helvetica documentary transcript

height, the ascender, so-called of the h, l can get a sense of how the weight of the, curved part of the o relates to the straight. And how to communicate the most important element of your pitch the big idea. The initial interviews discuss the original creator Alfred Hoffmann, and his goals for creating a clean, legible type relating to the ideals of the Modernist movement. It aired in January 2009 as part of the Independent Lens series on PBS in the United States. that is a sort of a late-modernist thing. in a very elegant way, in a very fast way. As many others have already said a documentary film that appears to be about the font Helvetica (or indeed any font) is hardly something that is screaming out to a wide audience or likely to be screening to packed crowds in the American heartlands. than any other one, and that's Helvetica. Gary Hustwit's 2007 documentary "Helvetica" is a film I was introduced to in a college Image class last semester. to clear away all this horrible, kind of like, lt must have been just fantastic. All featured designers in the film tell their story around Helvetica and how it framed their design growth. But there were on two dissenters out of a crowd of supporters, so the argument was a bit one-sided. ), Tell Me Something: Documentary Filmmakers. This typeface can be seen all over the world. Erik Spiekermann: A real typeface needs rhythm, needs contrast, it comes from handwriting, and that's why I can read your handwriting, you can read mine. I eventually got round to watching Objectified which is a similar documentary about design and, without realising that the two films were from the same director, it motivated me to get on and watch Helvetica. In light of that I was interested in this documentary about the most popular typeface designed. Interviewees in Helvetica include some of the most illustrious and innovative names in the design world, such as Erik Spiekermann, Matthew Carter, Massimo Vignelli, Wim Crouwel, Hermann Zapf, Neville Brody, Michael Bierut, Paula Scher, Tobias Frere-Jones, Bruno Steinert, Leslie Savan, Rick Poynor, and Lars Mller. It's a little worrying, I admit, but it's a very nerdish thing to do. For example, illegible hand-made lettering and cramped cursive. A film about typography, graphic design, and global visual culture, Helvetica looks at the proliferation of a single typeface. And they agreed. Helveticawas nominated for a 2008 Independent Spirit Award, and was shortlisted for the Design Museum Londons Designs of the Year Award. It's a documentary about the creation of the Helvetica font, sure. The fact that a movie about Helvetica could have such wide appeal speaks to this cultural shift. The film was released on Blu-ray Disc in May 2008, produced by Matt Grady of Plexifilm. work that was as inspiring as their work, And l wanted to make work that looked like, and l'd go to the local art store, l'd go to, album the way l thought it was supposed to, properly and thing would crackle and break, And Zagorski told me to let go of the press, l realized that type had spirit and could, that it was its own palate, a broad palate to, And l decided l would take the title literally, so l decided what l'd do is list every state, And l didn't have any scientific evidence of, so l decided to base it on the last Reagan. l've never sort of woken up with a typeface, you know, like some people . Of course that may be a bit of an exaggeration, however it is pretty close to the truth. Helvetica has been touring around the globe, often to sold-out audiences. He aptly named the film HELVETICA. I use several metrics in this. just a beautiful big glass of ice-cold Coke. I love the subject matter! Helvetica premiered at the South by Southwest Film Festival in March 2007. our archives where we can find Helvetica. It is the space between the blacks that really makes it.) Later we learn about Helveticas birth in 1957 as the brainchild of Eduard Hoffmann, director of the Haas Type Foundry, in Mnchenstein, Switzerland. O, and one more thing, I wrote this in Times New Roman, so take that Helvetica. . What are you talking about?" It is interesting how many subcultures there are concerning topics that most people rarely think about--model trains, Shaker furniture, Stone Age tools, and so forth. Michael C. Place: For me Helvetica is just this beautiful, timeless thing. WebHelvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. A novel idea back then to use two words close together but separated only with color. Where and how to watch the Helvetica documentary We finally arrive at a bank of files containing precise drawings of the letterforms (Helvetica is in binder 24). The initial interviews discuss the original creator Alfred Hoffmann, and his goals for creating a clean, legible type relating to the ideals of the Modernist movement. I found it utterly engaging. Helvetica is a 2007 documentary about the font directed by Gary Hustwitt; that goes through the history of the font. DNA is just a couple of letterforms like that. trifecta of design-oriented films, the second of which was Objectified. Framing the interviews are images of Helvetica from the streets of European and American cities. The marketing director at Stempel had the, This is very important: Helvetia is the Latin, You cannot call a typeface after the name. It was a clever device used to weave a story around graphic design, the importance of typography in the craft, and the passionate opinions on design in general elicited from this stellar cast of ber creative professionals. In contrast, shooting printed matter directly from books or magazines works surprisingly well throughout the documentary, especially in a scene where Bierut shows us quirky typefaces from a magazine in the 1950s, followed by a Coke ad from the 60s set in Helvetica. Because it's there, it's on every street corner, so let's eat crap because it's on the corner. This is surely the best documentary I have seen. They have a different point of view from mine. l just more, sort of, react to certain things. Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. Independent Television Service is funded by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, aprivate corporation funded by the American people. The directors mission in creating this film was to show the world that a typeface doesnt just pop up from your computer programs, that there are interesting people and stories behind them. Undoubtedly. l don't know. As part of their jump to worldwide use, the name was changed to Helvetica, meaning The Swiss. That there are other fonts with greater history, lovelier curves, and more interesting pedigrees seems not to matter. Typefaces express a mood, an atmosphere. A documentary about typography (including but not limited to the Helvetica font), graphic design, and global visual culture. Now you might think this is a dry and boring subject (as I did before I saw the film) but it is in fact a fascinating tale of design and it's implications. You know, that's called an army. But I don't think it's really quite as simple as that. Related Videos 1:16 Typecast Typecast 1:38 The Frankenstein Theory The Frankenstein Theory 3:16 Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm Trailer . Strong and modern serif typefaces were becoming quite popular in Europe and the rest of the world for just that reason. Those decisions you make become expressions of who you are.. The Helvetica font was developed by Max Miedinger with Edard Hoffmann in 1957 for the Haas Type Foundry in Mnchenstein, Switzerland and quickly became an You can watch it here, via Documentary Lovers. It not a letter that bent to shape; it's a letter that lives in a powerful matrix of surrounding space. Erik Spiekermann: I'm very much a word person, so that's why typography for me is the obvious extension. Helvetica encompasses the worlds of design, advertising, psychology, and communication, and invites us to take a second look at the thousands of words we see every day. I first became aware of typographythe very idea of itwhen I was in the eighth grade. The focus is on the development of the Helvetica typeface, but the discussion broadens to treat of graphic design in general and what it says about our culture. The widespread use of the Helvetica Typoface is so noticeable that it takes an important place in design history. Michael Bierut: It's The Real Thing. An excerpt of the film was exhibited at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. I have some writing background in the music press. The popularity and influence of the Helvetica typeface inspired director Gary Hustwit to film a feature length documentary about design, designers, global design concepts and how typography affects our daily lives; all based on the creation and proliferation of the Helvetica typeface. The letter A is another letter that you can use to help you spot Helvetica. Helvetica hasn't got *any* of that. If that is your idea of a good time, you'll love this. It was 1976, when the advertising critic Leslie Savan published her piece This Typeface Is Changing Your Life in the Village Voice, showing how a font called Helvetica was overhauling the image of garbage trucks and corporate logos. Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. Rick Poynor: Maybe the feeling you have when you see particular typographic choices used on a piece of packaging is just "I like the look of that, that feels good, that's my kind of product." There's nothing ''extramarital'' about that. The New York Subway System for example has all signs designed in Helvetica. They play a very subtle and almost unnoticed and usually uncommented upon role in our daily lives. and then someone is offering you a clear, refreshing, distilled, icy glass of water. This would have worked better as a 30 minute special on the Learning Channel then a full length documentary. lt. the meaning is in the content of the text, you know, you find yourself sitting next to, or a train and they ask you sooner or later, but then will say, ''l thought they were all, Since l did some work for Microsoft in the, he didn't push me to follow in his footsteps, when l left school, high school in the UK, l, had a year to fill before going to university, where l spent a year learning what turned. that Helvetica is a sort of global monster. It took me six months to get an issue out while juggling school and other stuff. WebHelvetica is a feature-length documentary about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. l'm not one of those people who is a real, l don't know all the fancy words for all the. You need to do it by photograph, you did all, And now within half an hour you have your. The name is meant to be boring and neutral; and, indeed, Helvetica has been referred to as the little black dress of typefaces. But now it's become one of those defaults, partly because of the proliferation of the, it was the default on the Apple Macintosh, and then it became the default on Windows, which copied everything that Apple did, as, because it's ubiquitous; it's a default. Do Not Sell or Share my Personal Information. Gary Hustwit has produced five feature documentaries, including I Am Trying to Break Your Heart, the award-winning film about the band Wilco; Moog, the documentary about electronic music pioneer Robert Moog; and Drive Well, Sleep Carefully, a tour film about the band Death Cab for Cutie. Period. it's like being asked what you think about. Helveticaencompasses the worlds of design, advertising, psychology, and communication, and invites us to take a second look at the thousands of words we see every day. the more you appreciate it when it's terrific. dealing with mother in laws is just horrific. These must-read articles will give you all the inspiration and motivation you need to start the new year right. And you can say it with Helvetica Extra Light if you want to be really fancy. The film was released on DVD in November 2007 by Plexifilm. And the Swiss pay more attention to the background, so that the counters and the space between characters just hold the letters. Tip #5: Fonzies Favorite Letter. You have to breathe, so you have to use Helvetica. For us, the visual disease is what we have, A good typographer always has sensitivity, Typography is really white, it's not even, it's not the notes, it's the space you put, and the novelty at the time was the fact of, lt's the only airline in the last forty years, changing American Airlines is still the, l can write the word 'dog' with any typeface, But there are people that think when they, What Helvetica is: it's a typeface that was. We think that Helvetica contains somehow a design program. lt will lead you to a certain language also, and this is also one of the secrets of the success of Helvetica that in itself it is already it has a certain style, a certain aesthetic that you will just use it like that, because of the typeface, because the typeface wants it like that. Interviewees inHelveticainclude some of the most illustrious and innovative names in the design world, including Erik Spiekermann, Matthew Carter, Massimo Vignelli, Wim Crouwel, Hermann Zapf, Neville Brody, Stefan Sagmeister, Michael Bierut, David Carson, Paula Scher, Jonathan Hoefler, Tobias Frere-Jones, Experimental Jetset, Michael C. Place, Norm, Alfred Hoffmann, Mike Parker, Bruno Steinert, Otmar Hoefer, Leslie Savan, Rick Poynor, and Lars Mller. oh, just a landslide waiting to, l imagine there was a time when it just felt, lt just must have felt like you were scraping, and restoring them to shining beauty. The documentary shows the life cycle of this font mostly by the differing opinions of the artists that they interview throughout the movies. | lt will lead you to a certain language also, it has a certain style, a certain aesthetic, You will do what the typeface wants you to, lf you are not a good designer, or if you are, So it may very well be that when it comes, at least in graphic design, we've reached, completely democratic distribution of the. Helvetica, do you know? I wrote on and off for several years, caught the designer's bug, switched over to industrial design and that led to film and studying what it means to see. Jonathan Hoefler: And Helvetica maybe says everything, and that's perhaps part of its appeal. Erik Spiekermann: [sighs] Why is bad taste ubiquitous? And you can say it with Helvetica Extra Light if you want to be really fancy. It looks at the proliferation of one typeface (which will Knowing how to pitch a film script means having a clear understanding of the core story. In honor of the 50th Anniversary of the birth of Helvetica, director Gary Hustwit released his documentary film about this typeface and the design legacy that came along with it. You're telling an audience, This is for you, because they use a typeface that they only, You can buy it; l have it; anyone can, it's, lf they'd used Helvetica. . David Carson emphasizes the difference between legibility and good communication. So it, it needs certain space around it, needs a, it needs very carefully to be looked at the, very small and very tightly done and very. And in turn Stempel was also controlled by. about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. So here and there l think with the records, and l think there was one instance, it was, You know, in a more funny direction and in. it's the whole, the guy who designed it tried to make all. I get kicks out of looking at type. It really does justice to a topic that is so often overlooked. No unattractive font will stop me from buying a product I want or need, and on the other hand the most attractive font in the world will not make me buy a product I do not want or need. l did a little credit to give thanks to Max, But my wife vetoed that; l had to take it off, l think l fell into the step of Helvetica when, And l really enjoy the challenge of making. Helvetica was Hustwits directorial debut and the first of a Show more designing will be still being used in twenty, l got married about three years ago. What we have is a climate now in which the very idea of visual communication and graphic designif we still want to call it thatis accepted by many more people, Poynor says and goes on to show us how users personalize their MySpace pages with their own choices of fonts and graphics. Helvetica: Quick Facts. If that sounds boring to you, well guess what, it often is. You know, it seems like air? At about the 45-ish minute mark, those not too into the world of graphic design might start to feel the film is repetitive. The interviewees are either Helvetica lovers or Helvetica haters, some are avid Helvetica users that now have moved on to other creative ideas but still give Helvetica an important position in their design journey. With the first 20 minutes I was intrigued and interested, unfortunately as the minutes ticked by my interested faded and the intrigue had completely disappeared. But it turned out the thing was so fraught with legalities that I called it quits after a year and joined another venture as a staff writer. Helvetica: A Documentary, A History, An Anthropology. An interesting film if you are a total geek such as I am, but if you are looking for Rock XX this probably wont entertain you. They'll still follow the plot, but, you know, be convinced or affected. so l'm never sort of a classical type guy. Contact us and we will be happy to assist you. Copyright 2023 Independent Television Service, Inc. Well send you funding deadlines, events, and film news. Helvetica is considered to be one of the most popular and widely used typefaces in the world. Massimo Vignelli: You can say, "I love you," in Helvetica. Palinopsia (Whats Up with Eagle and Serpent? Jonathan Hoefler: And it's hard to evaluate it. Other designers dislike Helvetica on the grounds of ideology. lt's been around for fifty years, coming up. Originally named Neue Haas Grotesk (New Haas Grotesque), it was rapidly licensed by Linotype and renamed Helvetica in 1960, being similar to the Latin adjective for Switzerland, Helvetia. An interview with semiotic professors or cultural historians or even the man on the street wouldn't have hurt, but at least the film doesn't pretend to be something it is not. David Carson: I have no formal training in my field. Independent Spirit's Truer than Fiction Award, Helvetica watch the design documentary here, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Helvetica_(film)&oldid=1142017718, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 02:27. The film concludes with comments on the increasing prevalence of graphic design as self expression, citing the social media website Myspace, and its feature allowing users to fully customize the styling of their page. beautiful out of something very ordinary. l did, which believe me, is just the worst job you. Now you might think this is a dry and boring subject (as I did before I saw the film) but it is in fact a Hello??? Wherever you look, if you are aware of it or not, you are reading words in Helvetica. The film makers somehow came up with the idea of doing a cultural history of the Helvetica font which has become the almost universal default modern font over the past 50 years. The one bad review notwithstanding this is an honest, insightful film about the most ubiquitous of fonts, Helvetica. To expect an audience beyond the 20 of us that view fonts as a way of life and find the subject riveting will be asking a lot. WebHelvetica (2007) - full transcript. lt's. l tried to use typefaces from van Doesburg. Bruno Steinert: The marketing director at Stemple had the idea to change the name, because Neue Haas Grotesk didn't sound like very good for a typeface that was intended to be sold in the United States. Erik Spiekermann: I mean, everyone puts their history into their work. There was a time when I was editor, publisher, and writer of a small newspaper in Spain. It should be this crystal goblet there to just hold and display and organize the information. But there's one you probably see more than any other one, and that's Helvetica. I was simply amazed at the fact that they continued to find people to interview on the subject, with each person more excited then the next and all way more excited then anyone has a right to be about a font. Beyond her commentary, however, Helvetica is largely an insiders view of the font. For example, Stefan Sagmeister believes that the typeface is too boring and limiting. WebHelvetica is a feature-length documentary about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. Over the years, a wide range of variants have been released in different weights, widths and sizes, as well as matching designs for a range of non-Latin alphabets. The films dry wit surfaces again as we follow a font marketing executive down a long hallway in Linotypes headquarters to the archives where Helvetica is locked away. Through the story of a typeface and its influence you can learn even about yourself and how its involved in your own life. Helvetica, ostensibly a film about a typeface, delves into the world of graphic arts and takes a deeper look into style changes and the controversies over the role of the graphic designer since World War II. And the aim with type design always is to, alphabet has to look like the other alphabet. Another set of interviews including Michael Place reveal a third stance on Helvetica. The New York Sun editor Steve Dollar claimed the movie was "more compelling than might be imagined."[2]. The maker wanted to so something new, something different. A documentary about a typeface? l want to go a little bit bigger scale now. Helvetica is a feature-length independent film about typography, graphic design and global visual culture. l certainly can write a few, lt just had all the right connotations we, The 1950s is an interesting period in the, after the horror and the cataclysm of the. Helvetica was nominated for the 2008 Independent Spirit's Truer than Fiction Award. Fonts are almost like the air we breathe. Given the importance of this trend, I would have liked to hear more from the public in Hustwits film. Developed by the Haas'sche Schriftgiesserei (Haas Type Foundry) of Mnchenstein, Switzerland, its release was planned to match a trend: a resurgence of interest in turn-of-the-century "grotesque" sans-serifs among European graphic designers, that also saw the release of Univers by Adrian Frutiger the same year. The film is an exploration of urban spaces in major cities and the type that inhabits them, and a fluid discussion with renowned designers about their work, the creative process, and the choices and aesthetics behind their use of type. Insiders view of the Year Award a powerful matrix of surrounding space font ), graphic design global., graphic design and global visual culture do n't know all the all designers... Design might start to feel the film is repetitive of design-oriented films, the guy designed. And modern serif typefaces were becoming quite popular in Europe and the rest of the independent Lens on! 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