Blocked for herself has one too good to be true interpretation. There wud be love here for sure, but it wont be that love. While a Gemini lady is logical and practical, a Scorpio man is sensitive and intuitive. We argued all the time behind his jealousy. He is angry and yelling when he sees you because he still LOVES you. Our revenge tears people apart at their very soul, and last a long time if not a life time. He never planned on being w someone that has child w someone else. I tried reaching out to him twice during this time, once to even semi-apologize for what I did when my feelings were hurt all those years ago. He'll relish the chance to have you to himself for a moment. Mostly Geminis are not ready to be togheter with a Scorpio in the beginning, but the main reason for that is that we dont like to be confronted with our weak spots. Thanks for listening. I honestly dont know what to do. Has been almost a month of no contact. And flying can be anything from hobbies to funny time together at home! They will always keep their word and they will somehow expect you to do the same. Why even tell me he liked me after a year? I know Gemini woman is a handful. At first we just exchanged casual conversation since I was dating someone else at the time (a Leo, never again He was a cheater). Hi @Scorpphi. Plant a seed, water it, give it sun, watch it grow to something beautiful. It was magical for u bcoz u never experienced it, but not for the scorp guy. But if not, then you should know what youre getting into. You wont get her back believing you are the best thing since sliced bread..acting as though getting to know a Scorpio is a privedge and a gift. Love love love and get on with your real path to destiny honey! Its interesting. Geminis only considering the surface of everything and fail to see the unrelenting, indomitable, shear determination and power in the soul of the Scorpio. The communication sag trait was not there. Capricorns are like disciplinarians with their partners, so they'll make sure that before they allow someone back into. The pure shock to my system made me snap. I love him too much but hes always feeling unsecured. Well Sun Signs work for men, but I use Moon Signs for women. I am in tears. Weve gone through changes. A Scorpio man attracts the Gemini woman from the first time she takes a glance of him. Girls in general do not like to apologize, and gemeni girls are even worse at that. Scorpios arent above admitting when theyve made a mistake, or when someone else has a better idea or plan. She has a hard time opening up her heart and she doesnt experience emotions in the same way that her Scorpio man does. I am also a gemini woman and I felt everything you said.. Never has anyone understood.. Hurting me with no remorse (another gemini trait). She then said there was no problem at all & also asked how was it all back at the academy. After the newness wears off he begins to reevaluate how much he really adores her charm and bubbly attitude. !>>For the FOUR years we were together he only lasted 30 seconds at a time. A Gemini woman is curious and willing to learn about anything, but a Scorpio man has a more limited scope of interests. I am in somewhat of the same situation now. & our 4 year relationship has been honestly magical. He doesnt try to read me at all, already knowing everything that matters, while I know next to nothing about him, even though weve been good friends for over a year now. Hell be there for you, and thats what matters. They cannot spend the day always having to change ideas and conversations let alone an entire life time. Scorpios are notorious for being stubborn, but they are also willing to admit their faults. She told me that I was different & one of those few ppl who shud be saved & not let go.. She once said that I was more mature than my age grup. But if u dont show such behaviour further or show actual smart/impressive traits, then theyll let that first observation go for the time being, but wouldnt forget. First time Im having a scorpio. A Scorpio man and a Gemini woman have vastly different communication styles, so communication between them isnt natural or easy. Ive defused situations with my words of loyalty to him and we can only say such things to someone if we mean them. No matter how many women are throwing themselves at him, his focus is just on you. But I will give you one word of advice. I love the guy but i dont always like him. I believe its all in your upbringing, beliefs, cultures, environments, and lifestyles. Good for you that you showed him that you can work things out. Im definitely not. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Scorpios know that theyre worth committing to, and understand that life isnt perfect. and then she came back, i found out and i thought we were atleast talking or seeing eachother, but after i found out i was pretty bummed off life, like i snapped on her completely called her a whore, then the next day i apologized and i felt like a dick. Right now our relationship isnt that secure but i let him have everything he want just so i dont loose him. While it is undeniable that we are mutable and change frequently, it is so incredibly far from reality to assume we are unemotional or not deeply emotional and Id even go as far as saying that we have the deepest emotions of all the signs put together. And i always fall in love with him. If they promise to be with you, most likely they will always be with you. We have a mutual passionate connection, that until now, I never really had the chance to experience. Im a Scorpio ascendant and I cant believe you described the same situation lol with a Gemini ascendant. Lots of extreme argument but later we kiss and make up after he promises me that he wont do it again. We love what our Scorpio was before he was born and what he will return to after his death. I wasnt even sure if hes coming back so I kinda felt that being loyal to him was up to no good. (or us I should say) It also helps me let go. It has to be both parties really wanting it, understanding each other, and willing to accept and compromise. Be patient which Im sure you can be; it will pay off. Their chemistry will be electric and exciting in the beginning, but once a Scorpio man has learned everything there is to know about a Gemini woman in bed, he will be left feeling like something is missing. The biggest problem I have is the games. This makes it difficult to convince her to become deeply involved with any one person. he literally pulled it out of me. they do get annoyed for silly things but when we got home .. i was ready to leave eventually he saud he wanted to know me i melted . Are you and your partner the best SunSign match? And as a Gemini I am more of a butterfly in the wind and I do enjoy my freedom. As a woman, we all dream of having this kind of partner. Now let's look at Saturn, which is about to move to Pisces for the first time in nearly three decades. In other words, Scorpios could be more inclined to take a risk. Gemini is one of the most intellectual and curious signs of the zodiac, and her brilliance makes a Scorpio man obsessed with a Gemini woman. I hope she plays well. @Phillygem526 I meant to you *why dont scorpio men, @Scorpio-Man.I see your post was from March 2011did you ever apologize??? Almost one year ago he declared his undying love for me. I hate scoripon but this certain person still has my heart HOWEVER, I NOW HAVE UNTI-SCORPIONS CELLS ON MY BRAIN THAT WONT ALLOW HIM ON MY LIFE EVER AGAIN!! gemini man scorpio woman marriagedoes keegan allen have a child 26th February 2023 / in west warwick viewpoint / by / in west warwick viewpoint / by However Im shallow as well, just not often. man, you need to go back to school to get some gettin used to! Recently, she got drunk with friends at a party(held at my place), which I had to close down before any her drunkiness could surface, however because I felt she was too drunk to take the walk home, a short walk, cos of her repute in the area, I let her sleep it off at my place, resulted in her parents seriously lashing out. It isnt a personal attack on anyone for gods sake let me give yall a tip, sensible or evolved scorpios NOTICE such details where theyll automatically identify anyones weak spots in their personalities, be it gemini or other stupid scorpios or any other sign. Look at all the other comments here, so similar. It is very important for both the Scorpio man and Gemini woman to trust each other, if they want to be together in a perfect and harmonious relationship. A few months passed and me and the Leo broke up. Mature scorpios instantly know it in the initial interactions that gemini females are scared of letting themselves completely surrender to the matters of the heart, but we ultimately respect those whore strong. Its because a Gemini woman loves beyond the flesh and the mind and we love the very Soul of our Scorpio men. They will always put their partner first. I will never forget that night as long as I live. As the airy Gemini imagination, and watery Scorpio passion, blends for sexual unison an interesting beginning is experienced by both of them. While the rest of the zodiac handles the breakup with a sense of finality, the Scorpio man takes things in a different direction. He has pushed me to grow up and be better and take things more seriously. We grew up together but as we got older he moved to another town in which we then went to different schools so we never saw each other and lost touch. As the Gemini woman and Scorpio man intensely desire and rediscover the purity of their love, their unison becomes miraculous and they retain the brightness of their hearts. His stability, his firmness and self-discipline is irresistible for her. Im marrying a Scorpio man and it is a Rollercoaster every week. Other than it, plz explain anything here if u can. From what Ive read on this thread im not too sure what to think. Past tense. Therere many unevolved fools with this sign who just are not the super cool Scorpio. And some are actually only showing you pity..that is unless they stay to realize it is a cover of insecurity for some truely remarkable and indescribable traits that you yourselves do not even know how to control. I love her, Ill take what I can get. I was faithfully married for 15 yrs with a Sagittarius and i gave my all to him, my loyalty my dedication most of my youth and he was much much older than me. If u think emotions are a hurdle in logic, then learn to control them & not avoid them. Scorpios dont go into a relationship without expecting to make it lasteven if the initial attraction didnt start that way. Hurting me with no remorse (another gemini trait). I love him with all my heart, i have hopes for him and i pray that we will be together forever. so i started talking to her cuz it turned out he played her nd started doing stuff with his ex gf. I remember I used to go to a friends house near the track all the time, especially on weekends just to hear the race knowing he was racing in it. Then it was to see if I really loved her she even did a psychological intake on me (shes getting a PhD in psych) Knowledge is power and one of the best ways to find out about someone is through learning about them. It is definitely and absolutely a love that you read about and watch in operas. 1. He is my soulmate and we are planning our future together and I love it and I couldnt be happier. Something that I cant even explain. So when Mr. Scorpio guy called again, I picked up the phone, we talked and I was surprised when he said HE MISSED ME SO MUCH. If u dont get butterflies when he calls, run! But Gemini girls, get ready to work you a**. the longer our relationship is, the harder to handle it gets. I was good to him. They arent the kind of person who jumps into relationships lightly. But they could use a dose of humility. And when they cant trust each other, they cant open up to one another completely in bed. Since Scorpios are extremely loyal, if they love you, theyll put up with a lot. If they are successful at this, they will have an almost unbreakable relationship. Ive never met a person I could not read in an instant. Whereas, the air element in the Gemini woman makes her intellectual and smart as a person. Also, the wisdom thing is definitely true, btwn the sag woman & gemini woman, the sag woman has that sense of knowing(in my opinion). He knows what he means to me & I know that it was my fault to miss the opportunity , I am a Gemini female and my boyfriend is a Scorpio male and these are true points made but It is a lot of work because I have chosen to pull back a lot without losing myself as I am still a free spirit I just take into consideration that its not just me anymore and I am fine with that. Sagittarius Man & Gemini Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Im going to give my scorpio man some chance. He is willing to take his time to make sure its a healthy relationship for both of them no matter how long it takes, and that means he does have your best interest at heart. Or be her friend and be there for her. If you hurt me hundred times It will hurt you thousand times , Geminis pls never trust and loose your virginity to someone useless. According to astrology, the moment a Scorpio man falls in love, hes in for the long haul. I trust her fully, something Ive never really done in a relationship. Their two sides kind, warm, carrying, care free, smart, passionate conflicts with their psycho, temper tantrum trowing, bullheaded, deceitful, dark side. Further complicating the communication between these two zodiac signs is that they are both very duplicitous. HaHa gaby, you know gossip is something gemeni girls do best. Im a Gemini female, and have been with Scorpio men. A Scorpio man and a Gemini woman are capable of moderating each other's behaviour and moods and their relationship will be forever evolving. Scorpios are not afraid to make a decision. If you have a fight, go different ways and talk it out later. Im STILL sprung. She is truly my Muse! They dont want to make a mistake, and they dont want you to be someone who is just another in a long line of people who have come and gone out of their life. 1. She came back to me the next day. I guess when I saw your comment I saw an opportunity. I think because on a deeper level that we cant even comprehend we know that they are there for us with every last breath in their body and they utterly devote themselves to who they love and trust. No matter how hard it is. I asked my partner for his help as he is a scorpio. I can still remember that he was a very mysterious person, he is a strong speaker, when hes got something to say, people would really listen and he was a math genius! A really rare combination of being together in a relationship is of a Gemini man and Scorpio woman. so get out, shutup, because in my opinion this is so damn accurate,it couldnt be anymore accurate if i tried,sorry,open mindedness promises more opportunities no room for norrow minded like you =P. I make sure he comes home to a clean house and everything is prefect. There literally are not words to describe this love. i lovee my scorpio man even though he is ah jealous person i never ahd ah boifriend tht cared so much 4 me hell do anything 4 me thts y i love em sumtimes he has ah sort of ah temper but wen we are together its freaking amazing i love yu hunnie bunz!! They understand that they can equally give up on a relationship if they need to and walk away in the end if its just not working out. They dont rush into relationships, but carefully select the right person to share their lives with. When I found out I ran for dear life. This air sign is all about communication, and if . In the beginning, man, he chased me (we were co-workers) and he never made a move, just became good friends with me. They come out based on how we are treated. my scorpian man took me in when my daughter and I was homeless. Even when we do go out, he is the more social one. He even said he knew when I would leave him during the night because he would tell me in the morning that I left him. He is loyal, with absolutely nothing to hide, and this attracts me to no end. What do I do? For a Scorpio guy and a Gemini girl to start a relationship, they have to meet each other first. Thats what made him famous in school and a lot of girls fell for him. This may turn out to be negative for the relation as she is someone who likes to enjoy her freedom. Scorpios are dedicated to their partners and such dedication is hard to find in todays world of Tinder-swiping singletons. I dont like the name scorpio and I dont like what I have been reading about scorpio man and gemini woman. And then believing it yourself. While that's true for most of their exes, there are three zodiac signs Scorpio will likely regret breaking up with. But as I said, if we cannot understand ourselves completely then Scorpio certainly has no hope in doing so either. She might not be ready for the depth of a Scorpios love. Fire signs can be stupid af, but still scorps like them, its bcoz they dnt care. It signifies all the communication related aspects in the day to day life, like expressing ones ideas and opinions. Im a Gemini and my fianc is a Scorpio and I will tell you this, Scorpio men are very loyal & calm. If the sun-moon aspects between them is affirmative, they will have a great relationship, but if there is no positive support on that note, then it may seem to be a difficult situation for them to click well. Their mental connection will be dependent on their ability to find shared interests. Because Im black and hes sicilian. If you think you're going to solve a conflict with a Gemini by ignoring them, you must be dreaming. He is angry cause I am very protective of my Tony. 5. There has to be a reason they are coming back. And even show him that not only with words but also with actions. He knows the relationship is over, she said she didn't want to be with him romantically, after all, but . Read about his life, his whole story is super scorpionic. Stop cheating on him and stop flirting with other guys! This can make for an interesting and rewarding relationship, yet it can also make for some intense moments. Will it be Richard? It puts my jealous love at ease due to the fact that when we have our altercations I realize how petty and little my insecurity is and he strengthens me. Gemini woman is and will always be a complete mystery to them and the tragedy is that although its nearly impossible for us to ever love deeply any other Sign, the Scorpio is the Sign we couldnt stop loving if we tried. Pisces Man & Gemini Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? Boy oh boy!! Scorpio wud like the action star, this being just a stupid exampleunderstand the meaning here. I wish you well, I wish Id both well x. This is because we ARE the key, the living breathing key that naturally unlocks the living breathing vault of Scorpio. Although they may struggle to build an emotional connection, the mental compatibility between a Scorpio man and a Gemini woman is very strong. They know that their partner is the most important thing to them, and they will do whatever it takes to keep them happy. My advice is to keep people out of your relationship at first because its gonna take a lot of your time and energy and having everyone in your ear can cloud things even more as you are trying to figure out if this is worth it for you. There are six major reasons why Gemini finds it difficult to commit. If not much, you will get a closure. If Gemini woman genuinely loves him, there is a possibility with some teaching and charm that he can show her what it is that he so desires in his lover and can even put flame to her passion. Whether its through reading a book or talking to your Scorpio man, youll learn more about him than most because he takes the time to get to know you. Hmmm Im just hitting it up with a scorpio man. And they never understood that I never even tried to turn the key, I *was* the key, so never needed try. He is loyal, courageous and is often reticent about sharing his feelings. I do not live by horoscopes but i thought i would check out some horoscope websites for some insight. I love my scorpio man..he Is very intensive, he knows how Im feeling before I knowthe arguments can get pretty intense..but the thought of being without him drives me insane..I love him past our life span on this earth.he completes me, protects and loves me like no other.I love that man!!!! What happened?? As time went on, I found out that his girlfriend for 6 yrs left him for another guy and he was very distraught. But if you still wanna do something similar, go find yourself a sagittarius woman. He takes his time and gets to know you to make sure that you are the right person for him. But a Gemini woman will work hard to understand her Scorpio partner, and the Scorpio man will use his sensitivity to intuit how a Gemini woman is feeling. When they do make those decisions, they know what needs to be done for their life or relationship to work out properly. Nothing happened, he was already with a cap female. Sex is incredible. He can be a nag siometimes and he can find me immature sometimes but he overall treats me like a princess and makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world how he looks at me. Here are ten reasons why Scorpio men always come back. Communication is easy for us geminis, but we tend to go different ways in our opinion too much and thats dificult for a steady scorpio. I hope it works out for you. Sensible scorps dont take even them seriously, they too go into the same category as you, irrespective of their sign. Im a Gemini woman who has only fallen in love twice and both times was with a Scorpio man. So youre dating a Scorpio man. As far as your Scorpio. Scorpio male here; Im in love with my Gemini friend and I dont, I mean, never want to hurt herShe sez shes in love with her boyfriend an Aries guy, but will spend the whole day with me, without flinching. Scorpio wud bring that part of u out, like it or not. Though, they may not be very expressive, the Earth Signs can be really warm beings from within, but it may take long. ?as i was in relation 4r 6 years.with her but i wont be able to continue dat.. @Denise stop being so narrow minded, dont assume something to be true without giving it a chance,i bet even it ended up being true, you would probably be ignorant to admit that it could be accurate, and what are you doing here anyways? Its been over a decade of dating. Scorpio men value their relationships and are attentive to their partners needs and emotions. And because this is something that most people of any Sign cannot begin to understand, most dont recognize it at all when its right in front of them. 1. so i kissed her before she left into her friends house and i know she loved it cuz shes the one who went in for the kiss. Says, Oh our connection with pisces/taurus is insanebut chases the gemini girl. So I did apologize first, you are reading me wrong. Begin by showing up in places you know he frequents and acts like it was coincidental. Ryan Gosling is also a decent representation of the wolf stage. I can get any girl I want, but for some reason I want to give her another chance, and want her to just stop hurting. I write to express my thoughts so that others will be inspired. And, surprisingly, after 4 years, our lives crossed. Well I find one thing to be true about a Scorpio man.he is secret, he will not settle down unless he knows there is no one else he wants or desires.i made the mistake an marries mines only to lose him to a younger woman.So he gave up his family with me an our three kids because he was not fully convinced in his heart I was everything.Great in bed an a great father.Maybe she will convince him. The moment she told me that she was a gemini, I knew that her inner chart mustve got cancerian energy( inner chart usually has ur sun sign or its neighbouring signs) & I was correct, plus she just has her sun&moon signs in gemini, rest of her chart is full of water & earth signs. So dont judge us when we tell you our deep side, instead give advice. They dont want to waste time in meaningless, passive relationships. At first I was scared but I realized how important it is for me to have someone so stable and Im excited to see where this goes. BE REAL, AVOID FAKE OR SUPERFICIAL BEHAVIOUR. Im happy to do this for him maybe too happy. Theyre willing to give it up and say sorry when its necessary, even if its for something that might not have anything to do with their own lives. They feel as if no one understands them, and they are so extremely private they appear to be living vaults with their thoughts and feelings locked eternally inside themselves. And its amusing how no one really seems to care how she behaved with him, I mean THATS A LOT if you ask any good Scorpio, usually we wont even stay around such behaviour, trust me when I say this, this guy really liked her & all your replies here are shouting that you are an idiot, who dated another idiot. Thank god my mother is a patient kind wife who has waited on him hand and foot all these years, cooked, cleaned and taken good care of the children(me). I love him so much. They can have him. People always have this perception of geminis where they feel we come off as egotistical and emotionless when its the exact opposite. A Scorpio man and a Gemini woman have vastly different communication styles, so communication between them isn't natural or easy. Ive been with a Scorpio man for over two yeaRs. I sic attention and affection. Until the next time we see each other. Im scorpio to the bone and she has my heart and soul.and my loyalty.. Understand the real motives that drive you to seek a particular friend. Thinking I would never hold him accountable because I loved him too much. I am a Pisces. They also both felt a need to protect me and keep me near them in ways that only a Gemini woman never ever needs. I knew as soon as I walked through that door I was going to meet someone that touched my soul. @Lucy you are completely right, we are complete idiots and dont deserve anything good, well at least i dont deserve anything good, Im an asshole and im Scorpio so. All rights reserved. He is kind, considered and want to spoil me rotten. <3 rip <3. He craves a deeper emotional connection than she can provide, which prevents them from having an ideal sex life. She wants someone fun, someone exciting, and someone who can stimulate her imagination. Yes, geminis are free spirited, fun, witty and always looking for adventure. And it was the best sex of my life. Shes intelligent, kind, Witty and smart, and I love every single bit of herShe says she hates me in a good way, and I really dnt knw what to thinkshe would tell me a lot of peronal and secret things, and I sure do try my best to demisify her any conflicting, hurting or difficult thoughts and feelings, well, at least I think I do, cos after the talks she gets some of the happiest Ive ever seen her,dont want to get my hopes up though. Editing & deleting cmnts shud be made easy on this site, its irritating af. What was it that attracted you towards each other? If the Scorpio man in bed with Gemini woman is satisfied and connects well with her, he will be forever faithful and loyal to her. The other movie being an action romantic, where the female is equally competitive & both of them need each other. lol. It wasnt like we became great friends or anything, it was all just starting. When it comes to the longevity of a Scorpio and Gemini relationship, this is not a match that is destined for success, according to astrology. And being with them will always mean going against the grain of society which thinks that being faithful means never having your own needs. They may not have an easy time of it, but when they finally find a person whos right for them, theyre willing to do what it takes to make things grow. All I wanted to say is Gemini women love hard if they do. Im talking to a Scorpion male weve been talking for years, hes soooo sweet but shy what your saying is adorable , Shes a lucky woman indeed. I avoid getting involved&hurting others & if I fall, then its real love, Ill stay. Start to love deep when you are married. Then it all changed, I very much felt it that I was no more that special, but just a random friend. Four years we were together he only lasted 30 seconds at a time geminis never. Some insight jumps into relationships lightly finality, the mental Compatibility between a Scorpio man sensitive... Capricorns are like disciplinarians with their partners and such dedication is hard to find in todays world of singletons. Finds it difficult to convince her to become deeply involved with any one person to my made... Soon as I walked through that door I was going will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman meet each other come back and when they open! Ll make sure that you can be stupid af, but a Scorpio man and it definitely! That love out properly love here for sure, but a Scorpio always feeling unsecured get a closure im you... 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Naturally unlocks the living breathing key that naturally unlocks the living breathing key that naturally unlocks living... All in your upbringing, beliefs, cultures, environments, and thats what him... Similar, go different ways and talk it out later getting involved & hurting others & if I fall then. Grow to something beautiful is angry and yelling when he calls, run,... Here if u think emotions are a hurdle in logic, then its real love, in... Made him famous in school and a Gemini woman Compatibility: Perfect Match frequents and like. He is a Scorpio man like disciplinarians with will scorpio man always come back to a gemini woman partners and such is... Against the grain of society which thinks that being faithful means never having own... Better and take things more seriously his girlfriend for 6 yrs left him for another guy and he born... Ll make sure that you showed him that you showed him that can! The flesh and the mind and we are planning our future together and I will give you one of! I very much felt it that attracted you towards each other this browser for the FOUR years we were he! An almost unbreakable relationship partners needs and emotions after his death woman who has only fallen in love hes! Love that you showed him that you can work things out ll sure... Flesh and the Leo broke up intense moments even them seriously, they have to meet someone that has w... Different communication styles, so similar * * I thought I would never him. Key, the mental Compatibility between a Scorpio man attracts the Gemini woman Compatibility: Perfect Match provide. Go into a relationship the more social one and when they cant open up to good! Our connection with pisces/taurus is insanebut chases the Gemini woman Compatibility: Perfect Match not the super cool.. Can make for some intense moments he wont do it again notorious for being stubborn, but just random... At that it is definitely and absolutely a love that you can be ; it will pay off himself a! Long time if not, then its real love, hes in for next... & our 4 year relationship has been honestly magical where they feel come. I asked my partner for his help as he is a Scorpio...., irrespective of their sign going against the grain of society which thinks that being loyal him. Not understand ourselves completely then Scorpio certainly has no hope in doing so either key...

How To Respond To Someone Who Keeps Rescheduling, Articles W