bad cold going around 2022

Mucinex and other brands have created cocktails of OTC ingredients. Week 7 ( February 12 - February 18, 2023 ) Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. Updated For those who are double vaccinated, Covid presents itself similarly to a common cold, meaning the symptoms are even harder to tell apart. Building 31, Room 5B52 A month ago I would have said my cold (which was almost exactly what OP described) might have been CV-19 because it was so severe and lasted for so long, but my fever only lasted half a day and didn't get above 100.8, so I doubt I had it. And, let me be clear, if it IS true, I have no argument with Asian people of any kind. Could not eat for days. &A: Dr. Emmanuel Walter on COVID-19 Vaccines and Kids. This thread caused me to change the medications to just Mucinex, Delsym and Tylenol. I bought some bromelain (pineapple) pills, b/c those have helped me in the past with sinus issues. We are expected to be at the airport 6am Monday and at the client all week - even if violently ill. You can wash your hands 1000 times but if the virus is all over these filthy surfaces then it wont help. "You might see fewer coronavirus deaths in winter because vulnerable people are actually more vulnerable to flu," she said. So I suspect I had COVID in December after flying in the last week of November. Especially since I had my flu shot back in September, and I still came down with this "whatever it is.". I wonder if it was here sooner and many flu deaths were really from covid 19 because lets face it, nobody was testing for covid 19. His coughs are horrible. People who travel are exposed to all sorts of things. Had another bad cough, severe headache, fever, chills, etc. What's Going Around 10/26/22 Brianna Clark Oct 26, 2022 Flu season is here, with cases. Furthermore, according to a 1998 report from Coping with Allergies and Asthma, chicken soup may improve the ability of the tiny hairline projections in the nose (called cilia) to prevent infectious particles from afflicting the body [10]. Do go out to a corner store and get some snacks and treats and juice and gatorade if you don't have a friend to do it for you. I had it in January and it lasted for 3 weeks. The fact is that health officials expect to see a rise in COVID-19 . Hopefully that means we're closer to herd immunity than we think we are. Cases have flattened as a raft of new variants has been gaining ground against BA.5, the Omicron subvariant that caused a wave of illness over the summer. I've this in NYC for two weeks. They also jacked the price up about 1,000 times. I have a large bottle and if you only take it for cold relief you're going to have it for a long time. The symptoms people are experiencing are classic signs of an upper respiratory tract infection: runny nose, sore throat, and sticky eyes. But theyre not contagious. Early Tuesday morning, I woke up in a huge body sweat, indicating the fever had broken. It's a bronchial virus. It was completely puzzling. The chilly spell followed a particularly mild autumn and, crucially, also coincided with the return to work and school of millions of Britons after the New Year break. I hope this means I'm done. You may be patient zero. There's a regular guaifenesin type and a guaifenesin with dextromethorphan version. Fever, sweats, body aches, deep chest cough, shortness of breath all the hallmarks of Covid. R160, I could have written your exact words. How are you feeling? Within hours, shed lost $40,000, Mining giants $4 million gift over missing capusle, but its not cash, Woman dead following police chase in Melbourne, Two planets will kiss tonight. OP What city are you in? It's not the flu, because I was tested for it. These days the crap going around clings on for two or more weeks. Do not go to a clinic, they're bored of sick people. There wasnt a lot of mucus or post nasal drip otherwise. 5. So this virus was going around for a while. A dry cough may also occur, and recovery is usually within. This migration of WBCs into upper respiratory tract may contribute to the commonly encountered cold symptoms, such as stuffy noses.When the researchers measured the ability of the WBCs to migrate through a filter from one side of a chamber to the other side, they found that fewer cells migrated to the other side of the chamber in the presence of chicken soup. No combination of nasal goo and spray keeps my nostrils from being completely scabbed over. And believe me, I would never do that unless I really had to. site without all this bureaucratic nonsense, Extreme fatigue and shortness of breath. Fascinating. It's interesting (and sad) to read the early comments before information about the virus came outin January/February. Aching muscles. We have vaccines for two of the three viruses we talked about influenza, and COVID 19, he said, and he urged Americans to take advantage of them, though not enough have. There are also those whose immune system hasnt responded to the vaccines as well as we would have hoped, and they are also getting sick, so we need to have that as a caveat, she explained. Dr Hespe explained that upper respiratory infection symptoms were also symptoms of influenza and COVID, so there was an overlap of symptoms like a Venn diagram which made diagnosing the illness difficult without a GP analysis. Many people I know, including myself were sick for a month. Sorry posted in the wrong thread. Im curious to know if anybody on this thread who said they had symptoms later got a positive test or antibody test for coronavirus either showing that you had it or if you didnt get Corona virus later that you had immunity from 2019. So what you're saying is that this will most likely continue for another week or two, and there's nothing I can do to make it end sooner? My chest was raw and hurt from constant coughing. Lane MC, Gordon JL, Jiang C, Leitner WW, Pickett TE, Stemmy E, Bozick BA, Deckhut-Augustine A, Embry AC, Post DJ. It was concentrated in my neck muscles and the pain migrated to my ear and jaw, but only on one side. COVID-19 tests are also available at many health centers. I had a relapse and treatment again in August. I had congestion and a few other symptoms that makes me think my February bug was something else. As the 2021-22 cold and flu season arrives, Golden State residents have another array of viruses to blame for their symptoms. When I got back home, which was shockingly easy to do at that time because the TSA just waved me back into the country after the plane disembarked, with no questions asked (thanks Trump), I went to an urgent care clinic the next day to get checked out. More info. It's not inconceivable that people in other parts of the world had it in December. Acetaminophen is a liver toxin and the damaging dose is too close to the therapeutic dose, particularly if you are taking an extra strength cold product. She also worries pandemic lessons on well-being are fading into the background: "In some ways, it's ridiculous we have to have this conversation," she says. And nothing seems to work on it. I was taking NyQuil at first, that had everything; decongestant, cough suppressant, etc. Cumulative RSV hospitalization rates have already reached levels that are typically not seen until December in the US. I haven't been anywhere; I practically live like a hermit anyway, and I haven't been sick again yet. 'Super cold' now going around, not COVID or the flu, reports Andrew Lofholm on Nov. 23, 2021. Increased Movement of Nasal Fluids: Although hot fluids typically aid in the movement of nasal mucus, chicken soup can be superior to hot water in increasing the movement of nasal mucus, clearing the airways, and easing congestion. Sweating and shivering, too. Measures like masking and social distancing work for other respiratory viruses, as well as COVID-19, says Dr. Chip Walter, who studies vaccine development at Duke University. After two horrendous weeks, I just got out of a severe cold; and am waking up all covered in sweat again. Did any of you who got a flu shot still get this cold? Underlying all of this is the need for psychological safety, she adds: "At the end of the day, workers have to know they're not going to be penalized for taking time off. Differences in blood group antigen expression can increase or decrease host susceptibility to many infections. Once i went on an international trip where i was with the same 40 people for 10 days. Productivity-wise, you're unlikely to be performing at your best, and on morale, colleagues showing up sick "brings the whole team down," Nayyar adds. That doctor gave her an antibiotic, told her to STOP Mucinex and cough suppressant. [quote]Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) is a highly pathogenic emergent virus which replicates in cells that can express ABH histo-blood group antigens. I'm glad this thread floated back to the top again. Its too early to know, I believe. What a strange feeling. And my "conjunctivitis" was really "touched Lysol-ridden doorknob, then my left eye"-itis. Fine now. It didnt take 6 months, it took one god damn CAT scan in July.. Europeans tend to believe in letting fevers run their course, when not dangerously high. In addition, many blood group antigens facilitate intracellular uptake, signal transduction, or adhesion through the organization of membrane microdomains. I'll be able to determine this once the antibody test is more readily available. Do not go to work or outside while you still have a fever or body aches. R191, one of my first symptoms that I'm trying to come down with something is my neck. What are some of the most common presenting symptoms of . N Engl J Med. People may find soups, broths or honey and lemon soothing, but it is really personal preference as to what helps soothe your symptoms. There are always very bad colds and flus that go around. Finally there's the stress of going back to work after Christmas.'. You can do a zillion searches to find articles saying chicken soup will make you feel better. My sister & I both slept & snuggled with her cat & were face to face with it. Goodness, I wish we could edit!! Someone with flu usually has symptoms 1 to 4 days after being infected. One small teaspoon of honey has proven particularly effective in children, with one 2012 study concluding that it showed an improvement in their sleep and reduced nighttime coughing. It lasted 20 days for me, and yesterday afternoon I thought it was finally over, but woke up this morning with the congestion in my lungs back, coughing again, sore throat again OP, I suggest you read my entire thread on how to cure a sore throat and nasal congestion. Consuming these nourishing nutrients is one of the most natural ways to help you to get back on your feet faster after a bout of illness. Blow your brains out if you have any. Ok but COULD YOU PLEASE WORK THOSE FACTS INTO THE CONVERSATION. They like to be called ladies now, R131, not broads. This is like the original 9/11 thread, documenting the tragedy in real time. R276 I'm in TX too (Houston) and I'm sure I had it for 3 weeks in January. On the off chance that it's rabies, drink plenty of water. r330 You should cancel your trip until the vaccine. Finally I went to see the heme while I had the bad cold. Scanning electron micrograph of human respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) virions (colorized blue) that are labeled with anti-RSV F protein/gold antibodies (colorized yellow) shedding from the surface of human lung epithelial A549 cells. I swear I caught something from my sisters cat whom Id been babysitting; the cat was sneezing quite a bit when she was first brought over. NIH Office of Communications and Public Liaison Then I started to feel better and all of a sudden the sore throat hit. I took Oregano oil extract and I think that helped a little. And Vegas in particular just seems like a place you'd get it. Later, she said she had a very bad flu. Yeah, it's a definitely a cold, not the flu. I rarely have any appetite at all when I'm sick. For instance, I am saying right now that I agree with R301's comment, which will appear in a few weeks. The tests aren't the same. From the timeline of those anecdotes, it might just prove to them the virus was brought to Wuhan from somewhere else pinpoint the patient zero is extremely hard and virtually impossible in the flu like pandemic, California started to test people for antibodies, it might reveal more interesting findings on how many people already got it and for how long. Now its nigh impossible to get guaifenesin in an affordable medication. From my personal experience, that answer is, yes, highly questionable!. New tests show that 1 in 5 New Yorkers have already had it and survived. even now, the testing is limited. *Editors Note: Treatment guidelines are evolving. Well I had it in late Nov early Dec & it coincided with my trip to the city where I always eat at my favorite Chinese restaurant, owned by Chinese immigrants who routinely travel home & back. How Are Colds And The Flu Diagnosed What's Going Around: Flu, stomach virus infections abundant right now PCR-based tests can be done to look for common colds, but theyre not generally available to the public for routine use theyre usually reserved for hospital patients with pneumonia or a severe respiratory tract infection. Including information on the onset, duration, conclusion, geographic patterns, severity and progression of seasonal influenza activity. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners chair and head of general practice at The University of Notre Dame, Dr Charlotte Hespe told about the differences between a cold and COVID, and what that means for those who fall ill. It was right before Thanksgiving. So sad. "It could well be that now common colds are resurging, because of the decline in social distancing and mask wearing, that they are bouncing back and the respiratory tract has not had enough recent experience of respiratory infections to be able to mount that strong first line defence," Prof Peter Openshaw, at Imperial College London, explained to The Guardian. Had pain swallowing. The first cases in the US are not the ones where people were first tested. I live in the middle of flyover land in a small city, and lots of people around me had similar symptoms. They don't need to get multiple PCR tests and get a rapid test daily. When I read what I wrote - I am kind of upset. My buddy does not feel achy like the flu, but the cough is a bitch. It's one of the three worst "sick" experiences I've ever had. I had this last year from mid December-January and had been traveling in Europe. I wouldnt take r109s word on anything considering where hes been spending his time. I'm hearing my brother in the next room coughing like crazy. It's best to take time off from work until the worst of it is over. I'm a Feng Shui expert and these are the three things I will never allow in a bedroom. One co-worker had a really bad cough, and I remember her complaining her taste buds were messed up. My sense of taste returned quickly but sense of smell has not except for occasional phantom smells from time to time. We're entering that time of the year when there are multiple communicable diseases in play, and the similarities between them will make it hard to distinguish which one you're experiencing. My sinuses were so bad that I was shaking from the pain and not thinking rationally. Dumb things like making yourself sweat or eating Vicks or curry isnt helping. Ain't got time for that! Our golden emporor TRUMP would never let bad things happen to great America. Im certain covid was going around much earlier than thought. Blood groups can play a direct role in infection by serving as receptors and/or coreceptors for microorganisms, parasites, and viruses. If mucus production become virulent, you MUST get to the hospital for a chest xray and blood gases. The doc said that I'd still get it, but both the vaccine and Tamiflu would reduce the severity of the symptoms. Colds, RSVs, and other respiratory infections are making the rounds, as well. Does anybody feel like you're getting better, then the next day, you feel sick again? A lot of people automatically took Mucinex that would make their noses run. Did you encounter any technical issues? Did you get the encephalitis with this virus that killed my friend's mother? Or told,,,,youre old. The stupid things you do dont cure you of a virus. The first telltale sign might be a sore throat, and over time you'll likely develop other symptoms like coughing and a fever. Heavy mucus and sinus pain from all of the congestion. With the pandemic still ongoing, its going to be really important that people wear masks, Gordon says. Know the Difference for Best Treatment, Safeguarding Our Health: Vaccines Protect Us All, Understanding COVID-19: How To Protect Yourself During the Pandemic, Face Masks and COVID-19: Protecting Yourself and Others, Seeking Allergy Relief: When Breathing Becomes Bothersome, Complimentary Approaches for Flu and Cold. [quote] It would be odd if Covid-19 had been going around the US since December and not caused a spike in deaths among the usual high-risk suspects. You are marvelous R7. While COVID-19 cases are certainly on the rise, the super cold is the latest illness to hit households across the country. Bump because I think I may have had the Coronavirus earlier than the pandemic broke out. General symptoms will not go away before 12 to 18 days. I would go so far to say that I had this back inJUNE. According to my doctor it wasnt bronchitis. This was late 2019. Even with a cold? Any of us imagined anything. R67 Tylenol or Paracetamol is not in the NSAID class. Sleep with your head elevated. This is completely unscientific. About 173 million flu vaccine doses have been distributed by manufacturers. Cough that hasnt quite completely cleared up after almost 4 weeks. R37 exactly. R274 - onset in China is thought to be November, but could be earlier. Discovery Company. Im 5x vaxxed now, but about a month ago I got sick with the WEIRDEST cold when I was 4x vaxxed & still wearing a mask indoors. This is why companies need to bring back maintenance crews and clean their buildings, floors, windows, desks etc. "If by two days after developing symptoms you're still not testing positive on those at-home tests, it's pretty unlikely you have Covid.". No fever, swollen glands, lots of expectorating. But roughly 1 in 5 workers doesn't have access to paid sick days, and it's an even bigger problem for low-wage workers. There is going to be a lot of Thanksgiving traffic, shopping and holiday family events, and in the next few days and weeks, the infection rate will skyrocket. Stored properly it does not seem to go bad. It's the least she can do to keep herself, her family members and her teammates healthy. Everyone except R36, who posted that it does & then posted a jillion links to articles about chicken soup after she was told to stop posting her junk science. The common cold is the main reason children miss school and adults miss work. This makes a lot of sense now. Many have rushed to get tested as the virus shares similar symptoms to the. I'm curious about the early posters in this thread if they have any of the possible purported residual by-products of CV19: scarring in lungs, heart anomalies, depression. I've read somewhere, I forget where, that the first case in China was late October, which would make sense if it was here in November/Dec. I wonder if steroids might help you. It sounds like a real bitch. Some features on this site require registration. I always make sure I have Coke and soup in the house and it still makes me feel better. Chest normal. r245, I had what I assumed was a bad cold that started in mid-March and it lasted about 12 days. Norovirus. Cleveland Ohio here. I also stop all forms of dairy. The 2021-2022 flu shots were only 16% effective at reducing a person's chance of getting a mild or moderate infection - compared to some prior years, where rates reached as high as 50% or 60%. r176 There aren't enough tests to go around for anyone currently suffering symptoms. Visiting brother leaves, several days mom not better, I start her on the med combo, feels better in about a week. Eat right people! I had this starting in early February and am just about over it. And were not allergic to the cat; Id cat-sit her before with no reaction, & my sisters cold went away eventually. My encounter with COVID started about the 2nd week of December 2019. Individual cases of RSV are not reportable in Florida. Dont overlook the benefits of a humidifier, especially at night. Feel fine now but it was awful. Really worked miracles. My best friend works in a hospital and brought this little "gift" home with her and then gave it to me. Mainly an incessant, non-productive cough. Tel: 301-451-8224, Editor: Harrison Wein, Ph.D. The illness described in this thread has a sinus component. The regular cold/flu season along with extremely high pollen count is complicating this Covid mess. His "she died because she didn't listen to me about chicken soup" thing is just shtick, it's not real. It seems more like a bad cold. BTW since when has Daily Beast become subscriber-only? Has anyone done a study comparing chicken soup to other types of soup in its effect on cold or flu?A lot of people lose their appetite when they have colds or flu. "Influenza cases are still rising and many community-associated respiratory viruses are increasing," said Dean Blumberg . The stuff you used to be able to get in a bunch of store brands that was made by the Perrigo company is hard to find nowadays, though. The reason I don't think it was the Rona though is I managed not to get anyone else sick, even though I was coughing the entire time. Managing Editor: Tianna Hicklin, Ph.D. R146, one clue to that would be whether there has been a higher-than-usual death rate from pneumonia, although we are also having a fairly bad flu season (definitely influenza A, not Covid - they can test for for it), which would complicate the question. "It shows there's no opportunity to get rest when you need it.". Heavy mucus and sinus pain from all of the congestion. First off, get your RAT test to see if its COVID, and then preferably do a telehealth call first to decide whether you then need a clinical exam as well, Dr Hespe told Im betting you helped some people. mild body aches or headache. Until then, the case fatality rates being bandied about are just speculation. Colds, upper respiratory infections, and URIs are common terms we use to describe viral illnesses that cause nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever, and cough. Weekly cases counts are less complete for the most current weeks, but there have been more RSV cases detected by PCR tests each week in October 2022 than any other week in at least the past two years. Guaifenesin is also highly effective, and comes from a tree bark the Native Americans used for similar purposes. We had a bad cold go through our office in December 2019. I'd like to go out and do a wee bit of shopping (I'm pretty well stocked up, but would like some fresh bread) , but I don't want to be treated like a leper should I cough.. "There are clues to distinguish between the four (COVID, flu, common cold and allergies), but without a positive test, you can never be sure," Doron said. Tiredness. Ignore. When i fist encountered this thread six months ago it ran a chill up my spine. I've been laying in bed mostly. It was freakish. I'm in my second week of this. I'm a bit hesitant to go, because the Southwest seems to be ramping up in its Covid cases, and it's making me nervous. Wear a mask in indoor public places. R351, thank you for your comment. I had this cold and knocked it pretty quickly using the neti-pot several times a day. Extra mitigation measures like social distancing, masking, and not going out for roughly a year have only delayed the inevitable. But do stock up on supplies. I am convinced it was the virus. People do realize that Covid didn't "break out" when they started testing for it, right? Researchers in China have released a study (as yet not peer reviewed) that suggests those with blood type A are more susceptible to and likely to die from the virus that someone with blood type O. R179 I thought it was supposed to be type B? R10 I don't know where you got your flu numbers from but they are wrong and far too low. I emailed the link to this thread to the researchers at Wuhan Lab for their investigation into how COVID started and they replied that I'll be dead by midnight. The Flu is not getting more powerful its just that people dont clean public spaces like they did even 10 years ago. It was a big topic of conversation on social media for several people I know, and we were all talking about how terrible it was and how it didn't fit with any kind of flu or cold any of us had had before. I also heard about many people getting the flu (or at least we thought it was) although they got the flu shot. A Warner Bros. My co-workers mother just died of this cold 2 weeks ago. Figuring out whats making you sick can help you recover and prevent spreading sickness to others. Take a saline nasal spray 3X a day and the cough syrup every 8 hours. I have been taking thc gummies to help me sleep and some nyquil cough works wonders. A very bad cough that won't go away, even after a week. Warning chocolate lovers ultra-processed foods might make you depressed, study claims. When at the grocery store get the wipes before you get your cart and wipe the handle down. 2. Microorganisms can also stimulate antibodies against blood group antigens, including ABO, T, and Kell. Thats not necessarily true. It may help to elevate the head of your bed when you're sleeping, especially if you have chronic breathing issues. What part of the country do you sick posters live in? Nothing else worked. Studies have since shown that Covid-19 was present here in the US contemporary with the beginning of this thread, in December 2019. Based on data from insurance claims, adult flu vaccinations are down about 5 million compared to where they were last year at the same time, said Lynnette Brammer, who leads surveillance for the CDCs influenza division. It was from nearly three years ago, documenting the start of Covid. I had this for the whole month of February - fever, body aches, constant and neverending hack. and human parainfluenza viruses, which cause typical cold and flu symptoms, are on the rise this summer. Like a place you 'd get it. `` like you 're getting better, then next! Lysol-Ridden doorknob, then my left eye '' -itis and progression of seasonal influenza activity days mom not better I... Oct 26, 2022 flu season arrives, Golden State residents have another array of viruses to blame for symptoms! Get to the top again 40 people for 10 days in my neck around clings on for or! 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