Percy also sympathized for Reyna and could tell how much Octavian bugged her and tried to ruin things for her. Percy is originally mad at Bianca when she joins the Hunters of Artemis, but gets over it quickly. Nico then saved Percy and the others by declaring himself the ghost king, finally becoming friends. Status Nico also warned Percy and Annabeth that Rachel was going to Half-Blood Hill, and they went to find her. Carter gives Percy his wand turning into a kopis and Sadie teaches Annabeth the Egyptian word for exploding. They also discussed Jason's plan to honor the gods. June then shows her true form as Juno and the campers bow in respect, except for Percy who thinks that because he carried her all this way, he didn't feel that she deserved his respect (and also because Percy didn't particularly like Juno in her Greek form Hera though he didn't remember that at the time). Percy and Annabeth then journeyed to many dangerous islands including Circe's Island and the Sirens' Island, and Annabeth tells Percy several stories about Thalia's death, which she also mentions her prophecy. Percy and Grover (who doesn't bother to disguise himself) take the subway to Times Square as it is located in the middle of the Theater District and filled with tourists and Broadway performers. Nico has the ability to annoy Percy Jackson quite easily when they first met by asking Percy several questions. Hazel had also kissed Percy on the cheek for his moral support. He also heard Coach Hedge sing a lot of TV theme songs. Jet Black After Jason saved Percy, Percy thanked Jason for saving his life, and Jason said that's what people do for their friends. He has the same "brooding" look as his father, which always had him branded as a rebel; his mother has a rebellious streak just like him. Percy, using a water attack. Percy noticing Reyna's feelings for Jason Grace, in The Son of Neptune. Nico ended up doing what Percy said and convincing his father, showing up in the middle of the Battle of Manhattan to help Percy, and asked if it was too late to join the party. After five minutes, the fighting began and Percy pretended to fight Frank and Hazel. Percy begins wrestling with the automaton but notices that the heat resonating from the song has melted his earwax and signed his shirt. Percy is gifted with several semi-divine abilities: the ability to manipulate water and currents; enhanced strength/energy and senses while near the water; the ability to breathe underwater; the ability to operate old sailing ships with his mind; mental communication with marine animals, equine animals, water nymphs, and some of his relatives; Setne then uses a magic spell that pins Percy to the ground. Percy learns that he is a demigodmeaning that he is half-human and half-godand joins with other children of the Greek gods at . Explore this article 1 Poseidon's Oceans Answer (1 of 11): *sighs* You haven't read the Percy Jackson series and Heroes of Olympus, have you? He insisted he would not run when his friends needed him. Tyson revealed that he had prayed to Poseidon for a friend, and he had sent him Percy. Actor Even though Geryon double-crossed Percy, after his defeat, Percy asks Nico to stay on the ranch to keep him safe. Carter also gets angry at Percy's use of the word half-blood (as his dad is African-American and his mom is white), as well as Percy offering to help because last time Carter was eaten by the crocodile. He's constantly being labeled a lazy troublemaker. Percy recalled the last time he had a nosebleed after seeing Apollo's blood on his carpet, making Apollo remember how he was turned mortal. This made a lot of people bully him, while his second stepfather, Paul Blofis, suspected something was wrong with Percy and that he couldnt be normal. He is a demigod, half-human and half-god, and his godly parent is Poseidon. When Kronos makes it to the Hall of the Gods, Percy battles him to stop the destruction of the Olympians' Thrones, which, if destroyed will cause the Olympians to lose their power. Annabeth concludes that once he puts two crowns of lower and upper Egypt that he will destroy the world. However, the Spartoi got hold of parts of Percy's sleeve instead of the General's piece of cloth with the Hunters' scent on it, resulting in them hunting him instead. While passing through, Bianca took a Mythomagic game piece of Hades for her brother, Nico because it was the only one that Nico didn't have. Percy said he felt that he was as close to Hazel as any of his old friends from Camp, and that since he trusted her, he hoped she would trust him. Let's look at his abilities! She tells them that Percy knows the way, but Percy doesn't know what she means by that. Like Zeus, Hades has a mixed relationship with his nephew due to his natural dislike of heroes and disapproved of Percy's existence due to Poseidon breaking the oath. Annabeth has kissed Percy four times in the series. Source: pinimg Who is Annabeth Chase? In Greek plays, they are often referred to as "Tragic Flaws". Suddenly, Percy heard Hazel in pain and ran to help her. Books Percy Jackson and the Olympians. He meets up with June, a goddess disguised as an old lady and she gives him a choice: carry her to the other side of the road, or leave everything and go to the ocean, creating a new and invincible life for himself. Suddenly, Polybotes recognized Percy and vowed to crush him once and for all. When they got back on the ship, Jason elbowed Percy and said they weren't such a bad team. When Percy fights against Iapetus, he flings him into the River Lethe, thus causing the Titan to lose all his memories. Percy tells Iapetus that he is his friend Bob, and Iapetus believes him, and becomes harmless as a result. He said he was glad Leo found her and promised that he would do anything to help Leo after they make it out. After Percy and Terminus defeated Polybotes, she chanted "Praetor! They were both compared to a superhero (Aquaman and Superman respectively). Reyna welcomed Percy into the Fifth Cohort after his auguries were favorable, but looked at him with pity since he was in the worst cohort. The Siren's music has an oral hypnotic effect. Percy is on good terms with Hermes, who convinced him to go on a quest in The Sea of Monsters and gave him magic items to assist him in his journey. When Percy and Annabeth get there, they climb down a ladder into the sewers and find an underground cavern. As they later drink Coke together in the forest, Luke reveals he was behind the theft of the bolt and the Helm of Darkness, and vanishes. However, Nico blames Percy for not protecting her and throws the figurine away, telling him he hates Percy. Percy said how Jason saved him from Kymopoleia, and since Annabeth didn't know, Percy's ears turned as pink as Alex's jeans. He finds the demigod whom he spared earlier in the maze, Ethan. But Percy and Apollo were saved after Meg, with the help of Peaches, defeated the Nosoi. He feels regret for how badly he treated Tyson before and wishes he could take it back. He later learns Thalia's Pine Tree is poisoned, meaning the borders are weakened and the activities director Chiron has been blamed since he is Kronos' son. Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson. Percy was scared of Reyna and was even more scared of her greyhounds, Aurum and Argentum, but she reassured him that they won't attack. Percy tried to reassure Apollo that he belonged at Camp and that he was once in the same situation, but Apollo insisted that he must free the other Oracles to save everyone. Reyna got over her grudge over time, but Hylla never did. They also make dam jokes about the Dam Snack Bar and the Dam Restroom, though Zo was lost on the humor. He, along with Annabeth and Thalia, then go to Mount Olympus on Blackjack and his friends, Guido and Porkpie. She tells him that he is nothing like Hercules who had betrayed her before and she is proud he carries the weapon she made before dying. His training methods involved Magnus jumping off the highest point of a ship to prepare him for an attack on his ship. As Percy watches her, she seemed to change into all the girls he had ever had a crush on. Mr. D makes Percy ask him politely for help, which Percy does between clenched teeth, and the god saves them by wrapping the Manticore and his men in grapevines, saving their lives. He also wanted to live long enough to meet his baby sister, and see his moms novel get published. He can be derisively sarcastic and moody, especially when someone tries to manipulate him or forces him to obey. There, Zo Nightshade, who knows a lot about Nereus, tells Percy to look for him by smell as it is different. Perseus "Percy" Jackson He control both large and small amounts of water with great finesse. He realized that he wouldnt of survived in Tartarus if not for Nico. Both Percy and Annabeth disagree with her views about family, siding with her son Hephaestus even though Hera helped them several times in The Battle of the Labyrinth. Nico then decided to clear the air with Percy, since they would be seeing each other often, and said he had a crush on him but he was over it. He completes a job for Geryon to free Nico, even at the risk of Percy having to stay there himself if he fails. As Percy begins to tire, Carter finally manages to remove it and the crocodile returns to its original form; that of a baby crocodile. Apollo buys the excuse and leaves with the Celedons for his concert in a flash of light. When they reach Polyphemus's island they join up with Clarisse (who managed to survive the explosion), Grover (who had been captured by Polyphemus), and later Tyson, who miraculously survived thanks to Rainbow, a friendly hippocampus who dragged him out of the water. Battling side by side is Annabeth and Percy. Bob the Titan, originally Iapetus, became an ally in The Demigod Files, while he is fighting Percy, Percy tricks him into splashing into the River Lethe, wiping his memory clean. During the Quest for Thanatos, Hazel and Percy bonded and Hazel told Percy about how she died, her biggest secret. Thalia and Percy agreed to be co-captains of the demigod team while Zo Nightshade leads the Hunters. Thalia then runs up to Percy, asking him what he was thinking as when she got to the flag's spot, it was gone. Percy calms down when he finds out that he wasnt planning to kill him, after Nico said Bianca's soul is worth more than his. He was the temporary host of the Egyptian goddess Nekhbet. Percy was devastated by his death and blamed himself, but Nico di Angelo tells Percy that he spoke to his ghost in Elysium and Charles does not blame him. Percy was very protective of Hazel on the quest, and when she went off with Leo, Percy pulled Leo aside to tell him Hazel's story. Percy about Rachel, in The Last Olympian. A few days later, the Argo II arrived in Pylos. As much as Percy hated him, Percy did not draw Riptide. Apollo reveals he likes Percy and that his experience with the Sirens during the Sea of Monsters is a similar challenge. Percy drove through a railroad crossing and soon ended up in a countryside near Camp. They eventually arrived in Mykonos, where he scouted with Annabeth and got gelato for everybody. When he and Sadie expressed a desire for a frontline assault on Setne, Carter and the daughter of Athena convinced them to form a plan first, showing their similarities in combat. When he comes back to Camp Half-Blood, he finally expresses his feelings for Annabeth and they kiss twice, the first time in Camp Half-Blood's mess hall, and the second time being underwater, due to which a group of eavesdroppers tosses them into the lake, the latter which he describes as 'pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time.' While fighting her, they finally discussed Calypso. They eventually find the crocodile terrorizing a small cul-de-sac with a few kids spraying the monster with water guns and hitting it with water balloons. Percy later collaborated with Frank and Hazel for winning the war games. Percy and Jason also called each other "bros", and when Annabeth said they shouldnt go together to see Nike, they said they might kill each other again like in Kansas, calling each other "my bro Jason" and "my bro Percy". While on his journey in Tartarus, Percy realized Nico was stronger than he gave him credit for. Bianca also died. Water damage and Weaken vs Fire to a single enemy. Percy winces at the mention of the sing-along but agrees to go for the s' mores, claiming that they may still have time to turn Grover's birthday around. Percy also explained to Leo and Calypso the Triumvirate Holdings and Nero, and what happened in the last six months. The three immediately set out to find him. The three then promise to keep it a secret as Percy knows that Nico could also be a child of the Great Prophecy, but instead says that he himself will take the responsibility of the prophecy instead. Percy said even though he lost his memory and went on the quest, he should have made sure the gods freed her. Annabeth, assigned a mission from her mother Athena to recover the Athena Parthenos, must go her own way and thus Percy becomes extremely worried. He has unique strengths that are way above average but also has some noticeable weaknesses. While Percy himself never actually appears in this story, is mentioned multiple times by Annabeth, who was taking the subway to his apartment before encountering Sadie, and is implied to have gone there after her adventure. Before receiving her as a pet, she was noted by Daedalus to like Percy resulting in the inventor giving Percy a Stygian ice whistle to summon her for help in a moment of need. Percy Jackson is a popular teenage character, and his books serve as a great example of how many teenagers can relate to him. Percy was later proud of Jason when his wound was healed. Guarding the Athena Parthenos was Arachne, who Annabeth tricked into trapping herself. Reyna also said she missed Jason Grace. Over the next few days, the Argo II was damaged from the storm and Percy and Jason had to push it away from a rock. The two also introduce each other, eventually revealing their names. Much to Carter's surprise, Percy can clearly see his wand and khopesh, which would have been impossible for a mortal. Percy then said he was trying to say thank you, and Nico told him to give him space, making Percy feel hurt. As a son of Poseidon, Percy is an extremely powerful individual and one of the most powerful demigods in the series. Nico was very scared when Percy woke up and asked if he was alright, and tried to protect him from his father and his soldiers. As they leave, Percy followed them from above on his pegasi, Blackjack. As Arachne falls into the abyss of Tartarus (she and the Athena Parthenos were over the void of Tartarus), she shot out silk spider webs, one of which wrapped around Annabeth's ankle. Percy left Apollo in his bathroom and gave him some Ambrosia and Nectar, and some clothes for him to wear. However, Piper was afraid of the son of Poseidon. Percy, Rachel, Annabeth, and Nico escape and leave Daedalus and Mrs. O'Leary to fight the remaining monsters. Biographical information It gave the two thoughts of giving up and drowning but Annabeth manages to get them to shore. Percy agreed not to go with Jason, since they might kill each other, and agreed to go with Hazel, Frank, and Leo. When he goes on the Quest for Artemis, he promises Nico that he would protect her. As his spirit dies, it goes into the mouths of each of them except Nico, and it seems that Grover got a little bit more than the rest. However, his claustrophobia doesn't seem to bother him in The Battle of the Labyrinth, so it could simply be that he simply becomes restless when confined, but is still functional and his previous phobia now only acts as a mild annoyance. Percy also found out that Annabeth had family in Boston, and was surprised since she was a Yankees fan. In The Battle of the Labyrinth, she kissed him again for luck as she leaves him to fight the telekhines at Mount Saint Helens. At the Feast of Fortuna, Reyna honored Percy and said that their destinies were made possible by Percy's deeds, then made him praetor, saying he earned his praetor's cloak. Percy and Nico met May Castellan and later Sally Jackson, where Nico pleaded with her to give Percy the blessing to bathe in the River. Kronos is the first true leader of enemy forces Percy has faced and fought against, having spent years fighting the Titan of time from the age of twelve to his sixteenth birthday. After the events of The Blood of Olympus, Percy seems to be less impulsive. As the two have burgers afterward and tell the other about their respective pantheons and see each other as close allies. While they are setting the bombs to blow up the ship, some telekinesis attack. Rachel Elizabeth Dare is Percy's only human love interest. However, before the game could begin, Apollo arrives and greets Percy and Grover. At that moment, four of the Spartoi appear, somehow managing to get past the Camp Borders. Leo and Percy also teamed up to defeat Nike. He and Leo escaped by jumping behind a wall, and he finally decided to talk about Calypso. Up top, he warns the others of the danger and they are cornered at the top of the dam. At the very end of the book, he and Annabeth share a moment of bliss as they race toward the road down Half-Blood Hill back into the mortal world, not looking back at Camp Half-Blood for once. Asks Nico to stay on the cheek for his moral support if fails! 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