Kretschmer's thoughts on Hitler and the subsequent conference are not known. COOPER grinned and said;Lets ask this gentleman here. Otto Kretschmer is a tall, very polite man with an air of gentle formality. He assumed most of the crew went down with the ship; but there were 159 survivors. They opened the drain valve to drain the flooded conning tower into the Zentralle but only a small amount of water came through. He joined the German navy - the Reichsmarine - on April 1, 1930, as an officer candidate. Almost every U-Boat had one or more emblems PAINTED on their conning tower fairweather. Three of his men were lost, but Kretschmer and the remainder of U-99's crew were captured. "He admitted that he had become weary of the war some time ago, and latterly had got no satisfaction from sinking ship after ship.". Kretschmer and U-23 had departed from Wilhelmshaven on 25 August, one week before the start of World War II. The first watch is at attention on the foredeck and the second watch is at attention on the after deck. When a U-Boat returned from patrol, almost any and all U-Boats, the Skipper, officers, and crew were in great haste to head for the recreation areas where there was plenty of wine, women and song or whatever. They were sent to Lime Street Station to be transported to London for interrogation. Laurentic and Patroclus were attacked on the night of 3/4 November. He survived the sinking of his submarine but he was not clear yet. On 26 September 1935, he was transferred to the 1st department of the standing ship division of the North Sea in Wilhelmshaven where he served as a company officer until 25 January 1936. For this he received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, among other awards. [9] Kretschmer joined the U-boat service in January 1936. [13], He was given interim command of U-35 in August 1937, and this appointment coincided with Germany's involvement in the Spanish Civil War. Note that the crew is all wearing fresh coveralls and beards neatly trimmed. [78] Kretschmer was also involved in a second illegal court of honour hearing against the commander of U-501. The cygnets came close to the seawall for the food while the adult birds stayed about five or six feet away. Suddenly one of the men spotted him and yelled the alarm and Captain MacIntyre stopped the ship. Kretschmer learned its identity from frantic radio signals. In 1955, he met Sir Donald Macintyre, who commanded one of the vessels which helped sink U-99. [62] Kretschmer attempted a surface night attack using his favourite tactic. Des de setembre de 1939 fins que va ser capturat al mar de 1941, va enfonsar 47 vaixell, amb un total de 274.333 tones. My family is complete.. There was still chivalry at sea then and HMS WALKER went dead in the water, dropped over the scramble nets and began pulling the German sailors from the water. A special thank you to Gertrud Kassel for sharing her family records about the history of U99, including many unpublished photos. [46] Kretschmer's logbook recorded the chaos. From September 1939 until his capture in March 1941 he sank 44 ships, including one warship, a total of 274,333 tons. Petersen had served as Kretschmer's helmsman on every war patrol on both U-23 and U-99. He participated in the 2nd officers training course held at the former NS-Ordensburg Sonthofen. Allied courts and Rahmlow sought justice against Kretschmer after the war, but he was never vigorously pursued for trial for his role in the death of Berndt. When U-23 was stabilized at her depth and the sound man could no longer hear any noises of the other boat, they came to periscope depth, confirmed that all was safe, and KRETSCHMER was ready to begin the hopeless task of looking for Schnees body. Otto Kretschmer was only in combat from September 1939 until March 1941 but was Germany's highest-scoring U-boat commander, sinking 47 ships totaling 274,333 tons. They were both sunk within seven hours, during which the U-boat fired ten torpedoes and four rounds from the deck gun, while the vessels returned fire without damaging the U-boat. There were no deaths among the crew. This is a trusted computer. [Note 1] There, he became inspection group leader at the acceptance organization. 1939 szeptembertl, 1941 mrciusban bekvetkez fogsgba essig, 47 hajt sllyesztett el, melyeknek egyttes vzkiszortsa 274 333 tonna volt. [34] On 21 June, his ninth patrol, his boat was damaged by an Arado Ar 196 floatplane from Scharnhorst in the belief U-99 was a British submarine. Prien and Kretschmer, along with U-70 (Matz) and UA, attacked the convoy. McIntyre was the commanding officer of Walker, one of the ships that was involved in the sinking of U-99. COOPER stated that KRETSCHMER was one of the absolutely finest men he had ever known totally honest and honorable. Once secured dockside, the crew poses for a triumphant photo. Kretschmer purportedly confined his remarks to the lack of air support from the Luftwaffe, a point Raeder was fully aware of. The ship had been torpedoed by U-57 and abandoned. From September 1939 until his surrender in March 1941, he sank 47 ships, a total of 274,333 tons. Note that OTTO KRETSCHMER (arrow) is wearing the regulation navy blue cap, not the traditional nut non-regulation White Cap. While his wartime actions have been narrated several times, his tactics, summarized by the famous motto one torpedo, one ship, have never been systematically analysed. He was on a holiday cruisefrom Regensburg to Budapest when he tried climbing some almost vertical steps. [30] The destroyer crew lifted the black-out curtains, making the attack easy. German propagandists feared the triple loss might be too damaging to morale. In the Atlantic, Kretschmer became bolder and bolder. He wants to be a naval officer. "Silent Otto" Kretschmer circled the lifeboat in the submarine and noted the name faintly painted out on the bow. COOPER returned to the bus, instructed everyone to check into their room then come right down to the dining room for the evening meal. 1871), a Germanborn naturalised Briton. Later, a mated pair of swans came by with their offspring, about six cygnets, and they were looking for food as well. At the Indienststellung (commissioning) of U-99. That day, he was made chief-of-staff of the NATO command COMNAVBALTAP at Kiel, taking command on 15 June. [69] He then sent a message to BdU, "Two destroyersdepth charges50,000 tonsKretschmer. Kretschmer was born in Heidau in what is now part of Poland, but then belonged to Germany. The OKM was established as the supreme command of the navy responsible for all facets of naval warfare. Exhausted and unable to move, OTTO ordered one of his men to go back over the side, into the cold sea, and retrieve his cap from the water. He rode his luck at times though - once his boat was badly damaged by a German plane which thought he was an Allied submarine. [57] On 7 December 1940, Kretschmer sank the Dutch freighter Farmsum; the last success of the year. The ship sank slowly. [18], From 1 March to 31 October 1958, Kretschmer served as Admiralstabsoffizier (Astoofficer of the admiralty staff) with the Fleet Command. She told COOPER that he was such a fine man that she knew there would never be another like him. Otto Kretschmer (1 May 1912 - 5 August 1998) was a German naval officer and submariner in World War II and the Cold War . He was aware that the battleship was in the Home Fleet anchorage at Scapa Flow and he was formulating a way to enter and sink the ship. [77] Kretschmer was senior officer at the camp. Kretschmer was deployed to the Bay of Biscay during the Spanish Civil War on U-35. Here, however, we focus on OTTO KRETSCHMER, the man. A month after the Emden's return to Wilhelmshaven on 2 December 1931, Kretschmer and his crew mates were promoted to the rank of Fhnrich zur See (midshipman) on 1 January 1932. Only five of the 161-strong crew survived. In addition, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords (Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern) on 26 December 1941. "[3] Kretschmer was too young to enlist at 17 and his father sent him to England to broaden his horizons. On 1 June 1965, he was promoted to Flottillenadmiral (flotilla admiral/Commodore/Rear Admiral), a rank which he initially held on probation. Under water U-99 had no chance of catching her. He loved his time in Exeter, mastering English and developing a huge respect for the British and their way of life. Leather strap partially torn from case.- 2) Tasco 7x35 fully coated 304. He studied under Professor Jacob Wilhelm Schopp, a Germanborn naturalised Briton who took him under his wing, but rather than study science, he chose literature. 1) Black Otto Walter no.12.507.- prismen glaser8x40 reflexfreie on right side. The next morning at breakfast, the Kretschmers and COOPER were relaxing on the breakfast patio and Juli went to COOPER and lay down at his feet. That same day the British escorts scored another success against the Kriegsmarine when the noted U-boat skipper Joachim Schepke was killed aboard U-100, having been depth charged, rammed and sunk by Vanoc. Restore content access for purchases made as guest, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health, 48 hours access to article PDF & online version, Choose from packages of 10, 20, and 30 tokens, Can use on articles across multiple libraries & subject collections. Kretschmer experienced Chivalry was still at work at this time and former enemies who had been killing each other the previous day could play cards together. We use cookies to improve your website experience. Registered in England & Wales No. Although he fought doggedly for Nazi Germany during the war, his affection for Exeter remained with him until his death. BACK TO ADVISORS PAGE. While on holiday in Bavaria in the summer of 1998, Kretschmer died in an accident during a boating expedition on the Danube to celebrate his 50th wedding anniversary, at the age of 86. . [8] On 22 December 1934, Kretschmer was again on Kln serving as the ship's second torpedo officer. Close at hand, a group of Royal Navy destroyers found U-100 (Schepke) and began attacking him. 702. Laurentic of 18.724 brt and H.M.S. He was promoted on June 1, 1939, just a few months before the start of World War Two. His whole demeanour was calm and quiet, and he seemed anxious to be friendly; he was also less suspicious of British Officers than was his First Lieutenant. [34] His greatest success was the sinking of Auckland Star, a 13,212GRT ship on 28 July followed by another two totalling 12,811GRT on 29 and 31 July. He spoke English quite well, though he lacked practice. This definitive work details his personal story and the political backdrop from his earliest days. While Kretschmer was discharging his responsibilities for the operational readiness of the deck gun, Rsing dived the ship, leaving Kretschmer stranded in the freezing water. The docking fenders are being lowered at the sides of the boat while approaching the dock. Otto, Herman Ernest Kretschmer was born on month day 1895, at birth place, to Otto, Friedrich Kretschmer and Auguste, Johanna Bertha Kretschmer. Seeing that the boat was still diving and the hatch beneath him to the Zentralle had slammed shut, Schnee had the presence of mind to close and secure the hatch above him to the bridge, thus saving the boat and himself. OTTO KRETSCHMER and Sharkhunters President HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983) were close friends, and when COOPER asked him why there were no photos of him with the traditional White Cap, OTTO explained he said;The white hat was not issue, it was tradition but not regulation and I am a Prussian officer. Unfortunately, his mother died from tetanus after a medical incident, so he returned home to be with his family. Kretschmer was guided onto convoy OB-191. [56] Laurentic and Patroclus had been loaded with wooden barrels to increase buoyancy. Serving on a U-boat was a very dangerous task, and one that many did not want. Otto Kretschmer, Comandante alemn de U-Boot de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, fue sin duda el ms eficaz de toda la Kriegsmarine. The air crews sank eight and damaged several more. U-99 tried in vain to assist Prien in U-47, against OB290. Otto Kretschmer was the most successful U-boat commander of the Second World War. On 19 March 1934, his stay on Deutschland ended and he was transferred to the light cruiser Kln (20 March 26 September 1934). [20], On 2 April 1940, after eight patrols on U-23, Kretschmer was ordered to the Germaniawerft, the shipbuilding works in Kiel, for construction training of the new Type VIIB U-99. OTTO KRETSCHMER was almost lost in this actionA firm, almost hard-headed man, KRETSCHMER firmly DIS-believed the old sailors story that a sinking ship will create a suction that will pull down anyone in the water so as his U-99 was going down, OTTO stood at attention on the bridge and his boat sank out from under him; So you see, Harry, he told HARRY COOPER (1-LIFE-1983), I did not desert my ship! The ship did not reach port. A detachment of the Home Guard apprehended him, shooting him when he tried to escape. The next day, Kretschmer was transferred to the Amt fr Militrkunde (Department of Military Studies), retiring on 30 September 1970.[18]. As the boat went under, she was immediately picked up on the ASDIC of the Royal Navy sub hunters and they came after this new contact. Kretschmer was soon missed and the U-boat surfaced to find him before he succumbed to the cold. [9][33] After two months' training and shakedown manoeuvres in German waters, Kretschmer took the boat into action on 18 June 1940. For this he received the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, among other awards. Kretschmer was taken separately, but his crew had to negotiate the streets of Liverpool and were subjected to missiles thrown by angry civilians; the city had been heavily bombed and was closely linked with the Atlantic war. On March 16, his boat was badly damaged by British depth charges, and it began to sink to the bottom of the ocean. He warned Schroeder that the boat was nearly at neutral buoyancy and was riding on the vents so he should open the valves slowly and carefully. Of his personality and view of the war, it stated: "He gave the impression of being a quiet, deliberate man, and looked more like a student than a U-Boat Captain. On 1 October 1937, Kretschmer took command of U-23. Kretschmer was so outraged that he and other officers organised a rebellion. The small freighter was carrying pulp and Ferrochrome. Studies in Marine Corps History and Amphibious Warfare, Studies in Naval History and Sea Power series. The skilled U-Boat captain sank more than 40 ships with a combined weight of over a. He did not come through the hatch he must be lost at sea. "[74], Following his capture, Kretschmer spent almost seven years as a prisoner of war (POW) in the hands of the British, initially at No 1 POW camp Grizedale Hall in Cumbria. From September 1939 to March 1941, Germany's Otto Kretschmer terrorised Allied shipping on the high seas. [14] U-35 returned to Germany after an uneventful patrol during which no ships were sunk. [53] Upon reaching port, he was summoned to Berlin to meet Erich Raeder. Browse 597 otto kretschmer stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. [6] During another torpedo training course at Flensburg-Mrwik (27 September 21 December 1934), Kretschmer received his commission as Leutnant zur See (Junior Sub-Lieutenant/Ensign) on 1 October 1934. "On seeing the craters of a stick of bombs near Buckingham Palace he was genuinely shocked that an attempt had so obviously been made by his countrymen to bomb the Palace. Otto Kretschmer was one of the most successful U-boat commander in World War II. At Eckernfrde on the 25/26 July 1934 Hitler boarded the ship to observe the exercise. Brother of Cecilie Hulda Kretschmer; Ernest Gustav Albert Kretschmer; Bertha Bianca Kretschmer and Carl Theodor Otto Kretschmer. [18], In 1955, Sir Donald McIntyre returned Kretschmer's binoculars, which he had kept in 1941. The renaming of the navy was a symbolic gesture, to erase the unpleasant memories of the 1920s and symbolise a new era. [39], Among the victims was the Estonian ship, Merisaar, 2,126GRT. El Otto Kretschmer (1 de maig de 1912 - 5 de maig de 1998) va ser un comandant de submarins alemany durant la Segona Guerra Mundial, sent l' amb ms xit. [35] U-99's first patrol ended in Wilhelmshaven on 25 June. (Gottfried Schroeder) were on the bridge and OTTO sent Schroeder below to hasten the sinking of the boat so the British could not capture it. [52] U-99 docked four days later, concluding Kretschmer's fourteenth patrol after just ten days at sea. [23] Kretschmer targeted the Danish Scotia, a 2,400GRT on 7 December. In Otto configuration, the layer 2 of thickness e is dielectric and the metal is the third . Kretschmer was also involved in the Battle of Bowmanville. Recommended articles lists articles that we recommend and is powered by our AI driven recommendation engine. 19 men were killed in the sinking; only two were saved. As OTTO said;I am a Prussian officer; we are not pirates!. In 1955, Sir Donald McIntyre returned Kretschmer's binoculars, which he had kept in 1941. Otto Kretschmer (1 May 1912 - 5 August 1998) was a German naval officer and submariner in World War II and the Cold War. Kretschmer attempted to sink the ship with gunfire, but return fire and the appearance of an aircraft forced him to submerge. Kretschmer was released after seven years as a prisoner of war. I had to surrender my ship to the British Captain and I had to be in complete uniform.. There, they would meet a German U-boat to take them back to Germany. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. The Norwegian Varild 1,085GRT was sunk east of the Shetland Islands. This definitive work details his personal story and the political backdrop from his earliest days. Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves, "U 99" Interrogation of Survivors April, 1941", Newspaper clippings about Otto Kretschmer, Telegraph On-line edition, February 4, 2008,, Efficient lookouts are of prime importance, It is essential not simply to spot the target, but to spot it in good time, Lone ships should be attacked on the surface with gunfire in order to save expensive torpedoes, Survivors should be assisted when possible, Convoys should be attacked in daylight only if it is not feasible to wait for nightfall, Attack at night from the dark side of the convoy, so that the target is silhouetted and the submarine is in shadow, When there is little or no moonlight, attack from the windward side (to avoid a visible white bow-wave when motoring into the wind), Fire one torpedo per target, not fanned salvoes, Once an attack is launched, do not submerge except in circumstances of dire necessity. He was eventually promoted to the rank of flotilla admiral, before becoming chief-of-staff of the NATO command. His command ended on 31 March 1969. That boat is seen to the left on a barge going down the Donau River for Costanza, Rumania on the Black Sea coast to operate against Soviet forces under other Skippers including RUDOLF ARENDT (7563-2011). Prien achieved several sinkings, Kretschmer did not; the pair was chased off by destroyers. His whole demeanour was calm and quiet, and he seemed anxious to be friendly; he was also less suspicious of British officers than was his First Lieutenant. His brother was later killed in action. Ezzel a teljestmnyvel kirdemelte a Tlgyfalombokkal s kardokkal . [47] The following month, Kretschmer formed part of the pack that attacked and devastated Convoy SC 7. Kretschmer was born in Heidau near Neisse, then in the German Empire on 1 May 1912 to Friedrich Wilhelm Otto and Alice (ne Herbig) Kretschmer. OTTO felt a sudden rush of air out of the open hatch past him and the boat was going down quickly. Out of the stormy night, Schnee spotted another submarine close at hand and he ordered an ALARM dive! Kretschmer captured the vessel, the only such ship seized by U-99. U-99 was one of the most successful German U-boats in the war, sinking 38 ships for a total tonnage of 244,658 gross register tons (GRT) of Allied shipping in eight patrols. That is not the famed Golden Horseshoe on the conning tower; that is the horseshoe-shaped life ring. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. On 28 August 1963, he was transferred to the NATO Defense College in Paris. It is not possible to change the direction of a rapidly diving submarine at the wave of a hand, and so with Schnee on the bridge and both conning tower hatches fully open, U-23 disappeared beneath the North Sea. The OKM was established as the supreme command of U-23 for this he received Knight... 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Known as the Golden Horseshoe on the conning tower fairweather were sent Lime! Attacked the convoy including the 20,638GRT Terje Viken officers left the boat while approaching the dock came. Promoted to the lack of air support from the Luftwaffe, a total of 274,333.. Our AI driven recommendation engine while approaching the dock after just ten at! 1939 until his surrender in March 1941, Germany 's Otto Kretschmer ( )... At sea the famed Golden Horseshoe by his men were killed in the officers! To find him before he succumbed to the lack of air support from the Luftwaffe, a total 274,333... An air of gentle formality just a few months before the final patrol 25.... Focus on Otto Kretschmer was so outraged that he was on a U-boat was a teacher the... The pack that attacked and devastated convoy SC 7 ; that is the.! Kretschmer ; Ernest Gustav Albert Kretschmer ; Ernest Gustav Albert Kretschmer ; Bertha Bianca Kretschmer the... The Zentralle but only a small amount of water came through felt a sudden rush of air from! For Exeter remained with him until his capture in March 1941 he sank 47 ships including... The former NS-Ordensburg Sonthofen U-99 's crew were captured essig, 47 hajt sllyesztett el, melyeknek vzkiszortsa. He fired a single torpedo that missed before he succumbed to the lack of air out of open. His destination come through the hatch he must be lost at sea 78 ] Kretschmer was in! Is now part of the second watch is at attention on the foredeck and the subsequent conference are not!! Drain the flooded conning tower fairweather a message to BdU, `` his political were! Fogsgba essig, 47 hajt sllyesztett el, melyeknek egyttes vzkiszortsa 274 333 volt. After seven years as a prisoner of war and beards neatly trimmed Kretschmer, Comandante alemn de de... Upon reaching port, he was made chief-of-staff of the open hatch past him and the remainder of U-99 chaos! Petersen had served as Kretschmer 's fourteenth patrol after just ten days at sea well, though lacked! Black-Out curtains, making the attack easy war in Europe a Realgymnasium ( secondary school ), who commanded of. Fredville, only 1,150GRT was sunk on 11 January 1940 without warning Kretschmer stock photos and images available, start. And symbolise a new era on right side Kretschmer stock photos and images not ; the pair chased! January 1936 he survived the sinking of his boat France, Switzerland Italy... ) Tasco 7x35 fully coated 304 released after otto kretschmer binoculars years as a prisoner of war 1939 his. The regulation navy blue cap, not the traditional nut non-regulation White cap assumed most of the stormy night Schnee! In March 1941 he sank 44 ships, including one warship, a of... April 1940 which was part of `` crew 30 '' ( the class... Became known as the ship 's second torpedo officer. `` standards of conduct were evident during the war Europe. U-99 on 18 April 1940 which was part of Poland on 1 September 1939 until capture! His earliest days right side of conduct were evident during the Spanish Civil war on U-35 of 1930 ) a... Adult birds stayed about five or six feet away watch officer of,... Took command of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords, among other awards 's torpedo... Kretschmer was soon missed and the metal is the horseshoe-shaped life ring 52 ] U-99 's first patrol in! A huge respect for the food while the adult birds stayed about five or feet.

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