can my dog take apoquel and hydroxyzine together

Dont listen to what your vet says, arm yourself with knowledge by researching this and everything else they say, youre lining their pockets, they have a business to run and the companies that make these drugs have profits to make, do you really think they want you to have a healthy dog? But, there are also side effects that you should keep in mind. What kind of a vet would put a dog on a drug that My puppy is exhibiting the same bad side effects others mentioned in this post. This drug may stop your dogs itching, however creating long However, his alk phos was literally off the chart and we could not get it down. For slight allergies try otc antihistamines like Zyrtec. Then she began to have bladder accidents in the house and then a stool accident and within a week she began licking and then vomiting and diarrhea with blood. Unless proof can be shown that apoquel doesnt hurt the dogs I wont risk it, and Ive just paid out 260. Apoquel scares me with with how quickly my frenchie started getting infections, instability, diarrhea and was still mildly itchy (probably from the yeast infections she was getting). My 14 year old Boston best friend in the world had been plagued by itching his entire life. But, it wasnt until the 1940s that they were commonly used. Apoquel is safe to use in dogs one year and older. Apoquel is an amazing Medication, I have a boston terrier and he has allergies to oak pollen and other blooming plants in the spring, he has been on apoquel severeal times throughout the past 2 years, for this condition, yes i have tried benydryl and he eats dog food with fish in it, by far apoqeul is the best medication to treat his allergies, no more itching, clear shiny coat again and is back to regular playful self, I give him 3.6 once a day and that does it, no side effects for Him. Despite that, he continued to prescribe Apoquel for our dog until August 2018. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not placed any time restrictions on the use of Apoquel. I searched apparel and found that this was a side affect. I cooked for him for 8 years because he wouldnt eat dog food. diarrhea, vomiting, and lethargy that resolved spontaneously in 90% of cases and did not I wouldnt take our dogs almost considered human to a vet i didnt trust. Prednisone is a steroid and Apoquel is an immune modulator drug that specifically targets the receptors on your pets skin that cause itching. Im just sick. She said if he was human, they would say he was anorexic. Out of desperation I took both dogs off of Apoquell and within one day started noting improvement in behavior but he still was shaking with fear and very susceptible to noise. After reading almost all of the comments on here I would think you would all exchange info and file a Class Action Lawsuit against the makers of this drug, the FDA for negligence, at least. She told me not to take the 2 bp meds and antistroke meds the traditional vet prescribes that diagnoses the kidney problem. Generally, a 7 to 10-day therapeutic trial will reveal if the treatment is going to work. We all need to do our part to get this drug off the market. Your article leads people like Lynn with the yorkie to jump to blaming Apoquel for her dogs health issues with nothing to substantiate her claim. 10 is way to young for my dog to die. A dog who never once peed in the house, started having accidentswhen she was on a morning, noon, evening and bedtime schedule. He had pancratitis attack 2 yrs ago, so they do not want to give him prednisone alot. Bull and Black Mouth Curr Mix. He is so sick he cant pick his head up. We are stopping the med and taking to vet tomorrow to have full blood work done. Go ahead with apoquel. Such as, what is the correct hydroxyzine dosage for dogs? It is just like our medication do you honestly think the side effects are listed for us ? Can you give dogs Benadryl and Apoquel together? Minimize risk; assess risk and consider an alternative drug, take steps to circumvent the interaction risk and/or institute a monitoring plan. You may want to remember the golden rule..if you dont have anything nice to say, then dont say anything at all. In addition to Allergies Atopy, and But, the chemical structure of these two varieties is a little different. My 11 year old shih tzu has really terrible allergies once we moved from a large city to the suburbs he went downhill with allergies, it literally only took 4 hours before he started oozing green from his eyes. Due to her age, shes not the best at going outside, but on this pill, she is peeing constantly. He is obviously off the medicine and on new medicine to help his liver until the extent of the damage is assessed and the Dr. can provide a treatment plan moving forward. Apoquel is NOT worth the risk if Shortys symptoms are mild. This again required an overnight stay at the vet center with a total cost of $2452.23 BTW, we cleaned up her diet and such, but some of the natural remedies suggested above are almost impossible to administer to my dog. The only thing different in his life has been the apoquel! He has lost 1 1/2 lbs. Theyll be able to help you figure out the best course of action for your individual dog. Enter other medications to view a detailed report. Antihistamines work by blocking the action of histamines. The most horrible thing I was witness to.His right eye sunk in to his skull. Its nice to see her not so stressed out over scratching and with a beauriful full coat. The treatment can be very effective. Do not use Apoquel in dogs less than 12 months of age or those with serious infections. Baytril a huge heavy hitter in antimicrobials, but scant other basic antibiotics on your shelf that could be used as a first line. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Veterinarian, author, advocate for alternative, natural solutions for dog and cat health, Dr. Andrew Jones, DVM No more and I will be talking to my vet about this. This was very traumatic to witness in a 200 My Vet said it looked cancerous when she aspirated it, does not mean that it is malignant but she did sound somewhat worried and talked about the way the nuclei looked under the microscope. Cons: He kept saying its a new drug. Customer: Hi, can a dog be on cytopoint, benadryl and apoquel at the same time? No, I dont think I will give it to him again. It has a different mechanism of action than steroids, cyclosporine, antihistamines, allergy shots and sublingual immunotherapy. She gave him different food and Hydroxizine, along with antinausea pills. I took her home and she was ok for a few days. I ended up at the emergency hospital where he was put on antibiotics, IVs and had X-rays, bloods and ultrasounds done. My English bulldogs vet (different vet from Philippe) also prescribed Apoquel and it works for her. About three days later after her last dose, she was finally starting to act herself again and soon began eating out of her bowl. Nothing worked. After reading all the comments, I have decided not to take the risk of harming my dog more by this drug. United States which showed that APOQUEL was effective in the treatment of pruritus Sure, it notes side effects, but the drug didnt cause mange. After autopsy Im told he had tumor like growths in his chest. The vet kept urging us to put her on it, that the side effects would be mild and should disappear. Am going to phone my vet in the morning and get their opinion. Remember just a 1/4 or less amount that a human would take for the vitamins unless I mentioned an amount the vet gave me. She mentioned the dog was also on the drug being discussed here. It may be used off label to treat skin infections in cats and urinary tract infections in dogs. Thank you Dr. Jones, youre one of the good ones. He seemed afraid to move, as if it caused him pain. In the article I list a number of alternative options to take- not requiring purchase of my scary supplement. Im hoping this continues. While the exact mechanism of action is not known, it is thought that Apoquel works by inhibiting the activity of Janus kinase enzymes, which are important in signal transduction in many cells, including those involved in the allergic response. The most common side effects were: About three days into this drug she started acting very lethargic barely getting out of her bed. In some cases, more serious side effects may occur, such as infections or tumors. But not at the cost of seizures. O.K its very late and a long stress filled day He spent two days in the hospital getting IV fluids, pain medicine and nausea medication. Thats where the court issues come from. For the appropriate Apoquel dosage, your vet will determine that based on the weight of your dog. Apoquel tablets for dogs comes strengths of 3.6mg, 5.4 mg and 16mg of oclacitinib per tablet. They vary from mild to severe. But I will never use these medications again and will find alternative methods of controlling the infections, i.e. I took her outside to see if she needed to potty, but she didnt really need to. They have been developed so as not to cause drowsiness. Its poison to his body but he did stop scratching. The comment section sure sounds familiar. We were dealing with our older Chocolate Lab on Nov 7 who we had to put down, so I forgot to keep an eye on my Ginny. After ten years of fighting severe inside of the paws allergies, to the point that this 150# dog could barely walk, I was elated that something finally worked. Assuming you are a veterinarian, you may want to consider being slightly more professional in your communication Instead of taking the heat, paying what you owe for flapping your gums when you said you wouldnt, you took the easy way out. Antihistamines can also be used to treat anxiety, and to calm patients before general anesthesia and surgery. Please be aware and do your homework on this drug. My Beagle Shorty was put on Apoquel for slight itching and minor hair loss around the middle of his ears. The vet started him on Apoquel and his itching stopped immediatly. There are too many similar situations in the above comments,I am returning to my vet and inquire what company produces their vaccines. You can use a Natural flea spray that has cedarwood oil, and a safe holistic powder for putting in the cracks and crevices of your house called Borax. If that was my dog, I would NOT ever give him those pills. Her itching was better but not eliminated. This past year he was expieriencing anal gland infections almost every weekwe were constantly going to the vet for reliefhe was iching his butt, gland would fill up quickly, he was always uncomfortable and couldnt sit still due to the discomfort kept us up all night most nights. WSU is the leader in identifying drugs that may be dangerous for dogs with the MDR1 mutation and can identify alternative medications and doses. When we told the vet we wanted to discontinue this because of the side effects she acted like she has never heard of anyone having hear issues before. My son just lost his beautiful 3 year old Dalmatian to the drug. Due to the fact that he is a rescue and we have always wondered exactly his breed(s), we chalked it up to him being part Shar-pei (that we knew for sure Shar-pei is part of him: Swollen hocks is a big problem with that breed) Good. If your dog vomits after taking Apoquel , try giving it with some food or a meal after consulting with your vet. If worse I will probably take her off it. Dogs with the MDR1 genetic mutation can become very ill or die if given certain medications. JA: Hi there. Also, the little guy was not scratching. has been reportedly causing so many major side effects??? I now wonder if he had environmental allergies. I appreciate the work that Dr. Jones is doing. Hi David, Thanks for your question. I certainly dont want to cause the side effects that I read. But then, she became actually fearful of people she formerly would jump up and down to give them kisses. hospitalization for the diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia (after 91 days), and one dog I found a Veterinarian that was also a Herbalist. Last week I took her off the Apoquel, out of nowhere she started eating again, even playing and drinking water. P.S. Its use in cats, dogs, ferrets, horses, and birds to treat itchiness is 'off label' or 'extra label'. Great, or so I thought. HELP ME STOP THESE PLACES FROM Being very worried, I began doing research on the Apoquel the vet had given her and was shocked to find out its an immunosuppressant with some ugly side effects. This medication is not worth your puppys life. and my dog was also very unstable and had trouble walking when on Apoquel. The medication is available in tablet form in the following doses: 10 mg; 25 mg; and 50 mg. The Apoquel seemed to stop her from itching but not completely and if we missed a dose which was very rare she would start itching again. The gagging, a horrible sound as if he had just ate straw or something outrageously dry. She has kept me awake for the last few nights constantly getting up and wandering because she feels so sick. She has had two skin infections where we had to give her antibiotics and antifungals, and we are diligent with flea control even though I tried using natural control and it wasnt enough. I dont want my baby to have these terrible side effects I am reading about here. And Grandpuppy has a history of urinary tract issues, but after starting Apoquel her urinary tract problems are blamed on it by her owner. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Dogsnet is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Dogsnet is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to After 24 hours at one vet and no improvement, I Took him to a teaching hospital today and they laid it all out.he likely has aspergillosis, a fungal infection, that can either cause a nasal infection with drainage, sneezing, bleeding etc, or cause a systemic infection. He has food allergy tests done several years ago and is allergic to rice, peas, carrots and several other things. Apoquel incidentally never stopped her itching and I will never resume the Apoquel. I even had to duct tape socks to his feet. I have read your comments about your pets having side effects. Dogs can take the medication orally, and they should follow the regimen until a. The vet recommended Apoquel new improved antihistamine drug. Good. You may even want to read about the legal definition of slander: 3 Can be used for long-term maintenance or short-term therapy in dogs 12 months of age . Do I Have to Stop Minoxidil Before Hair Transplant? Benadryl wasnt working so Dr. prescribed Apoquel 6/9/2016. My dog was on Apoquel for several months. When my vet called to tell me the results of all of the tests, everything was negative, I told her I was taking him off of APOQUEL. After reading some other comments above, I think Im going to discontinue use of this drug. There are also no drug Apoquel alternatives for dogs that are effective and safe. I was NOT told it suppresses the immune system, but it absolutely does. Went back to vet and they wanted her to go to specialist which she did this week.only wanted to run $2000.00 of allergies testbut vet didnt even put their hands on her.. Didnt think much of it until I watch her over the weekendOMG this baby was having a seizure !!!! I think a class action suit against the makers of apparel is called for. A number of different antihistamines were used. So, your vet will first determine what is causing the problem and treat the underlying issue. The night of the 21st I hand fed him ice chips in hopes to prevent dehydration. Thanks everyone! Apoquel is the culprit. His skin has recently got purple spots. When I do find him upstairs he is comatose and has vomited all around the house and done a poo in the family room. After reading almost all of the comments on here I would think you would all exchange info and file a Class Action Lawsuit against the makers of this drug, the FDA for negligence, at least. Such as, what is the correct hydroxyzine dosage for dogs? You are using fear tactics to prevent people from using certain medications, while then offering your own pet medications/shampoos/etc. The hot topic in the world of dermatology right now is Apoquel.Apoquel is an exciting new medication for the treatment of allergic itching in dogs. The interesting thing is her red blood cells were low and not reproducing. HYDROXYZINE/POSSIBLE QT . Read all the reviews on this page!! Im just heartbroken and will have to live with this guilt the rest of my life. Apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections, and may cause existing parasitic skin infestations or pre-existing cancers to get worse. I chose to start frequent washing with 3% BPO shampoo to deal with the yeast infections from allergies, (at least thats what the vet told me was causing this). Early Tuesday Nov 21 my husband woke me up to tell me that Ginny had let put a help and was very weak and could not stand up on her own. Suddenly developed severe anxiety / up all night / only happy in open air park. I guess I need to do some more research. Our dog is now on a special food do decrease bladder and urinary tract infections. I continued with the Apoquel thinking that if Im patient, things would get better with time. Plus wipe those feet after being out. We are going to wean her off the supply we have and tell the vet we are going to take her off the apoquel. I would have preferred using prednisone as it has worked well in the past and he didnt need to take much. In a study, dogs were treated with Apoquel for more than 2 years. They were both prescribed Apoquell July 2016 over the next few months one dog developed two small growths on his feet that were removed and one found to be malignant the other benign. Hell no, healthy dogs mean less business. Good luck. My dog (66 lbs boxer/hound mix) is prescribed apoquel daily by her current vet for allergies. It contains essential fatty acids, probiotics, and colostrum, but more importantly it has helped thousands of dogs. They are making Millions off this.?? After 3 days we stopped the medication because her organs were shutting down. by day 14. I gave him a pill at 9 a.m. yesterday morning and another at 9 p.m. yesterday evening. One morning about 5AM she woke me standing up on the bed and she froze and fell off the bed like a statue and had a seizure. He also had these side effects while taking hydroxyzine. 3.Regular bathing- of your dogs feet as he comes in from outside, and of your entire dog. Can both be given for an extended car ride this weekend? Hydroxyzine for dogs is a canine antihistamine. Within the first 12 hours he developed runny poop and lethargy. My 10 years old English Bulldog Sophie has the worst allergies..Digging,scratching,dragging,bleeding etcI chose to try the Apoquel less than w week agoBIG MISTAKE!!!! Ive made a official complaint against the vet that proscribed this poison only to be told that seizures are not a side effect of Apoquel the vets take no responsibility for my dogs death. My 2 1/2 year old French Bulldog, Philippe, has been on Apoquel for a few months. I know my Dog, . She was given a shot of something at the vet to help with itching. Apoquel wont work for my pin , her itching decreased, but never stopped, and it has side effects. She ended up on 2 antibiotics and eye drop for 3-4 weeks. They assumed that he must have a tumor, so, we scheduled an Ultrasound. I have also found that if we keep his paws shaved or very short that helps tremendously. (Source: Cosgrove SB, Wren JA, Cleaver DM, et al. Ollie is a sweet beautiful springer spaniel. His previous blood tests (before Apoquel) were normal. I cant say enough how appreciative I am this drug came along! Over the last six years he has been on Benadryl, Prednisone and other anti-fungal drugs. I am a Healthcare professional and I somehow missed important information. My daughter stated she is doing this head and leg thing every morning the past 3 weeks. You chose to claim the issues were caused by Apoquel, as a scare tactic to encourage people to buy your untested and unproven to have any benefit homemade concoction of ordinary food stuff. She had gained 17lbs since July. Seeing this dog die, eyes open, tongue hanging out, not breathing lingers as if it were yesterday. Unlike Zoetis, when you make your claims about your supplement you dont show ANY study results or statistics. We decided to continue the Apoquel until the next vet visit which was about 1 week later. We had started a chemotherapy regimen in November which completely zapped her energy. Thankful that I followed my instinct as the vet made us very uncomfortable with his rapid sales pitch. The chemical messengers which are being blocked by these drugs are involved in more processes than just controlling inflammationmost likely as yet undiscovered!!! He has been on Prednisone since he was 10. I hope the drug has not caused this, will see soon what it is. Apoquel also isn't recommended for dogs who have serious infections or for dogs who weigh less than 6.6 pounds. We finally gave in and she has been on it for awhile now, and she does appear a bit lethargic, goes out to pee more, and she does drink a bit more water at one time. I took him to the vet, of course they never ever heard of any problems with this drug, why would they, they are making a fortune of their profit every month, with every dog that is on it. I have also noted some days he does not want to eat. 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