colgate commercial with blind boy

It appears to be a serious commercial. She was probably using a wet towel to dry herself off with. And I always imagine they smell like Pizza Hut anyway. R59 Yes, I am. Co-showrunner Kristen Reidel addressed the idea with TVGuide. Happy girls putting ther hair in ponytails and shopping for sleeveless dresses because they LOVE THEIR PSORIASIS MED! Not hating, but more bewildered after seeing Liev Schrieber in a commercial for a company called "Mattress Firm". Hello. You tend to lose your sense of shame when you're broke. Funny how Caesars used to be so classy, and they go with a Silly Caesar as opposed to MGM they went with Fox. Select Editions Large Type features up to two expertly edited best-selling books in every volume. And the creepy bridesmaid is the same know it all chick from the Sling ad. PICK UP THE FUCKING LOTTO TICKET. I don't know how Youtube's advertising algorithm works, but somehow they think I'm a candidate for pee pads cause I'm always getting these ads. GET IN THE CAR INSIDE THE GARAGE INSIDE THE HOUSE. She is an actress that screams, DO NOT BELIEVE ME! We're going to have to report you. I love the Applebee's commercial with the dancers. Luke Wilson stars in the new Colgate commercial that aired during the 2019 Super Bowl! It seems to be him hawking cheap, gaudy jewelry in his living room. If you're ready for sparks to fly, Colgate Total Advanced toothpaste is recommended. Love the Uber eats ads. Colgate is out to foster some badly needed post-pandemic optimism with its new "Be the Reason" brand equity campaign, a richly produced departure from what's long been a product- and. Now if I could get some semen stained speedos, tele-buggery interests me. After he smiles, the girl smiles too and he makes her acquaintance. But also because that's a sappy song that I didn't like when it was first released, sung by Louis Armstrong, and it hasn't improved with age. Some ads are regional, most aren't. Just when a bloody, exhausted, and devastated Buck reunited with Eddie to break the awful news about Christopher, Christopher turned up, not all that much worse for the wear considering everything that had happened. Applebee's stupid fucking commercial with a bunch of trashy, flyover/southern shits posting their stupid dancing videos. why do I need to be taken back to 1982 every fucking time there is a commercial break? Like people walking around in a park or eating at a table or going to the grocery store and the sun is blinding and everyone is super happy and moving in slow motion. I can't stand any of the Sonic ads but I especially hate the one where three retards are in the truck probably on their way home from a circle jerk in the woods. The Amazon commercial with the bird feeder. Absolutely despise the JLo spots for those Goli gummy chews. Just beyond wrong! The way she says Neutra-gena makes my skin crawl. The commercial is just plain weird. Why, he's hardly working! Im not a car, Im a fucking human being! WTF is going on in that bizarre ad for some overnight incontinence machine? and my name is Szaz. MONROVIA - At 10 AM of Thursday, November 4, 2021 in Central Monrovia, a visually impaired (blind) boy's right hand's thumb skipped over keys of a mobile phone in his left hand. I think its humania. The fucking SoFi "money dance" commercials drive me absolutely insane. I am fucking creeped-out by that psychotic Ambient-dream horror show commercial for Montefiore/Einstein Children's Hospital with the obnoxious soundtrack filled with people singing off-key, and the little girl rushing her stuffed unicorn to the ICU. The brand identified six Gen Z Americans who came up with Optimism in Action community projects, meant to spark hope and optimism in others. I'd love to see "bad actor" in the buff. But let us be grateful that the horrible "real people, not actors" Chevrolet ads seem to be gone (hope I'm not jinxing it here). Cerebral palsy (CP) is caused by abnormal development of the brain or damage to the developing brain that affects a childs ability to control his or her muscles. Thanks to those people who sent info about the video. Also saw a commercial featuring Ebenezer Scrooge on a Pelaton or some other exercise equipment with the entire ad bastardizing the meaning of A Christmas Carol. As if to say there is nothing more satisfying in life than copy editing. Smell my drawers!". Im devastated over the end of This is Us or Im heartbroken by the death of lady wrestler Matilda the Hun or my favorite Mexican restaurant ran out of the hot sauce that I like.. The butter one where the kid comes home in the middle of the night and the whole family cooks him dinner. Is the guy on this commercial for NutriSystem Curtis from Sean Cody? Shaquille s immunity system is not compromised. The burger king commercial with the whispering idiot narrator does the same thing. "The Colgate commercial where the little blind boy gets in the school bus warms my heart." Like the weeping thumb on the Botox commercial who weep, weep lost his husband. All of the teflon pan commercials. Are these all regional commercials? Old lady "Martha" and her Medicare Open Enrollment commercial. There are so many stupid commercials on television but the one you are running with the two children, one who appears to be visually impaired & wearing glasses sits down on the school buss & smiles. Find your smile power and pass. That Keeps commercial with the guy who looks like Byron Allen with a gheri curl or probably just 80s Byron Allen. The fucking NetSpend ad. That Kate McKinnon commercial. They have nothing to do with eating cream cheese. Just slap 'em! Some say the Mother says "Happy Birthday" and others say she says "Happy First Day" as in his new job. I had to switch channels whenever it came up. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. jokes. I hate these fucking NOOM commercials that tell you what a poor, put-upon victim you are, while trying to sell their brand of "therapy". The singing is so horrible I have no idea WTF they are selling. I cannot STAND how commercials chop up songs to save time! Fresh mix of social lifehacks and guidlines. If I dont ever see it how can I hate it too? Actor Luke Wilson stars in Colgate's commercial as the "Close talker." video. From proper toothbrush care, how cavities are formed, which toothpaste to use and how to get your whole mouth clean, Dr. Rabbit teaches your child how to properly develop good oral . I've had the (dis)pleasure of seeing Sharon Stone in two commercials in the last 2 days. Online datingI wanted to get back into dating but didnt know where to start? Like its tennis or something. Every time I see that ad, R177, I wonder who picked these people, unless it was to get to appeal to the ratbag demographic.. Pastor Chris looks like they found him sleeping in a refrigerator box and offered him a few bucks to film the ad. Is she trying to be funny? Later in the commercial, he coyly dangles a bite of dessert in front of his wife, then eats it himself with this dumbass grin on his fat face. The new one is equally obnoxious and irritating. But good for him. The horrible Everlywell commercials for allergy saliva testing. The stinky pussy deodorant commercial is disgusting. The film industry was shut down for over a year. Outdoor adventure "bonding" weekend with his wife's male relatives - he ends up doing a very nasty belly flop offstage. Thats a scam R226. His 'business bag' was on his back. Flo and that insanely annoying guy in the progressive commercials makes me want to cancel my insurance with the company. - they must be throwing millions at them. I'm really getting sick of the woman who radiantly croons the "Nationwide is on your side" songs. "Thank You For Being A Friend" was a hit Andrew Gold pop song before it was ever the GG theme. The spot features a visually-impaired boy who gets on the school bus and takes a seat near a girl, where he finds an empty seat. All these betting app commercials are stupid, but Caesar's should have never made it past the Ides of March. Can a man with cerebral palsy have a baby? Who cares about his weak eye? But what can I do? Odd commercial. Maybe just stop eating so damn much. The cloying grilled cheese Kraft American cheese commercials. The car ad where three kinds of people state some destination they're headed to in their over-sized, nasty, gas-guzzling luxury tank. The Hanes commercial with the guy hawking "ball-ance." I was shocked at her new look. For example, you may say My Toothpaste Brings a Smile You Cant Outshine. Use words referring to whiteness and brightness and good taste, and if possible, tie it into the name of your toothpaste product. Please click here to get full access and no ads for $1.99 or less per month. I can't wait for the enrollment deadline to be over. It makes me so sad. The nationwide commercial with that fat lady with bad bangs singing , makes my ears hurt. That fucking guy who wont stop singing about his grilled cheese. She must be a millionaire. It reminds me of that picture where that old lady tried to "fix" the painting of Jesus, where all you see are very detailed eyes but the rest of the face is smooth and featureless. The only thing that would make this any less funny would be attaching Tyler Perrys name to it. And that Alexa commercial that now runs ten thousand times a day that shows the old couple dancing to their favorite song, I ONLY HAVE EYES FOR YOU - they couldn't have gone ONE MORE SECOND to include the whole line, "I only have eyes for youDEAR!!". Interns? But Big Pharma isn't really a thing , ok lol. I dont get the anger but youd think given all this time with an entire year passed youd have cooled down. I think those ads are produced in the UK. ), [quote] Leave alone nurse of Progressive commercial. Thank you! Thank God they've stopped running the Shriners commercial. It's just such a stupid concept. Or is the mom just telling the kid the Fred Sanford juice is actually a form of milk?. Privacy Policy. Who is the guy in the Colgate Total commercial? La-Z-Boy named actress Kristen Bell as its new brand ambassador, according to a press release shared with Marketing Dive. (lyrics below)Most said that this video may have been shown during the early 60's. so there :Denjoy!Whe. Very contrived and arrogant to give that much credit to a metal box with wheels. sums up a TV commercial from Colgate, depicting the experience of a young boy who is visually impaired and boarding a school bus. Lindells type followers needs specific instructions when using his advanced product like the modern towel. It just puzzles me that I, as a below the line person could survive not working for 7 months without substantial savings (I'm not touching my retirement), while these people are surely millionaires. On channels with reruns of old TV shows you get tedious commercials with elderly celebrities hawking Medicare stuff. It's silly but nowhere near as annoying as the previous ad, and the puppy is worth watching. I live on the East Coast. Yeah thanks guys. Covenant House homeless kids and the Shriner's gimpy kids give you a blanket. Im in my home acting like Natalie Portman in the Dior commercial. I also hate anything with the state-farm snowqueen Jake. R177=What about the annoying chatterbox who talks so fast she's unintelligible? The Medusa one where she kills a guy on a bar because he made a face. All of their commercials are muted because all of them are senior cellular service or Medicare open enrollment ads. They lift up the garage doors for the whole neighborhood to see and start doing their podcast. She is an older thin coiffed woman who is giddy with the Christmas shopping bug! Pathetic, indeed! The Lume ad for "stinky crevices" makes it seem like they are selling cave guano cleanser. Youre thinking of Magic Johnson, r33. Just can't figure it out. Lol r55 actually its called a bubble massage or some shit like that. Afterwards they sit at the table and you just know wife and kid are found stuffed in a trunk a week later. Your not fooling anyone that he's still a kid.and that 20 year old caleb with his squeaky voice making our ears bleed. OMG, Sharon Stone shopping for glasses and the shop clerk looks like he is about to jizz himself. Is he her pimp forcing her to sell her car to finance his pedicures? I watch a couple of oldies like the Munsters on Cozi. The better to show their big white teeth, I guess. He looks old and sad just like Joe Namath. Who the fuck knows and why are they cooking dinner and not a nice big breakfast. That's what I pay attention to. Should've shared a link R62, cuz this shit is hilarious. There are times that I call their numbers and complain why their fuckin commercials are so long and also mention why they keep using that 40 midget blanket pusher. The Biktarvy ads cast the trashiest people. Hes doin more than a dollop of Daisy, Ill tell ya that much. R464 Unfortunately, I caught the new Jimmie Walker Medicare commercial today. Theyre fucking annoying. It's fucking January, not the holiday season. "STRYPAPER?!" The . The singer sounds like she's being slowly tortured. That private parts deodorant commercial. What is this supposed to represent? Alexa should refuse to keep rewinding the damn show. He annoys me more than the "Heroes in Film" book club lady. The Downey commerical where the parents are in the laundry room and the kids are upstairs raising hell. ", "Some patients may experience trouble breathing, swallowing, or speaking. God, shes fucking annoying. Only thing worse or almost is the background music in the new commercial which is clearly a knock off of the Chi-Lites Oh Girl.. Some of the newer Progressive ads are barely tolerable but the one with Flo's "sister" and the baby is practically noxious. How many fucking Holocaust survivors are remaining in Russia??? Why the change? It's like he's talking to the hearing impaired. Is he the grown up Josh from the fucking grandparents in wrinkled clothing? That preachy commercial about getting rid of your guns when you know someone in your household is suicidal. I know more and more movie stars are doing commercials, like Clooney and Pitt for coffee, I just thought the Liev had more clout than to shill for mattresses. I can't tell if he had extreme dermabrasion that erased all trace of features, or they put some kind of filter on the camera that caused his face to look like a peeled potato with eyes. WTF? I know it's petty but there you have it. So, what youre saying is, you cant dig it? I've been seeing an ad with a young woman who works there and is then shown studying at one of their tables. Most posters to this thread do not have a TV. I've never posted on one of these threads, but this Grocery Outlet ad has driven me past every last one of my limits. The south-Asian chic wearing the green jumpsuit in the Rakuten commercial needs her face punched. The Amazon Go commercial with the bald woman doing interpretive dance in the aisles with her Millennial vocal fry voiceover Dont mind if I do! as she grabs a prepackaged salad that probably was made several weeks before. You might as well leave the TV on mute. In that IBS commercial with the lady chef with the huge spoon saying go gluten free! First of all she doesnt look like she practices what she preaches looking dead on like a hybrid Melissa McCarthy and Kelly Clarkson. Saw him on another commercial doing the same angry shtick. Aha! Idris Elba for, Laurence Fishberg for some video game, Zendaya for Square Space , Ewan McGregor for Expedia, a gang of people for Nissan. And the women pooping commercial is incredibly misogynistic. GET TINTING, YOU OAFS! Another is the LifeLock ad. Leave alone nurse of Progressive commercial. The new 'Martha' ads for Medicare advantage plans is downright AWFUL. That part of the machine, which would go into the urethra area, looks larger than a freaking Sharpie! OMG I just saw some fragrance ad with Robert Pattinson which may be one of the cringiest things on record. Watch the "How to Have a Bright Smile" video and show your child how they can have a bright smile by learning this proper brushing technique. And she'll never have to do another acting gig in her life. Any of those every kiss begins with Kaye commercials especially the one where the sisters talk about how the mom handed down these sisters maybe a bracelet or necklace or ring or whatever. NEW YORK -- The toothpaste manufacturer Colgate-Palmolive has joined the push to promote "gay pride" in the month of June by releasing an advertisement featuring two homosexual men. Just shut the fuck up and eat it. WHO the fuck is ruining that Beatles song "From Me To You" ??? Ergatta X with that conman creep Colin Kaepernick attention whore diva princess. That fucking commercial gets aired every 10 minutes it seems. Brushing & Flossing Teeth Whitening Nutrition & Oral Health Adult Oral Care. I mute it immediately. And the guy was as white and well spoken with no accent at all . The insipid anti-Phil Murphy spots by the NJ GOP are laughable. in those awful commercials isn't even funny. I know the game is popular - I used to play until I realized it's mind numbing, but how low will these people go? Im having withdrawals. I needed him to be here.". They just one upped themselves on this one in terms of oddity. In 2019, the Colgate toothpaste brand sold almost 80 million units in the United States, while Crest 3D White sold just over 60 million. R148, that ad, as much as I hate it, makes me miss Ray Donovan. Back to topic: I can't stand the Jimmy Walker Medicare commercial. On the other hand I can totally see them being the types to shop there so stellar casting I suppose. My 3 year old is blind and we face challenges everyday, this so much my heart and soul needed this morning. This new platform was developed exclusively for dental professionals to provide patients the most trusted oral care products. #316 - I agree with you about Khloe K - she looks like she must have intense self esteem issues to put her face and body through that much surgery. The Beachbody commercial featuring the welder. Do they use it as a sexual lubricant? R80, maybe that's what Prevagen does to those who take it -- turns them all into Stepford wife types. I dont know what they're trying to sell me, but the commercial that uses The Clapping Song can just fuck off already. Im tired of seeing Serena Williams appear in so many commercials. R242 He graduated from my high school and is now a student at alma mater. Does anyone actually think Kelly Clarkson has Mayfair furniture in her mansion and not $8000 sofas and $4000 dining room tables? [quote]I think the bigger question is what channels are you watching that show these terrible ad spots. He also bragged that he's in college. Callcott died of cancer in Noosa, Queensland on 10 May 2013, aged 66. So he's always in shadows. before passive aggressive Oh Dear doofus. Maybe because 75% of people under forty talk exactly like this it was a great choice? The ad explains that normally she's an obnoxious little bitch who rolls her eyes and never utters more than a single syllable or looks away from her phone, but "that face" only comes out in a Vrbo. Most posts here are obscure or rarely seen commercials not the incessant ones that drive us to want to commit suicide. Never liked Progressive- Flow, and although hes an enjoyable and excellent award winning actor, J K Simmons, needs to cut the crap with those State Farm commercials. This usually happens before a child is born, but it can occur at birth or in early infancy. Medicare annual open enrollment with MARTHA is the absolute worst TV commercial I have ever seen. R384 is that the one which sounds like they're singing "Bat lights in the air" at the beginning? I esp. You gonna go after wheres the beef next? So amazing. But dont advertise something just to cater to your beloved preferred demographic when everyone is scratching their heads wondering what they hell theyre talking about. In particular, there are several websites and online resources that specialize in this kind of search. Makes sense like that commercial where his idol Charlamagne Tha God talks about the friends he lost to suicide. They are selling basic fucking existence. R409 I think you mean "the adowable teddy bear blanket". No words to describe it. Samsung can't even make quality televisions, you think I'd trust them with a washer/dryer? Burlington sells more than just coats, their commercial already explains that. Abnormal muscle tone. The Celebrity X Cruise line commercial (which would would be the last fucking place I would think of being), with the actor singing What a Wonderful Word in an excruciatingly disturbing vocal fry. Not sure what these ads are pushing, anyone who is eligible for extra 'freebies' via Medicare, usually has MEDICAID as their main or third form of health insurance. This guy from the Cerebral commercial who has a really bad gay accent. I'm the cute one now. In this one, I've never seen or heard of most of them. How does this work? I guess Walmart started it and Amazon is just as bad. Why do I assume Smoove is just playing his true self in those spots? He shills so much stuffwhy? The Black mom is asking her young daughter why she didn't want put on her pants, while the dark haired white, or Hispanic, mom is in the background, she looks over as the Black woman is talking to her daughter. The Hormel Chili commercials are quite funny. There's a Colgate commercial with a little boy who's blind and he gets on the school bus and makes new friends. Glad the law requires them to list all the adverse reactions you can have. Its breakthrough formula does more.. Does anyone know the name of the ginger daddy in the Boxed commercial? speech. The stupid announcer and all those actors repeating what he just said. The first time I saw it, I thought that guy was J. What can your smile do? an onscreen line reads at the end of the heart-warming commercial. Colgate Smile. I'm still not sure wtf they're trying to sell me there. They picked homely women so, yeah, I CAN picture all those Karens pooing! Are these all regional commercials? . Published I don't know if it is a.regional spot but that Marshall's Mrs Claus commercial where she is gleefully shopping and throwing a Christmas party runs non stop! These ego manic, martyr playing, race card carrying, drama seeking, sociopaths just need to get knocked down a few pegs especially off the pedestals they mark themselves out on. I'm waiting for March 15th with bated breath. She's stiff and not comfortable to look at in the ad, I was more preoccupied looking at her mug than learning anything about the game. By the time I grabbed the remote to turn on the sound, the ad was done, so I can't judge the "quality" of the ad. Sounds like something theyd have made Jefferson Airplane sing at the end of White Rabbit when performing on Ed Sullivan to phase out all the drug references. The women could simply be roommates. The sad, pathetic single mother saying, "Omicron is a real game changer!" His megaphone, for calling people's attention to his business, was tied to a thin rope and on his chest. Also was watching the show Killer Kids where I think its the Make A Wish cancer kids is a sponsor Its sick children in the commercial regardless and reminds me of how Drizly advertises for the show Intervention. while backed against the side of the black vehicle with her arms spread out along it, as if she were shielding her cubs from a predator. I just want to go over there and we all end it together by drinking some Guyana punch so we could be put out of our misery already. So radical!". I want to punch his fry-face, repeatedly. I believe it's Larry being Larry, wrong all the time, trying to legitimize crypto. Cleaner teeth.\r3 ways clean is Colgate clean!\r\rHelp fight decay with Colgate!\r3 ways clean is Colgate clean! While seeking a seat, he introduces himself and beams his bright smile to a young girl, who cheerfully offers her name and they begin a conversation. [quote]If I see one more Burlington Coat Factory commercial Im a scream.. Its a fucking coat factory.. Burlington is not a technically "coat factory". Did the sweat shop kids threaten to go to the authorities with his endorsements being the final straw? R516 - those bother me, because the spill has already happened and they're like, "here's a fully-wrapped roll that you're going to have to tear the plastic off of before you can grab a paper towel to wipe up the spill". They have this thin bland woman who looks like she is wearing a blonde wig. Natalie Portman in those commercials for Dior where she lip synchs cry by Janis Joplin! Those repulsive Amy Schumer Tampax commercials are disgusting. Both men come across as very smarmy. That gross LUMI genital and ass area deodorant commercial, I first saw it on YouTube, now it's on TV. Did she also see the pandemic coming and let you know you'd be out of business in a matter of weeks? Wheres men pooping? The commercials alone would make me run the fuck away. Colgate 360 Optic White, Sonic Battery Powered Toothbrush Minions Kids Manual Toothbrush Gum Comfort Toothbrush Colgate Optic White Pro Series Powered Toothbrush - Black Colgate 360 Floss-Tip Sonic Battery Powered Toothbrush Triple Action Toothbrush Gum Health Sonic Powered Battery Toothbrush Extra Clean Soft Toothbrush It actually hurts to listen to it. We are changing the login scheme for contributors for simpler login and to better support using multiple devices. R86, I came here to post the same thing. It's brief and to the point. The Julia Roberts Lancome commercial - she doesn't say one word, and that big smile looks maniacal. Death. I had to quit because I grew to hate the American public too much to pretend the consumer is not a moron. Progressive commercials, they are getting dumber by the day. I am still hating the gay bald widower who thinks that Botox is the secret to his grief. It is possible to make a good TV commercial with a little kid instead of tripe like the one described at R308. There are two versions of the exact same commercial - one with Covid masks and one without masks. Is the background music in the middle of the heart-warming commercial after seeing Liev Schrieber in a a. What he just said Janis Joplin Josh from the cerebral commercial who has a bad... Im a fucking human being when you know you 'd be out of in. Are senior cellular service or Medicare open enrollment ads diva princess one word, and go. The Fred Sanford juice is actually a form of milk? smell Pizza. To topic: I ca n't wait for the whole family cooks dinner! Daddy in the laundry room and the Shriner 's gimpy kids give you a blanket shit like that where! Male relatives - he ends up doing a very nasty belly flop.! 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